Cocoa Touch Framework architecture issue / production build - ios

I built an iOS Framework.
After I added the framework to my project and run on my device, it worked fine. But when I try to run it on the Simulator, I got some error.
ld: warning: ignoring file MyFramework.framework/Framework, missing required architecture x86_64 in file MyFramework.framework/MyFramework (2 slices)
Also got this one:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
With a list of strings/methods and such that were referenced from.
How could I fix that?
Also, I want my Framework to run on all devices/simulators since iOS7+ (Production), I've read this post here that tells me to use lipo, but I understand that I have to create an Aggregate target. I just don't have this in my Other section of XCode 6.2.
How can I do this?

So, after 2 days of search, a lot of reading on the web and mostly at I found this question:
Xcode - symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 (iOS Lib)
Select your Target and in Build Setting it should look like that:
Now, select the Aggregate Target, click on the Build Settings and should look like that:
If you want to better understand how to create a framework, read this question and the answer of this question, there is a lot of information there, this is what helped me:
Running 1 of 1 custom shell scripts freeze
Enjoy and good luck!


Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_WKInterfaceController error after updating Xcode to version 11.1

I updated Xcode to version 11.1 and got this expected error:
WatchKit is not available when building for iOS Simulator.
Then I deleted WatchKit from iOS app target as suggested. Since then I am having this error:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_WKInterfaceController", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in INFOnlineLibrary(IOLWatchKitHelper.o) ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 clang: error: linker
command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_WKInterfaceController
PS: The x86_64 part is dependent on the device/simulator choice. If I choose a real device it gives the same error for arm64. So I don't think it is a architecture issue also because of the fact that the framework that includes WKInterfaceController is just a standart watchOS framework which is Watchkit.
PS_2: There is no use of WKInterfaceController or even WatchKit in the iOS app. It is only used in WatchAppExtension part
What I have tried so far:
First thing was to add WatchKit framework to WatchApp and
WatchAppExtension targets.
When I searched for Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 type of errors in general there were many different suggestions. Even though I think it is not architecture dependent thing, I tried setting building active architecture only no in all targets. The most suggested putting $(inherited) to the search paths was already done before.
Checked the target of .m files. They are all fine.
I even went far and commented all the code that is using WKInterfaceController. Nothing has changed after. I also deleted watch app, it still looked for _OBJC_CLASS_$_WKInterfaceController but I am not sure did it properly.
I checked the WatchKit.framework Device Supporting Files with file WatchKit.framework command and saw that it supports arm64. Then added that library manually to libraries, ran on device but still didn't work.
When I saw this error, it turned out to be because one of my .mm implementation files was not checked in the "Target Membership" section of the options pane, and so was not being built.
Please check "Link Binary With Libraries" in "Build Phases". Is there any library that used still WKInterfaceController or is dependent on the WatchKit?
I was getting the same error though with another framework. You just have to make sure that error files have the required framework is in your Link Binary with Libraries.
In my case I had the error Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_SKStoreProductViewController which is related to StoreKit.
All I had to do was add the StoreKit.framework into Link Binary with Libraries
I faced a similar error, but in my case it was probably some unclean library lying around after adding / removing dependencies. So I did Xcode -> Product -> Clean Build Folder , and rebuilt the project. It succeeded.
I had to drag & drop the framework into Xcode, under the Frameworks group. It was already added under Target > Build Phases > Embedded Frameworks, but apparently that wasn't enough.
If you are sure that implementation files are checked in the "Target Membership" section of your app for the build, make sure that there is an implementation of the header file somewhere. I ran across this issue when I had a class that I had defined within the same file as another class and forgot to put its implementation in the related .m file for both classes.

Mach-O Linker error, undefined symbols for architecture after upgrading xcode to 8.0

I have upgraded to XCode 8.0 and it is giving me grief. The first issue was to do with code signing. Which I fixed by selecting a provisioning profile for debug and release from the General project settings. Weird not sure why it couldn't just work as it was compiling perfectly with the previous XCode. Previously XCode would say there is not provisional profile and prompt to fix it and would fix it. Seems a step back here. Anyways, went passed that issue.
The issue I have been facing all day is this error when I compile
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"_write_ret", referenced from:
_dwsl in libtestlib.a(testlib.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I searched for write_ret and it is only a prototype in a header file, this function isn't called anywhere at all!! (Background the static library is part of a bigger project I brought only the files/code I needed to compile the static library for iOS). This was compiling perfectly before for years. I went back to the static libary source code and to humour myself I deleted the write_ret prototype and compiled it and updated the library in the my project and rebuilt. Same error again!. What is going on here?? I confirmed it was definitely using the correct built library.
I then decided I'll just built for armv7 only as this is an enterprise app. I went back to the static library project file and got rid of armv7s and arm64 from "valid architectures". I change "architectures" to armv7. I rebuilt the library and updated the project with the new library.
I also went into the main project and change the valid architectures to build for only armv7.
This time when I built my project I get this error
ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/rrr/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/P-eaxegvaceikvgqgllfiardmoorbv/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/libtestlib.a,
file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (armv7):
In the terminal I ran lipo libtestlib.a -info I get this:
input file libtestlib.a is not a fat file
Non-fat file: libtestlib.a is architecture: armv7
So it is built for armv7, so what is XCode complaining about really?
I am out of ideas now. Can anyone shed some light here?
I would like to get it to work with all the architectures as it was doing before the XCode upgrade I did on Friday. But worst case atleast compile to work only for armv7. My understanding is that it will still run on anything iPhone 5s and newer anyway.
At first, As you already know, you should support arm64 in order to support 64 bit architecture following Apple's rule.
At second, let's talk about undefined symbol issue, your first question.
I am not sure exactly from your situation description but, one thing to my mind reading the question is that your static library may depend on some dylib(dynamic or shared library) which is deprecated from Xcode 7.The possible scenario is your dylib library was red-marked in the project from Xcode 8 update version because this was replaced with tbd instead of dylib. So, this library is now missing status, and you did remove it in the library list and you forgot it. That's why your _write_ret symbol in libtestlib.a cannot be linked for architecture arm64 anymore.(dylib is missing status.)
if this scenario is true, import tbd instead of dylib.(text-based stub libraries).
let's talk about your second question related to error log.
ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/rrr/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/P- eaxegvaceikvgqgllfiardmoorbv/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/libtestlib.a,
file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (armv7):
/Users/rrr/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/P- eaxegvaceikvgqgllfiardmoorbv/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/libtestlib.a
This log can be about Build Active Architecture Only in Xcode build setting.
check 'Build Active Architecture Only' from Yes to No.
It error log could be generated when Build Active Architecture Only is set to YES in your build setting situation.
and, if it does not work, Have you ever clean your DerivedData directory and project?
If you already tried, it could be possible that your static library is actually not in the /Users/rrr/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/P-eaxegvaceikvgqgllfiardmoorbv/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/libtestlib.a.
so, you can move your static library output into this project and try it again.
These are just scenario for your situation as I got your question.
I wish it became a little help.

Testing out PDFTron / PDFNet - Symbol not found when adding libTools.a

I am having a problem with libTools.a when following the PDFTron BLOG article, step 2: getting-started-on-ios
Step 1, works. I have a working PDF viewer, but no controls other then paging and zooming.
When I add the libTools.a library (the one that came in the SDK, or the one I built using Tools.xcodeproj, I receive the following error for every platform I try (simulator, ipad2, iphone6 - architecture name changes for each):
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_DraggableCollectionViewFlowLayout", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in libTools.a(ThumbnailsViewController.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
The sample code is working fine. So it's my implementation in our application.
The rest of the project's 3rd party frameworks are managed with CocoaPods.
There has got to be something simple I am overlooking... Ideas?
Judging by the error message, it sounds like you may need to add /Lib/src/PDFViewCtrlTools/ThirdParty/DraggableCollectionView into your project. This is required for the ThumbnailsViewController.
It seems it doesn't find class for the Simulator on 64bit platform.
You can try to modify setting in <your target>/Build settings/Architectures/only active arch and set it to NO (it is YES by default in Debug) to be sure all platforms are build, even in Debug mode.

Xcode 6 linker error - Undefined symbols for architecture armv7

After upgrading to Xcode 6 beta 7 (and now still with Xcode 6 GM) I am unable to link my Swift app. I receive errors such as:
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"_swift_stdlib_compareNSStringDeterministicUnicodeCollation", referenced from:
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I have seen the other SO posts that recommend deleting the Derived Data folder and/or using the Clean Build Folder option to get past this error, but that solution didn't help at all in my case. Nothing has changed about my code or the CocoaPods I'm using since Xcode 6 beta 5 which is the last time it worked.
Any ideas?
A full posting of the error log:
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"_swift_stdlib_compareNSStringDeterministicUnicodeCollation", referenced from:
TFC12MyProject21BarcodeViewController13captureOutputfS0_FTGSQCSo15AVCaptureOutput_24didOutputMetadataObjectsGSQGSaPSs9AnyObject___14fromConnectionGSQCSo19AVCaptureConnection__T_ in BarcodeViewController.o
"__TFSs21_arrayConditionalCastU___FGSaQ__GSqGSaQ0_", referenced from:
TFC12MyProject27SessionsTableViewController17viewWillDisappearfS0_FSbT_ in SessionsTableViewController.o
"__TFSs15_arrayForceCastU___FGSaQ__GSaQ0", referenced from:
__TFC12MyProject7RestApi12tokenMappingfS0_FT_CSo15RKEntityMapping in RestApi.o
__TFC12MyProject28AttendeesTableViewControllerg24fetchedResultsControllerCSo26NSFetchedResultsController in AttendeesTableViewController.o
__TFC12MyProject27SessionsTableViewControllerg24fetchedResultsControllerCSo26NSFetchedResultsController in SessionsTableViewController.o
__TFC12MyProject21BarcodeViewController13startScanningfS0_FT_Sb in BarcodeViewController.o
"__TFSs26_forceBridgeFromObjectiveCU__FTPSs9AnyObject_MQ__Q_", referenced from:
__TFC12MyProject7RestApi12resetRestKitfS0_FT_T_ in RestApi.o
__TFC12MyProject16BluetoothManager17_startAdvertisingfS0_FT_T_ in BluetoothManager.o
__TFC12MyProject19LoginViewController32registerForKeyboardNotificationsfS0_FT_T_ in LoginViewController.o
__TFC12MyProject19LoginViewController35deregisterFromKeyboardNotificationsfS0_FT_T_ in LoginViewController.o
__TFC12MyProject19LoginViewController16callProcessLoginfS0_FT_T_ in LoginViewController.o
__TFC12MyProject21CheckinViewController16enableBeaconModefS0_FT_T_ in CheckinViewController.o
__TFC12MyProject21BarcodeViewController13startScanningfS0_FT_Sb in BarcodeViewController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
What's happening here has nothing to do with your Derived Data location.
When a swift application is built, it goes through several steps:
Write auxiliary files
Create product structure
Compile swift source for each architecture
Copy resource rules plist
Copy application bridging header
Link against swift runtime libraries for each architecture
Copy application swift module for each architecture
Create the application binary
Copy resources build phase
Copy the swift standard libraries into the application
Package it up
Sign it
Whew! That's a lot. Your build is failing when linking against the swift runtime libraries. They live in Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/iphoneos inside the Xcode developer directory. Specifically, the library that is not being correctly linked is libswiftCore.dylib. If you use nm on that library, you can see it defines your first missing symbol:
quellish% nm /Applications/ | grep compareNSStringDeterministicUnicodeCollation
00197c8c T _swift_stdlib_compareNSStringDeterministicUnicodeCollation
000000000018352c T _swift_stdlib_compareNSStringDeterministicUnicodeCollation
You can also use lipo to see what architectures are in the file:
quellish% xcrun lipo -info /Applications/
Architectures in the fat file: /Applications/ are: armv7 arm64
It contains armv7 and arm64. It's not the library architecture that's the problem.
Linking against the swift standard library is not working. It's possible that source control or migrating Xcode versions has caused your project file to drop part of the linking step, or it's simply not able to find the libraries it needs to link against. Xcode project files are complex and use a lot of references - it's possible that a merge, etc. caused a critical reference to be come dissociated from the linking step. Without a full build log and a look at your machine it may not be possible to tell.
This library, as you might guess, has nothing to do with the project's derived data location.
The best way to move forward would unfortunately be to recreate the project file. Comparing the build log of the broken project to a swift project that does build correctly may provide some insights, but it may also be a waste of time - something fixable may be the problem, but more likely not.
I would encourage you to file a bug and include the troublesome project file with it.
I have solved my issue by deleting all the data in the ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData folder. I read about that in another thread, but ignored it thinking a clean included that process!
I have Updated on Yosemite, Xcode 6.1.
I have updated gem xcodeproj (0.19.4) and cocoapods (0.34.4).
I have resolve my conflict by :
Clearing the Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData folder
replace in Target -> Build Settings -> Linking -> Other Linker Flags : $(OTHER_LDFLAGS)
Check in Target -> Build Phases -> Copy Pods Resources : "${SRCROOT}/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods/"
1) I face the same problem but just clear the applications from derived data from User/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData and I am able to run the code.
2) In your case may be, it will run by removing armv7 architecture from build settings. And make sure your compiler is Default Compiler in Build Settings.
Thanks I hope this helpful to you and everyone.
This seems to be caused (for most) by linking a third-party library that does not support the requested architecture.
I had somewhat similar problem (a linker error from Apple's framework). As it turned out, the problem was that I was missing the library LocalAuthentication.framework. I am wondering if maybe you need to delete the Foundation.framework from the Build Phase tab (in the Link Libraries section), and then re-add it? Maybe that will solve the problem?
'Upgraded' to xcode 6 and swift app wouldn't build for simulator yet would build fine on an iPad - Linker error, undefined symbols for i386 for the simulator.
Clearing the Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData folder worked for me.
There appears to be a bug in Xcode 6.0.1 that is causing the linker to drop dependencies in existing project files. I have had this same problem across several different projects, new and old, since the 6.0.1 update.
The easy 'fix' is to just trash your entire 'Derrived Data' and all build files (i.e. manually clean the project) and then rebuild after a fresh Xcode restart. Magically, the linker now finds all the missing architectures/symbols.
NOTE: I have had several incompatible v-table crashes caused by this same bug. The C++ linker appears to be generating incomplete linkages, causing absurd errors where there are no real errors to be found. Again, just rebuild from a clean state and .. ta da.. save yourself a LOT of headache and wasted time tracking down a non-issue.
I solved this issue after trying all that was suggested here with no luck.
Like someone said earlier, it's a SourceControl issue.
One of my project files (the one referenced in the error message) was missing from the project browser. However, XCode still had a reference to it (I was going to the class definition when I was selecting "jump to definition" from Xcode GUI).
As a matter of fact, the project.pbxproj was not listing it. This was probably a Git Issue. In any event, I just recreated the file in the same directory it has been recreated and voila.
I am a filly when it comes to iOS Objective C, though I have been coding in several other languages for many years. So I am stabbing around in the dark most of the time with Objective C.
I started having this error, "Undefined symbols for architecture armv7", directly after declaring some "global" variables in my .h file like so:
extern NSString *globalNotes;
extern NSString *globalUserCountry;
I was then referring to these variables from the .m file like so:
globalNotes= #"Error (Marker 1010)";
globalUserCountry= #"No result";
THE FIX - To correct this, I changed them to object properties like so:
#property(nonatomic, strong, readwrite) NSString *globalNotes;
#property(nonatomic, strong, readwrite) NSString *globalUserCountry;
And referred to them like so:
self.globalNotes= #"Error (Marker 1010)";
self.globalUserCountry= #"No result";
That seemed to fix my problem.

How to add CocoaHTTPServer to an iOS project on XCode 4

I'm trying to add CocoaHTTPServer to my project. I encountered many problems on the way - my problem (adding CocoaHTTPServer to a project (and have it working)) is still there - but I've also included the errors and solutions I encountered on the way for others' reference.
First I looked at tutorials on adding a framework, but it didn't look like a framework.
Next I right clicked on my project (on the left sidebar), and manually added it with "add files". I followed the SimpleHTTPServer example but got a "cocoa/cocoa.h" not found error. I searched around and found that Cocoa is for mac and not iOS. But the CocoaHTTPServer description talks about iOS apps too, so I just deleted the samples folder (the error was coming from the DynamicHTTPServer example if I recall.
Then I got a "Lexical or preprocessor issue libxml/parser.h not found" error. I tried adding it as a framework, but that didn't work. I found this tutorial on adding libxml to the header search path (at the end), but I ended up with 46 "Apple Mach-O Linker Error _CFHTTPMessage..." errors, and I decided to ask my question here. I tried this answer but got many Apple Mach-O Linker Errors
I added CFNetwork and Security frameworks (project => build phases => link binary with libraries), and was left with 2 errors:
ld: warning: path '/Applications/' following -F not a directory
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_NSlog", referenced from:
-[AppDelegate application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:] in AppDelegate.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I see i386 which is intel, and not the ARM architecture on iDevices. However, the real problem was I mispelled NSLog (look carefully - it wasn't capitalized in the error message). When I googled this - other possible causes may be missing frameworks.
Now it compiles. When I run the sample application, I get the "server started on X port" and when I go to localhost:X I get the welcome/success screen. When I do the same on my project, I still get the "server started on X port" messages, but when I go to localhost:X the browser gives a "cannot connect" messages. No errors in the XCode console.
There are no errors from [httpServer start:&error] and httpServer.isRunning is true.
So what's the best way to add CocoaHTTPServer to my project? In terms of a clean setup - for example, when I inspect the sample iPhone project, I don't see any of the messy steps to add libxml - I don't even see libxml anywhere at all. And in terms of configuring everything so that it actually works and serves files. Right now, I'm suspecting there may be some project settings that need to be enabled for it to actually be a server.
While adding the external files, have you checked your project as a "Build Target"?
