Refresh token unique - oauth-2.0

Good evening:
I am implementing two-legged OAuth 2.0 and I wanted to know how to generate a "random" and unique refresh_token.
The user will send a refresh_token, this token will be look up in the database to get the user related to this token. How could be a token generate in order to prevent collisions in the database?
Thanks in advance

ThePHPLeague OAuth2 library uses the helper class to generate random keys.
If you are using PHP look at : openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()
class DefaultAlgorithm implements KeyAlgorithmInterface
public function generate($len = 40)
$stripped = '';
do {
$bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($len, $strong);
// We want to stop execution if the key fails because, well, that is bad.
if ($bytes === false || $strong === false) {
throw new \Exception('Error Generating Key');
$stripped .= str_replace(['/', '+', '='], '', base64_encode($bytes));
} while (strlen($stripped) < $len);
return substr($stripped, 0, $len);


JWT refresh tokens not required for re-authentication

Till now i am using short-lived token and refresh token for API auth. I am using refresh token only for getting user-id to query database to check latest permissions and active/blocked status of user. Now i am thinking that why should not i extract this user-id from short-liven token itself. The following function is used to decode JWT, in this expiration is verified after signature verification. So if i get 'expiration' error it means then token signature is good and token is un-tempered. Now i can extract middle(yyy out of xxx.yyy.zzz) base64 encoded data from expired JWT to get user-id. So i don't seeing worth using refresh token. Further longer time access can also be defined in token itself with just custom timestamp so that i have both time limits in one token for example 5 minutes and 90 days. What are your thoughts?
public static function decode($jwt, $key, array $allowed_algs = array())
$timestamp = is_null(static::$timestamp) ? time() : static::$timestamp;
if (empty($key)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Key may not be empty');
$tks = explode('.', $jwt);
if (count($tks) != 3) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Wrong number of segments');
list($headb64, $bodyb64, $cryptob64) = $tks;
if (null === ($header = static::jsonDecode(static::urlsafeB64Decode($headb64)))) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Invalid header encoding');
if (null === $payload = static::jsonDecode(static::urlsafeB64Decode($bodyb64))) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Invalid claims encoding');
if (false === ($sig = static::urlsafeB64Decode($cryptob64))) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Invalid signature encoding');
if (empty($header->alg)) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Empty algorithm');
if (empty(static::$supported_algs[$header->alg])) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Algorithm not supported');
if (!in_array($header->alg, $allowed_algs)) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Algorithm not allowed');
if (is_array($key) || $key instanceof \ArrayAccess) {
if (isset($header->kid)) {
if (!isset($key[$header->kid])) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException('"kid" invalid, unable to lookup correct key');
$key = $key[$header->kid];
} else {
throw new UnexpectedValueException('"kid" empty, unable to lookup correct key');
// Check the signature
if (!static::verify("$headb64.$bodyb64", $sig, $key, $header->alg)) {
throw new SignatureInvalidException('Signature verification failed');
// Check the nbf if it is defined. This is the time that the
// token can actually be used. If it's not yet that time, abort.
if (isset($payload->nbf) && $payload->nbf > ($timestamp + static::$leeway)) {
throw new BeforeValidException(
'Cannot handle token prior to ' . date(DateTime::ISO8601, $payload->nbf)
// Check that this token has been created before 'now'. This prevents
// using tokens that have been created for later use (and haven't
// correctly used the nbf claim).
if (isset($payload->iat) && $payload->iat > ($timestamp + static::$leeway)) {
throw new BeforeValidException(
'Cannot handle token prior to ' . date(DateTime::ISO8601, $payload->iat)
// Check if this token has expired.
if (isset($payload->exp) && ($timestamp - static::$leeway) >= $payload->exp) {
throw new ExpiredException('Expired token');
return $payload;
Don't do this. Your plan breaks the common practice. It is also against the OAuth standard. New developer will think it is a bug. Your company might hire security auditor and that person will test access with expired token. This will be reported as something you have to fix.

Is possible to automate OAuth 2.0 implicit grant flow of Azure active directory in postman?

I'm trying to automate all the testing of an API. Currently is using a utentificacion using AAD.
The problem is: I can use the process of postman to get the token using OAuth2.0
Postman dialog
but I can't run a collection and do something like a trigger to get the token at the beginning. If i want to take the token I must push the button "Get new access token"
there is some way to do it automatically? or how can I create a flow to obtain the token?
You could use Pre-request Script to do it automatically. You just need to modify your required value and post it in the Pre-request Script of the postman. It had better in the parent collection, so it could inherit auth from the parent.
var getToken = true;
if (!pm.environment.get('accessTokenExpiry') ||
!pm.environment.get('currentAccessToken')) {
console.log('Token or expiry date are missing')
} else if (pm.environment.get('accessTokenExpiry') <= (new Date()).getTime()) {
console.log('Token is expired')
} else {
getToken = false;
console.log('Token and expiry date are all good');
if (getToken === true) {
url: '',
method: 'POST',
header: 'Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
body: {
mode: 'raw',
raw: 'grant_type=implicit&client_id...'
}, function (err, res) {
console.log(err ? err : res.json());
if (err === null) {
console.log('Saving the token and expiry date')
var responseJson = res.json();
pm.environment.set('currentAccessToken', responseJson.access_token)
var expiryDate = new Date();
expiryDate.setSeconds(expiryDate.getSeconds() + responseJson.expires_in);
pm.environment.set('accessTokenExpiry', expiryDate.getTime());
For the code sample, you could refer to here.

Invalid Access Token/Missing Claims when logged into IdentityServer4

I have a standard .NET Core 2.1 (MVC and API) and Identity Server 4 project setup.
I am using reference tokens instead of jwt tokens.
The scenario is as follows:
Browse to my application
Redirected to Identity Server
Enter valid valid credentials
Redirected back to application with all claims (roles) and correct access to the application and API
Wait an undetermined amount of time (I think it's an hour, I don't have the exact timing)
Browse to my application
Redirected to Identity Server
I'm still logged into the IDP so I'm redirected immediately back to my
At this point the logged in .NET user is missing claims (roles) and no longer has access to the API
The same result happens if I delete all application cookies
It seems obvious to me that the access token has expired. How do I handle this scenario? I'm still logged into the IDP and the middleware automatically logged me into my application, however, with an expired (?) access token and missing claims.
Does this have anything to do with the use of reference tokens?
I'm digging through a huge mess of threads and articles, any guidance and/or solution to this scenario?
EDIT: It appears my access token is valid. I have narrowed my issue down to the missing user profile data. Specifically, the role claim.
When I clear both my application and IDP cookies, everything works fine. However, after "x" (1 hour?) time period, when I attempt to refresh or access the application I am redirected to the IDP then right back to the application.
At that point I have a valid and authenticated user, however, I am missing all my role claims.
How can I configure the AddOpenIdConnect Middleware to fetch the missing claims in this scenario?
I suppose in the OnUserInformationReceived event I can check for the missing "role" claim, if missing then call the UserInfoEndpoint...that seems like a very odd workflow. Especially since on a "fresh" login the "role" claim comes back fine. (Note: I do see the role claim missing from the context in the error scenario).
Here is my client application configuration:
services.AddAuthentication(authOpts =>
authOpts.DefaultScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
authOpts.DefaultChallengeScheme = OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
.AddCookie(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, opts => { })
.AddOpenIdConnect(OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, openIdOpts =>
openIdOpts.SignInScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
openIdOpts.Authority = settings.IDP.Authority;
openIdOpts.ClientId = settings.IDP.ClientId;
openIdOpts.ClientSecret = settings.IDP.ClientSecret;
openIdOpts.ResponseType = settings.IDP.ResponseType;
openIdOpts.GetClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint = true;
openIdOpts.RequireHttpsMetadata = false;
openIdOpts.SaveTokens = true;
openIdOpts.ResponseMode = "form_post";
settings.IDP.Scope.ForEach(s => openIdOpts.Scope.Add(s));
// Add Claim Mappings
openIdOpts.ClaimActions.MapUniqueJsonKey("preferred_username", "preferred_username"); /* SID alias */
openIdOpts.ClaimActions.MapJsonKey("role", "role", "role");
openIdOpts.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidAudience = settings.IDP.ClientId,
ValidIssuer = settings.IDP.Authority,
NameClaimType = "name",
RoleClaimType = "role"
openIdOpts.Events = new OpenIdConnectEvents
OnUserInformationReceived = context =>
Log.Info("Recieved user info from IDP.");
// check for missing roles? they are here on a fresh login but missing
// after x amount of time (1 hour?)
return Task.CompletedTask;
OnRedirectToIdentityProvider = context =>
Log.Info("Redirecting to identity provider.");
return Task.CompletedTask;
OnTokenValidated = context =>
// this addressed the scenario where the Identity Server validates a user however that user does not
// exist in the currently configured source system.
// Can happen if there is a configuration mismatch between the local SID system and the IDP Client
var validUser = false;
int uid = 0;
var identity = context.Principal?.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
if (identity != null)
var sub = identity.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "sub");
Log.Debug($" Validating sub '{sub.Value}'");
if (sub != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sub.Value))
if (Int32.TryParse(sub.Value, out uid))
using (var configSvc = ApiServiceHelper.GetAdminService(settings))
var usr = configSvc.EaiUser.GetByID(uid);
if (usr != null && usr.ID.GetValueOrDefault(0) > 0)
validUser = true;
catch { }
Log.Debug($" Validated sub '{sub.Value}'");
if (!validUser)
// uhhh, does this work? Logout?
// TODO: test!
Log.Warn($"Unable to validate user is SID for ({uid}). Redirecting to '/Home/Logout'");
context.Response.Redirect("/Home/Logout?msg=User not validated in source system");
return Task.CompletedTask;
OnTicketReceived = context =>
// TODO: Is this necessary?
// added the below code because I thought my application access_token was expired
// however it turns out I'm actually misisng the role claims when I come back to the
// application from the IDP after about an hour
if (context.Properties != null &&
context.Properties.Items != null)
DateTime expiresAt = System.DateTime.MinValue;
foreach (var p in context.Properties.Items)
if (p.Key == ".Token.expires_at")
DateTime.TryParse(p.Value, null, DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal, out expiresAt);
if (expiresAt != DateTime.MinValue &&
expiresAt != DateTime.MaxValue)
// I did this to synch the .NET cookie timeout with the IDP access token timeout?
// This somewhat concerns me becuase I thought that part should be done auto-magically already
// I mean, refresh token?
context.Properties.IsPersistent = true;
context.Properties.ExpiresUtc = expiresAt;
return Task.CompletedTask;
I'm sorry folks, looks like I found the source of my issue.
Total fail on my side :(.
I had a bug in the ProfileService in my Identity Server implementation that was causing the roles to not be returned in all cases
humph, thanks!

OAuth in Play Framework 2.2.2

I have been looking for some documentation around how to do OAuth in the Play framework (version 2.2.2) and I can't really find anything. I read in one place that it has been deprecated but I haven't been able to find anything about this either. Does anyone know? I want to connect to the Twitter API and make some requests for data in my application.
You can find examples of OAuth with Play Framework on these open source projects:
It's supported and actually pretty straight forward.
Here's an OAuth authorization example directly from the Play Docs:
object Twitter extends Controller {
val KEY = ConsumerKey("xxxxx", "xxxxx")
val TWITTER = OAuth(ServiceInfo(
"", KEY),
def authenticate = Action { request =>
request.queryString.get("oauth_verifier").flatMap(_.headOption).map { verifier =>
val tokenPair = sessionTokenPair(request).get
// We got the verifier; now get the access token, store it and back to index
TWITTER.retrieveAccessToken(tokenPair, verifier) match {
case Right(t) => {
// We received the authorized tokens in the OAuth object - store it before we proceed
Redirect(routes.Application.index).withSession("token" -> t.token, "secret" -> t.secret)
case Left(e) => throw e
TWITTER.retrieveRequestToken("http://localhost:9000/auth") match {
case Right(t) => {
// We received the unauthorized tokens in the OAuth object - store it before we proceed
Redirect(TWITTER.redirectUrl(t.token)).withSession("token" -> t.token, "secret" -> t.secret)
case Left(e) => throw e
def sessionTokenPair(implicit request: RequestHeader): Option[RequestToken] = {
for {
token <- request.session.get("token")
secret <- request.session.get("secret")
} yield {
RequestToken(token, secret)
If you want to sign request, you can do it like this:
.sign(OAuthCalculator(Key, RequestToken(token, tokenSecret)))
Please note that the above is for OAuth 1.0. OAuth2 is very easy to implement without a dedicated library that why the Play folks left it out.

Verify OAuth Token on Twitter

I'm storing the oauth info from Twitter in a Flash Cookie after the user goes though the oauth process. Twitter says that this token should only expire if Twitter or the user revokes the app's access.
Is there a call I can make to Twitter to verify that my stored token has not been revoked?
All API methods that require authentication will fail if the access token expires. However the specific method to verify who the user is and that the access token is still valid is GET account/verify_credentials
This question may be old, but this one is for the googlers (like myself).
Here is the call to twitter using Hammock:
RestClient rc = new RestClient {Method = WebMethod.Get};
RestRequest rr = new RestRequest();
rr.Path = "";
rc.Credentials = new OAuthCredentials
ConsumerKey = /* put your key here */,
ConsumerSecret = /* put your secret here */,
Token = /* user access token */,
TokenSecret = /* user access secret */,
Type = OAuthType.AccessToken
rc.BeginRequest(rr, IsTokenValid);
Here is the response:
public void IsTokenValid(RestRequest request, RestResponse response, object userState)
if(response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
var user = userState;
Helper.SaveSetting(Constants.TwitterAccess, user);
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => MessageBox.Show("This application is no longer authenticated "))
I always borrow solutions from SO, this is my first attempt at giving back, albeit quite late to the question.
When debugging manually:
curl \
I am using TwitterOAuth API and here is the code based on the accepted answer.
$connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, $twitter_oauth_token, $twitter_oauth_secret);
$content = $connection->get("account/verify_credentials");
if($connection->getLastHttpCode() == 200):
// Connection works fine.
// Not working
