Rails index on show page - ruby-on-rails

What is the standard practice for a rails app when a standard 'show.html.erb' for one model essentially just lists its has_many of another model? There is no index for the 'child' model as without the context of its 'parent' model, a list of them would be useless.
Creating /parents/1/children/1 feels like the right thing to do (especially in terms of the API) and yet on the /parents/1 page there would be nothing but a bit button saying "carry on" ... again, useless.
Do I creat separate routes, like the one above, purely for the API or am I missing a cleaner more 'Railsy' way.
I'm not sure the above is totally clear. If I have an Exam that was completely made up of Questions, would the Rails way to be to link to /exam/1/questions or purely to /exam/1 with a list of questions. Obviously the API would go to /exam/1/questions in most cases but what about the standard HTML page? It would seem like it wants to be /exam/1 but with nested resources the create route (by default) goes to the /exam/1/questions route. If there is a validation error on the /exam/1/questions/new route the form is rendered again on the create (/exam/1/questions) route; if the page is then refreshed you then get a 404 error as there is no index for the children.
All this leads me to believe that Rails expects be an index action for the majority of models; but in the above example this feels odd.

If I understand you right you dont whant the route to /parents/1 to be on your path. For this reason you should specify it in your routes.rb
resource :parents, except: :show do
resource :children


Rails nested resource creation on separate pages

resources :books do
resources :chapters
Let's assume I have the above properly nested resources. I want to create a page where I create parent book resources and another page to create the chapters resources. When creating chapters, I want users to be able to select parent books they created.
Right now I have...
def find_book
#book = Book.find(params[:book_id])
...in the chapter controller but I believe this only works when there is already a book id present in the URL. So to create a new chapter I would have to visit "rootpath/book/book_id/chapter/new" when I want to be able to create chapters on a separate page.
Although I'm really not sure how to approach the problem, right now my plan is to put an association(?) form on the chapter creation page that links the nested resources.
The problem is, I'm really new to web development and I'm not sure if I'm approaching this right at all. How would I put a form that sends :book_id to the chapter controller? Would this method work at all? Are there more efficient ways to go at it?
I realize my questions might be a little vague but Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The dull answer is: your proposal does not make sense with only the nested route.
The nested route implies that upon accessing the chapters#new action, you already know exactly which book that should contain the chapter.
But on the bright side: you can use both nested and non-nested routes at the same time.
If you want to keep the nested route, but also provide a new and create actions that lets the user choose the desired Book for the chapter, you can add a non-nested route for Chapter creation.
For example:
resources :books do
resources :chapters
resources :chapters
Note that your controllers may need to be rewritten a bit to accomodate the dual routes.
If you want, you could create both resources in the same page. Look up accepts_nested_attributes_for to do that. It's really easy, once you get the hang of it.

How should I handle triggering an "action method" through a RESTful Controller?

I am trying to keep my controllers nice a RESTful. One thing I keep running into is the need for a button or link on the site to trigger a specific event on a model. For example:
Currently, I either make a custom named route on the users controller or if it's a more complex set of related actions, I create a new controller that acts on the same model as another "traditionally named" controller.
What is the best approach in this type of situation? What factors weigh into the decision?
In your routes you would typically have a resources declaration looking something like this
resources :users
The best way to add a restfull route to this is to define a ban method in the users controller and add a member route to the users route so your route ends up looking like this
resources :users do
member do
post :ban, :pay, :whatever
Use a memeber route for form post put actions, i.e. when using button_to or form_for (plus others) view helpers. Use collections for get requests (i.e. links)
Alternatively you could use <%= button_to 'Ban', #user %> then in the update action for the users controller check the commit params for the text ban and act accordingly
Actually I use this myself occasionally like so
if params[:commit] == 'Ban'
# do something like calling a ban method setting a flash notice or alert and redirecting
normal controller flow
Better still. Use i18n to display the text on the button and check the same i18n value against the commit param thereby leaving you free to change the text text on the button by updating the i18n yml file without breaking your controller code
First off, what jamesw says is good. There are lots of details here...
... and I actually go with that for whatever unconventional routes I need. About the "factors that weigh into this decision," though... I would first ask myself if this eccentric action is absolutely needed, because more often than not Rails' "convention over configuration" policy comes in. From experience, I find that it's pretty rare for me to need atypical actions. I guess if you can justify it, though, don't feel guilty and go with it.
I have rarely ever had to make a whole 'nother controller, though.

Routes question: what if I want both a resource to be nested and on its own?

Be able to nest a resource, like records inside of users so that I can access /users/1/records to see all of the first users records. But I would also like to see /records to see all of the records ( or the new ones, or something like that ).
So I know I am missing something somewhere because that cannot be the way to do it. I know I can have like a static page or some other route for that, but I don't think that is very rails-y.
I would have users, so a user would see their page with their records, but also be able to browse records, so I assumed I would need a more general route for that.
What is the appropriate way to browse a nested resource?
PS I have looked at things like this question, which almost address the problem, but deals with a static landing page for non logged in users, this is not what I am looking for.
Not sure how to handle this route later in controllers (never tried), but something like this should work:
resources :records
resources :users do
resources :records
I think you'll need to do something in records's index controller to check if its called for some user or not.
UPD: Ok, checked it. Check for params[:user_id] in your index controller.

What is a "resource" in Rails?

Dumb question but I have some lingering confusion of what, exactly, a "resource" is in Rails. The term is used everywhere but I get a funny feeling it might be being used rather loosely. It's referenced in the model, the controller and, quite literally, in routes.rb.
Is it the specific route? For example, map.resources maps the 7 RESTful "resources". So an example of one resource would be the call to, say, the index action of a particular class's controller?!?
Is it a reference to the whole page/object being retrieved? or perhaps, more narrowly, a database table? or the row being retreived?
Is it something else?
Anyway, hopefully someone can set me straight...
Any object that you want users to be able to access via URI and perform CRUD (or some subset thereof) operations on can be thought of as a resource. In the Rails sense, it is generally a database table which is represented by a model, and acted on through a controller.
For example, you might have a User resource (with a users table in your DB). This is represented by a User model, is mapped to users_controller with map.resources :users (which then generates routes like /users (a collection of User resources) and /users/1 (a specific User resource).
You act upon those resources by using the appropriate HTTP method when making calls to those resources. POST to the resource collection (/users) creates a new record; GET retrieves a list of resources (/users) or a specific user (/users/1). PUT updates a specific user (/users/1/), and DELETE destroys that user. The URLs are the same, but the result (and controller action) may be different based on the HTTP verb. The idea, though is that /users/1 always means "I'm interacting with the User that has ID #1", regardless of the action.
Here's a good article discussing how most developers think that "Resource" is synonomous with the database table, the argument, I guess, being that mapping to the resource is mapping the controller to that database table (or, with ActiveResource, to another REST url).
Basically, I think a "resource" is "persisted data." map.resources maps the 7 RESTful actions to a particular suite of persisted data.
But I haven't thought about it too much in depth. Good question!
I think they probably mean it in the general web sense, i.e., Resource (Web):
the referent of any Uniform Resource Identifier
I don't think it has anything to do with database tables.
open your model folder, that is a hint of what resources you have!
example: users, pictures, comments...
A lot of people here say that resources refer to the database tables you have. It might be true sometimes but not necessarily true always. I could give you a lot of examples where you don't have a corresponding table in your database for a particular resource. Hence asssociating it with tables is rather wrong.
I would define a resource as a route which maps to related requests. So instead of declaring separate routes for the actions you want to do you can simply declare them using a resourceful route.In Rails, a resourceful route provides a mapping between HTTP requests and URLs to controller actions.
So say you define resources :users in config/routes.rb. You can now use a number of helpers to the controllers in your application like edit_user_path which returns users/edit .
Here's a good link: https://api.rubyonrails.org/v5.2.1/classes/ActionDispatch/Routing/Mapper/Resources.html
Which basically says: Resource routing allows you to quickly declare all of the common routes for a given resourceful controller. Instead of declaring separate routes for your index, show, new, edit, create, update and destroy actions, a resourceful route declares them in a single line of code:
resources :photos

Forms for polymorphically associated resources where a basic resource path "/resource" does not exist

I have a polymorphic resource Location that can latch on to, let's say, instances of Store. The extent to which this "should" be a polymorphic resource is questionable, but that's besides the point at the moment.
A location accesses its polymorphic parent via location.locatable.
Since the location will always be the child of a resource like a store, I'd like to remove the route to POST /locations and instead have the application direct POST requests to /stores/1/locations.
Now, the default Rails method when it comes to dealing with polymorphic associations is to do it at the controller level with
def new
#location = Store.find(params[:store_id]).vendors.new
This, as expected, prepopulates location.locatable_id and location.locatable_type. Wonderful. But it still routes to locations_path by default, which I would like to get rid of.
And I try, it raises a route not found error.
So how can I prepare a general location form that is extensible to new parents?
I have come to the following:
form_for(#location, :url => [#location.locatable, #location]) do |l|
Which seems to work fine, but the passing of a path as an array irks me, and for some reason I can't find any documentation on the subject. Is there a better way to accomplish this? I'm new-ish to polymorphic resources, and it would be nice to do this right from the start.
Also, a (quite) minor peripheral issue is that this doesn't cooperate out of the box with the default RSpec-generated view spec since Rails actually tries to find #location.locatable. This is fairly easy to get around though. I was planning on rewriting the view spec from top to bottom anyway.
