iOS Check if an iTunes account is logged in - ios

Is it possible to check if an iTunes account is logged into a device?
I have an in-app purchase setup and if the user makes a purchase I write to NSUserDefaults; however, if the iTunes account used to make the purchase is logged out (or another is signed in), NSUserDefaults isn't reset.
So, is there a way I can reset NSUserDefaults when an iTunes account is logged out. Or, perhaps there's a better way for me to determine whether or not the user has made an in-app purchase.
Thank you.

No. Instead, I would recommend using the built-in mechanisms to accomplish this.
You can see if the user has minimized the app and come back by subscribing to the UIApplicationDidBecomeActive notification (or using your UIApplicationDelegate).
Then, you should be able to simply restore the user's purchases using the StoreKit framework and compare against what you have stored for the current user to see if they have changed accounts.


iOS Restore IAP on other devices

I have a non-renewing subscription in my app, and I'm looking for a way to restore it on other devices. I stored the datas on the user iCloud account, but when there is no account logged in, we can't store it and there is no way to get it on another devices. I don't have login system on my app, so I can't get user reference on database.
Please, is there a way to do it ?
That's what the "Restore purchase" APIs are for. Also, if a user buys the IAP again, they won't be charged, though Apple may object during App Review.

Can a ios IAP receipt be traced to a certain or logged in appleID?

Title basically says it all. Id like to know if I an IAP receipt is tied to an appleID or login? Id like to check if the user did actually buy the IAP's then unlocking the features on app launch. This is to prevent some people who can easily change NSUserDefaults value via iFile etc.
To answer your question, YES. IAP receipt is tied to an appleId.

How to get some user Information when user buy some items on Apple In app purchase by swift?

I am working an app that has In app purchase function.
And i need some unique user information when they make some purchases in order to store it on my Database for some reason.
So how can i get some info like email,username or userId from the purchased user?
You cannot obtain this information from the Apple purchase flow, so the answer depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
If you are selling a non-consumable item, such as a game unlock, Deepak's solution will work for you -- by providing a "restore" button in you application the user will be able to connect to their iTunes account from any of their devices and re-obtain the item.
If you are selling a consumable item, such as in-game currency, you should have the users register with your backend service and be authenticated when they make their purchase. Once you have verified the purchase you can write it to your database and you will be responsible for restoring their state regardless of the device they log in on.
Note that if you combine these approaches it would be possible, though unlikely, that a user could share a non-consumable purchase by using the same iTunes account but different accounts on your system by performing a Apple restore action. If you are managing your own inventory on a server, I recommend using consumables.
So the short answer is, if you want that information, you have to ask for it from the user.
[Answer is valid if you have users registered with your system]The transactions can be restored based on user who has logged into your system ,please refer to link here then you can map the information from your system to the product you are selling via in-app purchase.

Restoring "remove ads" functionality when using consumable IAP

I'm researching how to properly implement the functionality to remove ads in my app when the user makes any IAP and have that functionality restorable.
The way i'm seeing the first part done is to simply put a value in the user defaults that the user has made a purchase and check it before displaying ad. No problem.
But i don't know how to do the restorable part because all my products are consumables. How can I restore this value when the user reinstalls the app? Because as i understand the only record of a consumable is on the device and cannot be restored by apple correct?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
You cannot do this purely through store-kit APIs, as there is no restorable purchase record as you say. I can see a couple of options -
You could enable iCloud for your app and persist data to the user's iCloud account, however this won't work for users who don't have iCloud.
You could have the users register an account on your server and use that to store their purchase history (or provide a Facebook login etc).
If a user deletes and re-installs your app then they need to make another in-app purchase to remove the ads - Profit!

Non-Renewing Subscription Restoration

Apple requires you to implement a restoration mechanism to this type of purchases to let users to get back their purchases after wiping the device or to view purchases from user's other device.
One accepted approach form apple for doing this is to do an optional user registration and handle it on your server to save the transaction receipts. since apple don't do that like other type of purchases as non-consumable. which allow you to get all the receipts of the users to restore them.
Apple say that the registration should be optional. but we must indicate to the user that registration is required to view purchases from other devices.
My Suggested Approach:
I am going to implement the restoration mechanism by saving the purchases receipts in iCloud. I will indicate that logging into iCloud is required to access the subscription content from user's other iOS devices.
On purchasing succeeded app. will check if iCloud is available to save the subscription details(Transaction Receipt) Otherwise, subscriptions will be saved to User Defaults. Every time the app. is launched it will check if iCloud available and iCloud will be synced with User Defaults. subscriptions details available on User Defaults and not on the iCloud will be copied to the iCloud and the subscriptions that are available on iCloud and not on User Defaults will be copied to User Defaults.
Thats provide users the flexibility to login to iCloud in a future time just to move their subscriptions to another devices or just before they decided to delete the app. to save their subscription. (That all will exactly perform as we had the user registration option). Is that accepted?
Another thing. My app. suppose to work on iOS 4.x too. which mean that iCloud is not available. Is that ok too? or I have to give up running app. on iOS 4.x if I want to use iCloud approach? what if I also indicated that restoration will not be available for iOS 4.x?
One way is that , the restoration of payment and other data should be handle by your application or by your side on the server. But i think it will increase your burden of coding. But registration is optional and if user wants that he will be able to use application on his other iOS devices also then u can make registration compulsory, otherwise the restoration of payment or data should be done using keychain.
If u have still doubt then let me know.
So, in this case what if a user makes a purchase without signing into his iCloud account? We won't be providing him the content access on his other device in that case, right?
Is there any way to handle that scenario? Are we allowed to store the user's id and password into the iCloud? This may help us, but won't be a good idea to store the credentials.
