Autolayout Rendering inconsistently across devices - ios

I have a series of views each containing a scrollview wrapping various subviews i.e. Collection views, Labels, imagview. I am using auto layout for the first time and some views render fine on some devices but not on others, I have attached previews of views on iPhone 4s, 5, and 6.
In particular I am not sure how the alignment of the History views appears off centre in iPhone 5 and 4 but fine in 6, and the collection view in iPhone 6 appears cut sort on the right side but not for iPhone 5,4, and lastly how the blue image with label 'Image Title' on top of the zoomable image on iPhone 4s appears to be cut short. I would of thought a error in autolayout would of been consistent across devices ?
Any input appreciated.

It looks like you're setting absolute widths on some elements. Instead you should be setting distance to the parent UIView's edges. I.e. trailing/leading space to container.

Try to give consistent constraints. Looks like you are just doing leading and top space to superview and maybe you are adding width and height constraints to avoid misplaced views. Try to think like you are doing autoresizing masks before autolayouts. Either try to keep ratio or expand with the container with trailing and bottom space constraints.


how to set autolayout for different devices by using storyboard

I have an Iceland map which contains 9 different area buttons. Every button has a different size. I want the map can show the same on different devices. I only know to set the central button with horizontally in container and vertically in container. However, other buttons, no matter how I set the constraints, they will be a mess on iphone SE or iPhone Plus. (I use iphone 8 as normal)
Can anyone teach me how to set the constraints for the 8 left buttons? thank you!
The best thing for this is a vertical UIStackView nested with 3 horizontal stacks
MainStackView constraints
centered vertically & horizentally , width & height propotional to screen
then drop 3 stackViews inside it set axis = horizontal and drop 3 Buttons for every inner stack
Note: distribution is fillEqually for all the stacks , spacing = 10
look to this Demo
Something I've done in the past is used a single control as the anchor for all the others.
Basically this means taking the centre button and anchoring it to the middle of the container view (centre horizontally and vertically)
I then constrain the middle/top and bottom controls to it (vertical space and horizontally centred)
From there each control in the row is then constrained against these elements (horizontal spacing and vertically centred)
You might also consider constraining the sizes to the centre control as well, so all the controls share the same size. For me, this means constraining the width of the control to a set value and then applying an aspect ratio to the height. I do this because then I can change the value of the width constraint and ALL the control will change size
Because iPhone 5s, iPhone, iPhone+, iPhone X all share the same "sizing classes", it makes it some what more difficult (as you can't apply traits - but you can do it for iPad and iPhone ;)).
At this point, I would bind the centre controls width constraint (and the height if you need it) to the source code and when the view is loaded, determine the device screen size and make minor adjustments to the constraints values.
If you would prefer a complete "storyboard" solution, you could constraint the width of the centre control to the super view and apply a modifier
Using the "device" templates from the storyboard, layout one a iPhone 5s and iPad Pro
The long and short of it is, you have "options". You might even consider using UIStackView to define the rows, personally I find it easier to constraint the controls to a central anchor point - but that's my experience and your needs might differ

Swift how to resize elements depending on screen size

I've got all my elements in the view and have added constraints to position them correctly on any device.
But when it's run on a 3.5 inch iPhone some of the bottom stuff is cut off and when it's run on a iPhone 6Plus there's a lot of extra space on the bottom.
How could I resize all the elements to look good on all devices?
This is a universal app to run on iPhone and iPad.
I guess you constraint an element as width equals 300...It's very bad for some elements that should fill (or fill percent of) the screen. I suggest you make percentage constraints. For example, make equal width to view, click Edit button and set Multipiler 0.6. It looks like this in storyboard:
make two constraints (trailing and leading for example) and make aspect ratio for your image, maybe this will help you.

Autolayout UIImageview Swift

I am trying to build an app from design, the design consists of 3 images horizontally on a portrait layout
Supporting Iphone 5 and upwards.
From this guide the Iphone 5 should have 640px of horizontal space.
Each image is 100px by 148px high, therefore I have created added 3x UIImageview and laid them out horizontally.
Now without any constraints I get the following
If I auto constrain I get the following, same if I add constraints manually
Skips out the middle.
If I go to any any constraint , I get an error message in the logger.
This can be a vertical space to top layout constraint, just the one and it breaks.
I assume as images are only 100px wide, I should have plenty of room.
On the UIImageview I have done the following
Set Height and Width
Content is AspectFit
Clip Subviews Selected
Auto re-size selected
I have either not understood App design and the images do not fit, or have done some incorrectly with IB and UIImageview?
Any thoughts on this.
Sorry not a lot of code as it's all Interface builder.
My own fault, "reset to auto constraints" and "clear constraints" had a bit of an issue, there was a bunch of constraints still kicking about when I delved in deeper.
In the end deleted then all and then manually added.

stuck in concept of auto layout in Xcode 6.4

I just started to learn auto layout.
I have switched off the Use Size Classes.
I make there UILabels which is shown in the image and their constraints also. I want to look similar in 4s,5s,6 and 6Plus.
But it is working fine on 4s and 5s but distorts in 6 and 6Plus.
Why this is happening and how can I resolve this.
My StoryBoard with constraints:
Output iN 5s
Output IN 6 and 6Plus
Assuming that the way labels are placed in 5s is what you are really looking for, place the constraints as follows :
Pin width of all labels equally.
Pin Height of all labels
Pin vertical position of all labels from top margin equally.
Now, as for the problem, add the constraints as follows for horizontal placement of labels :
[leading margin--0--label1--40--label2--<=20--label3--Trailing margin]
Adding the horizontal constraints should work for all sizes.
This happens because none of your constraints is hooked to the leading/trailing layout guide. What you'll want to do is to attach labels 1 & 3 to the "sides" of the view, and then attaching label 2's constraints accordingly. (I would recommend adding a center horizontally constraint, but it can be achieved by different ways).

Xcode Auto Constraints not Working Properly

For some reason when I add constraints, by clicking "Add Missing Constraints," it actually looks worse than without constraints in the iPhone 4S simulator.
Here is how it looks in Xcode:
Here is how it looks in the simulator:
Notice that even with the auto constraints, the top text is hidden in the simulator. I want it to look exactly like it looks in Xcode, but I cannot figure it out. I have played around with the constraints for hours now to no avail. It looks better and better with the bigger screen size I use in the simulator, but I need it to have a universal look across all devices. What am I doing wrong?
First remove all constraint for the view.
1) Apply pin Width and Height constraint for your all three controls.
2) Apply Top space from Top Layout Guid for all three controls.
3) Apply Align Centre Horizontally in Superview of your all your three controls.
After applying above constraints your controls will appear in centre in any device.
I believe the three controls should be centre aligned with the top view and the vertical space between the three controls is constant.
The controls will automatically adjust their width according to the text given. So all you have to do is to only add the constraints for their positions. So each control will need two constraints, only for Y position, another for X position.
And of course, you can change the multiplier of the constrains to support the Landscape orientation.
