reference cell via two partial matches on another cell - google-sheets

I need to match two conditions on the cell Name and add the price information into cell price if both condition match. In other words, if Name contains both conditions, get the price. I tried different approaches using QUERY, SEARCH; FIND; VLOOKUP but I got stuck somewhere in the middle. Here's the example sheet (Google Spreadsheet solution preferred over Excel):
Maybe important: Both, the Name values as well as the whole reference table get pulled from other files dynamically. So I don't know anything concerning order or length of these columns in advance, not even if there are matches at all.

In addition to previous answer AND given the current set of data (in a Google spreadsheet), in B2 try:
=ArrayFormula(iferror(vlookup(regexreplace(A2:A; "[^A-Z]"; ""); {E2:E&F2:F\G2:G}; 2; 0)))
and see if that works ?

Based on your spreadsheet table:
you can try the following formula:
this formula works in excel not in google spreadsheets
=IFNA(INDEX($G$2:$G$6;MATCH(1;COUNTIFS(A2;"*"&$E$2:$E$100&"*";A2;"*"&$F$2:$F$100&"*");0));"NOT FOUND")
this is an array formula, so press ctrl+shift+enter to calculate the formula.
i think it will do the job.
here is the example file to download


Unique Filter multiple sheets with ArrayFormula

I have no idea how to title this post, apologize in advance.
I have several sheets with a number in Column I and a name centered and merged in columns A:H. I want to obtain the name from A:H of the corresponding value within I but do have duplicates, therefore I need the nth value when permitted. The formula I have so far works up to the point it does not autofill down as an ArrayFormula, so when I drag the formula down I get an #REF! error due to the fact that when a duplicate is found it cannot overwrite the formula below.
This will be easier to showcase: LINK TO SHEET.
Essentially, in the main sheet all the values in I:I of all the other sheets are obtained and sorted, then using that column I want to return the name that corresponds to the value, allowing for duplicates to work themselves out. I believe my issues resides in the $B1 part at the end of the formula preventing it from being an array.
Cell F2 on the Sheet1 tab:
=QUERY({Sheet2!A:I;Sheet3!A:I;Sheet4!A:I},"select Col1,Col9 where Col9>0 order by Col9 asc",0)
You can read more about query here.

Formula for looking up and filtering data from a sheet

I want to do a complex formula using google sheets:
I have a list of place that will be visited by different people.
Some places are not to be visited, marked with /
Some places need to be assigned, marked with ?
Wanted outcome:
A list of cells that changes every day automatic.
An overview of who is going where that day and what needs to be assigned.
So I need a formula that can select a row based on today() and then filter out Persons in that row. Then for each person, another formula that looks up the first row in the table and puts duplicates together.
Wanted outcome:
Link to excel file, but it needs to work in google sheets too: xlsx
My solution is not the most elegant but it does the job.
First I build a column with date and unique persons or ? in this column:
Then I find Places corresponding to these persons (I use filter function for it and then I use textjoin to keep them in single cell).
The formula is copied down as filter function does not accept a range and arrayformula as a filtering criterium.
My solution is available here:

How to use AVERAGEIF in Google Sheets, only addressing columns with a specific text

In Google Sheets, I'm trying to use AVERAGEIF to calculate an average of only some of the columns in another table.
The columns to be included in the average are marked by some text in a specific cell (e.g. the first or last row of that column).
Some columns are to be included in several averages, so the text in the top\bottom row would include several words (effectively meaning I'll need some sort of substring check such as FIND).
I've tried using AVERAGEIF() in conjuction with FIND() but couldn't get this to work.
Any ideas?
Here is an example of how the data sheet looks like, and how I would expect it to work
You can use following formula:
For table mentioned in comment you must change ranges:
You can use a query
=AVERAGE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE($A$1:$D),"where Col1 contains '"&D1&"'"))
Functions used:

Getting around circular reference in Google Spreadsheet

I have a google docs spreadsheet with two columns: A and B.
Values of B are just values from A in a different format, and I have a formula in the B column that does the conversion.
Sometimes I do not have the values in A format but I have them in B format. I would like to automatically get the values in A format in the A column by adding the formula that does the reverse conversion in the A column. This, of course, generates a circular reference. Is there a way to get around it?
On the top menu of a google spreadsheet do the following:
File > Spreadsheet settings
Choose the "Calculation" tab, and change "Iterative calculation" to ON.
Enjoy :D.
PD: I know that this post is too old, but just some days ago I needed a solution to this, and I couldnĀ“t find any.
From this week, Google Sheets has announced support for exactly this feature. You can now limit the number of iterations for circular references in the spreadsheets settings :-)
In excel you can set it to allow circular dependencies and limit the number of iterations they run (usually 1 is the desired result).
I've looked and nothing like that exists in sheets.
I know that this post is pretty old, but I saw it while looking to see the applications of a thing.
In sheets, you can use importrange to reference the same sheet and call the desired range. For instance, you can put a formula in B1 that is =A1+1 and in A1 use the formula =importrange(<THIS SHEET ID>,"B1")+1.
You may need to initially put the formula in A2 and then move it up to A1, but it should work.
Doing something like this essentially makes a second counter, which is neat I guess?
Solved with a script that implements the following algorithm
for each row{
if (A != "" && B == "")
B = conversionFromA(A);
if (A == "" && B != "")
A = conversionFrom(B);}
of course it has it's downsides, (you have to call the script each time you enter new data), but it's the best solution I found
I would add two more columns: data source and data format. Then, the formula in column A would take a value from data source either as is (if the format matches) or converted (if format doesn't match). Same for column B.
Instead of referencing your co-dependent formula cells, use other cells to hold your actual (non-formulaic) data and use the formula cells to show your results.

Google Spreadsheet range names

In Google Docs Spreadsheets, one can use Range Names to put labels on ranges of cells to make formulas more legible. In most formulas, one can use the range C:C to denote the entire C column, and C2:C to denote the entire C column after and including C2.
Is there a way to create range names of the same nature? When I try C:C or C2:C or Sheet!C:C or 'Sheet'!C:C I always get the error "The range you specified is not in a valid range format." I would like the range name to expand as my form adds rows to my spreadsheet. Thanks.
I just discovered the if you use the '-' operator, it starts from the bottom row. So,
starts from the last row and works it's way up to D12!
I had a similar problem. Although I do not know how to do exactly what you are asking, you can do essentially the same thing by referencing cells that are not yet created.
For example:
Column C currently has 100 cells (100 rows in the sheet)
Instead of referencing it with C:C, use C1:C999
If you make the row reference high enough, then you can account for future rows that you will create. Hope it helps.
I don't think so... even if you select a column manually while in the Range Name selector, it complains. That would be a nice feature and it would make sense since they support column ranges for formulas already.
I believe this does work now. I have a range name of "Sheet1!A10:AW10" with no problems.
If you try to do a whole column, I think it will just take all the available cells in the column at that time. i.e. if you make more cells later, you need to manually add to the range name.
I had the same problem with ranges such as A3:A which normally work in other places such as ARRAYFORMULA(), but the workaround is to not specify the starting row, such as A:A. In cases when this would be a problem, you can proxy the data through another column using something like ARRAYFORUMULA(A25:A) as the formula.
Update: Apparently I haven't read the question properly. I see that the OP had tried leaving out the row number, so perhaps it wasn't working at that time, but it does now. The notations still don't work.
Update2: I didn't notice that google spreadsheet replaces ranges like A:A to A1:A50, so new rows added later on do not still get included. That I think is what #Dean is trying to say in his answer.
I think it's a helpful tool to use Insert -> Define new range to make a wizard appear and make the syntax correct. Hehe
My response in other topic
