Play 2 bower webjar locate - bower

Right now i have configured and working webjar-based Play 2.3.8 application. Recently i tried to use one of bower webjars in it and did not succeed.
More accurately i have
"org.webjars" %% "webjars-play" % "2.3.0-2" and "org.webjars.bower" % "classnames" % "1.1.4" in the plugins.sbt
GET /webjars/*file in the app/routes
<script src=""classnames.js"))"></script> in some app/views/{file}.scala.html
With all that i'm receiving
IllegalArgumentException: classnames.js could not be found. Make sure
you've added the corresponding WebJar and please check for typos.
on that page.

The error is accurate. That Bower WebJar doesn't have a file named classnames.js in it:
The upstream Bower project doesn't have a file with that name either:


SilverStripe running tests using Behat throwing "No behat.yml found for module silverstripe/framework" error

I am working on a SilverStripe project. I am trying to write Behavioural Tests using Behat for my projects. But I am getting an error when I run the tests. Following is what I have done so far.
First I install the module using composer
composer require --dev silverstripe/behat-extension
I have the behat.yml file right under the project root folder with the following definition
suites: []
default_session: facebook_web_driver
javascript_session: facebook_web_driver
browser: chrome
wd_host: ""
browser_name: chrome
bootstrap_file: vendor/silverstripe/cms/tests/behat/serve-bootstrap.php
screenshot_path: %paths.base%/artifacts/screenshots
retry_seconds: 4 # default is 2
Then I tried to run the tests executing the following command.
vendor/bin/behat #framework
Then I get the following error.
In ModuleSuiteLocator.php line 166:
No behat.yml found for module silverstripe/framework
behat [-s|--suite SUITE] [-f|--format FORMAT] [-o|--out OUT] [--format-settings FORMAT-SETTINGS] [--init] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--lang LANG] [--name NAME] [--tags TAGS] [--role ROLE] [--story-syntax] [-d|--definitions DEFINITIONS] [--snippets-for [SNIPPETS-FOR]] [--snippets-type SNIPPETS-TYPE] [--append-snippets] [--no-snippets] [--strict] [--order ORDER] [--rerun] [--stop-on-failure] [--dry-run] [--] [<module> [<paths>]]
There is not behat.yml in the vendor/silverstripe/framework folder. Actually, it is supposed to come with the framework. But it is not there. How can I solve the error?
For all SilverStripe modules the tests and associated configuration are not shipped with distributable packages (e.g. tags).
If you want to use them, you'll need to install the "dev" version. E.g. 4.5.x-dev instead of ~4.5.0.

Angular - Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: IdleProvider

Getting the error Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: IdleProvider in my application when it is deployed to our staging server using dokku but I am not getting it when running it on my local machine. I'm using ng-idle 1.2.1
I've found this question asked a number of times but the cause was always related to the changes made in version 1.0.0 where the service names were changed. The only thing I can think of is that the minification of the code is the problem but as far as I can see the code should be ok but I am not an expert. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It's written in Coffeescript
configuration = (RestangularProvider, $logProvider, growlProvider, IdleProvider, KeepaliveProvider) ->
configuration.$inject = [
.module 'vssApp.config', [
.config configuration
While trying to replicate the problem on my local machine I removed the 'ngIdle' module in the modules array below. This resulted in the same behavior so I am assuming that the problem stems from the ngIdle module not being loaded correctly here. I still feel that minification could be causing the problem but, again, I'm not sure why or how to fix it.
modules = [
runBlock.$inject = [
.module 'vssApp.core', modules
.run runBlock
Here's the full output from the error message I'm getting
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module vssApp due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module vssApp.config due to:
Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: IdleProvider$injector/unpr?p0=IdleProvider
at https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:18814
at https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:16489
at getService (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:14903)
at Object.invoke (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:15466)
at runInvokeQueue (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:13793)
at https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:14062
at forEach (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:19482)
at loadModules (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:13587)
at https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:13964
at forEach (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:19482)$injector/modulerr?p0=vssApp.config&p1=E…net%2Fassets%2Fapplication-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js%3A3%3A19482)
at https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:18814
at https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:14406
at forEach (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:19482)
at loadModules (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:13587)
at https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:13964
at forEach (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:19482)
at loadModules (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:13587)
at createInjector (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:4:16844)
at doBootstrap (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:28466)
at bootstrap (https://SERVER/assets/application-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js:3:28995)$injector/modulerr?p0=vssApp&p1=Error%3A…net%2Fassets%2Fapplication-85a5fd382c73380bf2a71b66e581c941.js%3A3%3A28995)
A rule of thumb is to load modules dependencies in each place where they are used. This allows to decouple them. And this eliminates race condition with service provider injection.
If the app looks like this
angular.module('vssApp', ['vssApp.config', 'ngIdle', ...])..
angular.module('vssApp.config', ['restangular'])...
service provider for Idle service is not defined at the time when vssApp.config module is loaded.
While this
angular.module('vssApp', ['ngIdle', 'vssApp.config', ...])
angular.module('vssApp.config', ['restangular'])...
avoids race condition but still indicates code smell.
It should be
angular.module('vssApp.config', ['restangular', 'ngIdle'])...
This issue applies to service providers only and config phase. Service instances can be injected for any module order.
Finally found the cause and solution to this, it seems to have been a bower issue.
It's a Rails app, so I specified ng-idle 1.2.1 in the bower.json file but for some reason the bower file was ignored when the app was being deployed using Dokku and the last installed version 0.3.5 remained, which meant that the pre-1.0.0 ng-idle services naming convention was still being used where all service names were preceded with a $. This resulted in the Unknown provider: IdleProvider error because $IdleProvider was the actual service name.
In the end I had to connect to the docker container and remove and reinstall all bower components. Running bower update as part of the deployment was not enough for some reason. When I have more time I will investigate what caused this behavior and I will report here.

"Unexpected error running Liquibase: Unknown Reason" liquibase 3.3.5 and grails war file

This is the command I am running:
java -jar /root/liquibase/liquibase.jar \
--driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver \
--logLevel=debug \
--changeLogFile=migrations/changelog.xml \
--classpath=/usr/share/tomcat7/lib/mysql.jar:/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/myApp.war \
--url="jdbc:mysql://" \
--username=myuser \
--password=mypass \
--contexts=MYCONTEXT \
this fails with the following unhelpful error message:
Unexpected error running Liquibase: Unknown Reason
SEVERE 9/9/15 2:23 PM: liquibase: Unknown Reason
at liquibase.database.DatabaseFactory.register(
at liquibase.database.DatabaseFactory.<init>(
at liquibase.database.DatabaseFactory.getInstance(
at liquibase.integration.commandline.CommandLineUtils.createDatabaseObject(
at liquibase.integration.commandline.Main.doMigration(
at liquibase.integration.commandline.Main.main(
I have no idea where to look. I have verified that the jars and wars are correct, i.e.
ls /root/liquibase/liquibase.jar
ls /usr/share/tomcat7/lib/mysql.jar
ls /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/revolve.war
All list the corresponding file.
Any ideas?
the war exploded looks like this:
lots of sql files
I have tired lots of variations, including:
--changeLogFile=WEB-INF/classes/migrations/changelog.xml \
the changelogs work find if I run them on my local pc outside of a war file, although I do have to cd into the directory where the main changelog.xml file is first, otherwise it does not work.
The main changelog looks like this:
<include file="baseline.xml"/>
<include file="something.xml"/>
and these included files have things like this:
<changeSet id="something" author="me">
<sqlFile path="sql//something//new_things.sql" />
using the grails in-application auto-updater feature with the data-migration 1.4.0 plug wont work, as it is hard coded to use liquibase version 2.0.5 which has major bugs.
using liquibase 3.4+ is not currently an option due to incompatibility.
If I try the command without including the war file location, I correctly get an error saying could not find the changelog file expected, and it creates the DATABASECHANGELOCK table in the db (so that side is ok)
No matter what I change changeLogFile ot, it always gives this error, even something completely wrong.
We dont want to go through the pain of generating diff sql, and running that sql.
I suspect the issue is to do with the relative paths of the includes in the change sets.
I also tried changing all the
<include file="something.xml"/>
<include file="something.xml" relativeToChangelogFile="true" />
<sqlFile path="sql//something//new_things.sql" />
<sqlFile relativeToChangelogFile="true" path="sql//something//new_things.sql" />
But this made no difference - same error. I tried exploding the war and running it on the exploded files - this works, but is not what we want (as there is no way to explode the war on the production machines - they dont have the jar command, and if we deploy the war to live servers, without the DB changes first, the live system will fail)
I don't know about Grails, but I'm immediately noticing those doubled-slashes in your paths. I would expect them to cause problems.
Are you perhaps thinking of the need to quote Windows-style backslashes? Where you see things like: C:\\path\\to\\file.dat.
But you don't need to do that for Unix-style slashes (or forward-slashes, if you will). (And if you did you'd still have to quote them with backslashes, like this: \/path\/to\/file.dat -- but don't do that.)
I have the same situation: using LiquiBase with a Grails application. I had to fall back to liquibase-core-2.0.5.jar, which is embedded in the Grails User Library. I could not figure out how to exclude the jar. Unfortunately, this version of LiquiBase is considered very buggy.

Assetic dump reveals "_settings.scss failed to import not found or unreadable"

I have been learning how to use assetic filters and integrating compass/foundation5 through assetics. When I attempt to use assetic:dump I get a mess of errors and despite my best efforts I have yet to find the solution. First off I think the root of the error lies here.
error assetic_compassyGuG5K.scss (Line 13 of src/test/CoreBundle/Resources/public/scss/_settings.scss: File to import not found or unreadable: foundation/functions.
Load paths:
I have attempted to do anything I can think of to clear the error (aside removing the filter completely, which would fix it). I even attempted to use foundation to load the site and though I got rid of this error it was replaced by a error stating that the foundation.xml could not be located.
My question is do I need to add the config.rb to the filter to define the locations or am I missing something all together in the filter?
# Assetic Configuration
debug: "%kernel.debug%"
use_controller: true
bundles: [ ]
#java: /usr/bin/java
cssrewrite: ~
bin: /home/nathan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/bin/compass
apply_to: "/.scss$"
# jar: "%kernel.root_dir%/Resources/java/compiler.jar"
# jar: "%kernel.root_dir%/Resources/java/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar"
assetic.ruby.bin: /home/nathan/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/bin/ruby
The apply_to checks a regular expression, and \ indicates that the next character will be escaped (dot in this case), then, / should be replaced with \.

CVS error - CVS exited with error code 1

I am seeing this error for quite sometime now.
I am running ant build on CYGWIN which inturn runs on WindowsXP.
The resolution(bad one) I found was to delete my gcct/first directory and run ant build again (which runs from another directory). It runs successfully but if I modify some code under gcct/first, I do not want to delete it because of this error.
I did see this link. The resolution here does not apply to me since I do not have .cvspass defined anywhere in the build.xml.
C:\svn\CEL_v3681\buildCore.xml:1883: cvs exited with error code 1
Command line was [Executing 'cvs' with arguments:
The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
not part of the command.
ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
APPDATA=C:\Documents and Settings\shankarc\Application Data
CLASSPATH=./;C:/Program Files/Java/jre1.5.0_07/lib/ext/
COMMONPROGRAMFILES=C:\Program Files\Common Files
IDEA_PROPERTIES=C:\Documents and Settings\shankarc\
JAVA_HOME=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_21/
JDK_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_21\
PATH=C:\Apps\CYGWIN\usr\local\bin;C:\Apps\CYGWIN\bin;C:\Apps\CYGWIN\bin;C:\Apps\CYGWIN\usr\X11R6\bin;C:\Apps\Apache\apache-ant-1.7.0\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_21\bin\;C:\Apps\CYGWIN\bin;C:\Program Files\VisualSVN Server\bin;C:\Program Files\Sudowin\Clients\Console;C:\Program Files\Fortify Software\Fortify 360 v2.5.0\bin
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel
QTJAVA=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_07\lib\ext\
USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\shankarc
Total time: 58 seconds
How I resolve this?
I had the same issue and found that even though I was not using .cvspass I did have a build property of cvs.pass set which needed to be reset to OVERRIDE to function depending on how you set up your cvs access (though it looked similar from your post). This needed to be changed in and Hope this helps!
