Link to a specific joyride tooltip - anchor

I have made a page with some tooltips with joyride.js.
Is there a way to link from another page to a specific joyride tooltip ?


Add image to tooltip in zurb foundation

Hi Im creating a checkout form, and I want to add a tooltip for show where to find the CVV of the credit card.
So if the people hover the tooltip then in the popup show an image, is that possible?
Turns out you can add HTML to the title tag. You can add an <img> tag like this:
<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" title="<img src=''> Tooltips are awesome, you should totally use them!">extended information</span>
Here's a working demo.

jQuery Accordion doesn't load unless I refresh the page

I am trying to use Accordion in my page, but it doesn't load unless I refresh the page.
Here is the link:
click on the menu panel and click ensembles. The accordion does not work unless you refresh you page. Please look at the source code for the ensembles html page.
Can anybody please help with this? I am kinda stuck on this. Greatly appreciate your help!!
*New observation: If I type in the url:, It works. But when I try to go to this page from my navigation panel, it won't load the jQuery UI unless I refresh...
Try calling
$( ".selector" ).collapsibleset( "refresh" );
after it's created and before the page is shown.
"Collapsibleset" is JQM's name for accordion.

load an image into struts2 tooltip

I am trying to show an image in a tooltip, but all i get is the plain text. Code :<s:textfield label="cvv" name="cvv" tooltip="<img src='%{images}/cvv_34.gif'>" />
When I hover on my tooltip image all I see is the text <img src=''>
I have tried jsTooltipEnabled and it doesn't help. I am able to open the image in a separate browser, so image path's, etc are all good.
Any help would be appretiated.
That is because the input is escaped and I think it is not good practice to reference an image there. If you like fancy Tooltips take a look at the jQuery and css frameworks you are maybe using.
jQuery Ui Tooltip
Bootstrap Tooltip
This is not depends on struts, but I recommend qTip2.
With this you can show almost everything in a tooltip. Simple text, or a complete html enabled content. Also you can make this tooltip ajax enable too.

Jquery mobile Fill in Input Field by Clicking Link in a dynamic page

I already know the solution for normal pages, Fill in Input Field by Clicking Link with JQuery but I need the same solution for a Jquery mobile dynamic page.
The button solution, How to get an event from button in jquery mobile dynamic page works fine.
If I added the function at $(document).ready(function() and in the dynamic page like the button solution clicking the link will not do anything.
Thank you in advance for any help.
Given this markup:
<input id="TheTextBox" type="text" />
The Special Text
You could create your click event in the jQM "pagecreate" event of the page:
$(document).on("pagecreate", function(){
$(".special_field_link").on("click", function(){
Here is a DEMO

HighChart exporting from IFrame

I am displaying HighChart in a page and showing this page in a Iframe.
But I am unable to export the chart from the page which has iframe.
If I open the highchart page seperately, I am able to export the chart.
What is the issuue?
I tried so many searchs
May see this Fiddle
In the html page linked with the iframe, make sure you have something like this-
i.e. For the index2.html , check this Fiddle
