Create a .toString() extension for all numbers in Swift - ios

I'm trying to create a .toString method extension for numbers using Swift just for fun. It works if I specify Int, or Double, etc. It doesn't work right out of the box with NSNumber since it is an object in itself, right? Is there a way to 'catch all' ints floats doubles etc? Some base number class of some sort?
I see this other answer, but I don't want to create a custom type/protocol, just plug this on any 'number'.
Generic type constraint for numerical type only
extension Int {
func toString () -> String {
return String (self)

You don't need to reinvent the wheel. You can use Swift native description property for Double, Int, and NSNumbers:
Int(1).description // "1"
Double(2.0).description // "2.0"
NSNumber(double: 3.0).doubleValue.description // "3.0"

let x : Int = 33
let stringValue = "\(x)"
let stringValue = String(x)
let stringValue = Int(x).description


Using variable as lower bound for arc4random - explicit type/strideable?

I have updated a "Workout Object" to have both a minimum and maximum number of reps.
When I've been hardcoding the lower bound in a playground, I've been using :
let numberOfExercises = Int(arc4random_uniform(4) + 3)
When I try to use variables in a function/with a class object I get an error of "+'is unavailable: Please use explicit type conversions or Strideable methods for mixed-type arithmetics" e.g. here ...
class ExerciseGeneratorObject: Object {
#objc dynamic var name = ""
#objc dynamic var minReps = 0
#objc dynamic var maxReps = 0
convenience init(name: String, minReps: Int, maxReps: Int) {
self.init() = name
self.minReps = minReps
self.maxReps = maxReps
func generateExercise() -> WorkoutExercise {
return WorkoutExercise(
name: name,
//get error on this line...
reps: Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(maxReps))+minReps)
There is an answer here + is unavailable: Please use explicit type conversions or Strideable methods for mixed-type arithmetics but that method is already using so don't see how it's applicable here.
Also here '+' is deprecated: Mixed-type addition is deprecated in Swift 3.1 but again think this is a different problem
'+' is unavailable: Please use explicit type conversions or Strideable methods for mixed-type arithmetics.
let a: UInt32 = 4
let b = 3
let result = a + b //error
Basically means you can't add mixed-types.
In your case when you do arc4random_uniform(UInt32(maxReps)) + minReps, arc4random_uniform() returns a UInt32 which cannot be added to minReps because that's an Int.
Update your parenthesis:
let numberOfExercises = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(maxReps))) + minReps
Here Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(maxReps))) gives an Int that we can add to the minReps Int.
BTW, the following works out-of-the-box:
let numberOfExercises = Int(arc4random_uniform(4) + 3)
Because of Swift's automatic type inference. Basically it just went ahead with UInt32 without bothering you. That is... until you give it explicit mixed types.

iOS Swift: Formatting a custom Currency Number

Formatting large numbers with comma separator.
Solved (The code is updated and fully working)
Evening, I have a typealias Currency from Double.
I want to print it with the comma between the thousands.
this is what I did:
import Foundation
typealias Currency = Double
extension Currency {
var credit: Double { return self }
var usd: Double { return self * 0.62 }
func description() -> String {
let price = self as NSNumber
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
return formatter.string(from: price)!
let price: Currency = 1000000000
/* It doesn't work, I want something like 1000,000,000.0 */
But it doesn't work. What is wrong? 🤔
description is a property that comes baked into Foundation via the CustomStringConvertible protocol which states the description variable as:
A textual representation of the value.
You're looking to call your description() method. Add parentheses and you'll get your desired result:
You have defined a function description and I think it'll work as you expected if you call price.description(). It looks like you intended to override the default behavior of a CustomStringConvertable type but that uses a var description: String { get } property, not a function.

Get the class type name of a UIView subclass in Swift [duplicate]

Is there a way to print the runtime type of a variable in swift? For example:
var now = NSDate()
var soon = now.dateByAddingTimeInterval(5.0)
// Prints "(Metatype)"
// Prints "__NSDate" since objective-c Class objects have a "description" selector
// Compile-time error since ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<NSDate> has no "description" method
In the example above, I'm looking for a way to show that the variable "soon" is of type ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<NSDate>, or at least NSDate!.
Update September 2016
Swift 3.0: Use type(of:), e.g. type(of: someThing) (since the dynamicType keyword has been removed)
Update October 2015:
I updated the examples below to the new Swift 2.0 syntax (e.g. println was replaced with print, toString() is now String()).
From the Xcode 6.3 release notes:
#nschum points out in the comments that the Xcode 6.3 release notes show another way:
Type values now print as the full demangled type name when used with
println or string interpolation.
import Foundation
class PureSwiftClass { }
var myvar0 = NSString() // Objective-C class
var myvar1 = PureSwiftClass()
var myvar2 = 42
var myvar3 = "Hans"
print( "String(myvar0.dynamicType) -> \(myvar0.dynamicType)")
print( "String(myvar1.dynamicType) -> \(myvar1.dynamicType)")
print( "String(myvar2.dynamicType) -> \(myvar2.dynamicType)")
print( "String(myvar3.dynamicType) -> \(myvar3.dynamicType)")
print( "String(Int.self) -> \(Int.self)")
print( "String((Int?).self -> \((Int?).self)")
print( "String(NSString.self) -> \(NSString.self)")
print( "String(Array<String>.self) -> \(Array<String>.self)")
Which outputs:
String(myvar0.dynamicType) -> __NSCFConstantString
String(myvar1.dynamicType) -> PureSwiftClass
String(myvar2.dynamicType) -> Int
String(myvar3.dynamicType) -> String
String(Int.self) -> Int
String((Int?).self -> Optional<Int>
String(NSString.self) -> NSString
String(Array<String>.self) -> Array<String>
Update for Xcode 6.3:
You can use the _stdlib_getDemangledTypeName():
print( "TypeName0 = \(_stdlib_getDemangledTypeName(myvar0))")
print( "TypeName1 = \(_stdlib_getDemangledTypeName(myvar1))")
print( "TypeName2 = \(_stdlib_getDemangledTypeName(myvar2))")
print( "TypeName3 = \(_stdlib_getDemangledTypeName(myvar3))")
and get this as output:
TypeName0 = NSString
TypeName1 = __lldb_expr_26.PureSwiftClass
TypeName2 = Swift.Int
TypeName3 = Swift.String
Original answer:
Prior to Xcode 6.3 _stdlib_getTypeName got the mangled type name of a variable. Ewan Swick's blog entry helps to decipher these strings:
e.g. _TtSi stands for Swift's internal Int type.
Mike Ash has a great blog entry covering the same topic.
Edit: A new toString function has been introduced in Swift 1.2 (Xcode 6.3).
You can now print the demangled type of any type using .self and any instance using .dynamicType:
struct Box<T> {}
toString("foo".dynamicType) // Swift.String
toString([1, 23, 456].dynamicType) // Swift.Array<Swift.Int>
toString((7 as NSNumber).dynamicType) // __NSCFNumber
toString((Bool?).self) // Swift.Optional<Swift.Bool>
toString(Box<SinkOf<Character>>.self) // __lldb_expr_1.Box<Swift.SinkOf<Swift.Character>>
toString(NSStream.self) // NSStream
Try calling YourClass.self and yourObject.dynamicType.
Swift 3.0
let string = "Hello"
let stringArray = ["one", "two"]
let dictionary = ["key": 2]
print(type(of: string)) // "String"
// Get type name as a string
String(describing: type(of: string)) // "String"
String(describing: type(of: stringArray)) // "Array<String>"
String(describing: type(of: dictionary)) // "Dictionary<String, Int>"
// Get full type as a string
String(reflecting: type(of: string)) // "Swift.String"
String(reflecting: type(of: stringArray)) // "Swift.Array<Swift.String>"
String(reflecting: type(of: dictionary)) // "Swift.Dictionary<Swift.String, Swift.Int>"
Is this what you're looking for?
It prints "__NSDate"
UPDATE: Please note this no longer seems to work as of Beta05
My current Xcode is Version 6.0 (6A280e).
import Foundation
class Person { var name: String; init(name: String) { = name }}
class Patient: Person {}
class Doctor: Person {}
var variables:[Any] = [
for variable in variables {
let typeLongName = _stdlib_getDemangledTypeName(variable)
let tokens = split(typeLongName, { $0 == "." })
if let typeName = tokens.last {
println("Variable \(variable) is of Type \(typeName).")
Variable 5 is of Type Int.
Variable 7.5 is of Type Double.
Variable true is of Type Bool.
Variable maple is of Type String.
Variable Swift001.Person is of Type Person.
Variable Swift001.Patient is of Type Patient.
Variable Swift001.Doctor is of Type Doctor.
As of Xcode 6.3 with Swift 1.2, you can simply convert type values into the full demangled String.
toString(Int) // "Swift.Int"
toString(Int.Type) // "Swift.Int.Type"
toString((10).dynamicType) // "Swift.Int"
println(Bool.self) // "Swift.Bool"
println([UTF8].self) // "Swift.Array<Swift.UTF8>"
println((Int, String).self) // "(Swift.Int, Swift.String)"
println((String?()).dynamicType)// "Swift.Optional<Swift.String>"
println(NSDate) // "NSDate"
println(NSDate.Type) // "NSDate.Type"
println(WKWebView) // "WKWebView"
toString(MyClass) // "[Module Name].MyClass"
toString(MyClass().dynamicType) // "[Module Name].MyClass"
You can still access the class, through className (which returns a String).
There are actually several ways to get the class, for example classForArchiver, classForCoder, classForKeyedArchiver (all return AnyClass!).
You can't get the type of a primitive (a primitive is not a class).
var ivar = [:]
ivar.className // __NSDictionaryI
var i = 1
i.className // error: 'Int' does not have a member named 'className'
If you want to get the type of a primitive, you have to use bridgeToObjectiveC(). Example:
var i = 1
i.bridgeToObjectiveC().className // __NSCFNumber
You can use reflect to get information about object.
For example name of object class:
var classname = reflect(now).summary
Xcode 8 Swift 3.0 use type(of:)
let className = "\(type(of: instance))"
I had luck with:
let className = NSStringFromClass(obj.dynamicType)
With the latest release of Swift 3 we can get pretty descriptions of type names through the String initializer. Like, for example print(String(describing: type(of: object))). Where object can be an instance variable like array, a dictionary, an Int, a NSDate, an instance of a custom class, etc.
Here is my complete answer: Get class name of object as string in Swift
That question is looking for a way to getting the class name of an object as string but, also i proposed another way to getting the class name of a variable that isn't subclass of NSObject. Here it is:
class Utility{
class func classNameAsString(obj: Any) -> String {
//prints more readable results for dictionaries, arrays, Int, etc
return String(describing: type(of: obj))
I made a static function which takes as parameter an object of type Any and returns its class name as String :) .
I tested this function with some variables like:
let diccionary: [String: CGFloat] = [:]
let array: [Int] = []
let numInt = 9
let numFloat: CGFloat = 3.0
let numDouble: Double = 1.0
let classOne = ClassOne()
let classTwo: ClassTwo? = ClassTwo()
let now = NSDate()
let lbl = UILabel()
and the output was:
diccionary is of type Dictionary
array is of type Array
numInt is of type Int
numFloat is of type CGFloat
numDouble is of type Double
classOne is of type: ClassOne
classTwo is of type: ClassTwo
now is of type: Date
lbl is of type: UILabel
In Xcode 8, Swift 3.0
1. Get the Type:
Option 1:
let type : Type = MyClass.self //Determines Type from Class
Option 2:
let type : Type = type(of:self) //Determines Type from self
2. Convert Type to String:
let string : String = "\(type)" //String
In Swift 3.0, you can use type(of:), as dynamicType keyword has been removed.
To get a type of object or class of object in Swift, you must need to use a type(of: yourObject)
type(of: yourObject)
When using Cocoa (not CocoaTouch), you can use the className property for objects that are subclasses of NSObject.
This property is not available for normal Swift objects, which aren't subclasses of NSObject (and in fact, there is no root id or object type in Swift).
class Person {
var name: String?
var p = Person()
println(person.className) // <- Compiler error
In CocoaTouch, at this time there is not a way to get a string description of the type of a given variable. Similar functionality also does not exist for primitive types in either Cocoa or CocoaTouch.
The Swift REPL is able to print out a summary of values including its type, so it is possible this manner of introspection will be possible via an API in the future.
EDIT: dump(object) seems to do the trick.
The top answer doesn't have a working example of the new way of doing this using type(of:. So to help rookies like me, here is a working example, taken mostly from Apple's docs here -
doubleNum = 30.1
func printInfo(_ value: Any) {
let varType = type(of: value)
print("'\(value)' of type '\(varType)'")
//'30.1' of type 'Double'
I've tried some of the other answers here but milage seems to very on what the underling object is.
However I did found a way you can get the Object-C class name for an object by doing the following:
now?.superclass as AnyObject! //replace now with the object you are trying to get the class name for
Here is and example of how you would use it:
let now = NSDate()
println("what is this = \(now?.superclass as AnyObject!)")
In this case it will print NSDate in the console.
I found this solution which hopefully might work for someone else.
I created a class method to access the value. Please bear in mind this will work for NSObject subclass only. But at least is a clean and tidy solution.
class var className: String!{
let classString : String = NSStringFromClass(self.classForCoder())
return classString.componentsSeparatedByString(".").last;
In the latest XCode 6.3 with Swift 1.2, this is the only way I found:
if view.classForCoder.description() == "UISegment" {
Many of the answers here do not work with the latest Swift (Xcode 7.1.1 at time of writing).
The current way of getting the information is to create a Mirror and interrogate that. For the classname it is as simple as:
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: instanceToInspect)
let classname:String = mirror.description
Additional information about the object can also be retrieved from the Mirror. See for details.
Swift version 4:
print("\(type(of: self)) ,\(#function)")
// within a function of a class
Thanks #Joshua Dance
In lldb as of beta 5, you can see the class of an object with the command:
fr v -d r shipDate
which outputs something like:
(DBSalesOrderShipDate_DBSalesOrderShipDate_ *) shipDate = 0x7f859940
The command expanded out means something like:
Frame Variable (print a frame variable) -d run_target (expand dynamic types)
Something useful to know is that using "Frame Variable" to output variable values guarantees no code is executed.
I've found a solution for self-developed classes (or such you have access to).
Place the following computed property within your objects class definition:
var className: String? {
return __FILE__.lastPathComponent.stringByDeletingPathExtension
Now you can simply call the class name on your object like so:
Please note that this will only work if your class definition is made within a file that is named exactly like the class you want the name of.
As this is commonly the case the above answer should do it for most cases. But in some special cases you might need to figure out a different solution.
If you need the class name within the class (file) itself you can simply use this line:
let className = __FILE__.lastPathComponent.stringByDeletingPathExtension
Maybe this method helps some people out there.
Based on the answers and comments given by Klass and Kevin Ballard above, I would go with:
which will print out:
let i: Int = 20
func getTypeName(v: Any) -> String {
let fullName = _stdlib_demangleName(_stdlib_getTypeName(i))
if let range = fullName.rangeOfString(".") {
return fullName.substringFromIndex(range.endIndex)
return fullName
println("Var type is \(getTypeName(i)) = \(i)")
Swift 4:
// "TypeName"
func stringType(of some: Any) -> String {
let string = (some is Any.Type) ? String(describing: some) : String(describing: type(of: some))
return string
// "ModuleName.TypeName"
func fullStringType(of some: Any) -> String {
let string = (some is Any.Type) ? String(reflecting: some) : String(reflecting: type(of: some))
return string
print(stringType(of: SomeClass())) // "SomeClass"
print(stringType(of: SomeClass.self)) // "SomeClass"
print(stringType(of: String())) // "String"
print(fullStringType(of: String())) // "Swift.String"
There appears to be no generic way to print the type name of an arbitrary value's type. As others have noted, for class instances you can print value.className but for primitive values it appears that at runtime, the type information is gone.
For instance, it looks as if there's not a way to type: 1.something() and get out Int for any value of something. (You can, as another answer suggested, use i.bridgeToObjectiveC().className to give you a hint, but __NSCFNumber is not actually the type of i -- just what it will be converted to when it crosses the boundary of an Objective-C function call.)
I would be happy to be proven wrong, but it looks like the type checking is all done at compile time, and like C++ (with RTTI disabled) much of the type information is gone at runtime.
This is how you get a type string of your object or Type which is consistent and takes into account to which module the object definition belongs to or nested in. Works in Swift 4.x.
#inline(__always) func typeString(for _type: Any.Type) -> String {
return String(reflecting: type(of: _type))
#inline(__always) func typeString(for object: Any) -> String {
return String(reflecting: type(of: type(of: object)))
struct Lol {
struct Kek {}
// if you run this in playground the results will be something like
typeString(for: Lol.self) // __lldb_expr_74.Lol.Type
typeString(for: Lol()) // __lldb_expr_74.Lol.Type
typeString(for: Lol.Kek.self)// __lldb_expr_74.Lol.Kek.Type
typeString(for: Lol.Kek()) // __lldb_expr_74.Lol.Kek.Type
Not exactly what you are after, but you can also check the type of the variable against Swift types like so:
let object: AnyObject = 1
if object is Int {
else if object is String {
For example.
Xcode 7.3.1, Swift 2.2:

Does Swift support implicit conversion?

For example, I have the following code:
let numberOfBlocks = 3
let blockWidth = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "image.png").size.width
let padding = 20.0
let offsetX : Float = (self.frame.size.width - (blockWidth * numberOfBlocks + padding * (numberOfBlocks-1))) / 2
I got the error:
'Double' is not convertible to 'UInt8'
Is there a way to implicitly convert the data type (maybe only for primitive data type)?
I know how to do the explicit conversion by using constructor of particular type as Iducool suggested. But it's not a big help to my question because we even don't know where to add the conversions. I simplified my expression in playground:
The problem is in "padding" variable, the error message is
'Double' is not convertible to 'UInt8'.
So I did the conversion:
Then the problem is in "blockWidth" variable now.
I added the conversion again:
And error message is:
Type 'UInt8' does not conform to protocol 'FloatLiteralCovertible'
The final working expression is:
Is it simple and swift? I don't think so.
There is no implicitly cast in Swift.
Easy way of conversion in swift is using constructor of particular type.
Like if you want to get Float from double then you can use Float(doubleValue) and Same way if you want to convert float to integer then you can use Int(floatValue).
In your case:
let intValue = UInt8(doubleValue)
Beware that you will lose any value after the decimal point. So, choose a better way. Above conversion is just to help you in understanding.
Note that Swift always chooses Double (rather than Float) when inferring the type of floating-point numbers.
Swift doesn't support implicitly cast anymore in Xcode6 GM. Following answer only apply to Xcode6 beta version.
I don't want to talk about implicitly cast is good or bad, but you can have it if you really want with __conversion()
e.g. If you need UInt8 and Int be able to convert from Double
extension Double {
func __conversion() -> UInt8 { return UInt8(self) }
func __conversion() -> Int { return Int(self) }
// add more if you need to
xcrun swift
Welcome to Swift! Type :help for assistance.
1> extension Double {
2. func __conversion() -> UInt8 { return UInt8(self) }
3. }
4> var d = 1.0
d: Double = 1
5> var u8 : UInt8 = d
u8: UInt8 = 1
Note: I won't put this in my production code. I only want to point out it if possible but not recommending it.
using bridgeToObjectiveC() method you can call the methods provided in Objective - C to convert from one primitive data type to another for e.g.
will convert that variable named variable_name to integer
Implicit conversion is possible but with literals only and some conversions are available from the box e.g. Int -> Double:
let a = 3 // Int
let b = 100.5 // Double
// Doesn't work with variables
let c = a * b // Error: Binary operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Int' and 'Double'
// But this works, because Int(3) literal converts to Double(3.0) implicitly
let d = 3 * b // 301.5
If you want to make backward conversion Double -> Int you should extend Int with ExpressibleByFloatLiteral:
extension Int: ExpressibleByFloatLiteral {
public init(floatLiteral value: Double) {
// Double(100.5) converts to Int(100)
let e = a * 100.5 // 300
Even more it's possible to implicitly convert to any type from literals, for instance String -> URLRequest:
extension URLRequest: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
public init(stringLiteral value: String) {
self.init(url: URL(string: value)!)
let request: URLRequest = ""

Swift closure as values in Dictionary

I'm trying to use an Objective-C library which expects a NSDictionary as its return type. Within the NSDictionary, I can return values of any type, including blocks.
I cannot figure out if there is a way to write an analogous swift method that returns a Dictionary with a closure or a string as a possible value type.
I can't use AnyObject as the value type for the dictionary so this doesn't work:
Dictionary<String,AnyObject> = ["Key":{(value:AnyObject) -> String in return value.description]
I get a Does not conform to protocol error from the compiler regarding the closure and AnyObject.
Is there a higher level type or protocol that both closures and basic types adhere to that I can use as the value type in a Dictionary?
Your basic problem is that in Objective-C closures (aka blocks) are represented as NSObject (or more precisely are transparently converted to NSObjects) while in Swift there is no such mapping. This means that closures can not be directly stored in a Dictionary (short of using objective-c glue)
The closest I can come up with is something along the lines of wrapping the value in an enum:
enum DataType {
case AsString(String)
case AsClosure((AnyObject)->String)
var dict:Dictionary<String,DataType> = [
"closure":DataType.AsClosure({(argument:AnyObject) -> String in
return "value"
Which is probably a better solution anyway, because this way you have an explicit typing associated with individual arguments instead of it being implicit using some sort of inflection.
Alternatively, you could only wrap the closure and use a dictionary of type Dictionary<String,Any>.
If you still need a workaround, here is one; usage looks like this:
var d : [String : AnyObject] = [:]
d["a"] = Blocks.voidBlockToId({ println("Doing something") })
d["b"] = "Some string"
d["c"] = Blocks.intBlockToId({ i in println("Called with integer: \(i)") })
Output is:
Called with integer: 1
Doing something
Some string
The Blocks class is defined like this in Objective-C (with corresponding header and bridging header, I won't put those here):
typedef void(^VoidBlock)(void);
typedef void(^IntBlock)(int);
#implementation Blocks
+ (id) voidBlockToId: (VoidBlock) block { return block; }
+ (VoidBlock) toVoidBlock: (id) block { return (VoidBlock)block; }
+ (id) intBlockToId: (IntBlock) block { return block; }
+ (IntBlock) toIntBlock:(id)block { return (IntBlock)block; }
You also need to add a new xyzBlockToId and toXyzBlock method for every new closure-type you want to use. It's pretty ugly, but it works.
There is another type, Any, that object, structs and primitives all conform to but functions do not. There is no general function type, but you can describe a function type as its arguments and return value like this:
Dictionary<String, (AnyObject) -> String>
Function Types
Could you use an NSMutableDictionary?
Alternatively, this seemed to work for me using your example:
1> import Foundation
2> var myDict: [String: (NSObject) -> String] = ["Key":{(value:NSObject) -> String in return value.description}]
myDict: [String : (NSObject) -> String] = {
[0] = {
key = "Key"
value =
3> myDict["Key"]!("Testing")
$R2: String = "Testing"
Hmm, maybe this Swift-Code doesn't really help, because you want to have heterogenous dictionaries.
It's also not possible to put closures into an NSDictionary, it seems (as a closure does not conform to AnyObject).
You could also roll your own higher type using an enum. You need the dictionary values to be either strings or functions which return strings, so define a type to represent that:
enum MyDictVal {
case ValString(String)
case ValFunc(AnyObject -> String)
Then, you can put it in a dictionary:
let d: Dictionary<String, MyDictVal> = [
"a": .ValString("a")
, "b": .ValFunc({ (value) in value.description })
Then you'll need to process the dictionary values using pattern matching:
switch d["b"] {
case .ValString(let s):
case .ValFunc(let f):
A more "generic" solution which should work with Any object, but shown with closures and function references. Drop it into a playground and try it out!
// Wrapper for sticking non-objects in NSDictionary instances
class ObjectWrapper {
let value: T
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
// convenience to downcast `as! ObjectWrapper` and return its value
func getValueFromObjectWrapper(a: AnyObject) -> T {
return (a as! ObjectWrapper).value
func wrappedObjectsInDictionary() -> NSDictionary {
var dict = NSMutableDictionary()
let appendToFoo: (String) -> String = NSString.stringByAppendingString("foo")
let firstChar: (String) -> Character = { $0[$0.startIndex] }
dict.setObject(ObjectWrapper(firstChar), forKey: "stringToChar")
dict.setObject(ObjectWrapper(appendToFoo), forKey: "stringTransformer")
return dict.copy() as! NSDictionary
let dict = wrappedObjectsInDictionary()
let appendToFoo: (String) -> String = getValueFromObjectWrapper(dict["stringTransformer"]!)
let strToChar: (String) -> Character = getValueFromObjectWrapper(dict["stringToChar"]!)
appendToFoo("bar") // "foobar"
strToChar("bar") // "b"
