Including dependencies based on user choice - yeoman

I'm currently building a Yeoman generator, and although I seem to have mastered the basics, I'm struggling to figure out how to include various dependencies only when the user chooses to include them.
After looking at some existing generators, I've worked out that a checkbox prompt is the standard way of allowing users to select which dependencies they'd like to include in their new app:
var prompts = [{
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'features',
message: 'What more would you like?',
choices: [{
name: 'Sass',
value: 'includeSass',
checked: true
}, {
name: 'Bootstrap',
value: 'includeBootstrap',
checked: true
}, {
name: 'Modernizr',
value: 'includeModernizr',
checked: true
From here on in though, I'm stumped. What I'd like is to allow users to choose what dependencies they'd like to include both using bower, and NPM (through the package.json file).
How would I go about doing this?
Thanks in advance for any help!

Making sure to only include the dependencies the user needs is a good practice!
The easiest way - and also the way the official generators do it - is to make the package.json you're generating a template. The template can then include arbitrary conditions to mix and match the packages you need.
The first step is to export the answers from the prompt, so they're available in the template:
this.prompt(prompts, function (answers) {
var features = answers.features;
function hasFeature(feat) {
return features && features.indexOf(feat) !== -1;
this.includeSass = hasFeature('includeSass');
this.includeBootstrap = hasFeature('includeBootstrap');
this.includeModernizr = hasFeature('includeModernizr');
The template for the example would then look something like this. The <% ... %> syntax is actual JavaScript and is executed before the result is written to disk.
"name": "<%= _.slugify(appname) %>",
"dependencies": {
"my-dependency-a": "^0.4.5",<% if (includeModernizr) { %>
"modernizr": "^0.11.0",<% } %><% if (includeBootstrap) { %>
"bootstrap": "^3.3.4",<% } %>
"my-dependency-b": "^0.5.0"
"engines": {
"node": ">=0.10.0"
Back in your generator code, make sure to generate this file from the template:
packageJSON: function () {
this.template('_package.json', 'package.json');
And as a final step, you want to actually run npm install in the generated directory. There's a helper available for Yeoman, that does this for you:
this.on('end', function () {
If you look at the generator-webapp code that does this, there are a few more subtleties to handle cases where the user might not want to install the dependencies automatically and special handling for test frameworks. But for the case you describe, the above is completely sufficient.
I hope this helps. :)


Is it possible to use webpack dynamic imports with rails asset pipeline?

My problem is that after the bundles are emitted by webpack, rails assets pipeline adds hashes to the file names so it's impossible to dynamically import them
My current setup is
import modal from "./modal"
button.addEventListener("click", () => {
new modal().open();
While I want:
button.addEventListener("click", () => {
const modal = (await import(/* webpackChunkName: "modal" */ "./modal")).default;
new modal().open();
But in this case, a request would fire to get dist/modal.bundle.js, without rails hash, while its under dist/modal.bundle-g454545g4v45geg.js. The bundle names are resolved with asset_path(...) in the html,
But I don't think there is a way of telling js code what the hash is... Am I missing something? Is there any way to use dynamic imports with Rails Asset Pipeline?
My webpack.config.js:
module.exports = [
entry: {
main_layout: "./app/assets/layouts/main_layout.ts",
home_page: "./app/assets/pages/home/home.ts"
output: {
filename: "[name].bundle.js",
path: path.resolve(__dirname, "app", "assets", "dist")
I've never tried this but the docs are clear webpacker supports erb.
Run rails webpacker:install:erb
Change your appliaction.js pack to application.js.erb
You should now be able to call <%= asset_path("modal.bundle.js") %> within your pack.

RAILS 6 - how to use EasyAutocomplete

I try the last hours to integrate EasyAutocomplete into RAILS 6. But not so easy.
What I did :
Install Javascript Package with yarn:
# yarn add easy-autocomplete
Add this in the file app/javascript/packs/application.js
import “easy-autocomplete”
Add this in the file app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
*= require easy-autocomplete
*= require easy-autocomplete.themes
Then start the Rails Server and refresh the Web Page.
Then try to use it. Go into the developer console and type :
var options = {
data: ["otto", "hans", "paula"]
task_name_search_field was previously defined as id :
<input type="search" class="form-control" id="task_name_search_field">
I got this message:
TypeError: $(...).EasyAutocomplete is not a function
Any idea ?
I had the same problem. Turbolinks does not give access to the script, the code needs to be run after it is loaded, something like this:
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function() {
var options = {
data: ["otto", "hans", "paula"]
In order for the autocomplete to work, you need to add a script file to the application.js like this:
If it helps you, here is an example of my code:
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function() {
$input = $("[data-behavior='autocomplete']")
var options = {
getValue: "full_name",
url: function(phrase) {
return "/search.json?q=" + phrase;
categories: [
listLocation: "cameras",
header: "<strong>Cameras</strong>",
list: {
onChooseEvent: function() {
var url = $input.getSelectedItemData().url
I suppose you wouldn't have included jquery in your application.js. You need to do explicitly as it doesn't get included automatically with rails 6 app.
I ran into a similar issue. I'm a n00b at Webpacker, but by default it doesn't seem to compile in the same order in which plugins are included.
To get around the issue I did this workaround which just wraps the plugin code in an anonymous jQuery function, like so:
(function($) {
//Eac plugin code
Maybe there is a way in the configs to force compilation in the correct order. This looks promising
Add script-loader to package.json then add
import 'script-loader!jquery/dist/jquery.min'
in app/javascripts/application.js
Check in your browser that $().jquery yields a proper result.

Yeoman: how to avoid file overwrite conflict message when modifying file created by subgenerator?

I am creating a yeoman generator that will generate a customized angular app. It will be generating custom angular controllers and services.
While I could simply take a current angular template, as generated by the angular generator, add my code, and then save this as a template in my generator, I prefer to have the generator call the "official" angular generator (previously installed by the user) as a subgenerator at runtime, so I don't have to synchronize my templates every time the angular generator template changes.
I have this working, but the only problem is when, from my generator, I add my code to the file generated by the subgenerator (e.g a controller), I get the message:
conflict app/scripts/controllers/mycontroller.js
? Overwrite app/scripts/controllers/mycontroller.js? overwrite
force app/scripts/controllers/mycontroller.js
Is there a way I can get the file generated by the subgenerator before it's written to disk, so I can edit it, without generating the overwrite prompt?
I think it's confusing to be prompted about overwriting a file that is being created for the first time.
In reading the yeoman doc, it makes it sound like generators and subgenerators share the same "soft" in-memory filesystem:
"As asynchronous APIs are harder to use, Yeoman provide a synchronous file-system API where every file gets written to an in-memory file system and are only written to disk once when Yeoman is done running. This memory file system is shared between all composed generators."
But it appears that the subgenerator writes the files to disk and not the in-memory file system. Unfortunately, I do not have control over the subgenerator, as it's the standard angular yeoman generator.
Here is my generator (scroll down to portion marked "Relevant Portion"):
'use strict';
var yeoman = require('yeoman-generator');
var chalk = require('chalk');
var yosay = require('yosay');
module.exports = yeoman.generators.Base.extend({
prompting: function () {
var done = this.async();
// Have Yeoman greet the user.
'Welcome to the epic ' +'AngularVr') + ' generator!'
var prompts = [{
type: 'confirm',
name: 'someOption',
message: 'Would you like to enable this option?',
default: true
this.prompt(prompts, function (props) {
this.props = props;
writing: {
app: function () {
====================== Relevant Portion ===============
subgenerators: function () {
this.log("now executing subgenerators");
this.composeWith('angular:controller', {args: ['mycontroller']} );
this.log("now done with subgeneration");
subgenerators_read: function () {
// add a new line to generated file..this generates overwrite prompt
var fp = this.destinationPath('app/scripts/controllers/mycontroller.js');
var fc =;
fc += '\nhello there\n';
this.fs.write(fp, fc);
This is my first attempt at writing a yeoman generator.
Many Thanks.
The issue is probably just that either your generator or the generator-angular is running on an old version of yeoman-generator.
Latest version at this time is 0.20.3

Ace Editor - Change CTRL+H keybinding

I'm working on an implementation of Ace Editor and Ctrl+F works great for the built-in "Find" dialog, however I'm trying to find a way to change out the Ctrl+H for Ctrl+R and prevent default behavior.
I've looked over docs and forums about working with the keybindings but I can't identify what method is being called to instantiate the 'replace' dialog or how to overwrite it.
Replace command is defined here. it is possible to use the following code to change Ctrl+H for Ctrl+R
name: "replace",
bindKey: {win: "Ctrl-R", mac: "Command-Option-F"},
exec: function(editor) {
require("ace/config").loadModule("ace/ext/searchbox", function(e) {
e.Search(editor, true)
// take care of keybinding inside searchbox
// this is too hacky :(
var kb = editor.searchBox.$searchBarKb
command = kb.commandKeyBinding["ctrl-h"]
if (command && command.bindKey.indexOf("Ctrl-R") == -1) {
command.bindKey += "|Ctrl-R"
but the part with inner command is quite ugly, i'd suggest to make an issue on ace repository to either use normal name for it, or pick up replace commands key automatically
This worked for me:
name: 'replace',
bindKey: {win: 'Ctrl-R', mac: 'Command-Option-F'},
exec: function(editor) {
ace.config.loadModule("ace/ext/searchbox", function(e) {e.Search(editor, true)});
readOnly: true

Jasmine, RequireJS and Rails

I'm starting to make the move over to requireJS for a project I'm building. I'm currently using jasminerice, rails 3.2 and the require-rails gem.
I've tried to implement with little success, the specs don't run at all.
I am starting to think it maybe I might be better to use requirejs on it's own or maybe the jasmine gem?
I'm not sold on either jasminerice or require-rails gems, so does anyone have any advice on the best tools, and any tips on how to get it up and running/good tutorials?
Ok as I didn't get any response I managed to find a slightly hacky way of making it work.
If you create a file in your view folder jasminerice/spec/index.html.erb (or haml) and copy the html from the jasminerice gem. Replace the spec.js call with:
%script{"data-main"=>"/assets/#{#specenv}", src:"/assets/require.js"}
Then write your spec file like require template like so:
require.config {
'underscore': '/assets/underscore-min'
require ['sinon', 'jasmine-sinon', 'jquery', 'underscore', 'my_js', 'my_spec'], () ->
This will prevent jasminerice triggering the tests
jasmine.rice.autoExecute = false
Set up your tests with a beforeFilter similar to this(taken from
describe "MySpec", ->
beforeEach ->
flag = false
#thing = ""
that = #
require ['myjs'], (Myjs) ->
flag = true
that.thing = new Myjs()
waitsFor ->
it 'It should exsist', ->
Hope that helps anyone with a similar issue and if anyone has a better solution please post! :)
I have the same setup, here's what I did (starting from the blog post mentioned in the original question):
1. Create a helper to load all spec files
In a file lib/jasminerice/spec_helper.rb, put the following code:
require "requirejs-rails"
module Jasminerice
module SpecHelper
include RequirejsHelper
def spec_files { |lp| lp =~ %r{^spec/.*\.js$} }
This will create a helper method spec_files which you can call in the Jasminerice runner view to automatically get all your specs, so you don't need to update the list of specs every time you add a new one.
2. Override default Jasminerice index view
Create a view named app/views/jasminerice/spec/index.html.erb with the following:
<!doctype html>
<title>Jasmine Spec Runner</title>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "jasmine", "spec" %>
<%= requirejs_include_tag 'application' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "jasminerice", "spec", :debug => true %>
jasmine.rice.autoExecute = false;
require([<%= { |f| "'#{f.sub(/\.js$/,'')}'" }.join(',').html_safe %>],
function() { jasmine.getEnv().execute() },
function(err) {
var failedId = err.requireModules && err.requireModules[0];
define(failedId, function() { return function() { console.debug(failedId + ': ' + err); null }; });
require([ failedId ], function() {} );
<%= csrf_meta_tags %>
This will require all the specs before running Jasmine (with jasmine.getEnv().execute()). I have an ugly hack in there to take the array of spec paths and generate an array of module names in quotes to pass to require.
I've also included an error callback in case there's a problem loading a module -- if you don't do this, your specs will hang when a module load fails. That's especially a problem when you're running them on the command line through guard-jasmine, which is what I do.
Unfortunately I haven't found a very good way to handle such errors -- here I write some info to console.debug and then required the failed module, returning an anonymous function in its place. This allows the specs to run but produces unpredictable results (which is better than no results). I've been struggling to find a better way to deal with this situation, suggestions would be much appreciated.
3. Write some specs
My Jasmine specs take the form:
define (require) ->
MyModule = require 'my-module'
# any other dependencies needed to test
describe 'MyModule', ->
it 'exists', ->
etc. Note that all my testing dependencies (jasmine, sinon, jasmine-sinon, etc.) I load outside of require, in
#=require sinon
#=require jasmine-sinon
#=require_tree ./helpers/
I put any other helper functions I need in the helpers directory.
4. Bonus
One other tip: if you have problems because your browser won't reload modules even when they change, I use a trick of adding a dummy argument with a timestamp so that the browser will always see a new file and correctly load it.
I created this function in ApplicationController which I load in a before filter:
before_filter :set_requirejs_config
def set_requirejs_config
opts = { :urlArgs => "bust=#{}" }) if Rails.env == "development"
This adds a query param bust=... to the end of each module name if we're in development mode, so that we always reload modules and get the most up-to-date version. Somewhere there's a post on SO explaining how to do this in RequireJS, but to get it to work with requirejs-rails you have to put it into ApplicationController (and not config/requirejs.yml) so that it is loaded every time you load the page.
Hope that might provide some hints to anyone else using this configuration!
