iOS Verify App Installation success - ios

I want to create a cross promotion on my app, and give bonus stuff after user installs and runs my other applications. Is there any easy way to do this? I have looked at the iOS8 plugins functions, but this also needs to work on iOS7. Any suggestions?

Use custom URL schemes in both your apps and after that just check if the iOS system has the URL scheme registered. If so, then the user had installed the other app.
Here's an example on how to do it.

For this to work across multiple devices I'd probably say you'd need to implement a webservice that stores the users information such as a unique identifier for that user (Not device) so something like the users username and update it with the new app that they have just downloaded and installed and signed in using that username.
If this is just on a per device basis you could probably do it using Custom URL Schemes. Each of your apps would have a Custom URL Scheme and when the user opens the app you can do a check to see if any of the other Custom URL Schemes are installed on that device by using [[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:] and if this returns true then that app is installed.
Here's the Apple Documentation for Inter-App Communication


Link to a specific section of my app, or the app store if it hasn't been downloaded?

I'm in the process of updating my iOS app, and one feature that I'd love to add would be the ability to create links (to send via email, or for social media) that would allow users who have downloaded the app to be taken to a certain section of the app, and users who haven't to be taken to the app store page for my app. I also want it to take desktop users to the itunes page for my app.
Now, I've been looking into url schemes as I think this is the way forward, and have managed to create a custom url scheme that will indeed take users to different parts of my app. However, I'm struggling to find a way to check if the app has been installed, and what device the user is on etc.
Would I need to use a server to redirect them to the correct place?
I found out the best way to do it is with universal links, introduced in iOS 9.

How to use url scheme for application not installed in device

I have an application in store, which allow to display a list of items in a first view, details of an item in the second view.
I use the url schemes to access to the details of an item from an external source (Facebook for exemple)
My question: if the application was not installed in the device, is there any way that allow to download the application and open it at the right item (using url scheme)
Thank in advance
For iOS>9
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:SchemaURL] == false)
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:iTunesAppURL];
What you're describing is called Deferred Deep Linking (Deep Linking refers to using a link to open your app directly to a specific piece of content, and Deferred means that it works even if the app isn't installed first).
Unfortunately there's no native way to accomplish this on either iOS or Android. URL schemes don't work, because they always fail with an error if the app isn't installed. Apple's newer Universal Links in iOS 9+ get closer in that they at least don't trigger an error if the app isn't installed, but you'd still have to handle redirecting the user from your website to the App Store. You can't pass context through to the app after install with Universal Links, so you wouldn't be able to send the user to the correct item, and they actually aren't supported in a lot of places.
To make this work, you need a remote server to close the loop. You can build this yourself, but you really shouldn't for a lot of reasons, not the least of which being you have more important things to do. A free service like (full disclosure: they're so awesome I work with them) or Firebase Dynamic Links can handle all of this for you.
First Query that URLScheme and know about the status of the application whether it is installed or not. If it is not installed give him/her a popup to install that application from app store. You can navigate user to app store link when clicks OK from alert.

IOS Deeplinking- Pass msg from email to your app

Existing user of the app will send email to other user.
Other user may have app installed or not installed on their device.
The email will contain some token. Now I want to pass that token to my app. I have read that by deep-linking, its possible. But how will I handle the case when other user have not installed my app yet in their IOS device.
Any help is appreciated.
What you're describing is called Deferred Deep Linking (Deep Linking refers to using a link to open your app, even directly to a specific piece of content, and Deferred means that it works even if the app isn't installed first).
Unfortunately there's no native way to accomplish this yet on either iOS or Android. URL schemes don't work, because they always fail if the app isn't installed. Apple's new Universal Links in iOS 9 get closer, but you'd still have to handle redirecting the user from your website to the App Store
A free service like (full disclosure: they're so awesome I work with them) can handle all of this for you though. Here's the docs page covering exactly how to create email links like you described:

Way to track users between apps?

Let's say I have 3 apps, how can I track users between those apps? I want to see if a user in one app has downloaded a second app of mine and combine that data on the backend. I know I could ask for some sort of identifier (email, phone, etc.), but how can I do that without doing that? I don't think I am allowed to use the IDFA for this, but I'm not 100% sure.
The first thing you should do is check to see if any of your other apps are installed. You should give your apps a custom URL scheme (as posted by #mika) so they can be found. Then check to see if the app exists on the device by checking:
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:yourCustomURLScheme])
To share the data between the apps, configure an app group for your apps.
From the Apple Docs:
Use app groups to allow multiple apps access to shared containers and
allow additional interprocess communication between apps. To enable
app groups, in the Capabilities pane, click the switch in the App
Groups section. You can select existing app groups from the table or
add app groups.
I believe that this would be a simple way of "tracking" them.
You could use Custom URL Scheme to find out what of your apps were installed by a user.
Then you can flag you tracking data accordingly.
Google Analytics can be configured to share tracking between apps.

iOS: How to get install referrer source

I want to find out how the user installed the app using what source (attribution).
For Android, it's possible to get the referrer's URL, but I haven't found an obvious way for iOS. There are external services such as AppsFlyer ( that let's you do this.
I noticed that starting iOS 8, developers could append the publisher id and the campaign id to the App Store URL for iTunes Connect Analytics ( Is it possible to get the campaign id and the publisher id inside the app? I couldn't find any API changes or resources on this.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
This has to be solved/implemented by Apple. If another company is coming out and saying they can solve this (Branch, etc.), they aren't being completely truthful.
The issue is that iTunes doesn't pass a referrer into the app, so without passing them the iOS IDFA on the click (redirect or out-of-bounds) every tracking method has to rely on Fingerprinting which drops off in attribution accuracy significantly past 24 hours.
This feature isn´t available in iTunesConnect as of yet (there´s no option for 'Analytics'). The only possibility I know is to sign up for the Affiliate Program ( and use the links generated there.
But maybe it will be available in iTC when iOS8 goes live...who knows!
And your second question: no, you can´t get the App Store URL via the iOS SDK. Apple suggests to copy it over from the AppStore in iTunes (via 'copy link'), e.g. When you open this link via
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:]
iOS will automatically open the AppStore.
