What are the advantages of using Auto Layout with views created programmatically? - ios

Auto Layout Constraints allow me to size and lay out views perfectly, without knowing beforehand what screen they will be rendered on. This works reasonably well when I'm drawing a UI on a Storyboard.
Let's move on to creating views programmatically.
My app is running, the interface has been rendered on the screen, I have all the necessary coordinates and the sizing has been done.
I would like to create a few views dynamically, for instance:
a UIImageView, that appears at the press of a button, gets animated, then disappears
a collection of custom UIView, created and laid out on the screen depending on the underlying data model (imagine a sequence of events here, arranged on a custom timeline)
In similar scenarios, I still tend to use the good old frames, e.g.:
let myView = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(x, y, w, h))
without adding any NSLayoutConstraint.
Is there any definite advantage of using constraints instead, given the added complexity, especially when you need to animate views?

The most important aspects are when you actually calculate your frame (which method), if you want universal support and if you need to support various orientations.
Inside a viewController, if you print out your self.view frame in viewDidLoad and viewWillAppear: or viewWillLayoutSubviews, it might have different values. The final frame (for example, the one for iPhone 6 plus) is not calculated in viewDidLoad. So if you make your view setup there, the calculation will be wrong.
But with constraints, it does not matter where you add them. You might need to call layoutIfNeeded after the view changes, but you don't need to worry weather the frames have their final value.
For views that are visible only for a short time, auto layout could make a difference for different orientations. By using frames, you will have to update the frame of your temporary view in the orientation change callback.
Also, if you use auto layout in the storyboard, using static frames for views created programmatically might not give you the results you are expecting. But, of course, it depends on the particularities of your project.


Custom Collection View Layout like Chanel app

I'm trying to do a custom layout like the Chanel app you can find the app in the Appstore.
I know they are using an UICollectionView, but no clue how to start.
The interaction feels like a tableview mixed with a paginated scroll. When you scroll the elements grow, and the first element position itself at the top.
Start with dragging & positioning just one UIView. See UIGestureRecognizer docs and look for existing examples of movable views. You'll need an UIPanGestureRecognizer to move the view.
Resize the view depending on its Y position.
Create & position an image inside that view depending on the view size using a couple autolayout constraints.
Note that Chanel app has different constants for these constraints. With a minimum view height, one image's top is 80% height, for another image it's 90% height. Make sure you can manipulate constraints from code (I think it's a good idea to create everything from code there, XIBs are not very flexible).
Make the view "anchoring" to certain points (e.g. top = -75%, 0%, 75%, 90% from what I see in the Chanel app) when you stop moving it. Just find the nearest one and animate the view to it.
Once you did it with 1 view, move all your work to an NSView subclass (if it's not yet there) and create a collection of these views.
You can create UICollectionView, but I'd rather do it with a simple NSArray: I actually don't see a reason to use UICollectionView here; it's a very simple structure. Anyway, you write your own gesture recognizer (don't you? I can't see another way) - so what's the point to use UICollectionView? If you want to expand the app functionality some day, UICollectionView will unlikely help you with that. Well, it's my hypothetical approach, you can find another one while working on that.
Position other views while you're moving an "active" view. Do it by hand, without any UIScrollViews.
Write a function that reflects the Y position of the "neighbor" views while you moving one. It should "slow down" to the bottom of screen.

How do I layout a UITableViewCell using only frames (no Auto Layout)?

This may sound like a silly question, but most of my experience with iOS development has revolved around Auto Layout being prominent, and I'm curious now (for performance purposes) how I'd go about laying out a cell without Auto Layout and using only frames (and perhaps auto-resizing masks). Turns out this is very hard to Google due to the prominence of Auto Layout.
Essentially am I setting up and adding the subviews in the initWithStyle method of the UITableViewCell subclass?
Positioning wise, am I just relying on the bounds of the contentView, and then if I want one view beside another view, would I basically do newView.frame.origin.x = CGRectGetMaxX(otherView.frame) + spacing?
What happens when I rotate? I know I can watch for rotation in viewWillTransitionToSize, but how do I go about re-positioning the cells? Simply calling tableView.reloadData() would be both expensive and not do much as the cells are laid out in initWithStyle, correct?
I'm targeting iOS 8+.
Any insight would be truly appreciated.
Actually its
newView.frame.origin.x = CGRectGetMaxX(otherView.frame) + spacing + leftMargin;
// you have to include all the spacing, including margins
Do not rely on bounds of the contentView by default it is set to maximum width of 320, i suggest you use main screen's frame for that.
AutoLayout is our friend and can save us a lot of time.
how do I go about re-positioning the cells?
If you're planning to do it programmatically, you need to setup the new height and width of the view after the rotation.
Calling tableView.reloadData() to update the views in the cell is not expensive, that's how it works. We don't have a choice but to live with it.
Then it will be better to write the frame calculation portion in viewDidLayoutSubViews.
I'm not entirely certain I understand your question. Please let me know if this makes sense:
Adding Subviews
To add subviews programmatically, it's actually best to do so in the override of layoutSubviews by checking if the contentView has subviews already added and calling a method to add them if needed. This way, you can load the table cell via either a storyboard/nib or using initWithStyle. Alternatively, you can use a shared commonInit method that you call in both initWithCoder and initWithStyle.
Layout of Subviews
To layout your subviews programmatically, you override layoutSubviews (and remember to call super) and set up the frames in that method. This method will be called whenever the view changes size (rotation, initial presentation, etc) and will always include the current bounds of the content view. To calculate your subview frames, you can do so as you've suggested, but you need to define the subview frame and then set the frame for the view:
frameB.origin.x = CGRectGetMaxX(viewA.frame) + spacing;
viewB.frame = frameB;
And keep in mind that this will not correct for the width of frameB. Therefore, you might want to consider using CGRectDivide() instead.
Scrolling performance
That said, the big performance hit when using auto layout in table view cells is not auto layout itself, but the calculations that are done many times on the same set of data to lay it out - all on the main thread. Such as calculating frames for all the text to layout a bunch of labels relative to one another or something that uses drawRect rather than drawing to an image bitmap on a background thread and then loading the image in to a UIImageView once the drawing is complete. Without knowing what data you are displaying it is hard to guess what is causing the performance issues, but you should be sure to use profiling to determine if you are actually improving performance. Additionally, you may need to consider moving some of the number crunching and/or image rendering onto a background thread.
Good luck!

iOS Auto Layout UIView Drawing cycle

In one of the WWDC videos, Apple said that the layout is done from top down, ie from superview to subview (after constraints are calculated from bottom up). Display is also done from top down.
My questions are:
1. At what point in the viewcontroller is a view's frame (origin and size) determined? I tried to log the size of a view (defined using auto layout), but it was always 0 0 0 0, which is odd, because the view is already generated in the simulator;
For an autoresized view, when is view.frame available?
Same question, except this time it is UIImageView.frame. I tried to log to console, even though the size is fit into the constraints, the logged UIImageView frame is 0 0 width_of_original_image height_of_original_image. But for other views like labels, the frame is printed correctly on the console.
It seems like that there is a mysterious auto layout engine that performs transform, and nobody knows what is going on inside the engine, but to check what is thrown onto the simulator display to figure out how the view was rendered by this engine???
It's not mysterious. It's quite simple! Think of constraints as instructions written down on pieces of paper - the views. Every once in a while, it's layout time! The runtime collects the pieces of paper from the views in order and obeys them - and so you end up with laid out frames.
So if you check sizes of things before layout time, you get the wrong answer because it hasn't happened yet.
And when is layout time? It's whenever the runtime sends views layoutSubviews - in fact, the runtime obeys constraints and performs layout during layoutSubviews. And your view controller can hear about this before or after, with viewWillLayoutSubviews and viewDidLayoutSubviews.
I think the part that confuses beginners the most is what happens when a view controller comes into existence. viewDidLoad means it has a view, but that is all; neither the view nor its subviews are in the interface yet, so obviously there can be no layout. Considerably later, we get viewWillAppear:, the view goes into the interface, and now we get layout. So if you check sizes in, say, viewDidAppear:, they will be right.

Using AutoLayout in Custom Views vs View Controllers

I've been using the old way of doing things for quite a while, by setting the origin and size on individual frames and putting things exactly how I want them on the screen. Now i'm trying to move to using AutoLayout. But I'm having a bit of trouble that I cant seem to find an exact answer for.
I'm used to mainly using code for creating views and view controllers. As such, I've come familiar with creating custom view classes which combine multiple views to my liking. For example, i have a custom Profile Pin view that combines a UIImageView and a UILabel into one view to represent a profileImage and username. I then use these custom views in different places as a part of other views and view controllers.
It seems to me that autolayout is intended for views that need re-adjust sizing when screen orientation changes, or for readjusting subviews for different screen sizes.
My question is, should I be meticulous and use autolayout for custom views that have static placement and sizes? Like the UIImageVIew and the UILabel view in the Profile Pin view I described? The positions for the UIImageView and the UILabel view wont change, but the position for the Profile Pin view (their parent) probably will. Should I be using Autolayout for everything? Or is this not a situation that AutoLayout was intended for?
If your custom view has static contents where the size and position of it's subviews never change, then feel free to stick with manual frames internally. There's not much benefit to Autolayout in that case.
What you should do, though, is override intrinsicContentSize and return the correct size. This allows any parent view to use Autolayout to position and know the size of your custom view.
Many UIKit components use this technique - UISwitch being a prime example.

What is the purpose of UIView's autoresizingMask?

After reading about UIView's autoresizingMask on SO and developer.apple.com I'm still unclear what the purpose is. What's a situation where setting this property is necessary?
Yes, it is often necessary to set it if you don't want to resize the views manually. Note that it is mostly useful for subviews (i.e. those views that don't take the whole screen) rather then the main view of your app.
Views typically may need resizing if:
the device is rotated
an extra view (say, an ad) is added to the view, so the existing subviews have less available space.
For example, suppose if you have a view with two buttons on it, one in the top-left corner, another in the top-right corner. In order for the buttons to get wider when the view transitions from portrait to landscape, you need to set the FlexibleLeftMargin to the right button, FlexibleRightMargin to the left button.
Edit: autoresizingMask is also the first thing to look at if you see weird holes or overlaps when device is rotated or a new subview is added. Quite often the proper setting of these masks for subviews can get you a nice looking view in both orientations without having to lay out subviews manually - but usually it takes some experimenting.
Edit2: (since this is still gathering upvotes) Autoresizing masks are now mostly superseded with "Auto Layout", which allows for much more flexible constraints on views' sizes and positions. That being said, translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints is still occasionally useful for dynamically added views.
The purpose is that UIView properly shifts and resizes when its superview changes due to resizing, orientation change, showing editing controls in tableview cells etc.
