Tabbed icons & Keyboard not appearing in text field in Swift - ios

I am working in Xcode 6 in swift. I am using the default UITabBarItem tab icons which are appearing in Main.storyboard, but are not appearing in the simulator (I am using the default images -- nothing uploaded). In addition, the keyboard is not appearing after touching into a text field. I am getting the following error:
Could not load the " " image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier "Project Name".
Note that this error is only happened after a segue into the tab bar controller. It is working correctly in prior views.

It looks like you have a bad layout which is pushing the tab icons off the screen. Suggest you use the Resolve AutoLayout Issues and check it out. Can't comment on the second issue without the code.

Just clear the constraints and then click on the Add Missing Constraints


"Print" & "Cancel" disappeared from Printer Options in UIActivityViewController

The buttons are still there and function fine, however as you can see they are completely invisible. Adjusting font colors and navigation bar colors had no effect. I have been trying to resolve this for months and despite reading Apple's documentation, I am unable to even see where you would change what I assumed to be a system wide function.
So to help narrow down this issue I created a simple navigation controller with a print button. If I put these both on the Login storyboard (the first storyboard) it works perfectly fine. If I put it on Main.storyboard (the second storyboard) it doesn't work.
If I change my project settings to make Main.storyboard the first storyboard it works. Leading me to believe the issue is in my FirstViewController.
You can set the color of the print and cancel button
UIBarButtonItem.appearance(whenContainedInInstancesOf: [UIToolbar.self]).tintColor =
After narrowing down the problem to the first view controller I discovered the tint was set to Clear Color (ie Alpha is 0). Fixing this resolved the problem in the rest of the app. I am surprised a setting in a view can propogate to the rest of the app and overwrite all of the other views in the process. Perhaps apple set the first view to determine the colors for system pop ups etc.

Title of all my UIbuttons is written twice

Suddendly a strange problem appears in my app.
The title of all my buttons is written twice !
For instance, instead of "Menu", it is written "Menu Menu".
It appears only at runtime, on simulator and on real device. All is ok in my storyboard.
The buttons and their title are all created in my storyboard.
I have a button in navigationBar and 3 buttons per rows of tableView.
The title of all these buttons is written twice.
Here is a github image :
Here is the scene description in storyboard.
After this problem occured, I downloaded last version of Xcode : 6.1.1, but my problem is still there.
Elsewhere in my code I create buttons programmatically, in this case, titles are not repeated.
Please, can you help ?**

Xcode Interface Builder - views are vertically ambiguous

Xcode is telling me that 8 views are vertically ambiguous, but it's not pointing to which view controller in my storyboard is actually causing the problem. I've clicked the warning message which just takes me to the storyboard and tried expanding all 20 something view controllers in the document outline, and none are showing that little warning indicator.
How can I determine the offending view controller?
This might be a pretty ugly way of figuring out what views are causing the warnings but I was having the same problem. What I did was in the Issue Navigator, right click on the warning and click "reveal in log". In the log, xcode gave me the warning statements followed by a semicolon and a value. Then I opened the storyboard in TextEdit to see the XML of the storyboard. I searched the values and found that they were ID numbers for views in the storyboard. From there I was able to figure out what views in what view controllers caused the problems. Hope that helps.
if you open the left panel on storyboard (Document Outline) you will see a red circle with arrow near the ambiguous view name. click it to see more details.
Here is an example with the red circle with arrow.
Those details may include another such red circle with arrow that will make suggestions.
I got this silly issue, too. I selected all the elements, cut them, and pasted them again, then the warning disappeared. Really sucks.....
Selecting everything and turning auto layout to off and then back to on, in the file inspector pane in the storyboard, solved it for me

UIButton title set in Storyboard is missing when run

I am quite new to iOS development and I encountered a problem when I was trying out a simple calculator tutorial. For some reason, the "0" and "=" does not appear on the iOS simulator while it appeared perfectly fine on the user interface shown on XCode.
Any idea on how to resolve this problem?
Thanks! =)
Just set the Style value to "Default" from "Attributes Inspector" tab as shown in the image below.
Now you should see the Font, Color and other attributed properties are back :)
In my case the button title disappeared, when I made changes to its attributes. Changing the Button title back to 'plain' and back again to 'attributed' made the text visible again.
One possibility could be that you accidentally set the titles of those two buttons on a control state other than default or UIControlStateNormal.
The buttons in your screenshot are in a state called UIControlStateNormal because they aren't being tapped or disabled. Select the buttons and make sure the 'State Config' option in the Attributes inspector is set to 'Default' when you're setting your title in Storyboard.
Autolayout sometimes causes unintended behavior like this. If you aren't relying on Autolayout and don't plan to, you can turn it off in the File inspector. If you are relying on Autolayout, you'll have to write some code to undo the unintended behavior it's causing.

Editing toolbar in Xcode 4.6 - unable to add Bar Button Items

I am attempting to add a toolbar as an input accessory, and as such have added it via xcode storyboard editor to the view controller (and not within the view). This was as specified in this tutorial(which seems to be written for an earlier version of xcode): reference
My issue: "8.) Now we need to open the toolbar item itself. Double click Toolbar in the document window."
This is no longer valid behavior in Xcode 4.6 it appears, so I ask you: how do I add button items to a toolbar? I would prefer to avoid doing it programmatically (Still reasonably new to xcode development and normally make my GUIs with storyboards) but if I have to, I have to.
Many thanks!
If you're doing what I think you are doing, adding UIBarButtonItems to a UIToolbar, then you simply drag a Bar Button Item out to the toolbar.
However, I would assume that what they mean when they say 'double-click' is not what people normally think of when they think double click. Try double clicking slowly this often does the trick.
Found the issue - it was appearing behind the UIView. However you dont ever need to graphically interact witha toolbar, you can just drag-and-drop controls onto it in the sidebar. If there is a need for more info on this message me or vote up.
