Facebook app token to be revoked after the 30th of April 2015? - ios

I work on a legacy iOS app, which uses Facebook SDK to let user login and publishes on user's behalf likes and posts on the wall. It requests email, publish_actions, user_likes permissions.
The app already has a valid app token and worked fine with Facebook SDK v3.13, pointed to Graph API v1.0.
Recently I have upgraded it to Facebook SDK v3.23 with Graph API v2.2.
Facebook's upgrade guide (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/upgrading#v1tov2) says:
Once you are defaulted to Graph API v2.0, you should test all possible
features to ensure full functionality. <...> If your app is fully functional
after defaulting to Graph API v2.0, you need to go through Login
Review before April 30th, 2015.
What happens if I refuse to go through review?
Will the older ("v1.0") / newer ("v2.2") builds of the app be still functional after 30/05/2015?
Will the users be able to log in and like/post/share?

V1.0 will be gone completely after April 2015, and all permissions that need review will stop working if they did not get approved.


How do I react to Facebook API Graph deprecation warning?

Our iOS app uses official iOS Facebook SDK (latest version) to handle user login and getting user friends. This is the only way of interaction with Facebook platform. We do not make any direct HTTP requests to Graph API, etc.
But when I open Facebook developer portal, I get a warning: "API Graph v2.8 will be deprecated on Apr 18, 2019 ...".
How shall I react to it? I checked that API Graph integrated into the Facebook SDK is later than 2.8. Can I safely ignore the warning then?
As long as you donĀ“t use any features that are deprecated with v2.8, you can ignore it:
...and if the SDK uses a newer version, you are safe anyway.

Titanium Google Authentication

I've been using https://github.com/ejci/Google-Auth-for-Titanium to login users with their Gmail accounts, but on April 2017 Google will start to block login from web views on mobile devices.
I've created this issue on the repo with more information: https://github.com/ejci/Google-Auth-for-Titanium/issues/13.
This blog post https://developers.googleblog.com/2016/08/modernizing-oauth-interactions-in-native-apps.html explains that we must use a native way of doing so.
Does anyone know of a module for Titanium (iOS and Android) where we can log users with their Gmail accounts?
Thank you so much

Single Sign On authentication in IOS requires LinkedIn App

We've migrated to the latest LinkedIn IOS SDK which only supports single sign-on (SSO) authentication, in conjunction with the official LinkedIn mobile application. Our app works really well with this, however Apple will not approve our latest version, because it requires the LinkedIn app to be installed for the authentication to work.
We need a solution which handles the scenario when the LinkedIn app is not present, to use web authentication, however LinkedIn are very specific stating Mobile SDK-enabled applications require the official LinkedIn iOS app to be installed on the device to function properly" https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/ios-sdk - The Mobile SDK was released in July, so presume we are not alone in having our app rejected by Apple approvals.
Could you test for the presence of the linked-in app:
if it is not there: implement OAuth2 directly through your app
if it is there: use it or your OAuth2 implementation (which you'd probably err on the side of using their app for the link-ability between any features of the app you may need in yours).
Thereby avoiding the REQUIREMENT to have the app installed.
Researching for this I did find:
Mobile vs server-side access tokens
Presently, there is no mechanism available to exchange them. If you
require tokens that can be used in both the mobile and server-side
environment, you will need to implement a traditional OAuth 2.0
solution within your iOS environment to acquire tokens that can be
leveraged in both situations.
from: https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/ios-sdk-auth
which suggests that authentication away from the app is supported.
Pleased to confirm that the solution kindly suggested by Madivad of using the new LinkedIn SDK if the LinkedIn app is installed and when it's not reverting to traditional OAuth 2.0 works fine. Apple are also back on our Christmas card list as they approved this latest version today within 40 minutes of submission:) Thanks Madivad for helping out with this.

What will happen with my app if I not get permission from FB to use "publish permissions"

I have a iOS application with more that 20k users. All current app versions are asking for publish permissions from user, but I never used it.
I'm already working on new version without this permissions, but I wonder what will happen with my app after April 30, 2015 without FB review? I don't have to go thru it if I'll remove publish permission from my app.
User can be still able to log in using facebook?
What will happen after April 30th, 2015 is that the login dialog won't show this permission anymore to people who are not in the roles tab of your Facebook Application Dashboard Settings (meaning the general public).
If you are 100% sure you are not using this permission, you should be good to go. It is great you're already creating a version with this stripped. Remember to remove it from your Facebook Application Dashboard Settings as well.
If for some reason, you are using this permission (Any Graph API or Facebook Dialog to publish), your Facebook Integration will be broken.
More information can be found here:

Will ShareKit v0.2.1 stop working with Facebook soon?

Is ShareKit going to stop working for Facebook sharing come 11th October 2011?
As I understand it the current version (0.2.1gm1) of ShareKit uses the REST api, which is based on the old iPhone SDK (facebook-iphone-sdk) and according to today's blog:
On October 11th, apps using the old JavaScript Library (FeatureLoader.js) or the old iPhone SDK (facebook-iphone-sdk) for authentication will no longer be able to authenticate users until these apps switch to OAuth 2.0
Or does it already use OAuth 2.0, so no changes are needed?
Just a little confused as to whether I need to update my apps in advance or not - thanks!
