Dailymotion URL not containing id - dailymotion-api

I have a Dailymotion URL with this format
which correctly redirects to the video.
The part after /video/ usually contains the ID of the video, but not in that particular case.
How can I retrieve data about that video from the Dailymotion API while having this kind of URL ?

This is a video id, have you tried a normal API call?
this will give you the data you want


Retrive only videoIds from YouTube using API v3

I am trying to fetch YouTube videos based on keyword search.
items[0].id.videoId and items[3].id.videoId do not exist. Instead they have channelId.
So why am I getting channelIds for non-existent videos ? Do I need to filter them manually or is it possible to filter them via the API ?
You have to request the id in the part parameter.

How to get the listing of available subtitles for a particular video from youtube api?

I am embedding youtube video into iframe, is there anyway so that i get the lisitng of available subtitles and show it in the drop down menu. If user select any particular language i just change the src attribute of iframe so that the video play with that subtitles.
You may want to check the Captions: list which returns a list of caption tracks that are associated with a specified video. Note that the API response does not contain the actual captions and that the captions.download method provides the ability to retrieve a caption track. Set the videoId parameter value to the YouTube video ID that uniquely identifies the video for which you are retrieving captions.
Your request must be authorized using OAuth 2.0 with at least one of the following scopes (read more about authentication and authorization).
Example. The request below retrieves a list of captions for a video on the Google Stories YouTube channel:
Hope this helps!

How do I determine a YouTube video's API id from its URL

I'm trying to use the youtube api to determine the status of a video for a given url, e.g.
However, this returns an empty list; it appears that the v parameter is not the YouTube API's video id. How can I obtain the latter from the former?

How to get video URL using Youtube data API v3.0?

How can i get video URL using YouTube data API(JAVA)?
You cant! use www.youtube.com/get_video_info API

Retrieving Dailymotion popular videos

I want to retrieve popular videos on Dailymotion without login. Youtube has an API for the same. Is there any API available to perform this task?
You need to use the "sort" parameter with rated, visited ...
Something like https://api.dailymotion.com/videos?sort=visited
See here for more infos.
