Xcode project warning with retina 4-inch Support - ios

My Deployment Target = 7.0
I would put an image if i could but the warning deals with "deployment Target" with in the "xcodeproj" it reads
"Retina 4-inch Support
Applications using Launch Screen Files and
targeting IOS 7.1 and earlier need to also
include a Launch Image in an Asset Catalog."
My questions
What is this warning and do I have to worry about it?
What Deployment Target would be best (this is my first app)?

Warning: You must be using a LaunchImage in your app to show a "splash screen" reference.
That is the "old" way of doing it, the "new" way is to include these images under LaunchImage in Images.xcassets. The warning is just saying that if you include the old style launch images, then you should also include the images in the Asset Catalogue.
It won't stop you app running - it's more of a guideline, but seeing as you're learning, it's a good habit to get into.
As for deployment targets, it depends if you want to use iOS 8 only code, if not then iOS 7 is a good baseline...


Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 - (ERROR ITMS-90096)

I get this error when trying to archive my application:
I don't understand, because I am not using LaunchImage in my application.
My settings looks like this:
Any suggestions on what I can do here?
It's because your Deployment Target is set to iOS 7.0.
A Launch Screen File is only supported for iOS 8.0 and later.
In order to support iOS 7 you must provide launch images. You can keep the Launch Screen file too but it will only be used on devices running iOS 8.0 and later.
So setup the asset catalog for the Launch Images Source and add the needed set of launch images for iOS 7.
Of course your other option is to drop support for iOS 7 then your use of the Launch Screen File will be sufficient.

iOS Objective-C: How to have both Launch xib file and static launch images in Xcode project?

We support all the iPhone and iPad models for our iOS application. Speaking on OS version support, we support iOS 6 and later.
As of now, we are using STATIC LAUNCH IMAGE FILES for the splash screen purpose. To be specific, we have added 13 different launch image files in images.xcassets to support the range of devices.
As everyone must be aware, Apple have moved forward with the concept of LAUNCH xib FILE from iOS 8 onwards. And they suggest to use the same specifically for iPhone 6/6S and iPhone 6 Plus/6S Plus. Below is the quote from HIG.
"Although it’s best to use a launch file for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, you can instead supply static launch images if necessary."
They also tell the point that, developers can use both static launch image and launch image file in one project. Below is the relevant quote from HIG.
"If you also need to support earlier versions of iOS, you can continue to supply static launch images in addition to a launch file."
Keeping in the point in mind that we need to support iOS 6 onwards, we need to have both static launch images (which we already have) and dynamic launch xib file (which we need to add). But, how do we keep both the things together in our project? And how does it really work? Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.
All I had to do to support both of these things in my project was migrate to the .xib file and just leave the launch images in the project. It's easy to test that it still works with an iOS 7 device or simulator.

Launch Image Xcode 6 iOS 7 warning

In my iOS project i have put iOS 7.1 as Deployment Target, but know i have this warning:
Applications using Launch Screen Files and targeting iOS 7.1 and earlier need
to also include a Launch Image in an Asset Catalog.
i have add in the images.xcassets the LaunchImage Folder, and i have add the Launch Image for the 4-inch screen, but i still have the warning, how i can do to solve it?
EDIT: this is the target setting:
You have not set the launch Images Source so iOS 7 has now idea where to get the images from.
Set this to asset catalog where you have added the launch screens, iOS 8 will use the Launch Screen File if both are set.

How to set app-icons in XCode 5?

I am using XCode 5.
I am properly setting up all app-icons in proper size and resolution.
When I run the app in iPhone Simulator, the app-icon displays correctly. But, when I change the simulator from iPhone to iPad, then the app-icons does not appear.
What could be the root cause of issue ?
Few Tests
Make sure you have set the icons for iPad as well.
If you have, you can probably stop the project, quit the simulator manually, clean, build and run the project by selecting iPad Simulator.
Make sure you have all the icons set -ie- iPhone and iPad specific. Following is the checklist for the same:
App Icons
Splash Screens
Hope this helps !!!
Icon size for iphone and ipad differs. Check here for apple's documentation
Click on project name.On the right side click General Tab and check whether you have added icons of correct resolution or not.
Icons for Universal Apps
Universal applications use the following icons. Items marked with "Required" must be included.
In addition to the above icons, universal applications with a deployment target of iOS 6.1 or earlier use the following icons. Items marked with "Required" must be included if the application's deployment target is iOS 6.1 or earlier.
more detail https://developer.apple.com/LIBRARY/IOS/qa/qa1686/_index.html

Wrong Icon Installed by Xcode

I have been pulling my hairs for the past few days. It appears I am the first one who has experienced this problem because I could not find anything that is even close through Internet searches. The problem that I have experienced is the following:
Icon for retina iPad of iOS 6.1 and prior (size 144x144) and Icon for iPhone of iOS 7 (size 120x120) are not installed correctly. If I use asset catalog, when installing my app on iPad (retina) with iOS 5, the iPhone icon (120x120) is installed. iPhone with iOS 7 works fine using the same icon (120x120). If I don't use asset catalog, but instead add the icons to the info.plist (CFBundleIcons array), it goes the other way around. iPad icon is fine this time (144x144 icon was installed). But iPhone uses the iPad icon (144x144).
What's more strange is that this is not a problem with one of my two targets. It is only a problem for the second target. The second target was created by duplicating the first one. I have compared the info and settings of the two projects, but did not see any difference (other than bundle identifiers and product names etc., of course).
I've upgraded my Xcode to 5.0.2 and that makes no difference.
I'd appreciate it if anybody could shed some light on this.
Update #1: I tried to use the icons from the first target and the problem is still there. So it's not related the icon png files. It's target related. Also tried to clean the project, delete the app from the devices to no avail.
Update #2: When I use plist instead of asset catalog, what's (incorrectly) installed on my iPhone (iOS 7) is not the 144x144 icon. It is 144x144 icon for iOS 6.1 and prior. It's still an incorrect icon.
Update #3: This is actually easy to reproduce. I created a cocos2d project from scratch this time (the Hello World project). Tried to add all the icons using the two ways introduced in the following technical article from Apple:
When using the asset catalog, 120x120 icon was installed on my iPad (retina) with iOS 5.
When using the project editor, 152x152 icon was installed on my iPad (retina) with iOS 5.
In both cases, what is supposed to be installed is the 144x144 icon. Will probably contact Apple on Monday.
I filed a tech-support case with Apple and confirmed that this is a known issue (as of 02/10/14). I open a bug report with Apple. This issue is not noticeable for most people because icons are all resized from one design. Even though the wrong icon is installed, it is barely noticeable (the icon is still resized to to the correct size on the device automatically). This is noticeable when you want to use different icon design on different iOS. For example, the icon curvature for iOS 7 is different. There is no workaround according to the Apple support.
Hope this is useful for anyone who runs into the same issue.
Make sure you don't have the older icons named with the an older version of Xcode's default icon names (Icon.png, Icon#2x.png, Icon-72.png). I have found that when these names exist, they are used even if other icon names are specified.
Try cleaning the project. Command-Shift-K , that usually fixes such issues
