XCode 6.3 autocomplete not working - ios

I'm learning basics of Objective-C and using XCode for writing code.
As you all know autocomplete option is perfect for new users that don't know (or remember) name of functions.
I have a problem with using autocomplete in XCode 6.3 couse its just.. not working - it is not showing anything or showing things that are not connected.
For example I just wrote simple few lines of code gusing NSMutableArray and NSEnumerator, when I'm trying to remind myself function/message 'nextObject' of NSEnumerator, XCode is not suggesting anything.
Here is a pic to show it:
Am I doing sth wrong or there is a way to fix it?
thanks in advance!

It must be a temporary glitch. Happens to me almost all the time while Xcode is "indexing". You might be typing too fast and by the time Xcode gives indexing a break and looks for the auto-completion you might have types something for which there is no method (or something that you expected)
Also, for custom classes & method, make sure you have included the respective header files.

It seems that autocomplete does not work when there is an error in the code.

The reason for autoComplete not working can be anything. Do any one of the following to debug it
Check if there are errors and if so try to solve it and then check autoComplete. If any error is present in any of the line then autoComplete will not work for below code. Try autoComplete above the error incase you want to check.
If debugger does not throw any error then try commenting out the all lines and uncomment it from top to methods to recheck the autoComplete
Quit Xcode and Reopen it
Clear Derived data and then launch Xcode and check


iOS: #import AnyModule not found after editing class using cocoapods

I have an Obj-C/Swift project setup that imports modules using cocoapods. In any class where I am importing a framework using the #import function I get the error message SomeModule not found. However, when I build/run it compiles fine, and the framework works and functions as expected.
The problem here is that it messes me up when I'm trying to write code below the error (i.e., objects appear as ints because the error above messes up the compiler; function auto complete doesn't work, etc). What's weird, if I cmd+s to save the class, the error messages go away. Then the second I start typing again, they reappear.
I've gone as far as removing all of my cocoapods and reinstalling them, but to no avail. This has only been an issue since installing xcode 8.
Anyone have any insight into this?
Thanks in advance.
Sorry for super late response - the only way I found to get around this was to use the "old" style of framework import; i.e., ... it seems like some Frameworks just don't play nicely with the #import declaration. #pablo-martinez
If someone has a better solution please feel free to share.

Weird Xcode autocomplete

I've updated my Xcode yesterday to version 7.3 and since then I got a really strange autocomplete (marked text, case sensitive etc.):
Is it something of the new version? Can I turn it off and use the classic autocomplete of Xcode?
Thank you!
Yes, it is a new autocomplete in the new Xcode version. It uses fuzzy matching to provide suggestions. I haven't found a way to turn it off, but give it a shot. The old autocomplete is absolutely dreadful. I used to install a Fuzzy Autocomplete plugin to make it work properly.
In the old days (in case of Objective-C, for instance, but it's the same with Swift), if you wanted to implement
- tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:
you typed -tableView, saw all the methods starting with tableView:, then you added a colon, and the autocomplete died. Now you can just enter something like -tv:hfrowatinp, and you instantly get your method.
It will take a bit of time getting used to, but it's worth it, trust me.

Xcode 7 crash every time I try to print something in the debugger console

I've searched around and can't find anything on this.
Using Swift 2 and Xcode Version 7.0.1 (7A1001). Every time I execute something in the debugger console, Xcode crashes.
The project is not very big, and has less than 10 third party frameworks.
I can't think of much more information that's relevant, but I'm sure there's more, so please do ask me if there's anything I should add to my question that would help.
I've of course cleaned build and derived data.
It's driving me insane. Thanks!
UPDATE 16/11/12
Submitted rdar://23559366.
How are you maintaining your third party frameworks? Via Carthage?
If so then this is probably your issue: https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage/issues/924
This is an issue if the location of the /Carthage/Build/iOS folder is in a different location to where it was produced (i.e if it was compiled on a different machine and the absolute file path has changed).
A temporary fix would be to run carthage build --no-use-binaries on your machine to rebuild the symbols using the current absolute file path working around the bug.
But if you wasn't using carthage then its probably not your issue so sorry
I had similar problem with Xcode whenever I hit breakpoint.
In case you see this screen right before your Xcode crashes - you are lucky and my fix might save you. All you need to do is open this window and in the Project Navigator, select any file that you want, so that instead of that white blank view you would get your code. After this you are most likely will be able to successfully stop your app at your breakpoint and perform the debug.
I am not sure why this happens, but I suspect that the reason is Debug View Hierarchy mode, which you might have triggered prior to setting you breakpoint and trying to stop at it. At least this is when it happens to me.
I have similar problem earlier.
If you try to print non-optional variable and unfortunately it holds nil value then it breaks/crash. so that make sure declare all possible variables as "Optional type".

Xcode going crazy! while coding, loses classes, references and doesn't autocomplete giving often <<error type>>

After I installed the latest version of xcode i'm having a very annoying issue.
While I'm coding, xcode goes nuts. Without me doing anything weird, just typing code, xcode stop recognizing classes.
For example: I want to add UITableViewDelegate to my class, but it doesnt recognize it. After i type it manually sometimes it recognize it and it is shown in purple, some other time it doesnt. But both times it won't really consider it, so if I try to write down a method of that delegate, it won't show it.
Other times if I try to call a variable of a certain class, while trying to autocompleting it, it shows <>.
Other times if I try to call any class, let's say I try to type var test = UIActionSheet, it just shows a few elements in the autocomplete list (raw types, primitives, the classes of my main project, but it doesn't show the majority of classes).
It's like it's missing the documentation and the link with the main frameworks...
I'm working on a simple tabbed app from yesterday and it's the 3rd time i started all over because of this issue, thinking that starting over would fix the issue, but it's not working.
If i open a different project while the issue is going on, the other project works ( but i recoded all over my app so it's not that one the issue, and i also have the same issue on other project... it just doesn't affect 2 project at the same time )
i tried deleting derived data
i tried restarting both xcode and the comp
What's going on?
Here are two screenshoots where you can see what's happening:
I had the same problem earlier.
Exit Xcode and delete Derived Data folder here ~/Library/Developer/Xcode
Restart Xcode and you should see the autocomplete working again.
You have to learn how to take it apart and put back together.
Either reinstall Xcode, if it doesn't help, create a new project.
Then copy source files one by one and see when it breaks.
Freshly install the XCode IDE version 6.1
Use CMD + F to find all _element.
Check that if you named one variable _element
The following code may reproduce the error:
class _element:NSObject {
let _element:UIImage = UIImage()
// type _element under this line

Bad Access at UIApplicationMain() if Keyboard's Correction is set to Default or Yes

In my project, there is a simple table view and search controller. Everything loads and works fine, until I type into the text field. It then crashes at UIApplicationMain(), with a stack track of several UIKeyboardInputImpl methods. On a whim, I decided to mess with the settings in IB for the Search Bar itself—turns out, setting the option for Correction to Default or Yes causes the crash. I've never seen this happen before, and I'm tempted to call this a bug in the SDK. Can anyone confirm or provide more insight?
Xcode 4 Project:
I've downloaded and checked your sample project for all available options of Correction and it didn't crash. You should try cleaning your build and derived data just in case and try again. If you are sure that the problem is reproducible I would love to know the steps I need to take to reproduce the error/crash.
Bug in the SDK…not much that I can do.
