TCPDF generated PDF to automatically display in Acrobat Reader - tcpdf

I am able to use TCPDF and generate a PDF in the browser using JQuery/JavaScript:"", "pdfWindow",scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, top=500, left=500, width=400, height=400");
$("#" + formID).attr('action','tcpdf/example/genReport.pdf').attr('target','pdfWindow');
In genReport.pdf, I am using $pdf->Output('genReport.pdf', 'I');
When genReport.pdf is generated, it appears in a new tab with the standard browser settings. I wanted to know if there is a way to have the generated PDF automatically display in Acrobat Reader?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

According to the documentation of the output() function, the second parameter can be one of those:
I: send the file inline to the browser (default). The plug-in is used if available. The name given by name is used when one selects
the "Save as" option on the link generating the PDF.
D: send to the browser and force a file download with the name given by name.
F: save to a local server file with the name given by name.
S: return the document as a string (name is ignored).
FI: equivalent to F + I option
FD: equivalent to F + D option
E: return the document as base64 mime multi-part email attachment (RFC 2045)
So I'd suggest using $pdf->Output('genReport.pdf', 'D'); this will open the download dialog and the user can choose to either open or download the file.


Japanese language translation issue in CSV File - ASP.NET MVC

I am facing an issue while exporting japanese text in CSV format. Junk characters are being exported instead of original japanese text. I am using .NET MVC FileStreamResult to export records in Csv file and used encoding format as UTF8 (I have also used some other encoding format, but no luck). I debugged my code and able to convert string from memory stream and vice versa and able to see original japanese text being exported. Once exporting completed, I opened the CSV file, but only able to see junk character instead of expected text. If I open the CSV file in NotePad ( Opening the csv file in Notepad is NOT my requirement. I am referring Notepad only to verify whether i am able to see Japanese translated language ), then i can see the expected japanese text. It would be really helpful if someone please help me find root cause of this issue and provide a resolution.
Ex. 東京都品川区大崎 gets written as æ±äº¬éƒ½å“å·åŒºå¤§å´Ž
Note: I can see expected japanese text is exported properly if I opened the sample .CSV file using LibreOffice Calc, Linux default gEdit. But the issue is with opening this csv file using MS Office.
Please find the below attached code -
Controller/Action to execute while clicking on export to Csv button
public FileStreamResult SaveCustomerInfo()
return ExportToCsv();
private static FileStreamResult ExportToCsv()
var exportedData = new StringBuilder();
.AppendLine("実行日,口座番号,支店番号,アカウント名,支店名,の/受益秩序,ステートメント日,入力日,お問い合わせ番号, ,Date Range")
"CS0001,Demo FName,Demo LName,8/20/2015,\"Demo User Address\",City,Country,08830,0123456789,15813,Absolute from 8/20/2015 to 8/22/2015");
var stream = PrintingHelper.StringToMemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8, exportedData.ToString());
var fileStreamResult = new FileStreamResult(stream, "text/csv")
FileDownloadName =
new StringBuilder("TestExportedFileInCsv")
return fileStreamResult;
It sound as though you haven't installed the language pack for MS Office on the machine that you are trying to open the csv on.

Unicode Issue with Chrome

Here goes the path I follow.
1. User enters text in html editor, tiny mce edtitor.
2. that text is uploaded to Server side MVC controller
3. Controller use following line to write that HTML content (string) to a temp location on server
new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(HtmlContent))
4. That file in temp location (in another step) is then used to get a byte[] of the contents
5. In the last step byte[] is send via stored procedure to database to a column field of type varbinary.
Now the problem is that when I read that varbinary back to byte[] and send it to browser using the following line of MVC with MIME type text/HTML.
File(attachmentFile.BinaryData, mimeType, pFileName);
The file downloads and opens correctly in both IE and Firefox but not in chrome. I don't know what the issue is with chrome

Using printer name Adobe PDF

I have looked everywhere for this solution. The code below allows me to print to the printer, Adobe PDF, but what I want to do is automate the file name save as screen with a generic name and in a specific folder. For example, the file would be saved to C:\temp\tmpResize.pdf and I am having problems there.
var params = this.getPrintParams();
params.fileName = "/c/temp/tmpResize.pdf";
params.printerName="Adobe PDF"
Thanks for your help.

Clarification on what can be exported to excel on ipad

Trying to fix an old .asp site to work on an ipad. One of the features is the users ability to download their search results into an excel worksheet. The code uses:
Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=results.xls"
Response.CharSet = "iso-8859-1"
When viewing the site on the ipad, when the link is click for the page with the code above it does nothing, just spins. Is it the fact that I am trying to export the data as excel, I have read in some posts how it is the encoding! Should I convert the code to export the results page as a csv file and then allow the user to open it in anything they want/have available? What's the best way to do it to hit the most devices...
In the past i'd a same scenario so what i did:
' get the file to download
myFile = request.querystring("File")
myFullPath = "c:\name_folder\" & myFile ' example of full path and filename
' set headers
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & myFile
' send the file using the stream as
Set adoStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
adoStream.Type = 1
Response.BinaryWrite adoStream.Read()
Set adoStream = Nothing
Download Excel file
This example is full working with Ipad using the native browser Safari.
The file Result.xls is downloaded and loaded in the Viewer whitout the capability to be edit.
My iPad users use the App QuickOffice to let the file be saved in a virtual folder, rename the file, delete, ... but they cant edit the file, that App is just for manage the files and isnt required for download the file.
If your user need also edit the XLS file on the iPad i suggest to use (for example) the Google App Document, it let the user to edit and manage the file directly in the browser.
Hope it help

How to open Excel file written with incorrect character encoding in VBA

I read an Excel 2003 file with a text editor to see some markup language.
When I open the file in Excel it displays incorrect characters. On inspection of the file I see that the encoding is Windows 1252 or some such. If I manually replace this with UTF-8, my file opens fine. Ok, so far so good, I can correct the thing manually.
Now the trick is that this file is generated automatically, that I need to process it automatically (no human interaction) with limited tools on my desktop (no perl or other scripting language).
Is there any simple way to open this XL file in VBA with the correct encoding (and ignore the encoding specified in the file)?
Note, Workbook.ReloadAs does not function for me, it bails out on error (and requires manual action as the file is already open).
Or is the only way to correct the file to go through some hoops? Either: text in, check line for encoding string, replace if required, write each line to new file...; or export to csv, then import from csv again with specific encoding, save as xls?
Any hints appreciated.
ADODB did not work for me (XL says user defined type, not defined).
I solved my problem with a workaround:
name2 = Replace(name, ".xls", ".txt")
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(name, True, True) ' open read-only
Set ws = wb.Worksheets(1)
ws.SaveAs FileName:=name2, FileFormat:=xlCSV
wb.Close False ' close workbook without saving changes
Set wb = Nothing ' free memory
Workbooks.OpenText FileName:=name2, _
Origin:=65001, _
DataType:=xlDelimited, _
Well I think you can do it from another workbook. Add a reference to AcitiveX Data Objects, then add this sub:
Sub Encode(ByVal sPath$, Optional SetChar$ = "UTF-8")
Dim stream As
Set stream = New
With stream
.LoadFromFile sPath ' Loads a File
.Charset = SetChar ' sets stream encoding (UTF-8)
.SaveToFile sPath, adSaveCreateOverWrite
End With
Set stream = Nothing
Workbooks.Open sPath
End Sub
Then call this sub with the path to file with the off encoding.
