How can i push a commit to Git - git-commit

How can i push a commit to git by using source tree or Terminal from Mac.I tried to find answer on internet but did not get any proper answer.I am totally new to git so any help will be appreciated.

To literally answer your question:
git push [server] [branch]
Where server is the remote server name (defaults to origin) and the branch is the one you're working on (usually master if you're working on the main branch).
The following command for instance:
git push myserver mybranch
Will push all commits on your 'mybranch' branch into server 'myserver'
Having said that, I upped Volker Andres comment because you really should go over a git tutorial to understand the fundamentals.


how to upload project folder on github branch

Well I'm working on rails project. Well I want o upload updated version of whole application on github branch name "dev_Bee". So can you tell me the step wise procedure how to upload my application on a specific branch. Well I'm working on ubuntu so please try to give commands for ubuntu.
Since you are using rails I'll assume your project has already git initiated.
First, you need to stage all the changes and commit
git add .
git commit -m 'Your Commit Message Here'
Then checkout to a new branch of your desired name
git checkout -b dev_Bee
Set your remote repository
git remote set-url origin<gitusernamehere>/<git-repo-name-here>.git
And finally push the changes to remote
git push -u origin dev_Bee

how do I continue my app after deploy

So I have deployed my rails app on a VPS with Ubuntu Server and Apache,
following this tutorial . Everything is working perfectly except that I'm not sure on how to continue to develop my app, bitbucket is configured and working but I don't want to commit and push every time since I make a lot of try and errors. So I'm looking for an easy way to continue to develop and test.
I will appreciate any answers and recommendations , thank you.
You can keep building your into local machine.
Create a branch git checkout -b branch_name
You can make changes and test this branch.
git add -A
git commit -m "Suitable message"
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git merge branch_name
git push origin master
P.S : You can continue your development in master branch too.

code push to heroku not working

I want to push code on heroku that is on gihub
I used the following command
git push heroku mybranch:master
The error is
! [rejected] lyricle-frt-backend -> master (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to ''
hint: Updates were rejected because a pushed branch tip is behind its remote
hint: counterpart. Check out this branch and merge the remote changes
hint: (e.g. 'git pull') before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
Used the command git pull as mentioned in hint the response was Already up-to-date.
What could be the reasons behind this error? and is this the correct way to push on heroku
By doing git push heroku mybranch:master, you are telling git to take your local mybranch branch and merge it with the remote master branch (remotely stored on your heroku repo).
You get an error because master is ahead of mybranch in terms of commits.
Consider this example:
master: --------b---------m---------
At some point, you branch (b) master into mybranch, commit (c) some code to the branch, and merge (m) it back to master.
Now consider this example:
master: --c-----b---c-----m---c--
It is pretty much the same scenario but while you were committing code to mybranch, someone updated master by committing some other code. If you were to merge back mybranch into master, you would risk causing conflicts between your code and the new code contained in master, thus Git refuses to do the merge. First, you have to update your local branch with the new version of master and then only Git will allow you to push.
In short:
- git pull heroku master:mybranch
- resolve potential conflicts
- commit modified files
- git push heroku mybranch:master
Now about Heroku, you are supposed to always push code like this: git push heroku master (considering you are on the master branch locally). What you should do to avoid things like git push heroku mybranch:master is, when you finish working on a branch, always merge your changes to master and then (after verifying that everything is working) push master to heroku.
See this resource for a simple git workflow that seem to be what you are looking for:!workflow-feature-branch
Everything is centralized in master eventually, and you can then regularly push master to heroku (ideally you would push once for every version of your app)
From the hints it seems that you have not pushed your latest changes to your remote repository.if you have done a pull and pushed again maybe you have removed files in your local repository that you did not remove in your remote repository.try doing a git add --all and then commit and push the changes.

Trouble pushing changes to remote Git repo

I have started learning Ruby on Rails and Git.
Whenever I try to push any changes to my remote repo on Github, I encounter the following error:
C:\Sites\first>git push origin master
! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward)
error: failed to push some refs to ''
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
hint: its remote counterpart. Merge the remote changes (e.g. 'git pull')
hint: before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
NOte: I have added all the files in the directory and committed the changes. I have not created any separate branches using pull or checkout.
I am not asking for a solution to the problem.
git push -f or
git push origin +HEAD
worked for me.
What I want to know is, why am I getting the error while trying to push to the original branch.
follow this and get everything works....
git branch production
git checkout production
#do some code changes
git commit -am "some desparate code changes to try fix heroku"
git push heroku production:master
Note: this will get your work done and will leave your previous branch.
or you can try this one also git push heroku +master
Looks like remote branch is ahead of yours, which means it contains something your local branch does not have. You may easily see commits on remote branch since when local branch was created or updated (assuming you run "git fetch origin/master" to fetch remote changes first):
git diff HEAD...origin/master
The output will answer your question why you are getting the error.
Now, my guess about the reason of the problem you have is that either someone has access to remote and pushed something, or you modified something using github editing interface and committed since last checkout/pull/merge. Using forced push as you did is not a good approach and it messes the history, it basically overwrites the remote branch with your copy, ignoring any remote changes.

Is there a way I can view changes committed to my local GitHub branch without having to push it to the master branch?

I'm still figuring GitHub and Heroku out, so please bear with me. :)
I've a web app on, say, What I am doing now is to make some code/UI changes on some files, commit those files, push them to the master branch, and then refreshing the url to see these changes.
I think this is obviously the wrong approach, but I don't know of how else to test changes done to my code without having to push them on to the master branch. How could I do so?
I don't quite understand the situation in the full version of your question (see my comment and, as icc asks, why can't you test locally?), but to answer the question in the title, you can see the differences between your master and the version on GitHub by running:
git fetch github
git diff github/master master
(That's assuming that the remote that refers to your GitHub repository is called github - it might well be origin in your case. You can see all your remotes with git remote -v.)
To explain that a little further, when you run git fetch github, git will update all your so-called "remote-tracking branches" - in most cases those are the ones that look like origin/whatever, github/experiment, etc. Those are like a cache of the state of those branches, and they're only updated when you run git fetch or successfully git push to that branch on the remote repository. So, once you've done this to make sure that github/master is a recent snapshot of that branch on GitHub, you can happily compare it with your local master branch using git diff.
First: You don't push to the master branch, you push to a remote repo. You should probably read up on your git.
Second: This is not a good workflow, first you should commit your changes and then test them locally. When you are done testing you are ready to push your commits to a remote repo.
