we want to publish docker container metrics data using collectd, and below mentioned is our puppet script (reference: https://github.com/cloudwatt/docker-collectd-plugin)
Here is our puppet snippet
collectd::plugin { 'collectd-docker-plugin' :
plugin => 'docker',
content => template('test-iops/dockerplugin.erb'),
And here is dockerplugin.erb
LoadPlugin python
<Plugin python>
ModulePath "/usr/sbin/collectd"
Import "dockerplugin"
<Module dockerplugin>
BaseURL "unix://var/run/docker.sock"
collectd log message is
plugin_load: Could not find plugin "docker" from /usr/lib64/collectd
I think the problem is that there is no docker plugin per-se for CollectD. the docker-collectd-plugin is a Python-based plugin.
Try with:
collectd::plugin { 'collectd-docker-plugin':
plugin => 'python',
content => template('test-iops/dockerplugin.erb'),
By doing this, you also don't need to put LoadPlugin python in your .erb file; I believe that Puppet snippet will do that for you already (although it doesn't hurt if it's there twice).
May I also suggest using the plugin version from https://github.com/lebauce/docker-collectd-plugin, which seems to be the "true" upstream repository. I just happened to have contributed a whole bunch of fixes and improvements for it!
I want to refer/specify (syntax) branch which is set as an environment variable for Jenkins shared library which will be provide during docker container.
For Example:
#Library(['my-shared-library', BRANCH_NAME])
Tried using ${BRANCH_NAME} ${env.BRANCH_NAME}
I will provide BRANCH_NAME as environment variable in docker-compose.yml
Also i want to get the env variable effected in org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.GlobalLibraries.xml
like if i set PIPELINE_VERSION as env variable
<?xml version='1.1' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.GlobalLibraries plugin="workflow-cps-global-lib#2.15">
<retriever class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.SCMSourceRetriever">
<scm class="jenkins.plugins.git.GitSCMSource" plugin="git#3.12.0">
I don't think anyway it possible to make the environment variable available for org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.GlobalLibraries.xml. But If you use Jenkins Code As Configuration plugins, you can pass the variable from docker-compose and make that available to the config file, and when Jenkins load the config file to prepare config for Jenkins would work.
An example can be found here
Using this info https://hayato-iriumi.net/2019/05/23/how-to-install-jenkins-slave-as-windows-service/ we are setting up the Jenkins Slave on Windows server. Jenkins agent start from command line. but when we start from Windows service, its giving below error message? How to resolve this error message?
Service cannot be started. System.IO.InvalidDataException: Attribute <className> is missing in configuration XML
at winsw.Util.XmlHelper.SingleAttribute[TAttributeType](XmlElement node, String attributeName)
at winsw.Extensions.WinSWExtensionDescriptor.FromXml(XmlElement node)
at winsw.Extensions.WinSWExtensionManager.LoadExtension(String id)
at winsw.Extensions.WinSWExtensionManager.LoadExtensions()
at winsw.WrapperService.OnStart(String[] args)
at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.ServiceQueuedMainCallback(Object state)
xml file we have
<name>Jenkins agent</name>
<description>This service runs an agent for Jenkins automation server.</description>
<arguments>-Xrs -jar "c:\jenkins\slave.jar" -jnlpUrl https://jenkinsmaster/jenkins/computer/slave01/slave-agent.jnlp -secret a4b5b4ddfd34a016cd3a8eb94cbe8f908613e33a66db5fa6f5f43a080aea3116 -workDir=c:\jenkins</arguments>
<onfailure action="restart">
<download from="https://jenkinsmaster/jenkins/jnlpJars/slave.jar" to="c:\jenkins\slave.jar">
<extension enabled="false" classname="winsw.Plugins.RunawayProcessKiller.RunawayProcessKillerExtension" id="killOnStartup">
There are some errors in the sample "Jenkins-Slave.xml" that is presented at the linked web page (which yours is apparently based on). It has all elements and attributes named in lowercase, but actually some of them should be mixed case (as can be seen by the error message that it doesn't find attribute className).
Try this one instead:
<name>Your Jenkins Slave Service Name</name>
<description>This service runs an agent for Jenkins automation server.</description>
<executable>C:\Program Files\Java\JRE8\bin\java.exe</executable>
<arguments>-Xrs -jar "%BASE%\slave.jar" -jnlpUrl http://YourJenkinsServer:8080/computer/YourNodeName/slave-agent.jnlp -secret YourSecretStringConsistingOfHexadecimalCharacters -workDir=C:\YourNodeWorkDir</arguments>
<onfailure action="restart" />
<download from="http://YourJenkinsServer:8080/jnlpJars/agent.jar" to="%BASE%\slave.jar"/>
<extension enabled="true" className="winsw.Plugins.RunawayProcessKiller.RunawayProcessKillerExtension" id="killOnStartup">
This is from a more detailed explanation of how to install an agent as a Windows service which I have given in this answer.
I too has the same issue similarly..
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to locate jenkins.xml file within executable directory or any parents
at winsw.ServiceDescriptor..ctor()
at winsw.WrapperService.Run(String[] _args, ServiceDescriptor descriptor)
at winsw.WrapperService.Main(String[] args)
Save your jenkins-agent file as xml format. not just jenkins-agent.xml
we can use notepad++ to save the xml type.
similarly remove .exe at end of jenkins-agent.exe
Hope its useful.... cheers !!
The className, stopTimeout and stopParentFirst should not be in lower case.
According to GitHub JSHint,
Configuration File Support For Rhino Wrapper #704 issues was closed and support for configuration file was provided [https://github.com/jshint/jshint/issues/704]
I am using Rhino1_7R4 and jshint-rhino-2.5.2.js
Trying to execute this cmd line -
java -jar rhino.jar jshint.js samplefile.js --configure=config.json
but none of the options I specified in the config file seems to take effect.
This is my config.json file:
"maxerr" : 150,
"asi" : true,
"expr" : true
Also, when trying to specify multiple options via command line, only the first one seems to take effect.
java -jar rhino.jar jshint.js samplefile.js asi=true expr=true
Thanks for your help!
I have created Web Application by using JSF 2.0, Log 4j 1.2.14 and JBoss 7. When I run testcase, the log file is created. And the log file can't create when I run web application.
I there is anything I need to configur, please tell me.
Take a look at this maybe can help you.
The following filejboss-deployment-structure.xmlneeds to contain the following:
<!-- Exclusions allow you to prevent the server from automatically adding some dependencies -->
<module name="org.apache.log4j" />
Make sure the configuration file (log4j.xml or log4j.properties) is in the classpath of the web application (in this case, in the binaries).
If you have both files (log4.properties, log4j.xml) only is considered log4j.xml. The first time you init or use some instance of org.apache.log4j.Logger, log4j search the configuration file in the classpath, then the configuration is loaded.
If you want to see this process of searching and loading more closely, add the following argument to the virtual machine:
I am using Debian OS and tomcat6.
I export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m" environment variable and create a puppet service:
class tomcat6::service {
service { 'tomcat6':
ensure => running,
hasstatus => true,
hasrestart => true,
enable => true,
As /usr/share/tomcat6/bin/catalina.sh reads CATALINA_OPTS variables for starting tomcat6 service, the process should receive CATALINA_OPTS but it does not show in the process command. I execute ps aux|grep catalina to show the command detail:
tomcat6 10658 1.0 2.0 2050044 189572 ? Sl 18:04 0:16 /usr/lib/jvm/default- java/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/var/lib/tomcat6/conf/logging.properties -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx128m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/share/tomcat6/endorsed -classpath /usr/share/tomcat6/bin/bootstrap.jar -Dcatalina.base=/var/lib/tomcat6 -Dcatalina.home=/usr/share/tomcat6 -Djava.io.tmpdir=/tmp/tomcat6-tomcat6-tmp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
Puppet does not receive CATALINA_OPTS properly.
My question is, how can I let puppet read CATALINA_OPTS when executing puppet tomcat6 service?
Thank you.
instead of
hasstatus => true,
hasstatus => false,
By doing this, you will force puppet to look up the proc table and find the daemon OR in other words, this will make puppet run ps auxw | grep tomcat6 before doing anything else.
hasstatus => true tells that if puppet receives a status != running it will do as directed, but in some cases several daemons don't return the status correctly (probably due to mutiple threading involved)
I fixed the issue by setting setenv.sh for tomcat6. It works properly.