iOS Metal: Unable to create compute pipeline state with function - ios

I was trying to make a simple app for sudoku solving on GPU with iOS Metal Framework.
I was following instructions from this blog post:
I version my code here:
(As of writing this question HEAD is commit c3e06e0)
And I've encountered error when calling
that is while setting up MTLDevice in ViewController (line 95):
The error I get is:
Error Domain=AGXMetal Code=1 "Compiler encountered an internal error"
I'm running this on iPhone 6 Plus with iOS 8.1.3
Have someone any idea what can cause the error I get?

You are experiencing one of the unfinished matters in Metal. The reason the error says "internal" is because this is a compiler error, CAUSED by the compiler. Not you. Try this:
Copy all of the code in the ".metal" file that is not compilable.
Delete the .metal file (NOT just the reference).
Remove all of the content of the "DerivedData" folder located at users/yourUser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Create a new .metal file and paste the old code in this new metal file.
Now build and run, you should be good to go.
Anybody who finds this error make sure to send some sort of error report to Apple so that they can properly debug it and fix it in the next release of Xcode.

For anyone having the same problem, I've figured it out.
It just means that there is something wrong with a kernel function. Most probably it doesn't compile, even if you don't see any errors in Xcode.


Unable to Build mac project in XCode14.0/14.1 with macOS ventura

I have recently updated to macOS 13.0 and for that minimum XCode Version required is 14.x series. But my existing project never getting successfully building. Its getting stuck at some point.
Its not getting failed. Build process screenshot is attached below. Its not pointing to any specific class. Seems like there are lots of classes which are getting compiled successfully at last but still build process is stuck at some point:
Seen similar threads like below on apple pages but nothing seems working. Does anyone got resolution?
Xcode 14 project compile error
XCode 14 compile errors immediately disappear or do not appear at all
Something similar has happened to me in the past on a number of occasions. If the Swift compiler is hanging mid-build, usually the issue is that there is some expression that is too complex for Swift to do the type inference on.
What you need to do is first find the exact statement that is causing the hang. This is how I do it:
First find out which source file is causing the problem. Look at the build log to figure this out (the build log can be located by looking at the reports navigator ⌘9 ). Find the build log and click on it. The build log will appear in an editor window.
One of the compiles will still be in progress and its file is the one you want.
The next thing to do is comment out all the code and recompile. This time the compilation will finish (if you have the right file, or there is only one) but probably with a lot of errors. Then you add the code back in, function by function, until one of them causes the compilation to hang again. If it's not obvious which line of the function is causing the problem, comment it out again and then add the lines back one by one until the compilation breaks again.
Once you have located the line, you need to simplify the type inference on that line. If it's a closure, try adding an explicit declaration for its parameters and return type. If it involves some complex array, try adding a type annotation to its declaration. Also try breaking down complex expressions into multiple simpler expressions.
There's no one size fits all answer to this but usually, once you have located the exact line that is causing the problem, it should be reasonably obvious how to fix it.

Migrating from AK4 to AK5 - AKOscillatorBank change to Synth

I'm migrating my project from AudioKit 4 to AudioKit 5 and currently stuck on a bad access error. The variables look like they are passed correctly into the SynthVoiceStart method. I'm quite stumped why it's throwing the error as it should be a simple change from AKOScillatorBank to the Synth object.
The project code is accessible HERE on GitHub.
I've attached a screenshot below.
XCode Error
Thank you, a simple mistake on my part.
let engine = AudioEngine()
Was accidentally inside the 'init' method and was not declared beforehand. This meant that AudioKit did not start correctly.
The corrected code is below.
XCode Correct Structure
This is more of a comment, but I don't have enough reputation.
In the past I've investigated and managed to solve EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors with AudioKit by using Address Sanitizer (ASan). In XCode go to Edit Scheme, Diagnostics tab, and tick the Address Sanitizer option. When your program is recompiled and run, ASan will print a report whenever a memory error occurs. This sometimes gives useful information to resolve the error.

Swift - Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11 when build in configuration Release

I'm trying to compile a project then the Xcode said that.
I hope to receive the answers for these concerns, here are the situation:
Xcode 8.3.2
Swift 3.0
All Frameworks are built via Carthage (Exclude Fabric & Crashlitics)
When I build in Debug configuration everything are ok, but when I change to configuration Release then the compile always failed.
I tried to change the Optimization Level to Fast, Single-File Optimization[-O] then the Xcode works well and I also can archive to ipa file.
I have some concerns, could you please review ?
+ How do I completely resolve this problem and keep the default Optimization Level value for configuration Release ?
+ If I change Optimization Level value to Fast, Single-File Optimization[-O], could I submit the binary file to App store review ? Does it violet Apple's tos ?
Thank you,
you can get this error when the compiler gets too confused about what's going on in your code. I noticed you have a number of what appear to be functions nested within functions. You might try commenting out some of that at a time to see if the error goes away. That way you can zero in on the problem area. You can't use breakpoints because it's a compile time error, not a run time error.
And it might be possible that you have used a custom frameworks so just remove that custom framework which shows error

Why is SKAction.playSoundFileNamed crashing?

It has been a few days and I still am having this problem. One thing that would be helpful, is to know some troubleshooting ideas to try, so I can track down what is causing the crash. Any help that would lead me in the correct direction would be greatly appreciated.
I'm running in Xcode 8.2.1 on the simulator, as well as on several different iOS devices. I get the same problem wherever I go.
I have imported a small mp3 file into my spritekit project, called "cat_meow_1.mp3"
when I select the file, in Xcode, and hit the play button, it plays normally. Incidentally I have tried with various different files in various formats, with the same results.
in my code, which complies okay, when I get to the line:
run(SKAction.playSoundFileNamed("cat_meow_1.mp3", waitForCompletion: true))
I get a crash with the error message,
error: use of undeclared identifier '$r0'
Any suggestions how to debug this problem, or to figure out what I did wrong?
I also tried to preload the sound and make a class property, but got the same error. Here's what it looks like:
After reinstalling Xcode, I still have the same problem. With certain files, I get white noise, while with other ones I get the error here. What else could be wrong with my system to cause this problem?
tried my experiment on a separate mac, and basically it worked just fine. I reinstalled my OS, and got the same problem, with a little more of an error message this time, which reads:
2017-01-18 18:10:09.397565 sound attempt 2[533:124220] [DYMTLInitPlatform] platform initialization successful
2017-01-18 18:10:11.058506 sound attempt 2[533:124042] Metal GPU Frame Capture Enabled
2017-01-18 18:10:11.059146 sound attempt 2[533:124042] Metal API Validation Enabled
error: use of undeclared identifier '$r0'
warning: could not load any Objective-C class information. This will significantly reduce the quality of type information available.
After a couple days, I finally gave in and used Clean My Mac 3 to completely remove Xcode, as well as any and all related files... I must not have caught everything when previously I uninstalled/reinstalled it, because this time, there were none of my custom settings at all when I ran the reinstalled app.
It works now, thankfully, and I can get back to work.

Xcode 8 debugger doesn't print objects and showing expression produced error

I have upgraded Xcode 8 but when I'm debugging, every object showing following error :
expression produced error: error: Couldn't materialize: couldn't get the value of __once: extracting data from value failed
error: errored out in DoExecute, couldn't PrepareToExecuteJITExpression
This seems system level error, so I've already tried all possible solutions but still doest work.
I don't know of any bug that would cause this to happen for all types. Except, if this is a Swift project, make sure that you have cleaned and rebuilt all the swift code you depend on from source. At present, Swift really needs the whole world to be built consistently for debugging to work. If that doesn't help, then we will need more details to figure out what is going wrong.
Might be worthwhile to file a bug with since that makes gathering the data needed to solve the problem easier.
