Cp -Verbose outputs stating the file is copied, but the file actually doesn't show up - cp

Facing a strange problem.
I tried running cp command in a script (Debian Lenny - Loaded with KDE).The verbose throws a message as if the file is copied but the file actually doesn't get copied until I manually refresh the destination folder.
Here is the copy command that I am trying to execute:
cp -v /data/publish/${VAR1}.txt ${VAR2}
FYI: VAR2- Variable holding the path to destination folder. In this case happens to be a usb drive.
The reason I call it a strange problem, is because I have no problems while executing this piece in Ubuntu, but facing problem in an another box running debian (loaded with KDE 3.5, I understand its pretty outdated).
Please help guys!


Docker Desktop on Hyper-V - bind mount do not propagate inotify on file copy

I have a Docker Desktop installed on my dev machine, with WSL 2 disabled. I have shared my entire C:/ drive:
Then I have a container that inside has a .net 6 (Core) application that uses the FileSystemWatcher to observe one directory, and when a file is pasted inside to read it.
I red in several articles in the internet that WSL2 do not support notification to propagate from the Windows file system to the underlying Linux distribution that docker is running on, hence there is no way that I can bind the directory that I have to "watch" with the app in the container. So I swithed to the old Hyper-V support of docker.
I run the container with the following command:
docker run `
--name mlc-importer `
-v C:/temp/DZBank:/opt/docker/mlc_importer/dfs/DZBank `
-v C:\temp\appsettings.json:/app/appsettings.json `
-v C:\temp\log4net.config:/app/log4net.config `
The container starts and starts "watching" for new files. The strange thing is, that when I cut a file and paste it in the directory, the app in the container registers the new file and reads it, but when I copy the file and paste in in the directory, the app in teh container do not register it and read it.
Can someone help me because I can't find out what the problem might comes from.
Thanks in advance,
I managed to solve mu problem, and I'll post it here if somebody encounters the same problem.
The problem was in teh file itself. This I found out when I started a new container with only debian, and installed inotify-tools, and binded the same path. When I tried to copy the file and paste it in the binded dir the output was:
Three times MODIFY event.
When I tried to cut the file and paste in in the new dir the events were:
So with copy - three times MODIFY, with cut one CREATE and two MODIFY.
Then I inspected the copied file and saw this:
When I checked the checkbox and hit ok, everything is ok. And since in the container app (from the post), I hook to only "File created" callback, it not triggers when the file is only modified.
Hope this helps someone with a similar problem

Docker Failed to Initialize on Windows

Here, I have problem regarding pulling docker-dev in docker image for making my development environment but when I tried to pull docker-dev. I got the error like docker manifest not found.
Can anyone help me out with this error...plz
before this
I want to know about the docker failed to initialize error which i'm having right now...
the error is like,
I tried so many things like re-install the docker desktop or WSL updates, but didn't worked.
And error in the command be like...
So if someone can help me out with this....plz help me out
Got the same issue and fixed it by deleting %appdata%\Docker as mentioned by Github User "tocklime"
(Original Source : https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/3088)
Short solution: delete %appdata%\Docker\settings.json and let Docker to create a new one.
Take a backup of the file for the next time it gets broken.
I face this issue almost every month and I hope this will get fixed definitely.
Following tmBlackCape answer, I checked the %appdata%\Docker directory and found settings.json damaged (editor tells it's a binary file and of course it shouldn't).
I deleted the file and Docker Service (still running) created a new one with default values. If the service isn't running, just launch it again.
You could need to change settings (via GUI, as recommended) to catch your needs.
I made a backup copy of my custom settings.json so next time I can replace the broken one without losing custom configuration.
Go to the directory C:\Users-------\AppData\Roaming\Docker and delete the file settings.json . Docker takes care of rewriting it at startup.
This manipulation solved the problem for me !
Docker failed to initialize
C:\Users[USER]\AppData\Roaming\Docker Desktop
Once deleted above directory, I didn’t have to do anything else, Docker Desktop started booting up as normal.
The error message I got was not exactly the same the OP got. For me, it said Docker failed to initialize. Docker Desktop is shutting down.
The powershell executable was missing from my local machies PATH. I had to add C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0 and docker started again.
The longer story
I tried everything that was mentined in this thread and nothing worked for me. When I looked at the task manager of my local machine to see if any docker-related process was started, I noticed that Docker Desktop.exe itself was started. However, the com.docker.backend.exe not. Docker tries to start that exe in an infinite loop, but as soon as it started it crashed again after half a second.
I then took a look into com.docker.backend.exe.log, which is located in %localappdata%\Docker\log\host and noticed the following line:
[2022-07-07T10:46:57.936079700Z][com.docker.backend.exe][F] exec: "powershell": executable file not found in %PATH%
I then went ahead and just added the path to powershell to PATH (which is C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0)`. As soon as I added that, everything started working again.
I have no idea how the path to the powershell executable got removed from PATH. I certainly did not do that myself.
This happened to me after Docker Desktop upgrade to version 3.6.0 (67351), too. (Which was surprising, because it worked before the upgrade.)
Due to the help in the top answer right now, I went to the above settings directory: %appdata%\Docker, looked at the logs and deleted/renamed the file settings.json -> Docker Desktop started immediatelly ; there had been a process retrying in the background.
In the time before that, the backend.exe.log had been all "unmarshal" something something:
settings.json: json: cannot unmarshal bool into Go struct field Content.proxyHttpMode of type string"
common/cmd/com.docker.backend/internal/settingsloader.GetSettings(0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
So, the above message 'tipped me off' as to where the actual error on start may be. Hmm...
For me the solutions here didn't help, but here's what helped.
Make sure the folder .docker/ in your home directory isn't marked as hidden in Windows. If it's hidden, Docker won't see it.
Make sure docker has Active Directory to .docker folder. For example, if the owner of .docker/ is SYSTEM and not your user, Docker won't be able to read it and crash.
For me deleting the folder %appdata%\Docker did not work.
Instead I had to run the following power shell command as admin.
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All
My windows features with running docker desktop are as follows.
It resolved me by deleting the file
I had the same issue. I'm on Docker Desktop 4.8.0. The following solution worked for me:
Uninstall Docker Desktop
Delete .docker folder from C:\Users\{Username}
Delete Docker folder from C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Local
Delete Docker folder from C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming
Delete Docker folder from C:\Program Files
Run CCleaner on Registry and Custom Clean
Restart Computer
Install Docker
Restart Computer
Start Docker
That's all.
Go to C:\Users\asd\AppData\Local and delete Downloaded Installation directory.
C:\Users\asd\AppData\Roaming and delete Docker and Docker Desktop directory.
Then start docker.
Didn't found the AppData folder in users[myUser] or anywhere. re-install solve it for me
latest update 4.10.1 has issues, i downgraded to 4.6.1 and it worked however i think powershell is closely linked to this issue
It happened due to local data corruption. You can check in VM log inside %appdata%\Docker.
I was able to reset and restart by renaming setting.json and then restart the Docker desktop by deleting all the previous log folder and temp folder clean. If this does not help.
Try to kill all the processes running in through the task manager
and then run Power shell in administrator mode and then shoot the command if you are using an older version of Lsmanager Restart-Service LxssManager.
On my side, uninstalling HyperV did the trick :
Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-Hypervisor
I also (as suggested in the voted answer):
Uninstalled docker desktop,
Deleted any docker related content in %APPDATA% as suggested
Delete any docker related keyys in registry (may be not necessary)
Then reinstalled it
And it solved the problem (but without hyperV removal it didn't work).
There are a few great solutions; however, it didn't work for me. Most of the "fixes" suggested here are already implemented and it just didn't work. I chose a different approach.
I looked at the docker releases and saw what was actually affected by their latest version not working (4.10). These things are normal, especially if the software engine has been updated.
Going through Docker releases, the latest release that didn't touch the Docker engine is 4.8.0. I downloaded and works great.
Removing settings.json file or %AppData%\Docker folder did not work for me. After uninstalling/installing the docker, the issue was solved. (Note: I couldn't try other possible solutions that are required the admin privilege)
The below Steps worked for me,
Step 01:
Navigate to the below-mentioned paths and delete the below-mentioned directories,
C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Docker directory
C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Docker directory
C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Docker Desktop directory
Then restart the docker again
If you didn't find the AppData folder in users[USERNAME] or anywhere
Step 02: Type the below path in the "Run" to directly open the app data location for you
Then Delete the below-mentioned directories,
C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Docker directory
C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Docker directory
C:\Users[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Docker Desktop directory
Then restart the docker again
Note: If these steps do not help you. Try to kill all the processes running in through the task manager. And again delete the directories and start the docker
if you still can't find the issue you may use this trick and i'm 100% sure this will work
first check your operating system is up to date means no remaining updates if you pass this step then come to 2 step open window command prompt in run as administrator
then type wsl --install then type wsl --list --online then wsl --install -d Debian
then open docker if error come
then install wsl 2 linux https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-manual#step-4---download-the-linux-kernel-update-package
then restart docker or your machine and then if error also occur then type then wsl --update i hope this will work Regard : Hammad Khadim

Composer Docker image won't run at all

I'm attempting to learn how to create a Laravel Docker image by following a tutorial on DigitalOcean using WSL. Following the instructions on the Docker Hub page, however, yields an error:
❯ docker run --rm --interactive --tty -v $(pwd):/app composer install
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 94 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Installing voku/portable-ascii (1.4.10): Failed to download voku/portable-ascii from dist: Could not delete /app/vendor/voku/portable-ascii/src/voku/helper:
Now trying to download from source
- Installing voku/portable-ascii (1.4.10):
Could not delete /app/vendor/voku/portable-ascii/src/voku/helper:
install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-autoloader] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-suggest] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu-autoloader] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [<packages>]...
How can I diagnose what I'm doing wrong?
It turns out that the underlying problem had nothing to do with Docker at all. In fact, Composer was trying to tell me what the problem was all along, but I dismissed it as just a symptom of a deeper issue:
Could not delete /app/vendor/voku/portable-ascii/src/voku/helper:
This message was the crux of it all. I noticed that the directory mentioned, [...]/helper, was empty, so I tried to remove it by hand with rmdir. Instead, I got a No such file or directory error message. I attempted many other was to kill this directory, the entire project directory with rm -rf ~/laravel-app from the home folder, etc. Nothing worked.
Some digging around on the internet suggested that it could be an NTFS corruption if I was running into this issue on Windows. Since I am, indeed, attempting this on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), I gave their suggested fix a try: running chkdsk /F in CMD/PowerShell. A reboot was necessary to complete this task, but after getting everything back up and trying those first few tutorial steps again, I was able to get composer to install the Laravel dependencies without a hitch.
Bottom line: If you run into this sort of issue on WSL, please try running chkdsk /F and reboot. You might just have a similar file system corruption.
We have two possibilities for this error:
1 - You did not execute the command inside the directory :
cd ~/laravel-app
2 - I'm sure there is an internal proxy that is blocking the download of packages.

docker cp not working

I'm following this tutorial and when I get to the part where I call:
cp /tf_files/stripped_retrained_graph.pb bazel-bin/tensorflow/examples/android/assets/stripped_output_graph.pb
cp /tf_files/retrained_labels.txt bin/tensorflow/examples/android/assets/imagenet_comp_graph_label_strings.txt
They both say "No such file or directory".
As you can see in this image I can cd to the tf_files folder and see that the files are there.
I can also cd to /tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/android/assets and call ls which shows there's just a BUILD file there.
In the cp command is there supposed to already be a stripped_output_graph.pb file in the destination which gets replaced? Or is it meant to just be creating a new file there?
Is there some way of doing cp [source] [current directory] rather than specifying the destination as a path?
I've tried removing the file path part in hope that it just uses the source filename but that doesn't work.
cp /tf_files/stripped_retrained_graph.pb /tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/android/assets/stripped_output_graph.pb
cp /tf_files/retrained_labels.txt /tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/android/assets/imagenet_comp_graph_label_strings.txt
finally worked, wasn’t at all obvious that I’d have to change the destination path or what it should be though.
Also I accidentally saved a file as .p rather than .pb but managed to remove it using $ docker exec <container> rm -rf /tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/android/asset
Now I managed to copy the files in correctly, but then when I installed the app it was still just running the regular demo app.
Not sure why it didn’t work, so frustrating.
When I rebuilt it after copying the files in I got these conflict messages
Are these normal to have?
It looks like maybe a different labels file is taking priority over mine, how can I reach the external/inception5h/imagenet_comp_graph_label_strings.txt file to delete it so my file is used instead?
Does the “external” part mean that I can’t actually access it?

Getting Rsync 3.0.9 to work on Vagrant VM box through Cygwin on windows 7

My vagrant VM box is super slow when I try to run my Rails app on it, and I'm guessing it's due to the shared folder problem.
I am trying to use rsync to circumvent the problem.
I installed Cygwin and necessary packages, put C:\cygwin64\bin; as PATH environment variable
and then changed my Vagrantfile to
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync"
When I run vagrant up, I Get this error message
$ vagrant up Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox'
provider... "rsync" could not be found on your PATH. Make sure that
rsync is properly installed on your system and available on the PATH.
What's going wrong here?
Thank you so much ... if there's any other way to run Vagrant VM box smoothly and faster on Windows 7, I would love to hear it too.
This turned out to be a bunch of brick-walls you have to circumvent when installing Rsync and setting it up correctly for Vagrant on Windows 7.
First of all, the error "rsync" could not be found on your PATH. Make sure that rsync is properly installed on your system and available on the PATH. was due to the fact that
1) Environment variable for Cygwin was placed in the latest order in the PATH, I changed it to the beginning of the path
2) During installation of Cygwin and Rsync, I installed individual "subpackages" instead of installing everything, thinking that it would be okay. Turns out I was wrong. I installed everything in the Admin package and Net package (not the SRC but just the bins), and then it started working. I suggest you set-up Cygwin again and really try to download everything if you see that error.
(I found these solutions through this post on SO cygwin + rsync)
Now, I could go into CMD and type rsync, and it would show up correctly. But then when I ran vagrant up it gave me another error saying
There was an error when attempting to rsync a synced folder. Please inspect the error message below for more info.
Host path: /c/Users/xxxxx Guest path: /vagrant
Command: rsync --verbose --archive --delete -z --copy-links
--chmod=ugo=rwX --no-perms --no-owner --no-group --rsync-path sudo rsync -e ssh -p 2222 -o StrictHostKeyCh
/c/Users/xxxx / vagrant#
Error: cygwin warning: MS-DOS style path detected:
C:/Users/xxxxxxx Preferred POSIX
equivalent is:
/cygdrive/c/Users/xxxx CYGWIN
environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off this warning.
Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths:
http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using.html#using-pathnames Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ECDSA) to the list of
known hosts. rsync: change_dir "/c/Users/xxxxxxx"
failed: No such file or directory (2) rsync error: some files/attrs
were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at
I googled solution to this error and found this site. https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/issues/3230
Then there's a bug with Vagrant and cwrsync that I mentioned in #3086.
For now, just edit
and add hostpath = "/cygdrive" + hostpath to line 74. It's a terrible
solution but quick and simple.
Editing that helper.rb file and adding hostpath at line 74 (just made some blank lines right there and pasted it in) and now it works perfectly!!!!
Rsync makes the shared folder soooooo much faster on Rails!!!! I think it is worth the pain of setting it up correctly. Try it!!
It's not clear from your message, but I think you installed rsync on your machine (the host), while it needs to be installed on the virtual machine you bringing up (the guest).
