Retrieving showmem output on QNX - qnx

Does QNX store the output of showmem system call in some file?
showmem -S
System RAM: 4096M ( 4294967296)
Total Used: 1425M ( 1494345552)
Used Private: 1075M ( 1127446352)
Used Shared: 349M ( 366899200)

take a look at
my reply to a similar problem
I wrote a sample code to get the available RAM.
Hope this help


how to write driver for MX 6 and TJA1100 PHY?

I am working on new costume board based on (i. MX 6Solo6DualLite).and I use (TJA1100 100BASE-T1 PHY) for Automotive Ethernet..
please correct me if my questions don't make sense, or I am in the wrong way.
I want to write driver for this device.. and make sure that it works correctly.
1- I can make sure that the driver works properly in the U-boot step, Right? I mean no need to load Linux kernel, so I have just to add source code C driver in U-boot source code and compile it. I want to do this in U-boot step, so I can limit the numbers of files that initialise all peripheriques, and make it simple as possible since that U-boot can behave like (mini-Os)
2-I don't know how to write this driver (exactly..), so I am looking for the driver (source code) that initialise the Ethernet Controller in any other processor , and initialise another typeof ethernet phy, in order to get an idea and write a similar driver source code for I.MX6 and TJA1100,?
after this i think that i could maybe add some very basic file c For simple Protocol like ARP, for test purpose..
3- is this good idea writing driver code by inspiring from another driver code source?
4 - maybe, if you already have a driver for (i. MX 6Solo6DualLite and TJA1100 100BASE-T1 PHY) can you provide to me please... ?
for my second question i tried to extract from U-boot source code the C file that initialise Ethernet Controller in AM335x, and initialise LAN8710A phy,(in beaglebone black) in order to get an idea and write a similar driver source code but i couldn't found it .. i found network C file for protocol .... but that's disturp me i couldn't seperate them from the real C file that initialise ethernet controller and ethernent Phy .
There is a driver published on the NXP forum:
It includes both some bare metal code that should be usable with U-Boot and a Linux driver.

Get the operating system in maxima

Is it possible to get the operating system in maxima? I have some code that needs the unix / or windows \ for path names. How can I find out which operating system the code is running in?
To give some context, I have the following code:
windows: false$
divider: "/"$
if (windows) then divider: "\\"$
initfile: concat(maxima_userdir, divider, "maxima-init.mac");
dir: getcurrentdirectory();
if (substring(dir, slength(dir)) # divider) then dir: concat(dir, divider)$
repo: concat(dir, "$$$.mac")$
live: concat(dir, "live_packages", divider, "$$$.mac")$
with_stdout(initfile, printf(true, ""))$
with_stdout(initfile, printf(true, concat("file_search_maxima: append (file_search_maxima, [
]);"), repo, live))$
Take a look at the output of build_info, specifically the field host (i.e. foo#host where foo : build_info()). See ? build_info for more information.
On my (Linux) system I get: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu I think on MS Windows you'll get a string containing windows or at least win or maybe win32.
There may be other ways to figure out the system type so let me know if that doesn't work for you. Also it is possible that there is a global variable floating around which tells the path separator; I would have to look for that.
If you're not adverse to writing a little bit of Lisp code, another approach is to use the file and directory functions in Common Lisp, which are more extensive than in Maxima. See the section on filenames in the Common Lisp Hyperspec. I think maybe MERGE-PATHNAMES and/or MAKE-PATHNAME might be relevant.

BizHawk 2.1.1: read("*number") always returns 0 in Lua

I'm trying to run the brilliant Mar I/O artificial intelligence written in Lua (more on this at
The AI runs successfully in the Lua (v.5.1) console of the BizHawk emulator (v.2.1.1), but I'm getting an error when trying to reload a previous state of the algorithm.
After opening the file, it seems like file:read("*number") will always return 0, whereas read("*all") and "*line" both read the content correctly. I've also tried "*n" with no luck.
Full script at:
function loadFile(filename)
local file =, "r")
pool = newPool()
pool.generation = file:read("*number")
pool.maxFitness = file:read("*number")
function writeFile(filename)
local file =, "w")
file:write(pool.generation .. "\n")
file:write(pool.maxFitness .. "\n")
The file generated starts with:
But still, I only see 0s in the console:
console.writeline("Gen " .. pool.generation) --> "Gen 0"
console.writeline("Max Fitness " .. pool.maxFitness) --> "Max Fitness 0"
What's also puzzling is that this script has been discussed in different forums and no one seems to report the same issue.
I found out that the BizHawk emulator is using a customized version of Lua.
This issue appeared in version 2.1.1 of the emulator. Previous releases are working fine.
Thanks for your help community
The format to read a number is 'n', file:read('n'). See for details on read() format specifiers.
Around that time, BizHawk added an alternate c# lua implementation 'kopilua' in an effort to workaround deep crashy problems. One of kopilua's several shortcomings is noncompliant string parsing and file IO. You must use config > customize > advanced > Lua+LuaInterface in order to use normal lua; it won't have this problem.

Error with seek function in big files

i've one question about lua and io library.
i've this simple function to get file size:
function checkisoLIMG(file)
local iso = assert(, "rb"));
if (iso) then
local size = iso:seek("end");
return size;
return "error";
When i try to get the size of a big file (about 3GB or 4GB) the function return nil or -1, but with small files works fine. Someone know how to fix this? or any script to get file size.
The problem is, because the program open file without problem, and i can seek to a position lower than 2147483647 (just 1 byte less than 2GB), but when i try to see to 2GB or bigger position then fails.
Thanks in advance
It depends on Lua version and OS.
-- Program
print([[D:\_Best Films\The Grudge 1,2\Proklyatie.2004.x264.BDRip.720p.mkv]]:seek'end')
-- Output on Lua 5.2.1 / Windows
-- Output on Lua 5.1.4 / Windows
nil Invalid argument 22
The is no pure Lua workaround for this issue.
I don't know what is causing the particular error in your code but if I wanted to know the size of a file I would use the LuaFilesystem library. Its not part of the basic Lua standard libraries but its the most commonly used filesystem library I know. It comes bundled with the LuaForWindows distribution and is also easy to install with Luarocks.
local lfs = require 'lfs'
function getFileSize(filename)
local attrs = lfs.attributes(filename)
if not attrs then error("File not found") end
return attrs.size

Uploading a file larger than 2GB using PHP

I'm trying to upload a file larger than 2GB to a local PHP 5.3.4 server. I've set the following server variables:
memory_limit = -1
post_max_size = 9G
upload_max_filesize = 5G
However, in the error_log I found:
PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 2120909412 bytes exceeds the limit of 1073741824 bytes in Unknown on line 0
Can anyone tell me why this keeps failing please?
I had a similar problem, but my config was:
post_max_size = 1.8G
upload_max_filesize = 1.8G
and yet I could not upload a 1.2GB file. The error was very same:
PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 1347484420 bytes exceeds the limit of 1073741824 bytes in Unknown on line 0
I spent a day wondering where the heck was this "limit of 1073741824" coming from!
Actually, the error was in the php.ini parser: It only understands INTEGER numbers, so essentially it was parsing 1.8G as 1G !!
Changing the value to e.g. 1800M fixed it.
Pls ensure to restart the apache server with the below command service apache2 restart
I don't know about in 5.3.x, but in 5.2.x there are some int/long issues in the PHP code. even if you're on a 64-bit system and have a version of PHP compiled with 64-bit, there are several problems.
First, the code that converts post_max_size and others from ascii to integer stores the value in an int, so it converting "9G" and putting the result into this int will bork the value because 9G is a larger number than a 32-bit variable can hold.
But there are also several other areas of PHP code that are used with the Apache module, CGI, etc. that need to be changed from int to long.
So...for this to work, you need to edit the PHP code and compile it by hand (make sure you compile it as 64-bit). here's a link to a list of diffs:
Referenced from this php bug post:
The file above is a diff on 5.2.10 code, but I just made the changes by hand to 5.2.17 code and i just uploaded a 3.4gb single file through apache/php (which hadn't worked before the change).
ope that helps.
I figure out how to use http and php to upload a 10G file.
post_max_size = 0
upload_max_filesize = 0
It works in php 5.3.10.
if you do not load that file all into memory , memory_limit is unrelated.
Maybe this can come from apache limitations on POST size:
It seems this limitation on 2Gb can be greater on 64bits installations, maybe. And i'm not sure setting 0 in this directove does not reach the compilation limit. see for examples that thread:
Then do not forget to alter as well the max_input_time in PHP.
But you are reaching high limits :-) maybe you could try a rich client (flash? js?) on the browser side, doing the transfer in chunks or some sort of FTP things, with progress indicators for the user.
As phliKtid mentioned, this is a limitation with the PHP framework. Save for editing the source code as mentioned in the bug report phliKtid linked, there is a workaround that involves setting the upload_max_filesize to 0 in the php.ini file.
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 0
By doing this, PHP will not crash when trying to convert "5G" into a 32-bit integer and you will be able to upload files as big as you allow with the "post_max_size" variable.
We've had the same problem: uploads stopped at 2GB.
Under SLES (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server) 11 SP 2, php53 was the problem.
Then we added a new repository that has php54:
and upgraded to that, we now can upload 5GB :-)
