OrientDB integration for ruby on rails - ruby-on-rails

What are the options to integrate OrientDB with Ruby on Rails 4 ? I have found many gems for JRuby but there is no active gem for MRI Ruby.
I need document database and graphdatabase, so OrientDB should be interesting for my project.

This is a native Ruby client, though i don't think you can drop it directly into a rails app and work on it like mongoid, ActiveRecord, etc.
Its 100% ruby so it should be compatible with MRI.

We are using https://github.com/veny/orientdb4r in production, which doesn't require JRuby, and it's been pretty good so far. We only use the REST client, which is obviously going to be slower than any of the other ways of interacting with OrientDB. The gem offers a binary client as well, but I haven't used it, and I think it's still in development.


The new elasticsearch-ruby gem integrating with rails

there is any way to integrate the new Elasticsearch gem for ruby to rails, the tire was great but retired since two month and replaced by the new gem, however, no integrating functions with rails yet.
all the tutorial use tire, but now, how we can using rails with Elasticsearch?
A full-featured Rails integration is being worked on. If you want the high-level integration, and you don't want to provide it yourself, you can stick with Tire.
There is another gem called "searchkick" that integrates elasticsearch with Rails:
It has some really cool features and can index data through rake tasks.
I have a minmimal implementation that I'm currently running for prototyping / evaluation of ElasticSearch, which has not thrown up any spanner in the works for a very focused prototyping run for the past 2 days ...
There's little or no error response checking yet, since our workloads heavily use Resque and we rely on Resque to capture and identify where we need to fine tune error handling.

Advice needed to full text searching on mongoid

I've a mongoid embedded one to many model on Rails 3.1, to full text search within. I neet something very light and simple to deploy on heroku too, without having to pay for add-ons, initially.
All heroku Full-Text Search add-on currently, seem to have just paying plans (which is no good to start with), see Flying Sphinx and Websolr.
I need advice on a good solution (a ruby gem deployable on heroku) to start with and than to scale to other cloud services eventually.
Maybe MongoDB's core functionalities are enough for your needs:
There are two more possibilities that come into my mind:
1) you can use this gem:
2) you can use elasticsearch (http://www.elasticsearch.org/) and use the following gem:
However, you couldnt use this solution with heroku only, you would have to setup your own server, for which in the case you want to use heroku, EC2 would be recommendable
We were using the sunspot_mongo gem with solr on Mongoid 2.4.
But after upgrading to Mongoid 3, support for sunspot seems to not be there. So we're investigating a move to elasticsearch with the tire gem. There are some new offerings in the "search as a service space" for elasticsearch, but they don't seem quite production ready yet, so hoping that changes quickly.
Hope it helps!

Is there a canonical gem/plugin for a Rails app to use SimpleDb as the backend?

I am thinking of porting a MySQL backed app to SimpleDB. Is there a 'default' choice of which gem or plugin to use for attempting this?
I'm not sure about canonical, but running some queries on rubygems.org, I found that simple_record seems to be the most popular at over 31k downloads. Here's their Github page. It appears to be a drop in replacement for ActiveRecord.

What is difference between Ruby and Ruby on Rails?

What is difference between Ruby and Ruby on Rails? OK, I know that Ruby on Rails is a Web app framework that is built on the scripting language Ruby.
But why are there options on godaddy.com to choose hosting for Ruby and hosting for Ruby on Rails?
Would it be the same to put hosting for C# and for asp.net?
You can check it here
Well I would guess it's a marketing thing/trick as far as GoDaddy is concerned.
There are other frameworks written in Ruby besides Rails, Sinatra for example, and you can very well write your web applications without framework (your own server, does exactly what you need it to do).
Although, all of that, including Rails, can be named Ruby hosting.
Krule's on the money. The difference is between a language and a framework. Ruby, the programming language, can be used to support any number of web and application frameworks.
By their wording, it's safe to say that it's more of a marketing reason using the ruby on rails buzz word.
Other than that it could mean default support for all the necessary tools for common ruby on rails development scenarios.

Can you in any way interface Ruby Gems with PHP, Python, etc.?

Stupid question, and forgive me for asking, but someone is asking me, and I am not a super expert with Rails yet.
Suppose I have some Rails gem I write. Now suppose a customer has some other framework, like Django or CakePHP, and I want to provide the functionality offered by my gem (eg. CRUD for automotive data) to them as a module in their framework. Could I somehow make it so they could interface my gem with Django or CakePHP?
Obviously I could do something with some API magic--and I'll probably end up going that route. But I just want to know whether there is a way to directly interface with Gems from a non-Rails application.
Not really. Gem's are by their very nature Ruby. They of course don't need to be for a Rails application they can be used with any ruby program you write, but really are the preferred method of packaging ruby libraries and programs.
Alternatively if the Ruby Gem in question is executable and your Ruby Gem's path is in your shell's path variable you can executed the gems binary like any command line tool and thus use it with anything.
Like like how Rails gives you the rails command.
