Inquirer.js: Allow users to write a list response - yeoman

Alright I'm stuck creating a yeoman generator. I have a prompt that brings up a list of three different options to choose from. It looks like this:
Name of JS file:
- One
- Two
- Other
I want the third one to allow the option to allow the user to write their own. Mabye I can call another prompt method?
// ****************************************************************************
// Author: Daniel Jenkins
// Date: 03/35/3015
// Purpose: A generator for creating js files including, name, date, and purpose fields.
// ****************************************************************************
var generators = require('yeoman-generator');
module.exports = generators.Base.extend({
prompting: function() {
var done = this.async();
var myChoices = [this.appname, 'one', 'two', 'other'];
var prompts = {
type: 'list',
name: 'fileName',
message: 'Name of new JS file: ',
choices: myChoices
// Select the filename from list.
this.prompt(prompts, function(answers) {
// Store user input as an argument for the EJS preprossor.
this.context = {
fileName: answers.fileName,
// Add file after filling in EJS template
copyMainFiles: function() {
// Create a time object for todays date.
var my_date = new Date();
// Add date property.
this.context.fileDate = my_date.toDateString();
// Run through EJS and create the file.
this.template("_index.js", this.context.fileName + ".js", this.context);

You can use when, to specify another field is called when by running a conditional statement. If the statement return true the field will be called else it will be skipped.
See the addition to your code:
module.exports = generators.Base.extend( {
prompting : function () {
var done = this.async();
var myChoices = [ this.appname, 'one', 'two', 'other' ];
var prompts = [ {
type : 'list',
name : 'fileName',
message : 'Name of new JS file: ',
choices : myChoices
when : function ( answers ) {
return answers.fileName === 'other';
type : 'input',
name : 'fileName',
message : 'custom file name'
// Select the filename from list.
this.prompt( prompts, function ( answers ) {
// Store user input as an argument for the EJS preprossor.
this.context = {
fileName : answers.fileName,
}.bind( this ) );
// Add file after filling in EJS template
copyMainFiles : function () {
// Create a time object for todays date.
var my_date = new Date();
// Add date property.
this.context.fileDate = my_date.toDateString();
// Run through EJS and create the file.
this.template( "_index.js", this.context.fileName + ".js", this.context );
} );


How to create batch using oData in SAPUI5 but I am able to create single record each time

I am not able to send batch records. But I am able to add single entity each time. I used the following function on submit.
// creating single entry each time.
onSubmitChanges: function() {
var oSelectedVal = this.getView().byId("plmSelect"),
oSelectedVal = oSelectedVal.getSelectedItem().getKey(),
oModel = this.getView().getModel(),
oEntry = {};
oEntry.MyKeyField1 = oSelectedVal;
oEntry.MyEntry1 = globalVariable1; // global variable declared to get values
oEntry.MyEntry2 = globalVariable2;
oEntry.MyEntry3 = globalVariable3;
oEntry.MyEntry4 = globalVariable4;
if (oEntry.MyKeyField1 !== "" && oEntry.MyEntry1 !== "" && oEntry.MyEntry2 !== "") {
var oContext = oModel.createEntry('/MyEntitySet', {
properties: oEntry,
success: function() {"Create successfuly");
// not able to delete/remove after created successfully used the following
bForceUpdate: true
// oModel.refresh();
error: function() {"Create failed");
} else {"Store Area and Store Description are madatory.");
Batch is not allowed. You must use deep entity if you wanna send a table.

openlayers 3 featureKey exists in featureChangeKeys

I have an ol.interaction.Select acting on an ol.source.Vector which is within an ol.layer.Vector. I can select and unselect individual countries fine. I am using a dragbox to select multiple countries. If I select anywhere outside of the multiply selected countries, the currently selected get unselected. Excellent!
However, the problem is that if I select a currently selected country within the multiple, I get the AssertionError: Assertion failed: featureKey exists in featureChangeKeys
Here's my Vector layer:
_countrySelectSource = new ol.source.Vector({
url: 'vendor/openlayers/geojson/countries.json',
format: new ol.format.GeoJSON()
var countryLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
title: 'Country Select',
visible: true,
type: 'interactive-layers',
source: _countrySelectSource
I add countryLayer to my map, _map.
I then create a _CountrySelect object that allows me to setActive(true|false) on the interactions related to my country selection.
_CountrySelect = {
init : function(){ = new ol.interaction.Select();
this.dragbox = new ol.interaction.DragBox({
setEvents: function(){
var selectedFeatures =;
var infoBox = document.getElementById('info');
var selfDragbox = this.dragbox;
selfDragbox.on('boxend', function() {
// features that intersect the box are added to the collection of
// selected features, and their names are displayed in the "info"
// div
var extent = selfDragbox.getGeometry().getExtent();
_countrySelectSource.forEachFeatureIntersectingExtent(extent, function(feature) {
infoBox.innerHTML = _countryCodes.join(', ');
// clear selection when drawing a new box and when clicking on the map
selfDragbox.on('boxstart', function() {
infoBox.innerHTML = ' ';
_map.on('singleclick', function(event) {
_countryCodes = [];
var id = feature.getId();
var index = _countryCodes.indexOf(id);
if ( index === -1 ) {
infoBox.innerHTML = _countryCodes.join(', ');
setActive: function(active){;
I am not sure if this is an issue with OL3 or my code. Maybe there's an event I'm not handling? Maybe it's the ol.interaction.DragBox (no luck researching on the DragBox). Let me know what further information I can provide.

Invalid Property on Extended FIORI Application

We are implementing an extended My Quotations Fiori application. Basically we added a new field Sales Order to the UI. The field fetches data from the backend so we also extended our OData service. On the first view, we can successfully call the data. But whenever we navigate to the next view via clicking Edit button, we get this error
Property 'SalesOrder' is invalid. Choose "Refresh" to update pricing information.
Anyone has an idea on how to solve this?
Here is our custom code for S3 view controller. We used WEB IDE to create the extension btw. The second function is for the creation of the Sales Order whenever the quotation has no associated SO tied to it.
manageSalesOrderFields: function() {
var salesOrderId = "";
// hide all fields
$.getJSON("/sap/opu/odata/sap/zlord_my_quotation_srv/QuotationHeaderSet('" + quotationId + "')",
function(data) {
salesOrderId = data.d.SalesOrder;
if (salesOrderId !== "" ){
createSalesOrder: function () {
var createSalesOrderDialog = new sap.m.Dialog("createSoDialog", {
title: "Create Sales Order",
icon: "sap-icon://sales-order",
content: [
new sap.ui.core.HTML({content:"<p style='margin:0;padding: 16px;'>Do want to create a sales order?</p>"})
new sap.m.Button({
text: "Yes",
press : function() {
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel('/sap/opu/odata/sap/zlord_my_quotation_srv/');
var oParameter = {
"QuotationID" : quotationId
oModel.callFunction('/CreateSalesOrder', 'GET', oParameter, 'null',
function (oData, oResponse) {
var responseMessage = JSON.stringify(oResponse.body);
var responseMessageStart ='<d:Message>');
var responseMessageEnd ='</d:Message>');
responseMessage = responseMessage.substring(responseMessageStart + 11, responseMessageEnd);
//show MessageToast;
function (oError) {'Error - see log');
new sap.m.Button({
text: "No",
press : function() {
We didn't edit anything on the next view controller (CreateQuotations.view.controller.js) since it is not relevant for us to show the SO number on that view.
The error is because of this line:
salesOrderId = data.d.SalesOrder;
How to fix?
Step 1 : Check results first in network tab for the call:
Step 2: Check the results hierarchy . How?
console.log(data); //in success call
Step 3: Then restructure your statement to something like this
salesOrderId = data.d.results[0].SalesOrder;
Hope this helps!

Select2 - adding custom choice in single selection mode (tags:false)

Is it possible to setup select2 control to accept custom choice
in single selection mode (tags:false) ?
When typing your choice in the search box instead of seeing "No results found",
just see what you typing in and select it by click or pressing enter.
Well - I finally found solution myself.
I override original SelectAdapter adding new choice every time you type in
and delete previous temporary choices:
$.fn.select2.amd.require(['select2/data/select', 'select2/utils'],
function (SelectAdapter, Utils) {
function XSelectAdapter($element, options) {, $element, options);
Utils.Extend(XSelectAdapter, SelectAdapter);
XSelectAdapter.prototype.query = function (params, callback) {
var data = [];
var self = this;
var $options = this.$element.children();
var have_exact_match = false;
$options.each(function () {
var $option = $(this);
if (!$'option') && !$'optgroup')) {
var option = self.item($option);
if (option.xtemp === true) {
$(this).remove(); // previously typed-in choice - delete
if (option.term === params.term) {
have_exact_match = true; // will not choice if have exact match
var matches = self.matches(params, option);
if (matches !== null) {
if (!have_exact_match) {
self.addOptions(this.option({selected: false, id: params.term, text: params.term, xtemp: true}));
data.push({selected: false, id: params.term, text: params.term});
results: data

jquery - passing multiple arguments to controller

How do I pass multiple arrays to a controller in jquery without using JSON?
var Test1 = {};
Test1.Source = 'String1';
Test2.Type = 'String2';
var Test2 = {};
Test2.Name = 'String3';
Test2.Location = 'String4';
My controller is
public Int64 Method1(Class1 cl1, Class2 cl2)
What is the correct syntax for the data property of $.ajax()?
With one argument, I can have
data: Test1
However, how does this work with two or more arguments?
Just wrap in another object, like this, so that each array (object actually) is a property:
data: {t1: Test1, t2: Test2 }
You can see an example of this in the docs (although with string values instead).
type: "POST",
url: "some.php",
data: { name: "John", location: "Boston" }
}).done(function( msg ) {
alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );
