ios frosted glass logic - ios

Frosted Glass Effect
I'm thinking of how to approach this logically..
So we take the background image ( for example )
Then, we want to add our frosted glass button to this image. Here's how it should look..
Now I know I cannot programatically blur the background image of the button, so I'll to try and do it with two images.. Background.png and Backgorund_Blurred.png.
Now, the frosted glass effect will happen on animated objects. So, as they move across the screen, it should appear that it is blurring the background image behind it, however, to achieve this I can only think of one way. But doing so is beyond my current capability.
It would have to be a background_blurred image for the UIButton for example. No scaled in any way, and the exact same size as the normal background. Then, I would have to take the buttons relative position on the normal background and append the background_blurred of the button to suit.
My first question; is this possible?
Second question; is there an easier approach?
Lastly, I've added an image to make sense of the relative position theory.

Check out the FXBlur library, it'll let you blur images/views.. I've used it successfully and sounds like it'll do what you want.
I think having two images for these assets maybe easier, but having the views blur may be better in the long run as you wouldn't have to worry about updating the images for different resolutions in the future or care about how big the button is/will be.. Also if you want to do this with more images it'll turn into a mess with all the different images to manage.. The library is simple to use, with one call you'll have a blurred image/view..


Detect blurred part of an image

I have an image in the image view. When user taps on the image, it makes a part of the image blur. This part is working fine (as expected). But, if the part if already blurred then I do not want it to be blurred further. Can you give me a clue on how it can be achieved ? Consider any general image.
Either keep the original image and the blurred image separately as Alexander suggests, or keep a mask that lets you track what parts of the image have already been blurred, and mask away the already-blurred areas before applying your blur filter again.
Does the image have to blur by being touched or can it just look like it is? What if you loaded the original image on top of a blurred version of the image and erased the top layer on touch? Kind of renders your blurring function useless though.
It's a pretty hacky way to do it, but unless you want to keep track of a list of every pixel that was altered like Alexander said, I can't think of another way. That way you can just apply the blur to the already unaffected ones.

Darken an opaque UIView without blending

My App's background is an opaque UIImageView. Under some circumstances I would like to darken this down in an animated way from full brightness to about 50%. Currently I lower the alpha property of the view and this works well. Because nothing is behind the view, the background image just becomes dark.
However, I've been profiling using the Core Animation Instrument and when I do this, I see that the whole background shows as being blended. I'd like to avoid this if possible.
It seems to me that this would be achievable during compositing. If a view is opaque, it is possible to mix is with black without anything behind showing through. It's not necessary to blend it, just adjust the pixel values.
I wondered if this was something that UIKit's GPU compositing supports. While blending isn't great, it's probably a lot better than updating the image on the CPU, so I think a CPU approach is probably not a good substitute.
Another question asks about this, and a few ideas are suggested including setting the Alpha. No one has brought up a mechanism for avoiding blending though.
An important question here is whether you want the change to using a darkened background to be animated.
Not animated
Prepare two different background images and simply swap between them. The UIImage+imageEffects library could help with generating the darkened image, or give you some leads.
Take a look at GPUImage - "An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing". Based on this you could render the background in to the scene in a darkened way.

UISlider Custom Thumb Image Resizing Issue

I want to get directions for following two issues related to UISlider control customization.
I just updated the UISlideThumbImage as seen in following screenshot. As thumb image is in retina display, so its large image; My question is how we can resize the thumb image? I don't want to resize thumb image PNG. If i will do that then on retina display screens, it will seems blur.
Default clickable area of thumb image of slider is 23x23. How we can increase that area? So that we can adjust it according to the size of thumb image. Currently, if i will move finger in 23x23 bounds, it will start sliding but if out side of that bound, it will not move but i also want to move the thumb if i will slide on any place of the thumb image.
Your important suggestions will be move helpful in this regards. Is there any third party library present which will do it more efficiently regardless of doing it ourself and spend more time over it?
From my experience with customising UISlider, It's better just not using the default one.
There is a open source Range Slider:
And notice there is a option to remove the lower thumb so you acutely have a regular customising UISlider
"(New) Disable lower handle so it behaves like a regular UISlider but still use other features."

Fill image with different color by detecting the different parts

I have an Image of a landscape which i need to fill with different colors.
When i select colors from palette and start scrubbing on any particular part, only that part should get the color even if by mistake i take my finger outside of that image part.
So basically i need to detect which part of image have i tapped so that only that part takes the color.
I am developing this app in Cocos2dx, but any help in logic would be a good point to start.
Here is an example of what i want.
Note : I know i could achieve this by taking separate images and then detecting touches, but that increases the app size by alot of MB's.
I guess user will be able to draw only on white part of the image.
If above is true, what i want you to do is, in your touchesMoved method, check if any black color (non white) pixel is present between previous touch point and current touch point.
If there is no such black pixel, then draw it else dont draw it.

What is the best way to draw skinnable "buttons" in a video game?

I'm looking for ideas on how to draw a skinnable "button" in a game application. If I use a fixed sprite non-vector image for the button background, then I can't size the button easily. If I write code to draw a resizable button (like Windows buttons are drawn), then the programmer has to get involved -- and it makes skinning difficult. Another option is to break the button into 9 smaller images (3x3) and stretch them all -- kindof like rounded corners are done in HTML.
Is there another "easier" way? What's the best approach?
If you really want to accomplish this, the way to do it is with texture coordinates. Much like you would make a stretchable button/panel design in HTML with a table, you simply define the UV coordinates for the corners, the top stretchable area, the bottom stretchable area, the side stretchable areas, and then the middle.
For an example of this being implemented in an XNA engine (though it's a closed source engine), see this:
Yes. I am working on an Editor. It's a XAML-like language (or OpenLaszlo-like, if you prefer) for XNA. So the buttons can be resized by the editor. The buttons might also be resized by a style sheet.
I guess you're right that it's likely that the buttons will all be the same size in a real design. But even in a window's app, you sometimes need to make a button wider to accomodate text.
It should be possible with shaders. You would probably have to do texel lookups, but it would cut down on the number of triangles in a complex UI.
