SWRevealViewController and passing objects - ios

I want to pass an object to my rear UIViewController when I reveal it. I set up the SWRevealViewController in the interface builder. I tried passing it in prepareForSegue for segue id "sw_rear" however I noticed that this isn't even called when the controller is revealed. Could anyone give me a pointer on how to do this please?

I had the same issue before.
prepareForSegue is not called from controllerA as it does not own controllerB.
You can access to your rear just writting: self.revealViewController.rearViewController from any instance that inherits from SWRevealViewController.


ios transitiondelegate with segue

I have implemented a transitiondelegate, and assigned it to the destination viewcontroller in the segue (at method viewDidLoad). My question is: How iOS knows to use the same delegate when peforming the segue from source to destination? I mean, I didn't assign the delegate at the source viewcontroller. Only assigned it at the destination, and still it is being called when performing the segue.
Who should have the delegate? The presentingViewController or the destinationViewController?
I would expected it to only be called when doing a segue the opposite way.
Thanks, and hope I was clear.
Before the transition, the destination view controller asks its transitioning delegate, for the animation controller.
You should set the transitioning delegate for the destination controller.

how to pass a variable back to root navigation controller from the UIViewController using Protocol and Delegate in Swift

Xcode Image
As you can see in the image attached I have the root navigation controller called - Notifications and a UIViewController called NotificationsController.
So my Question is how can i pass a variable from NotificationsController back to Notifications using Protocol and Delegate, because in this case there is no segue but a default relationship between them.
Is my question correct or is there another way to do what i need.
Any help is really appreciated
To reference the navigation controller from the view controller (it is an optional so you need to handle that):
// self is a UIViewController
To reference the view controller from the navigation controller:
// self is a UINavigationController
let index = // Index of the view controller. You may need to iterate over viewControllers to find this.
You don't really need to set up a delegate. As keithbhunter pointed out in his answer, a view controller has a navigationController property that will point to the navigation controller that manages it.
I suggest you define a protocol for the messages you want to send to your navigation controller, and then have your custom subclass of UINavigationController conform to that protocol.
Within the view controllers that are on the navigation controller's stack you can fetch a pointer to your navigation controller and cast it to type UINavigationController<myNavControllerProtocol>.
(UINavigationController that conforms to myNavControllerProtocol. I'm working in Objective-C these days and don't remember the exact syntax for that.)

displaying a ViewController from a non UI class

I perform some data loading tasks from an Ojective§C class and once everything is loaded, I simply wants to display a Viewcontroller subclass prepared in a storyboard.
So when everything is ok, the following method is called:
- (void)loadingNextView
CABBndGSite *mySite = [CABBndGSite alloc];
CABBndGSelectLanguageViewController *vc = [[mySite myRootViewController].storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"SelectLanguageViewController"];
[[mySite myRootViewController] presentViewController:vc animated:YES completion:nil];
So I verified that myRootViewController is not nil. It's a UINavigationController class.
vc is not nil so it found my view in the storyboard.
Anyway, the presentViewcontroller message seems to doing what expected.
Certainly a stupid mistake but my poor iOS programming knowledge lets me in the fog!
I use this code from ViewController subclasses with success and as here I get a valid ViewController pointer, I don't understand why it doesn't work.
I also tried to implement the AppDelegate method explained here How to launch a ViewController from a Non ViewController class? but I get a nil navigation pointer. Maybe something not well connected in my application
May I have some explanation?
Kind regards,
UINavigationController maintains a stack of view controllers. You can access this stack through the viewControllers property. To present your view controller, you can:
(a) have the navigation controller push the new view controller on to
the stack (pushViewController:animated:);
(b) have the top view controller in the view controller stack present
the new view controller modally (presentViewController:animated:completion:), or;
(c) add the new view controller to the view controller stack array
manually by assigning a new viewControllers array to the navigation
controller's viewControllers property (setViewControllers:).

segue not going to destination controller

In my app I have a manually triggered push segue called "details". It is wired from the source controller to the destination controller and it's identifier is set. In my code I call
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"details" sender:sender];
I can see the prepareForSegue function firing and have verified that the destination controller is of the proper type. I pass the destination controller a few bits of data it needs to display correctly. Oddly enough NOTHING happens. The app does not go to the destination controller.
Here are some things to look out for if you are having an issue with performSegueWithIdentifier while using a storyboard
You have correctly hooked up your transitions in your Storyboard
Your Segue Identifier matches the one on your Storyboard
Your ViewController's class has not become deallocated
(This can sometimes occur accidentally by calling from another class)
Try setting sender to "self" rather than sender
Also, if you are planning on passing data between ViewControllers it is suggested that you use the prepareForSegue method, allowing you to pass values before segue'ing.

iOS storyboards instantiate viewController and IBAction

I may go mad very soon.
This is the reason:
- I started up with Single View Application project with storyboards. Then I set the view controller class name in the storyboard for my viewController.
- Next step I created one pointer for this viewController in AppDelegate method ...didFinishLaunchingWithOpt... and filled it up by calling [myStoryboards instantiate...]. It works pretty good because I can call method like [vc1 setMyName] which does smthng like self.myName = #"Johnny";
- But here it comes. When I create IBAction method joined with button, this method doesn't know anything about "Johhny". And this is because I'm in another instance. When I check the address of "self" it is another one...
WhyWhyWhy??? Please help, how can I use still the same object - the one instantiated in AppDelegate by storyboards and the one from storyboards in "interface builder".
Thank you.
Oh my. I think I really underestamated it...
When we were talking about getting pointer of other viewControllers from storyboard...
I have initialViewController got by calling rootViewContr... And another one connected with segue (modal) where is UITableView. A get data on rootViewController and I want to show them on the other one in the list (UITableView). So I call segue (performSegueWithIdentifier), the other controller is shown but the list is clear. Because the method I call is working with tableView variable which is null :/ Because, again, I'm in another object. That is because I call that method storyboard instantiate... How can I get exactly the same viewController which I'm working in storyboard with. It is quite confusing for me :/
I read something about prepareForSegue and getting the pointer by destinationViewController but that is not what exactly I want. I need the pointer before I call segue method and the viewController is shown...
Thank you.
If you've set up your initial view controller properly in the storyboard, you don't need to assign it to the windows rootViewController property in -applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions: as this is done for you automatically. It sounds like you're creating a second instance. To access the original instance setup by the storyboard simply do this in -applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
InitialViewController *viewController = (InitialViewController *)self.window.rootViewController;
viewController.myName = #"Johnny";
