IdentifierForVendor value under certain scenario - ios

I am developing an App using UIDevices IdentifierForValue to track users behavior. In the present we know that under the scenarion shown below, value of IdentifierForVendor will change:
App uninstall and install again
As we know that for mobile device, there`re some scenario that we need to take into consideration. So how about the value of IdentifierForVendor in the following circumstances:
If subscriber change one`s SIM but still using the same phone
If subscriber use the same SIM but change to another phone. For example, one stop using iphone 6 and use iphone 6S instead with data restored from iTune`s backup data.
If subscriber use another Apple ID in the same phone.
Any ideas? Any help is greatly appreciated.

identifierForVendor doesn't take into account the SIM card or Apple ID. It is alternative to UDID that doesn't allow tracking specific device and it is constant for device until every app of the vendor on that device is uninstalled. I used this identifier and switched SIM and Apple ID in the past and I didn't notice the identifier changing.
Link to the documentation


Get device UDID (40 digit id) programmatically [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
UIDevice uniqueIdentifier deprecated - What to do now?
(32 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
In my app, I am trying to get all information of the device and to be displayed in app screen.
I got some of the informations, but not getting code to obtain UDID, Serial number and model identifier of a device, what we can able to see in iTunes.
I can able to get UUID, but my request is to get UDID of the device. I got some apps in which they are getting device info like this.
I will be very helpful if I get any solution in this.
Thanks in advance.
You can't as of iOS 6.
Link #1
Money quote:
As reported by 9to5Mac (and confirmed by Macworld), Apple alerted
developers of a cut-off date for new apps or app updates that access
an iOS device’s UDID (Universal Device ID), an area of security and
privacy concern.
Link #2
Extended money quote:
With iOS 6 Apple has also completely eliminated its controversial
Universal Device IDs (UDID) and replaced it with a more
privacy-friendly way for application vendors and advertisers to
identify specific devices, Hall said,
Apple’s UDIDs are basically a set of alphanumeric characters that are
used to uniquely identify an iPhone or iPad. The numbers are designed
to let application developers track how many users have downloaded
their application and to gather other information for data analytics.
From the same article, the way to go now is:
With the new iOS 6 the company has gone one step further by
eliminating UDIDs completely and replace with a set of three new devie
identifiers. One is a vendor specific identifier that can be used by
application vendors to recognize specific devices, another is designed
for use by online advertisers and the third is an application-specific
ID. Unlike UDID’s, the new identifiers are not persistent and can be
cleared, though the device has to be completely reset to get rid of
the advertiser identities, Hall said.
In conclusion, the correct way is to either (a) use UUID or (b) ask your user for the device's UDID.
You can use this (Swift 3):

Best way to uniquely identify iOS device?

I'm aware if the following methods, each which has it'd flaws
Advertising Identifier
Vendor ID
The problem with UDID is that its deprecated and doesn't even work as of ios7, problem with other two is that the user can change them via software reset of phone or reinstallation of app
Another interesting solution I found is to randomly generate one yourself and then save to keychain to avoid deletion upon app reinstallation however would this work across software resets? And surely there's a very small chance that two devices would randomly generate the same ID?
I think the best option might be to use UDID but I would like to know if, even though the UDID is incorrect as of ios7, is it still unique?
Yet another option is MAC address but as far as I know, there is no API for these
Please advise on the best option
Starting iOS 7 deducing MAC address isn't possible. You can, however, use below:
[[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString]
Per Apple Documentation:
The value changes when the user deletes all of that vendor’s apps from
the device and subsequently reinstalls one or more of them. The value
can also when installing test builds using Xcode or when installing an
app on a device using ad-hoc distribution. Therefore, if your app
stores the value of this property anywhere, you should gracefully
handle situations where the identifier changes.

Unique device identification for ios

I have a HTML/JS/CSS app which I wish to convert to an ios app using phonegap. In my application, I require to identify each device uniquely. From iOS 7 Apple does not accept app that Fetch UDID. I want to achieve this for ios4+ to latest. I have seen one plugin listed at One additional question related to this plugin is if I use a plugin which relies on keychain then what is the risk factor, i.e., under which circumstances is the keychain reset or cleared?
This is not common way but it may be helpful.
You can use service to get real UDID of device.
Here is repo with example of usage
Per swift, the latest way I've been doing this is:
var vendorDeviceId = UIDevice.currentDevice().identifierForVendor.UUIDString
This is correct, the UUID is now unique per app install, not device. If the user re-installs your app he will be assigned a new unique identifier (different from the last one).
According to Cordova documentation here's the way to get device UUID
var string = device.uuid;
Note that for iOS the UUID for a device is different from each app. This UUID is created on your app first run, and changes when you delete and re-install your app.
iOS Quirk
The uuid on iOS uses the identifierForVendor property. It is unique to the device across the same vendor, but will be different for different vendors and will change if all apps from the vendor are deleted and then reinstalled. The UUID will be the same if app is restored from a backup or iCloud as it is saved in preferences. Users using older versions of this plugin will still receive the same previous UUID generated by another means as it will be retrieved from preferences.
You can use my indentifier for vendor plugin
It uses the native identifier for vendor

Uniquely Identify iOS device over multiple users

I have done a lot of research on this so please read the question before marking this as similar to some other question.
Our app needs to uniquely determine an iPhone such that even when user completely wipes a phone, when he runs our app we can be sure that it is the same device. The most important thing is we also need to determine devices over multiple Apple ID users so suggestions containing Keychain access and uniqueVendorID might not work as those change when another user starts using that phone. And as I have read using MAC addresses and old UDID for devices is not longer available as of iOS 6.0. I went through [UIDevice identifierForVendor] but this NSUUID changes when all the app by the same vendor has been uninstalled Reference.
I have looked through these resources:
UIDevice uniqueIdentifier Deprecated - What To Do Now?
What is a long-term method I can use to uniquely identify an iOS device?
I can not disclose the nature of work that my app performs due to non-disclosure, but to clarify what I require:
Multiple users might use our app on same phones, I need a way to know that the device user A used before and has reported to have handed over to user B is the same device on which our app was run. Is there any way to achieve this?
There's no way to achieve this.
If it's really the case that different users might use your app on the same device after a factory reset of the device, then what you want is not possible. Apple deprecated UIDevice uniqueIdentifier which would have been the way to do this.
as long as they dont restore/wipe the device identifierForVendor is ok

Alternative to [UIDevice currentDevice].identifierForVendor

I have one product that has two different applications. and both the applications it gives me different Identifiers for the same device (you would assume that apple would associate this to maybe your developer account so that you can reuse the information across your applications), but I was wondering is their anything that would give me the same identifier for a device on both the applications?
identifierForVendor is really what you want. UDID is a big NO on the AppStore. A user can opt out to advertisingIdentifier. Other ways (by MAC address, like ODIN1, and solutions that rely on UIPasteboard, as OpenUDID) will break on the future (hint: 7).
According to the docs, you should have the same identifier if both apps are from the same developer:
The value of this property is the same for apps that come from the same vendor running on the same device. A different value is returned for apps on the same device that come from different vendors, and for apps on different devices regardless of vendor.
The value of this property may be nil if the app is running in the background, before the user has unlocked the device the first time after the device has been restarted. If the value is nil, wait and get the value again later.
The value in this property remains the same while the app (or another app from the same vendor) is installed on the iOS device. The value changes when the user deletes all of that vendor’s apps from the device and subsequently reinstalls one or more of them. Therefore, if your app stores the value of this property anywhere, you should gracefully handle situations where the identifier changes.
OpenUDID is the best solution until now, even if it also may be changed if the device is reset.
