Grails controller service - src/groovy poll controller for property value - grails

I'm basically trying to get the percentage of time a task is taking to display to the user on the screen in an overlay template.
I have a service that is calculating the process percentage:
def progressCalculation(requestsToSend, requestsSent, requestsFailed, progressPercentage) {
progressPercentage = 100 / requestsToSend * (requestsSent + requestsFailed)
progressPercentage = Math.round(progressPercentage * 1) / 1
MyController upCont = new MyController()
this continues to send progressReport.progressPercentage to the controller:
def progress(progressData) {
int statusToView = progressData
if (statusToView % 5==0) {
[statusToView: statusToView]
I have created a src/groovy file that is using websockets from here:
My connection is working but I need to show the percentage on the view using the websocket which is working.
public String handleMessage(String message) {
message = MyController.progressPercentage
String replyMessage = "echo "+message
return replyMessage
now what I'm trying to so here is return the progressPercentage value from the controller to the src/groovy file so that my view can continually updated with the latest property value whilst the task is completing.

MyController upCont = new MyController() seriously?
It is good idea to move the code that hosts and modifies progressPercentage variable to service layer and access it using service rather than controller.
myService.progressPercentage rather than MyController.progressPercentage
Also you must inject myService , not instantiate it as myService = new MyService(), services are singletons you can not instantiate them like this. They are managed by the spring container.
Actually if you do MyController upCont = new MyController()
and you try to access a property of upCont you will get this beautiful error message:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No thread-bound request found: Are you referring to request attributes outside of an actual web request, or processing a request outside of the originally receiving thread? If you are actually operating within a web request and still receive this message, your code is probably running outside of DispatcherServlet/DispatcherPortlet: In this case, use RequestContextListener or RequestContextFilter to expose the current request.

I put those instructions together so if I can help you in any way do let me know.
Websockets require as much frontend work as backend. so to get back the data via websockets you need to expand on the java script as well as expand on the backend websocket sending that information to the java script.
So if you had a button on the frontend gsp that rather than was a typical
You can take a look at some of my plugins that already do this. There is a ping/pong that happens discretely in which if user defines within taglib the websocket connection triggers a pong that frontend javascript receives and sends ping - and they continue doing this..
Here is another example which is what you probably need to use:
This is the result back from websocket
which when recieved updates this span or div id:
so you need to get your websocket to send it back in some json format that your frontend javascript picks up the json request and if it is of a certain convention to look for a value and update a div on the frontend.
There is a good video I have done on wschat which shows you updating frontend using websocket client/server. it may help you understand it better or
unsure which one it was in
E2A: it will need to be a service: then the few lines ahead registers those services in the websocket endpoint. Now going back in the history of the code or if you follow onMessage to verifyAction - you will need to send something from frontend - or upon when a connection is made to then send a message to frontend You can use userSession to directly message the person making the socket connection. On webpage using javascript parse json and update div as mentioned above


How can I use a websocket to report the progress of POST file uploads with Fast API

Taking the file upload and websocket examples from Fast API, consider a POST route:"/uploadfiles/")
async def create_upload_files(files: List[UploadFile] = File(...)):
data = [file.filename for file in files]
return process_data(data)
And consider the websocket
async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket, client_id: int):
await manager.connect(websocket)
while True:
data = await websocket.receive_text()
await manager.send_personal_message(f"You wrote: {data}", websocket)
# Replace with update based on process_data() status
except WebSocketDisconnect:
How can I update the websocket on the progress of any post requests for a given client_id?
I've looked through dependency injections and background tasks, and I can't seem to figure out a way to do it.
Ultimately, the tool I'm trying to build:
User uploads multiple files on client side
Server processes the files (which can take minutes to hours), and will ultimately return a single file to the user (e.g., redirect to download the file)
Meanwhile, I'd like the user to be updated on the progress on the data processing (e.g., via websockets).
If the user closes the tab (client side disconnect), the original data proecss job is stopped.
I've read about polling and other approaches, but it seems like web sockets ought to work.

Showing Status Message on the Top of Grails Views whenever Some Service went Down

I am Developing grails application with multiple services and Quartz Jobs. Within Grails Quartz Jobs, I inject some services which make requests to server and perform some operation based upon the result, returned from server.
Now, Sometimes that server goes down due to some reasons and the service which communicates with that server gets connectionException. As all this is happening at back end and user doesn't know about it. I want to show message to user (No matter in which GSP page currently user is when server went down) at the top of the GSP whenever my service encounters that server is Down.
And that message will be disappeared when my service started communicating server (when server is up). As far I know, FLASH can be used here but that persists within single request but I want to show this message until server becomes accessible.
What are the different options for me to achieve this in Grails ? What will be best option ?
Thanks in Advance :)
Create a status service that keeps a volatile stats property, set it to reflect the status when it changes and use a tag library to read the status and include it in your layout/GSPs.
Here is a very quick example of that
First the Service:
// MyStatusService
package com.example
class MyStatusService {
boolean isServerDown = false
Then within your code:
// From within your code, setting the status
def myStatusService // assumes you can inject it
myStatusService.isServerDown = true // or false depending on your code
A tag library:
// MyStatus TagLibrary
package com.example
class MyStatusTagLib {
def myStatusService
static namespace = "myStatus"
def checkStatus = { attrs ->
if (myStatusService.isServerDown) {
out << "Server is down message here."
Then finally in your GSP or even your layout:
<myStatus:checkStatus />
Hope that helps.

Xamarin PCL that makes requests to REST service and returns models

So as recommended I'd like to use RestSharp to handle REST web service. I am developing iOS and Android application and I would love to make PCL that makes requests to the service and just returns parsed results (eg. array of User objects).
So how do I get RestSharp in my PCL, tried NuGet, components are not for PCLs and seriously bad would be to just download source files and copy them in the project, I want to keep some dependency management in place.
What is the best practice? Am I looking at this problem at wrong angle?
RestSharp doesn't support PCLs. I'd suggest checking out PortableRest, or just using a combination of HttpClient and Json.NET.
I use dependency injection so I can support non-PCL JSON parsers. I also plan to give the native HttpClient wrappers from the component store a try. By using non-PCL code you will gain quite a lot in performance compared to Json.NET etc.
Link to source code
Text library has serializer interfaces, Web has the IRestClient.
Modern HTTP Client from the component store.
Below modifications worked for me and will be glad if it works out to you.
Try using modernhttpclient in your PCL. And inAndroid project ensure you have the below packages.
Along with that in application manifest under required permissions give permissions to the below.
Ideally when you try to add Microsoft.Bcl into your Android project targettting monoandroid it will throw out error, so try to add the nuget refrence in the above order.
I developed a really simple REST client to perform Http requests easily. You can check it on my Github repo. The API is really simple:
await new Request<T>()
.SetHttpMethod(HttpMethod.[Post|Put|Get|Delete].Method) //Obligatory
.SetEndpoint("") //Obligatory
.SetJsonPayload(someJsonObject) //Optional if you're using Get or Delete, Obligatory if you're using Put or Post
.OnSuccess((serverResponse) => {
//Optional action triggered when you have a succesful 200 response from the server
//serverResponse is of type T
.OnNoInternetConnection(() =>
// Optional action triggered when you try to make a request without internet connetion
.OnRequestStarted(() =>
// Optional action triggered always as soon as we start making the request i.e. very useful when
// We want to start an UI related action such as showing a ProgressBar or a Spinner.
.OnRequestCompleted(() =>
// Optional action triggered always when a request finishes, no matter if it finished successufully or
// It failed. It's useful for when you need to finish some UI related action such as hiding a ProgressBar or
// a Spinner.
.OnError((exception) =>
// Optional action triggered always when something went wrong it can be caused by a server-side error, for
// example a internal server error or for something in the callbacks, for example a NullPointerException.
.OnHttpError((httpErrorStatus) =>
// Optional action triggered when something when sending a request, for example, the server returned a internal
// server error, a bad request error, an unauthorize error, etc. The httpErrorStatus variable is the error code.
.OnBadRequest(() =>
// Optional action triggered when the server returned a bad request error.
.OnUnauthorize(() =>
// Optional action triggered when the server returned an unauthorize error.
.OnInternalServerError(() =>
// Optional action triggered when the server returned an internal server error.

Test Webhook at localhost in braintree

I am working on braintree and I want to send custom email notifications to my customers as I am working with recurring billing, so every month these custom notifications should be send to all users. For this I have to use webhooks to retrieve currently ocuured event and then send email notification according to webhook's response. (I think this is only solution in this case, If anyone know another possible solution please suggest). I want to test webhooks at my localhost first, And I have tried to create a new webhook and specified the localhost path as destination to retrieve webhooks. But this shows a error "Destination is not verified"..........
My path is : ""
These are some of the tools that can be used during development of webhooks :
1) PostCatcher,
2) RequestBin,
3) ngrok,
4) PageKite and
5) LocalTunnel
Well Another way to test it is by creating a WebAPI and POSTing Data to your POST method via Postman. To do this, just create a WebAPI in Visual Studio. In the API controller, create a POST method.
/// <summary>
/// Web API POST method for Braintree Webhook request
/// The data is passed through HTTP POST request.
/// A sample data set is present in POSTMAN HTTP Body
/// /api/webhook
/// </summary>
/// <param name="BTRequest">Data from HTTP request body</param>
/// <returns>Webhook notification object</returns>
public WebhookNotification Post([FromBody]Dictionary<String, String> BTRequest)
WebhookNotification webhook = gateway.WebhookNotification.Parse(BTRequest["bt_signature"], BTRequest["bt_payload"]);
return webhook;
In Postman, Post the following data in the Body as raw JSON.
"bt_signature":"Generated Data",
"bt_payload":"Very long generated data"
The data for the above Json dictionary has been generated through the below code:
Dictionary<String, String> sampleNotification = gateway.WebhookTesting.SampleNotification(WebhookKind.DISPUTE_OPENED, "my_Test_id");
// Your Webhook kind and your test ID
Just pick the data from sample notification and place it above in the JSON. Run your WebAPI, place debuggers. Add the localhost URL in Postman, select POST, and click on Send.
Your POST method should be hit.
Also, don't forget to add your gateway details:
private BraintreeGateway gateway = new BraintreeGateway
Environment = Braintree.Environment.SANDBOX,
MerchantId = "Your Merchant Key",
PublicKey = "Your Public Key",
PrivateKey = "Your Private Key"
I hope this helps!
I work at Braintree. If you need more help, please get in touch with our support team.
In order to test webhooks, your app needs to be able to be reached by the Braintree Gateway. A localhost address isn't. Try using your external IP address and make sure the port on the correct computer can be reached from the internet.
Take a look at the Braintree webhook guide for more info on setting up webhooks.
You can use PutsReq to simulate the response you want and do your end-to-end test in development.
For quick 'n dirty testing:
For more formal testing (e.g. continuous integration):
If you have a online server you may forward port from your computer to that server.
ssh -nNT -R 9090:localhost:3000
And then specify webhook as
all requests will be forwarded to you machine, you will be able to see logs
I know this is an old question, but according to the docs, you can use this code to test your webhook code:
Dictionary<String, String> sampleNotification = gateway.WebhookTesting.SampleNotification(
WebhookNotification webhookNotification = gateway.WebhookNotification.Parse(
// "my_id"
You can use the Svix CLI Listener:
This will allow you to easily channel requests to your public endpoint to a local port where you can run your logic against and debug it on your localhost.

Netty client acting as a service

I am currently working on a client-server application using netty, some of the clients are not going to be doing anything until they recieve a message. I have read the api and can´t find a way to do so. I mean I could try to have "in.readline()" on the main so it won´t end but it Doesn´t feel right. Also could have endless loops but I don´t think its the right way either.
The question here is: is there a way to bind the socket for incoming messages just like the server having the main method ending?
public void run(){
EventLoopGroup group = new NioEventLoopGroup();
try {
Bootstrap bootstrap = new Bootstrap()
.handler(new ChatClientInitializer());
Channel channel = bootstrap.connect(host,port).sync().channel();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
System.out.println("Inserte su nombre");
String nombre = in.readLine();
MyClientChannel canal = new MyClientChannel(channel,nombre);
See that at the end I had to write "in.readline()" so the program wouldn´t end and the handler would be still up for incomming messages
The easiest thing to do would be to replace:
When the connection to the server is disconnected, the client will terminate.
You will also want to spend some time defining your client's life-cycle, so that the channel's state doesn't affect when your application is running and when it's not.
