How to get areas/regions for a country and cities for this area/region? - geolocation

We made a simple query which gets some cities:
SELECT * FROM `allCountries` WHERE name='Moscow' and `country_code` = 'RU'
Here is the result of this query:
For example, for another city we get a result with 4-7 rows.
How to get all areas/regions for a country and then get all cities for this area/region?
P.S.: Please be careful. We are not interested in an API site and database fetch. Thanks!

In Geonames you have feature_classes and feature_codes which discriminate the location type. You can find detailed description of the code in the Geonames website. As in your snapshot, P.PPLC means "City (populated place) which is capital of a political entity" and S.HLC means "building (spot) hotel".
Also, every geoname have properties to identify the location in the "hierarchy" inside a country; this properties are country_code, admin1_code, admin2_code, admin3_code, admin4_code. Note that not all properties are used for every given geoname, since this depends on the political organization of a country.
Find all city inside an administrative level
To find all city inside an area (i.e. administrative level), you must first search the geoname for that admin level, in order to have the admin codes useful to filter the city query.
To find an admin level, you must first execute a query like:
FROM `allCountries`
WHERE `country_code` = 'RU'
AND `feature_class`='A'
AND `feature_code`='ADM1'
Note that the query filter out only the first admin levels (feature_code='ADM1'), but you can find admin level of any depth by changing it to:
FROM `geonames`
WHERE `country_code` = 'RU'
AND `feature_class`='A'
AND `feature_code` LIKE 'ADM_'
Now, select one record from this result set and you it to search for the cities, by using the "hierarchy" codes of that level. You should use something like (mutatis mutandis):
FROM `geonames`
WHERE `country_code` = "RU"
AND `feature_class`='P'
AND `feature_code` LIKE 'PPL%'
AND `admin1_code`="<admin1>"
AND `admin2_code`="<admin2>"
AND `admin3_code`="<admin3>"
AND `admin4_code`="<admin4>"
Beware of NULL admin codes, which you need to strip out from the SQL (the whole "AND ..." clause).
Of course, you can do the original "Moscow" search inside this filtered set.

The answer for your question is pretty long, but this code snippet may help you a little bit. These queries obtain all hierarchy information about given geonameid (it's plpython inside postgres).
get_geoname = plpy.prepare("SELECT geonameid, asciiname, country, admin1, admin2 FROM all_countries where geonameid=$1",
get_country_name = plpy.prepare("SELECT name as country from country_info where code = upper($1)", ["varchar"])
get_admin1 = plpy.prepare("SELECT asciiname, name FROM admin1 where code = $1", ["text"])
get_admin2 = plpy.prepare("SELECT asciiname, name FROM admin2 where code = $1", ["text"])


Searching for specific characters in user input

Within my house table I have a postcode for each house.
I also have an index view for my housing table that contains a table which contains headings such as 'Name', 'Address', 'State'. I was looking to integrate a text_field_tag that would allow user's to input the 9 digits of a postcode in order to filter the table to only show the house with that postcode. However, I also want the user to be able to input the first 4 digits of their postcode e.g. '7644' and it would display all houses that begin with '7644' e.g. two records one with the postcode of the '76444-5645' and '76443-123'. Ideally I would apply logic through my '#search' variable within my houses controller. However I am up to any ideas or tips.
In order to instantiate the house model I would use #house = House.all
I'll be honest I don't know where to begin with this. I have arel_sql in my system so I assume that would be used to query for the search.
It depends on how your models/controllers are defined but you're probably looking for the SQL operator LIKE + '%', which allows you to search for a pattern in a given column. Example:
LIKE Operator
WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'a%'
Finds any values that start with "a"
Assuming you're using ActiveRecord and your model is House, it wouldn't event need to instantiate all houses. Your code would look something like this:
postcode = '7644'
#houses = House.where('postcode LIKE ?', "#{postcode}%") # this returns where the postcode starts with '7644'
another similar SO answer for reference

rails - count records by value

I am trying to group records based on a value from a column, so I can use it to display the information elsewhere. At the moment I have this working if I specify the values in the column -
#city_count ='city,count(*)').where("city in ('london', 'paris')").group(:city).count
This works fine if I want a list of people in London and Paris but if the city list also has Sydney, New York, Rio etc I don't want to keep adding the extra cities to the 'city in', I would like this to just find the people selected by each city.
Does anyone know the best way of doing this? Also if it can include NULL values as well.
Just use:
#city_count =
to get counts for all cities. This will include an entry for nil.
A more efficient way would be to use the distinct and count methods together.
#city_counts = Person.distinct.count(:city)
That way the work is done in the db instead of in Ruby.

Grails 3 - return list in query result from HQL query

I have a domain object:
class Business {
String name
List subUnits
static hasMany = [
subUnits : SubUnit,
I want to get name and subUnits using HQL, but I get an error
Exception: org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.HibernateQueryException: not an entity
when using:
List businesses = Business.executeQuery("select, business.subUnits from Business as business")
Is there a way I can get subUnits returned in the result query result as a List using HQL? When I use a left join, the query result is a flattened List that duplicates name. The actual query is more complicated - this is a simplified version, so I can't just use Business.list().
I thought I should add it as an answer, since I been doing this sort of thing for a while and a lot of knowledge that I can share with others:
As per suggestion from Yariash above:
This is forward walking through a domain object vs grabbing info as a flat list (map). There is expense involved when having an entire object then asking it to loop through and return many relations vs having it all in one contained list
#anonymous1 that sounds correct with left join - you can take a look at 'group by name' added to end of your query. Alternatively when you have all the results you can use businesses.groupBy{} (this is a cool groovy feature} take a look at the output of the groupBy to understand what it has done to the
But If you are attempting to grab the entire object and map it back then actually the cost is still very hefty and is probably as costly as the suggestion by Yariash and possibly worse.
List businesses = Business.executeQuery("select new map( as name, su.field1 as field1, su.field2 as field2) from Business b left join b.subUnits su ")
The above is really what you should be trying to do, left joining then grabbing each of the inner elements of the hasMany as part of your over all map you are returning within that list.
then when you have your results
def groupedBusinesses=businesses.groupBy{} where name was the main object from the main class that has the hasMany relation.
If you then look at you will see each name has its own list
groupedBusinesses: [name1: [ [field1,field2,field3], [field1,field2,field3] ]
you can now do
groupedBusinesses.get(name) to get entire list for that hasMany relation.
Enable SQL logging for above hql query then compare it to
List businesses = Business.executeQuery("select new map( as name, su as subUnits) from Business b left join b.subUnits su ")
What you will see is that the 2nd query will generate huge SQL queries to get the data since it attempts to map entire entry per row.
I have tested this theory and it always tends to be around an entire page full of query if not maybe multiple pages of SQL query created from within HQL compared to a few lines of query created by first example.

In Factual how to get results with unique field values (similar to GROUP BY in SQL)?

I've just set out on the path to discovery of Factual API and I cannot see how to achieve a retrieval of a selection of entries each with a unique value in the specified field.
For example, give me 10 results from various cities:
q.field("locality").unique(); // no such filter exists
factual.fetch("places", q);
This would be an equivalent query in MySQL:
SELECT * FROM places GROUP BY locality LIMIT 10;
What I want is a little bit similar to facets:
FacetQuery fq = new FacetQuery("locality").maxValuesPerFacet(10);
FacetResponse resp = factual.fetch("places", fq);
but instead of the total for each result I would like to see a random object with all the information.
Is anything like this possible?

Search four fields in YQL geo.places

We are currently using YQL to query geo data for towns and counties in the UK. At the moment, we can use the following query to find all towns named Boston:
select * from geo.places where text="boston" and placeTypeName="Town"
The issue is, that we would like to specify the county and country to generate more specific results. I have tried the following query, but it returns 0 results:
select * from geo.places where (text="boston" and placeTypeName="Town") and (text="lincolnshire" and placeTypeName="County")
How can I query 3 field types to return the results I need? Essentially, we would like to query the following fields:
text and placeTypeName="Town"
text and placeTypeName="County"
text and placeTypeName="Country"
This may be an option maybe:
As it mentions:
Turning text into a location
You can also turn a text (name) into a location using the following code:
alert(' ('+','+
This wrapper call uses our Placemaker Service under the hood and automatically disambiguates for you. This means that Paris is Paris, France, and not Paris Hilton; London is London, England, and not Jack London.
