Swift filter array of strings - ios

I've had troubles filtering array of keywords (strings) in swift ,My code:
self.filteredKeywords=filter(keywords.allValues, {(keyword:NSString) ->
Bool in
let words=keyword as? NSString
return words?.containsString(searchText)
As AnyObject can't be subtype of NSString, I'm stuck with this!

[Updated for Swift 2.0]
As NSString is toll-free bridged to Swift String, just avoid the coercions with:
3> ["abc", "bcd", "xyz"].filter() { nil != $0.rangeOfString("bc") }
$R1: [String] = 2 values {
[0] = "abc"
[1] = "bcd"
But, if you think allValues aren't strings:
(keywords.allValues as? [String]).filter() { nil != $0.rangeOfString("bc") }
which returns an optional array.

Your filter is over [AnyObject], but your closure takes NSString. These need to match. Also, your result needs to be a Bool, not a Bool?. You can address these simply like this:
self.filteredKeywords = filter(keywords.allValues, {
let keyword = $0 as? NSString
return keyword?.containsString(searchText) ?? false
This accepts AnyObject and then tries to coerce it down to NSString. It then nil-coalleces (??) the result to make sure it always is a Bool.
I'd recommend, though, treating keywords as a [String:String] rather than an NSDictionary. That would get rid of all the complications of AnyObject. Then you can just do this:
self.filteredKeywords = keywords.values.filter { $0.rangeOfString(searchText) != nil }
Whenever possible, convert Foundation collections into Swift collections as soon as you can and store those. If you have incoming Foundation objects, you can generally convert them easily with techniques like:
let dict = nsdict as? [String:String] ?? [:]
Or you can do the following to convert them such that they'll crash in debug (but silently "work" in release):
func failWith<T>(msg: String, value: T) -> T {
return value
let dict = nsdict as? [String:String] ?? failWith("Couldn't convert \(d)", [:])

Swift 4.2 provides a new way to do this:
var theBigLebowski = ["The Dude", "Angry Walter", "Maude Lebowski", "Donny Kerabatsos", "The Big Lebowski", "Little Larry Sellers"]
// after removeAll -> ["The Dude", "Angry Walter", "Donny Kerabatsos", "Little Larry Sellers"]
theBigLebowski.removeAll{ $0.contains("Lebowski")}

There is both a problem with GoZoner's answer for certain data types and also a slightly better way to do this. The following examples can show this:
let animalArray: NSMutableArray = ["Dog","Cat","Otter","Deer","Rabbit"]
let filteredAnimals = animalArray.filter { $0.rangeOfString("er") != nil }
print("filteredAnimals:", filteredAnimals)
filteredAnimals: [Dog, Cat, Otter, Deer, Rabbit]
Likely not the set you expected!
However this works fine this way if we don't type animalArray as an NSMutableArray:
let animalArray = ["Dog","Cat","Otter","Deer","Rabbit"]
let filteredAnimals = animalArray.filter { $0.rangeOfString("er") != nil }
print("filteredAnimals:", filteredAnimals)
filteredAnimals: [Otter, Deer]
However I'd recommend using $0.contains() instead of $0.rangeOfString() != nil because it functions in both circumstances and slightly enhances the readability of the code:
let animalArray: NSMutableArray = ["Dog","Cat","Otter","Deer","Rabbit"]
let filteredAnimals = animalArray.filter { $0.contains("er") }
print("filteredAnimals:", filteredAnimals)
filteredAnimals: [Otter, Deer]


If let condition true when value is missing in optional type, swift

I have parser in Objc, parser returns NSDictionary. I am using this parser in swift class. But when some value is missing on that dictionary, it shows nil value. e.g. ->
wirlessData = {
"anon" = {
"channel" = {
"text" = 1;
I am checking through
if let wepauthValue = wirlessData["wepauth"] {
if let value = wepauthValue["text"] {
print("\(value)") // nil
I don't how it satisfy the if let condition. Any one faced this types of problem can help me out.
You don't need any special code to do this, because it is what a dictionary already does. When you fetch dict[key] you know whether the dictionary contains the key, because the Optional that you get back is not nil (and it contains the value).
So, if you just want to answer the question whether the dictionary contains the key, ask:
let keyExists = dict[key] != nil
If you want the value and you know the dictionary contains the key, say:
let val = dict[key]!
But if, as usually happens, you don't know it contains the key - you want to fetch it and use it, but only if it exists - then use something like if let:
if let val = dict[key] {
// now val is not nil and the Optional has been unwrapped, so use it
I have tested it and found that value is still optional.Take a look at screenshot below to understand it better.
"anon" would be an empty dictionary. An empty dictionary is not nil, it is a dictionary. Just an empty one. A JSON parser will never, ever give nil values unless you ask for a key that is not in a dictionary. For example wirlessData ["nonexistingkey"] would give you nil.
If you be more type-strong about it with the if..let's then:
if let anonValue = wirlessData["anon"] {
if let value = anonValue["text"] as? String {
// This won't execute if value isn't converted from `anonvalue["text"]` to String specifically. This includes null been a false match too
print("\(value)") // nil
print("Value did't match string at all")
or even more specifically in your case:
if let anonValue = wirlessData["anon"] {
if let value = anonValue["text"] as? Int {
// This won't execute if value isn't converted from `anonvalue["text"]` to String specifically. This includes null been a false match too
print("\(value)") // nil
print("Value did't match int at all")
The value your parser is returning not nil, its empty so you need to check on count if inner data type is dictionary or array, I have past 1 sample here
Please use below code and correct your logic accordingly to get it work properly
let wirlessData:[String:AnyObject] = [
"anon" : [],
"channel" : [
"text" : 1
if wirlessData["anon"]?.count > 0 {
if let value = wirlessData["anon"]!["text"] {
print("\(value)") // nil
Try this below code using type check operator (is) -
if wirlessData["anon"] is [String:AnyObject]
let anon = wirlessData["anon"]!
if anon["random"] is String {
let stringValue = anon["random"]!
else if anon["random"] is Int
let intValue = anon["random"]!
print("\(intValue)") // nil
print(" may be value did't match string & Int or nil ")

Swift dictionary map - init in closure

I have Swift dictionary:
private var params = [String : AnyObject]()
This contains query items like:
"lat" = "40"
"lon" = "100"
I would like to map this dictionary to NSURLQueryItem array. I want to make it "swifty":
But I get an error. Even if I change the map to be [String:String?]. I know I can do something like this elegant one-liner. Can anybody tell how?
You just need to add a failable initializer to NSURLQueryItem that receives a tuple like this (String, AnyObject)
extension NSURLQueryItem {
convenience init?(tuple: (String, AnyObject)) {
guard let value = tuple.1 as? String else { return nil }
self.init(name: tuple.0, value: value)
That's it!
let params: [String:AnyObject] = ["lat": "40", "lon": "100"]
let queryItems = params.flatMap(NSURLQueryItem.init)
Does your value for the dictionary need to be an optional? In a dictionary, when you assign its key as nil, the entry is deleted.
var params = [String:String?]()
params["lat"] = "40"
params["lon"] = "100"
params["key"] = "hey"
print(params) //result: ["lat": Optional("40"), "lon": Optional("100"), "key": Optional("hey")]
params["key"] = nil
print(params) //result: ["lat": Optional("40"), "lon": Optional("100")]
I suggest using a non optional-value dictionary. I have successfully written the code below:
import UIKit
var params = [String:String]()
params["lat"] = "40"
params["lon"] = "100"
let nsurl = params.map() {NSURLQueryItem.init(name: $0, value: $1)}
//[<NSURLQueryItem 0x7f8252d29730> {name = lat, value = 40}, <NSURLQueryItem 0x7f8252d29700> {name = lon, value = 100}]
I hope this helps
To you can create one expression like this:
The class has to support it, the String has one initializer with the following signature:
public init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Int)
With allow it to you use the String.init referred as Int -> String.
But in your case the NSURLQueryItem has not the desired initializer, so the more close you can do it is using map like in the conventional way and passing the parameters to the init of the class NSURLQueryItem like in this way:
let listMapped = params.map { NSURLQueryItem(name: $0.0, value: $0.1 as? String) }
I hope this help you.
I looked at What's the cleanest way of applying map() to a dictionary in Swift? and came up with these two answers:
var params = ["lat": "40", "lon":"100"]
var p:[NSURLQueryItem] = []
var result1 = params.map { (key, value) in p.append(NSURLQueryItem(name:key, value:value)) } // version 1
var result2 = params.reduce([NSURLQueryItem]()) { $0 + [NSURLQueryItem(name:$1.0, value:$1.1)] } // version 2
In version 1, the parameter passed by map() is a (String, String) tuple. In version 2, the parameters passed by reduce() are [NSURLQueryItem] and a (String, String) tuple
Firstly, the the block or closure you're providing to the map function isn't quite right. Blocks are basically nameless functions, they take some number of parameters and return some type. If we were to be verbose, a solution would look something like this:
params.map { (a: (String, String)) -> NSURLQueryItem in
return NSURLQueryItem(name: a.0, value: a.1)
However we can simplify this bit of code. The dictionary is [String : String] so it can be inferred that the map function will take a (String, String) as a parameter, so we don't need to write that explicitly.
Swift also allows $n to refer to the nth element of a tuple parameter. Since we only have 1 parameter, $0 will refer to the first element of the first parameter.
The return type of the block can also be inferred, since we're creating a NSURLQueryItem, meaning we don't need to specify that either. This means we also don't need to write return in the block, we can just create the object.
Lastly, you should not call NSURLQueryItem.init() to create a new NSURLQueryItem, you should instead just say NSURLQueryItem().
Here's the minimal solution:
params.map { NSURLQueryItem(name: $0, value: $1) }

Swift - Cannot invoke initializer for type 'NSDictionary'

Since upgrading to Xcode7, I am getting the following error:
Cannot invoke initializer for type 'NSDictionary' with an argument list of type '(objects: [AnyObject!], forKeys: [String])'
on this line of code:
self.sessionBids!.addObject(NSDictionary(objects: [PFUser.currentUser().objectId, PFUser.currentUser().objectForKey("username"), self.bidTextField.text], forKeys: ["user", "name", "bid"]))
Can someone explain why?
EDIT: Here is the full block of code
if(self.bidTextField.text!.rangeOfString("^[0-9]*$", options: .RegularExpressionSearch) != nil) {
self.sessionBids = array[0].objectForKey("bids") as? NSMutableArray
var lastSessionBid : NSDictionary
var previousHighBid : Int! = 0
if(self.sessionBids == nil) {
self.sessionBids = NSMutableArray()
} else {
lastSessionBid = self.sessionBids.objectAtIndex(self.sessionBids.count - 1) as! NSDictionary
previousHighBid = Int(lastSessionBid.objectForKey("bid") as! String)
if( previousHighBid >= Int(self.bidTextField.text!)) {
print("bid is lower than current bid")
SVProgressHUD.showErrorWithStatus("Bid is lower than current bid!")
} else {
self.sessionBids!.addObject(NSDictionary(objects: [PFUser.currentUser().objectId, PFUser.currentUser().objectForKey("username"), self.bidTextField.text], forKeys: ["user", "name", "bid"]))
self.session.setObject(self.sessionBids, forKey: "bids")
self.keyboardShowing = false
SVProgressHUD.showSuccessWithStatus("Successfully Added Bid")
} else {
SVProgressHUD.showErrorWithStatus("Bid must be a number!")
You're trying to call init(objects: [AnyObject], forKeys keys: [NSCopying]) initializer of NSDictionary. objects: [AnyObject] can't contain Optionals (according to its declaration), and it seems that PFUser.currentUser().objectId, PFUser.currentUser().objectForKey("username"), self.bidTextField.text are all Optionals, that's why you're getting the error.
To resolve this, as vadian suggested, you'll need to unwrap all the Optionals in that array.
Both the objects and the keys of a dictionary must not be nil.
Make sure that all objects are non-optionals.
Try calling NSDictionary's
public init(objects: UnsafePointer<AnyObject?>, forKeys keys: UnsafePointer<NSCopying?>, count cnt: Int) instead:
self.sessionBids!.addObject(NSDictionary(objects: [PFUser.currentUser().objectId, PFUser.currentUser().objectForKey("username"), self.bidTextField.text], forKeys: ["user", "name", "bid"], count: 3))
Alternatively, try using a native dictionary instead of an NSDictionary.
var bidDict = [String : AnyObject]()
bid["user"] = PFUser.currentUser().objectId ?? "unknown"
bid["name"] = PFUser.currentUser().objectForKey("username") ?? "unknown"
bid["bid"] = self.bidTextField.text ?? "unknown"
Then insert into your array:

Array cleaning in Swift

I have an array in Swift:
["\"100003866283798-2\"", "\"100001986741004-2\"",
"\"100003455181526-2\"", "\"100002261472542-2\"",
"\"100003866283798-3\"", "\"100003866283798-0\"",
"\"100001986741004-3\"", "\"100001986741004-0\"",
"\"100003455181526-3\"", "\"100003455181526-0\"",
"\"100002261472542-3\"", "\"100002261472542-0\""]
and I only want the numbers, not the quotes and the -2.
I can't figure out to do this, because when I type
let cleanStr = numberArray.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("\"", withString: "", options: nil, range: nil)
it gives the error:
Value of type '[String]' has no member
I know it's very confusing with all the quotes etc but I want these numbers without their quotes etc, anyone a solution?
You can do it like this:
let newArray = array.map { (string: String) -> String in
let woFirst = string.characters.dropFirst()
let tilDash = woFirst.prefixUpTo(
woFirst.indexOf("-") ?? woFirst.endIndex)
return String(tilDash)
(Weirdly it doesn't compile without the type annotation). Or if you feel fancy:
let newArray = array
.map{ {$0.prefixUpTo($0.indexOf("-") ?? $0.endIndex)}($0.characters.dropFirst()) }
(XCode 7 beta 6)
works only with NSString not Array. Then you must iterate your array remove excess char.

Detect a Null value in NSDictionary

I have an NSDictionary that's populated from a JSON response from an API server. Sometimes the values for a key in this dictionary are Null
I am trying to take the given value and drop it into the detail text of a table cell for display.
The problem is that when I try to coerce the value into an NSString I get a crash, which I think is because I'm trying to coerce Null into a string.
What's the right way to do this?
What I want to do is something like this:
cell.detailTextLabel.text = sensor.objectForKey( "latestValue" ) as NSString
Here's an example of the Dictionary:
Printing description of sensor:
"created_at" = "2012-10-10T22:19:50.501-07:00";
desc = "<null>";
id = 2;
"latest_value" = "<null>";
name = "AC Vent Temp";
"sensor_type" = temp;
slug = "ac-vent-temp";
"updated_at" = "2013-11-17T15:34:27.495-07:00";
If I just need to wrap all of this in a conditional, that's fine. I just haven't been able to figure out what that conditional is. Back in the Objective-C world I would compare against [NSNull null] but that doesn't seem to be working in Swift.
You can use the as? operator, which returns an optional value (nil if the downcast fails)
if let latestValue = sensor["latestValue"] as? String {
cell.detailTextLabel.text = latestValue
I tested this example in a swift application
let x: AnyObject = NSNull()
if let y = x as? String {
println("I should never be printed: \(y)")
} else {
and it correctly prints "Yay", whereas
let x: AnyObject = "hello!"
if let y = x as? String {
} else {
println("I should never be printed")
prints "hello!" as expected.
You could also use is to check for the presence of a null:
if sensor["latestValue"] is NSNull {
// do something with null JSON value here
I'm using this combination and it also checks if object is not "null".
func isNotNull(object: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
guard let object = object else { return false }
return isNotNSNull(object) && isNotStringNull(object)
func isNotNSNull(object: AnyObject) -> Bool {
object.classForCoder != NSNull.classForCoder()
func isNotStringNull(object: AnyObject) -> Bool {
guard let object = object as? String where object.uppercaseString == "NULL" else {
return true
return false
It's not that pretty as extension but work as charm :)
NSNull is a class like any other. Thus you can use is or as to test an AnyObject reference against it.
Thus, here in one of my apps I have an NSArray where every entry is either a Card or NSNull (because you can't put nil in an NSArray). I fetch the NSArray as an Array and cycle through it, switching on which kind of object I get:
for card:AnyObject in arr {
switch card { // how to test for different possible types
case let card as NSNull:
// do one thing
case let card as Card:
// do a different thing
fatalError("unexpected object in card array") // should never happen!
That is not identical to your scenario, but it is from a working app converted to Swift, and illustrates the full general technique.
my solution for now:
func isNull(someObject: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
guard let someObject = someObject else {
return true
return (someObject is NSNull)
tests look good so far...
I had a very similar problem and solved it with casting to the correct type of the original NSDictionary value. If your service returns a mixed type JSON object like this
{"id":2, "name":"AC Vent Temp", ...}
you'll have to fetch it's values like that.
var id:int = sensor.valueForKey("id") as Int;
var name:String? = sensor.valueForKey("name") as String;
This did solve my problem. See BAD_INSTRUCTION within swift closure
