Supporting multiple screen sizes - delphi

I want to build a mobile application in Delphi, but I can't seem to figure out how to handle multiple screen sizes. AndroidStudio has a nice relative layout for this, but I can't find anything alike for delphi. Am I supposed to build a multiple form designs for each screen size?
I'm using XE6, I am requoired to use Delphi as the programming language.

I have already figured it out, you have to use the Align property on every single control you add to the form.


How to expand components in Vaadin?

SpringBoot 2 Vaadin 12.0.3
I've spent some time watching video tutorials and studying online examples of Vaadin. Unfortunately, so much has changed that options that I was hoping to try are no longer there.
CssLayout is no longer there - replaced by Div which does not expose expand(Component).
component.setWidth("300") has no effect.
component.setWidth("300", UNIT.*) does not work because UNIT is not in class path.
component.setWidth("300px") works but it's far from elegant and setting explicit width on a component which displays text is far from ideal.
I have three pseudo horizontal menu items. On a large screen, they'd be truly horizontal. On smaller screen, I'd like them to go into vertical mode.
Combo Box should expand to the width of the longest label.
Text Box should expand to available real estate. (Available width - Combo Box width - Search Button width)
Search Button should expand to the width of the Icon and Label without any wrapping.
Is this possible to achieve using Vaadin 12 Layout/Component contract or do I have to spend time defining such control in CSS file?
Your question implies that there would have been a trivial way of achieving your use case with the built-in layouts in Vaadin 7 or Vaadin 8 without using CSS. What you're describing about automatically switching between horizontal and vertical modes depending on the screen size sounds like something that would require some degree of responsive layouting, which typically implies directly using CSS.
What you could have done in older versions is to have Java logic that either uses a VerticalLayout or a HorizontalLayout depending on the situation. Those two classes are still available for the same kind of use cases. The APIs have changed to better align with the underlying flexbox functionality, but the overall functionality is still the same.
You could also look in to FormLayout (part of the core framework) or the Board layout (separate add-on) which both provide some responsive functionality. They are, however, originally intended for slightly different use cases (forms and dashboards respectively), so it might be slightly challenging to make them fit your exact requirements.

Mirror programming for uicontrols in xcode

I am new to multi-language app.
What I am doing is,
an app with two languages.
English & Arabic
The language of the app depends upon the device language.
(I want to change this too, that app language should be controlled from inside the app. not device dependant but thats next question)
I am having some controls like UIButton,UITextField,UILabel, etc....
When my app is in English I gave these controls frame starting from left corner of device, and when my app is in Arabic I gave them frames starting from Right corner of device. (As arabic is written from Right - to - left)
My Question is,
For this purpose I need to do extra work,
i.e. check device language and then set the frames of control.
on each view I may have "n" number of controls, and giving the frame sizes to all controls for both language doesn't seems good from my view.
Is there anything available in Xcode itself by using which I can do this.
means I need to give frames for default language (i.e. English) and if my device language is change to Arabic then frames of Controls will be automatically Mirrored from Right to left.
Following screens may give some idea.
(I used different frames for all those controls checking device language)
Any help is accepted.
Thanks in advance.
sorry If question is asked already. But I didn't find anything.
If anyone found then link to that is Welcome :)
From Supporting Right-to-Left Languages:
Your user interface should be mirrored when displaying right-to-left languages. If you use base internationalization and Auto Layout, most of the user interface will appear mirrored automatically for you. The text direction changes to right-to-left with the exception of phone numbers and country codes which are always left-to-right. Some views and controls in your user interface may not change direction automatically which you can fix programmatically.
They functionality you're looking for is called Auto Layout which was introduced a few years ago by Apple. It will handle lots of things you need, but there's also a lot to do for you. The guide above will guide you through the necessary steps.
Update from iOS 9.0:
iOS 9 brings comprehensive support for right-to-left languages, which makes it easier for you to provide a flipped user interface. For example:
Standard UIKit controls automatically flip in a right-to-left context.
UIView defines semantic content attributes that let you specify how particular views should appear in a right-to-left context.
UIImage adds the imageFlippedForRightToLeftLayoutDirection method, which makes it easy to flip an image programmatically when appropriate.
To learn more about providing a flipped user interface, see Supporting Right-to-Left Languages.

IOS view without Xib

I've to create iPAD app and xib files wont have to be used. When I place the components such as text boxes and labels through code they would be a bit off and its kind of really hard to place them exactly as in the design.
Is there any way that would help with this. Like I would get to know what are the exact positions without the help of a designer.
If you have a digital version of the intended design, like an image from the designer or even a scan from a paper design, you can use this a background image in a UIView and lay out your components on top of them in a temporary Xcode project with a .xib file.
Once laid out, you can make a note of the screen coordinates for each component and code these in your .xib-less project.

Firemonkey iOS component repositioning & resizing

I have a Delphi XE2 Firemonkey application that I want to run on both iPad and iPhone. The iPad and iPhone real estate is different of course and I have been experimenting repositioning and resizing (visual) components according to the platform they are running on - triggered by the forms OnResize event. Started out changing the component "Margins" property with not much success (maybe that relates more to adjacent components...?) and then found the component "Position" property seems to do the job.
Question: Is the Position property the way to go? Or is there a more appropriate way using "Margins" (I seem to have read something about this somewhere, but can no longer find it). Or is there some other method, maybe not based on the OnResize event? (Yes, I am sure this is just 1 question.)
Brief details of the project - displays a costomer database record on the screen using around 30 components, mostly TLabel components, some buttons and search fields or 2 using TEdit's.
Really depends on how differently you want to use the extra real-estate.
Do you want to display additional information, or just stretch everything out to use the space? If the latter, then you can use the Scale property.

How to make scrollbars wider/bigger for delphi, (including the scrollbar's arrows)

For accessibility purposes, I need to make the scrollbars for all scrollable controls (lists, list views) wider and the scrollbar arrows bigger.
How to get the scrollbars (handles) from a scrollable control (ex: TListView) ?
How to make the scrollbar and the arrows wider/bigger ?
10x for any hints and code...
Accessibility is something that does not concern a single application, but the whole system. That's why there is no API defined to adjust things like border widths, scrollbar size and similar properties of the native controls only for your program. You can however adjust these settings globally in Windows, either by using the Accessibility Wizard, or by adjusting fonts, colours, border sizes and scrollbar sizes in the Display Properties applet.
For more information you should check out the Microsoft Accessibility page and follow the various links.
Edit: Changing the global settings (as the accepted answer suggests) for the benefit of your own program is rude in the extreme. Please keep in mind that this interferes with all other running programs. It is maybe excusable for a system with a touch screen, where controls need to be large to be usable at all - but on such a system the control sizes would probably already be set correctly.
I'm not sure that you can - You have to change it (and restore back) for whole Windows.
Setting and reading property TNonClientMetrics.iScrollWidth
Edit: I know that this solution is rude, but in common cases is the best that you CAN do. If you have specialized TabletPC application then you usually use only that application at one time, not others. But - almost all Windows applications are not designed to work with so big scroolbars. So when you need to use OS dialogs and other applications then you have to switch it back.
There is no better solution than "while is my touchscreen application running set Window scroolbars big, then return it back". We have exactly this application in real world so I know what I'm talking about.
Of course you can write your own grid control (if you have so much time) or use some thirdparty controls (if you have money and time), but that was not question.
