I have a function defined by Intel IPP to operate on an Image / Region of Image.
The input to the image are the pointer to the image, parameters to define the size to process and parameters of the filter.
The IPP function is single threaded.
Now, I have an image of size M x N.
I want to apply the filter on it in parallel.
The main idea is simple, break the image into 4 sub images which are independent of each other.
Apply the filter to each sub image and write the result to a sub block of an empty image where each thread write to a distinct set of pixels.
It's really like processing 4 images each on it own core.
This is the program I'm doing it with:
void OpenMpTest()
const int width = 1920;
const int height = 1080;
Ipp32f input_image[width * height];
Ipp32f output_image[width * height];
IppiSize size = { width, height };
int step = width * sizeof(Ipp32f);
/* Splitting the image */
IppiSize section_size = { width / 2, height / 2};
Ipp32f* input_upper_left = input_image;
Ipp32f* input_upper_right = input_image + width / 2;
Ipp32f* input_lower_left = input_image + (height / 2) * width;
Ipp32f* input_lower_right = input_image + (height / 2) * width + width / 2;
Ipp32f* output_upper_left = input_image;
Ipp32f* output_upper_right = input_image + width / 2;
Ipp32f* output_lower_left = input_image + (height / 2) * width;
Ipp32f* output_lower_right = input_image + (height / 2) * width + width / 2;
Ipp32f* input_sections[4] = { input_upper_left, input_upper_right, input_lower_left, input_lower_right };
Ipp32f* output_sections[4] = { output_upper_left, output_upper_right, output_lower_left, output_lower_right };
/* Filter Params */
Ipp32f pKernel[7] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 };
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
input_sections[i], step,
output_sections[i], step,
section_size, pKernel, 7, 3);
Now, the issues is I see no gain versus working Single Threaded mode on all image.
I tried to change the image size or filter size and nothing will the change the picture.
The most I could gain was nothing significant (10-20%).
I thought it might have something to do with that I can't "Promise" each thread the zone it received is "Read Only".
Moreover to let it know the memory location it writes to is also belongs only to himself.
I read about defining variables as private and share, yet I couldn't find a guide to deal with arrays and pointers.
What would be the proper way to deal with pointers and sub arrays in OpenMP?
How does the performance of threaded IPP compare?
Assuming no race conditions, performance problems with writing to shared arrays are most likely to occur in cache lines where part of the line is written by one thread and another part is read by another.
It's likely to require a data region larger than a 10 megabytes or so before full parallel speedup is seen.
You would need deeper analysis, e.g. by Intel VTune Amplifier, to see whether memory bandwidth or data overlaps are limiting performance.
Using Intel IPP Filter, the best solution was using:
int height = dstRoiSize.height;
int width = dstRoiSize.width;
Ipp32f *pSrc1, *pDst1;
int nThreads, cH, cT;
#pragma omp parallel shared( pSrc, pDst, nThreads, width, height, kernelSize,\
xAnchor, cH, cT ) private( pSrc1, pDst1 )
#pragma omp master
nThreads = omp_get_num_threads();
cH = height / nThreads;
cT = height % nThreads;
#pragma omp barrier
int curH;
int id = omp_get_thread_num();
pSrc1 = (Ipp32f*)( (Ipp8u*)pSrc + id * cH * srcStep );
pDst1 = (Ipp32f*)( (Ipp8u*)pDst + id * cH * dstStep );
if( id != ( nThreads - 1 )) curH = cH;
else curH = cH + cT;
ippiFilterRow_32f_C1R( pSrc1, srcStep, pDst1, dstStep,
width, curH, pKernel, kernelSize, xAnchor );
Thank You.
I am trying to make a colored waveform using the output of the following code. But when I run it, I only get certain numbers (see the freq variable, it uses the bin size, frame rate and index to make these frequencies) as output frequencies. I'm no math expert, even though I cobbled this together from existing code and answers.
// colored_waveform.c
// MixDJ
// Created by Jonathan Silverman on 3/14/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Jonathan Silverman. All rights reserved.
#include "colored_waveform.h"
#include "fftw3.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "sndfile.h"
//int N = 1024;
// helper function to apply a windowing function to a frame of samples
void calcWindow(double* in, double* out, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double multiplier = 0.5 * (1 - cos(2*M_PI*i/(size - 1)));
out[i] = multiplier * in[i];
// helper function to compute FFT
void fft(double* samples, fftw_complex* out, int size) {
fftw_plan p;
p = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(size, samples, out, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
// find the index of array element with the highest absolute value
// probably want to take some kind of moving average of buf[i]^2
// and return the maximum found
double maxFreqIndex(fftw_complex* buf, int size, float fS) {
double max_freq = 0;
double last_magnitude = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < (size / 2) - 1; i++) {
double freq = i * fS / size;
// printf("freq: %f\n", freq);
double magnitude = sqrt(buf[i][0]*buf[i][0] + buf[i][1]*buf[i][1]);
if(magnitude > last_magnitude)
max_freq = freq;
last_magnitude = magnitude;
return max_freq;
//// map a frequency to a color, red = lower freq -> violet = high freq
//int freqToColor(int i) {
void generateWaveformColors(const char path[]) {
printf("Generating waveform colors\n");
SNDFILE *infile = NULL;
SF_INFO sfinfo;
infile = sf_open(path, SFM_READ, &sfinfo);
sf_count_t numSamples = sfinfo.frames;
// sample rate
float fS = 44100;
// float songLengLengthSeconds = numSamples / fS;
// printf("seconds: %f", songLengLengthSeconds);
// size of frame for analysis, you may want to play with this
float frameMsec = 5;
// samples in a frame
int frameSamples = (int)(fS / (frameMsec * 1000));
// how much overlap each frame, you may want to play with this one too
int frameOverlap = (frameSamples / 2);
// color to use for each frame
// int outColors[(numSamples / frameOverlap) + 1];
// scratch buffers
double* tmpWindow;
fftw_complex* tmpFFT;
tmpWindow = (double*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * frameSamples);
tmpFFT = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * frameSamples);
printf("Processing waveform for colors\n");
for (int i = 0, outptr = 0; i < numSamples; i += frameOverlap, outptr++)
double inSamples[frameSamples];
sf_read_double(infile, inSamples, frameSamples);
// window another frame for FFT
calcWindow(inSamples, tmpWindow, frameSamples);
// compute the FFT on the next frame
fft(tmpWindow, tmpFFT, frameSamples);
// which frequency is the highest?
double freqIndex = maxFreqIndex(tmpFFT, frameSamples, fS);
printf("%i: ", i);
printf("Max freq: %f\n", freqIndex);
// map to color
// outColors[outptr] = freqToColor(freqIndex);
sf_close (infile);
Here is some of the output:
2094216: Max freq: 5512.500000
2094220: Max freq: 0.000000
2094224: Max freq: 0.000000
2094228: Max freq: 0.000000
2094232: Max freq: 5512.500000
2094236: Max freq: 5512.500000
It only shows certain numbers, not a wide variety of frequencies like it maybe should. Or am I wrong? Is there anything wrong with my code you guys can see? The color stuff is commented out because I haven't done it yet.
The frequency resolution of an FFT is limited by the length of the data sample you have. The more samples you have, the higher the frequency resolution.
In your specific case you chose frames of 5 milliseconds, which is then transformed to a number of samples on the following line:
// samples in a frame
int frameSamples = (int)(fS / (frameMsec * 1000));
This corresponds to only 8 samples at the specified 44100Hz sampling rate. The frequency resolution with such a small frame size can be computed to be
44100 / 8
or 5512.5Hz, a rather poor resolution. Correspondingly, the observed frequencies will always be one of 0, 5512.5, 11025, 16537.5 or 22050Hz.
To get a higher resolution you should increase the number of samples used for analysis by increasing frameMsec (as suggested by the comment "size of frame for analysis, you may want to play with this").
I'm trying to use a libyuv API, more specifically MJPGToI420().
I want to first take a jpeg image as input to MJPGToI420(), the signature of which is below:
int MJPGToI420(const uint8_t* sample,
size_t sample_size,
uint8_t* dst_y,
int dst_stride_y,
uint8_t* dst_u,
int dst_stride_u,
uint8_t* dst_v,
int dst_stride_v,
int src_width,
int src_height,
int dst_width,
int dst_height);
Then, I want to allocate space for the dst_y, dst_u, and dst_v pointers. However, I don't know how much space to allocate for them. I'm also confused about what the strides should be, i.e., what the parameters dst_stride_y, dst_stride_u and dst_stride_v should be.
Would really appreciate any pointers in the right direction.
EDIT: Here's a snippet of code from the libyuv source unit tests that uses this function. However, the test returns 1 which is failure of the function as the intended behavior. The test also just uses zeroes for the data, instead of an actual MJPG file.
TEST_F(LibYUVConvertTest, MJPGToI420) {
const int kOff = 10;
const int kMinJpeg = 64;
const int kImageSize = benchmark_width_ * benchmark_height_ >= kMinJpeg
? benchmark_width_ * benchmark_height_
: kMinJpeg;
const int kSize = kImageSize + kOff;
align_buffer_page_end(orig_pixels, kSize);
align_buffer_page_end(dst_y_opt, benchmark_width_ * benchmark_height_);
align_buffer_page_end(dst_u_opt, SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_width_, 2) *
SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_height_, 2));
align_buffer_page_end(dst_v_opt, SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_width_, 2) *
SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_height_, 2));
// EOI, SOI to make MJPG appear valid.
memset(orig_pixels, 0, kSize);
orig_pixels[0] = 0xff;
orig_pixels[1] = 0xd8; // SOI.
orig_pixels[kSize - kOff + 0] = 0xff;
orig_pixels[kSize - kOff + 1] = 0xd9; // EOI.
for (int times = 0; times < benchmark_iterations_; ++times) {
int ret =
MJPGToI420(orig_pixels, kSize, dst_y_opt, benchmark_width_, dst_u_opt,
SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_width_, 2), dst_v_opt,
SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_width_, 2), benchmark_width_,
benchmark_height_, benchmark_width_, benchmark_height_);
// Expect failure because image is not really valid.
EXPECT_EQ(1, ret);
EDIT 2: Furthermore, this is what I've tried, however, the end yuv files are not even viewable in a yuv viewer (created using the buffers dst_u_opt and dst_y_opt), which makes me believe there might be something that I'm messing up with the function:
int convertMJPGToI420() {
auto fileSize = filesize(IMG_NAME);
// load image into memory
uint8_t* my_img = (uint8_t*) calloc(fileSize, 1);
std::ifstream fin(IMG_NAME, ios::in | ios::binary);
fin.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(my_img), fileSize);
// exif data offset
// This is the size of the exif data
const int kOff = 4096;
// 4k image is being sent in
int benchmark_width_ = 3840;
int benchmark_height_ = 2160;
const int kSize = fileSize;
// align_buffer_page_end is a macro (look at link posted for unit tests above)
// I'm not sure if the size allocation for these is correct
// I have tried to model it based off the example
align_buffer_page_end(orig_pixels, kSize);
align_buffer_page_end(dst_y_opt, benchmark_width_ * benchmark_height_);
align_buffer_page_end(dst_u_opt, SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_width_, 2) *
SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_height_, 2));
align_buffer_page_end(dst_v_opt, SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_width_, 2) *
SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_height_, 2));
// EOI, SOI to make MJPG appear valid
memset(orig_pixels, 0, kSize);
orig_pixels[0] = 0xff;
orig_pixels[1] = 0xd8; // SOI
memcpy(orig_pixels + 2, my_img, kSize - kOff - 3);
orig_pixels[kSize - kOff + 0] = 0xff;
orig_pixels[kSize - kOff + 1] = 0xd9; // EOI
// using async as this function might be ansynchronous
std::future<int> ret = std::async(libyuv::MJPGToI420, orig_pixels, kSize, dst_y_opt, benchmark_width_,
dst_u_opt, SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_width_, 2),
dst_v_opt, SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_width_, 2),
benchmark_width_, benchmark_height_,
benchmark_width_, benchmark_height_);
// ret is always one, which means there was a failure
if(ret.get() == 0) {
cout << "return value was zero" << endl;
} else {
cout << "return value was one" << endl;
FILE* file = fopen("/data/dst_u_opt", "wb");
fwrite(dst_y_opt, 1, SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_width_, 2) * SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_height_, 2) , file);
file = fopen("/data/dst_v_opt", "wb");
fwrite(dst_y_opt, 1, SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_width_, 2) * SUBSAMPLE(benchmark_height_, 2), file);
return 0;
You'll need to know the width and height of the jpeg.
I420 is a 420 sub-sampled YUV.
The Y plane is width * height in bytes.
The dst_stride_y value is width
char* dst_y = malloc(width * height);
The U and V planes are half width and height. To handle odd sizes you should round up.
dst_stride_u = (width + 1) / 2;
dst_stride_v = (width + 1) / 2;
The u and v planes are ((width + 1) / 2) * ((height + 1) / 2) bytes.
char* dst_u = malloc(((width + 1) / 2) * ((height + 1) / 2));
char* dst_y = malloc(((width + 1) / 2) * ((height + 1) / 2));
If you'd like to file an issue, including better documentation, post it here:
I am coding in OpenCL.
I am converting a "C function" having 2D array starting from i=1 and j=1 .PFB .
cv::Mat input; //Input :having some data in it ..
//Image input size is :input.rows=288 ,input.cols =640
cv::Mat output(input.rows-2,input.cols-2,CV_32F); //Output buffer
//Image output size is :output.rows=286 ,output.cols =638
This is a code Which I want to modify in OpenCL:
for(int i=1;i<output.rows-1;i++)
for(int j=1;j<output.cols-1;j++)
float xVal = input.at<uchar>(i-1,j-1)-input.at<uchar>(i-1,j+1)+ 2*(input.at<uchar>(i,j-1)-input.at<uchar>(i,j+1))+input.at<uchar>(i+1,j-1) - input.at<uchar>(i+1,j+1);
float yVal = input.at<uchar>(i-1,j-1) - input.at<uchar>(i+1,j-1)+ 2*(input.at<uchar>(i-1,j) - input.at<uchar>(i+1,j))+input.at<uchar>(i-1,j+1)-input.at<uchar>(i+1,j+1);
output.at<float>(i-1,j-1) = xVal*xVal+yVal*yVal;
Host code :
//Input Image size is :input.rows=288 ,input.cols =640
//Output Image size is :output.rows=286 ,output.cols =638
OclStr->global_work_size[0] =(input.cols);
OclStr->global_work_size[1] =(input.rows);
size_t outBufSize = (output.rows) * (output.cols) * 4;//4 as I am copying all 4 uchar values into one float variable space
cl_mem cl_input_buffer = clCreateBuffer(
(input.rows) * (input.cols),
static_cast<void *>(input.data), &OclStr->returnstatus);
cl_mem cl_output_buffer = clCreateBuffer(
(output.rows) * (output.cols) * sizeof(float),
static_cast<void *>(output.data), &OclStr->returnstatus);
OclStr->returnstatus = clSetKernelArg(OclStr->objkernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&cl_input_buffer);
OclStr->returnstatus = clSetKernelArg(OclStr->objkernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&cl_output_buffer);
OclStr->returnstatus = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(
clEnqueueMapBuffer(OclStr->command_queue, cl_output_buffer, true, CL_MAP_READ, 0, outBufSize, 0, NULL, NULL, &OclStr->returnstatus);
kernel Code :
__kernel void Sobel_uchar (__global uchar *pSrc, __global float *pDstImage)
const uint cols = get_global_id(0)+1;
const uint rows = get_global_id(1)+1;
const uint width= get_global_size(0);
uchar Opsoble[8];
Opsoble[0] = pSrc[(cols-1)+((rows-1)*width)];
Opsoble[1] = pSrc[(cols+1)+((rows-1)*width)];
Opsoble[2] = pSrc[(cols-1)+((rows+0)*width)];
Opsoble[3] = pSrc[(cols+1)+((rows+0)*width)];
Opsoble[4] = pSrc[(cols-1)+((rows+1)*width)];
Opsoble[5] = pSrc[(cols+1)+((rows+1)*width)];
Opsoble[6] = pSrc[(cols+0)+((rows-1)*width)];
Opsoble[7] = pSrc[(cols+0)+((rows+1)*width)];
float gx = Opsoble[0]-Opsoble[1]+2*(Opsoble[2]-Opsoble[3])+Opsoble[4]-Opsoble[5];
float gy = Opsoble[0]-Opsoble[4]+2*(Opsoble[6]-Opsoble[7])+Opsoble[1]-Opsoble[5];
pDstImage[(cols-1)+(rows-1)*width] = gx*gx + gy*gy;
Here I am not able to get the output as expected.
I am having some questions that
My for loop is starting from i=1 instead of zero, then How can I get proper index by using the global_id() in x and y direction
What is going wrong in my above kernel code :(
I am suspecting there is a problem in buffer stride but not able to further break my head as already broke it throughout a day :(
I have observed that with below logic output is skipping one or two frames after some 7/8 frames sequence.
I have added the screen shot of my output which is compared with the reference output.
My above logic is doing partial sobelling on my input .I changed the width as -
const uint width = get_global_size(0)+1;
Your suggestions are most welcome !!!
It looks like you may be fetching values in (y,x) format in your opencl version. Also, you need to add 1 to the global id to replicate your for loops starting from 1 rather than 0.
I don't know why there is an unused iOffset variable. Maybe your bug is related to this? I removed it in my version.
Does this kernel work better for you?
__kernel void simple(__global uchar *pSrc, __global float *pDstImage)
const uint i = get_global_id(0) +1;
const uint j = get_global_id(1) +1;
const uint width = get_global_size(0) +2;
uchar Opsoble[8];
Opsoble[0] = pSrc[(i-1) + (j - 1)*width];
Opsoble[1] = pSrc[(i-1) + (j + 1)*width];
Opsoble[2] = pSrc[i + (j-1)*width];
Opsoble[3] = pSrc[i + (j+1)*width];
Opsoble[4] = pSrc[(i+1) + (j - 1)*width];
Opsoble[5] = pSrc[(i+1) + (j + 1)*width];
Opsoble[6] = pSrc[(i-1) + (j)*width];
Opsoble[7] = pSrc[(i+1) + (j)*width];
float gx = Opsoble[0]-Opsoble[1]+2*(Opsoble[2]-Opsoble[3])+Opsoble[4]-Opsoble[5];
float gy = Opsoble[0]-Opsoble[4]+2*(Opsoble[6]-Opsoble[7])+Opsoble[1]-Opsoble[5];
pDstImage[(i-1) + (j-1)*width] = gx*gx + gy*gy ;
I am a bit apprehensive about posting an answer suggesting optimizations to your kernel, seeing as the original output has not been reproduced exactly as of yet. There is a major improvement available to be made for problems related to image processing/filtering.
Using local memory will help you out by reducing the number of global reads by a factor of eight, as well as grouping the global writes together for potential gains with the single write-per-pixel output.
The kernel below reads a block of up to 34x34 from pSrc, and outputs a 32x32(max) area of the pDstImage. I hope the comments in the code are enough to guide you in using the kernel. I have not been able to give this a complete test, so there could be changes required. Any comments are appreciated as well.
__kernel void sobel_uchar_wlocal (__global uchar *pSrc, __global float *pDstImage, __global uint2 dimDstImage)
//call this kernel 1-dimensional work group size: 32x1
//calculates 32x32 region of output with 32 work items
const uint wid = get_local_id(0);
const uint wid_1 = wid+1; // corrected for the calculation step
const uint2 gid = (uint2)(get_group_id(0),get_group_id(1));
const uint localDim = get_local_size(0);
const uint2 globalTopLeft = (uint2)(localDim * gid.x, localDim * gid.y); //position in pSrc to copy from/to
//dimLocalBuff is used for the right and bottom edges of the image, where the work group may run over the border
const uint2 dimLocalBuff = (uint2)(localDim,localDim);
if(dimDstImage.x - globalTopLeft.x < dimLocalBuff.x){
dimLocalBuff.x = dimDstImage.x - globalTopLeft.x;
if(dimDstImage.y - globalTopLeft.y < dimLocalBuff.y){
dimLocalBuff.y = dimDstImage.y - globalTopLeft.y;
int i,j;
//save region of data into local memory
__local uchar srcBuff[34][34]; //34^2 uchar = 1156 bytes
srcBuff[i+1][j+1] = pSrc[globalTopLeft.x+i][globalTopLeft.y+j];
//compute output and store locally
__local float dstBuff[32][32]; //32^2 float = 4096 bytes
if(wid_1 < dimLocalBuff.x){
float gx = srcBuff[(wid_1-1)+ (i - 1)]-srcBuff[(wid_1-1)+ (i + 1)]+2*(srcBuff[wid_1+ (i-1)]-srcBuff[wid_1+ (i+1)])+srcBuff[(wid_1+1)+ (i - 1)]-srcBuff[(wid_1+1)+ (i + 1)];
float gy = srcBuff[(wid_1-1)+ (i - 1)]-srcBuff[(wid_1+1)+ (i - 1)]+2*(srcBuff[(wid_1-1)+ (i)]-srcBuff[(wid_1+1)+ (i)])+srcBuff[(wid_1-1)+ (i + 1)]-srcBuff[(wid_1+1)+ (i + 1)];
dstBuff[wid][i] = gx*gx + gy*gy;
//copy results to output
srcBuff[i][j] = pSrc[globalTopLeft.x+i][globalTopLeft.y+j];
I'm in the rather poor situation of not being able to use the CUDA debugger. I'm getting some strange results from usage of __syncthreads in an application with a single shared array (deltas). The following piece of code is performed in a loop:
__syncthreads(); //if I comment this out, things get funny
deltas[lex_index_block] = intensity - mean;
__syncthreads(); //this line doesnt seem to matter regardless if the first sync is commented out or not
//after sync: do something with the values of delta written in this threads and other threads of this block
Basically, I have code with overlapping blocks (required due to the nature of the algorithm). The program does compile and run but somehow I get systematically wrong values in the areas of vertical overlap. This is very confusing to me as I thought that the correct way to sync is to sync after the threads have performed my write to the shared memory.
This is the whole function:
//XC without repetitions
template <int blocksize, int order>
__global__ void __xc(unsigned short* raw_input_data, int num_frames, int width, int height,
float * raw_sofi_data, int block_size, int order_deprecated){
//we make a distinction between real pixels and virtual pixels
//real pixels are pixels that exist in the original data
//overlap correction: every new block has a margin of 3 threads doing less work (only computing deltas)
int x_corrected = global_x() - blockIdx.x * 3;
int y_corrected = global_y() - blockIdx.y * 3;
//if the thread is responsible for any real pixel
if (x_corrected < width && y_corrected < height){
// __shared__ float deltas[blocksize];
__shared__ float deltas[blocksize];
//the outer pixels of a block do not update SOFI values as they do not have sufficient information available
//they are used only to compute mean and delta
//also, pixels at the global edge have to be thrown away (as there is not sufficient data to interpolate)
bool within_inner_block =
threadIdx.x > 0
&& threadIdx.y > 0
&& threadIdx.x < blockDim.x - 2
&& threadIdx.y < blockDim.y - 2
//global edge
&& x_corrected > 0
&& y_corrected > 0
&& x_corrected < width - 1
&& y_corrected < height - 1
//init virtual pixels
float virtual_pixels[order * order];
if (within_inner_block){
for (int i = 0; i < order * order; ++i) {
virtual_pixels[i] = 0;
float mean = 0;
float intensity;
int lex_index_block = threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y * blockDim.x;
//main loop
for (int frame_idx = 0; frame_idx < num_frames; ++frame_idx) {
//shared memory read and computation of mean/delta
intensity = raw_input_data[lex_index_3D(x_corrected,y_corrected, frame_idx, width, height)];
__syncthreads(); //if I comment this out, things break
deltas[lex_index_block] = intensity - mean;
__syncthreads(); //this doesnt seem to matter
mean = deltas[lex_index_block]/(float)(frame_idx+1);
//if the thread is responsible for correlated pixels, i.e. not at the border of the original frame
if (within_inner_block){
virtual_pixels[0] += deltas[lex_index_2D(
threadIdx.y + 1,
threadIdx.y - 1,
virtual_pixels[1] += deltas[lex_index_2D(
threadIdx.x + 1,
virtual_pixels[2] += deltas[lex_index_2D(
threadIdx.y + 1,
virtual_pixels[3] += deltas[lex_index_2D(
// xc_update<order>(virtual_pixels, delta2, mean);
if (within_inner_block){
for (int virtual_idx = 0; virtual_idx < order*order; ++virtual_idx) {
raw_sofi_data[lex_index_2D(x_corrected*order + virtual_idx % order,
y_corrected*order + (int)floorf(virtual_idx / order),
From what I can see, there could be a hazard in your application between loop iterations. The write to deltas[lex_index_block] for loop iteration frame_idx+1 could be mapped to the same location as the read of deltas[lex_index_2D(threadIdx.x, threadIdx.y -1, blockDim.x)] in a different thread at iteration frame_idx. The two accesses are unordered and the result is nondeterministic. Try running the app with cuda-memcheck --tool racecheck.
If I try to send to my CUDA device a struct wich is heavier than the size of memory available, will CUDA give me any kind of warning or error?
I'm asking that because my GPU has 1024 MBytes (1073414144 bytes) Total amount of global memory, but I don't know how I should handle and eventual problem.
That's my code:
#define VECSIZE 2250000
#define WIDTH 1500
#define HEIGHT 1500
// Matrices are stored in row-major order:
// M(row, col) = *(M.elements + row * M.width + col)
struct Matrix
int width;
int height;
int* elements;
int main()
Matrix M;
M.width = WIDTH;
M.height = HEIGHT;
M.elements = (int *) calloc(VECSIZE,sizeof(int));
int row, col;
// define Matrix M
// Matrix generator:
for (int i = 0; i < M.height; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < M.width; j++)
row = i;
col = j;
if (i == j)
M.elements[row * M.width + col] = INFINITY;
M.elements[row * M.width + col] = (rand() % 2); // because 'rand() % 1' just does not seems to work ta all.
if (M.elements[row * M.width + col] == 0) // can't have zero weight.
M.elements[row * M.width + col] = INFINITY;
else if (M.elements[row * M.width + col] == 2)
M.elements[row * M.width + col] = 1;
// Declare & send device Matrix to Device.
Matrix d_M;
d_M.width = M.width;
d_M.height = M.height;
size_t size = M.width * M.height * sizeof(int);
cudaMalloc(&d_M.elements, size);
cudaMemcpy(d_M.elements, M.elements, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
int *d_k= (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_k, sizeof (int));
int *d_width=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_width, sizeof(int));
unsigned int *width=(unsigned int*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
width[0] = M.width;
cudaMemcpy(d_width, width, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
int *d_height=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_height, sizeof(int));
unsigned int *height=(unsigned int*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
height[0] = M.height;
cudaMemcpy(d_height, height, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
et cetera .. */
While you may not currently be sending enough data to the GPU to max out it's memory, when you do, your cudaMalloc will return the error code cudaErrorMemoryAllocation which as per the cuda api docs, signals that the memory allocation failed. I note that in your example code you are not checking the return values of the cuda calls. These return codes need to be checked to make sure your program is running correctly. The cuda api does not throw exceptions: you must check the return codes. See this article for info on checking the errors and getting meaningful messages about the errors
If you are using cutil.h, then it provides two very useful macros:
CUDA_SAFE_CALL (used while issuing functions like cudaMalloc, cudaMemcpy etc.)
CUT_CHECK_ERROR (used after executing a kernel to check for errors in kernel execution).
They take care of the errors, if any, by using the error checking mechanism detailed in the article provided by flipchart.