iOS Circular Slider - ios

I want to create a circular slider like below.
But i want two functionalities in addition.
1) I want to start the slider from any point,but in fig. it starts from 0.
2) I want to include multiple sliders in a single circular black plot.
I'm sharing the link of this project:
Can anyone help me to do these functionalities.
Thanks in advance.

Take a look at CAShapeLayer. You could create a path that is a full circle, and use the strokeStart and strokeEnd properties to only draw part of the circle. You could use core animation to animate between the beginning and the end.
There is an open source custom gesture recognizer on Github that is a one finger gesture recognizer. That would be a good start for detecting and responding to the twirl gesture that such a control would need. EDIT: It's called KTOneFingerRotationGestureRecognizer (link)
Those are some ideas to help get you started.
I have a project on github called iOS-CAAnimation-group-demo That includes a "clock wipe" animation. The clock wipe works by setting up a shape layer as the mask layer for an image view, installing a full-circle arc that's wide enough to completely fill a rectangular area, and then animate the strokeEnd property of the shape layer to reveal/hide the image view. The clock wipe is much more complex than what you need, but it would give you the seed of what you want. You'd use a shape layer with a much thinner line width, and you would use it as a content layer, not as a mask.


How do I create a segmented circular progress bar in Swift?

I wanted to create a progress bar as shown in the image:
I used the code mentioned in this blog
but I am unable to add separators and reduce the space between them.
I have managed to do like this through storyboard:
How can I change the code or is there any easier way to create?
You didn't specify what sort of animation you want on your progress indicator, but certainly achieving the drawing you've shown in your first screenshot shouldn't be any problem; I was able to throw this together in a couple of minutes:
Each thing in that drawing (other than the face) is a CAShapeLayer: the dark background circle a shape layer, the animated green circle in front of it is a shape layer, and each of the eight little lines that indicate the segments is a shape layer. So I have ten shape layers in total. They are added in that order, so that the little lines appear in front of everything else.
If the goal is to "fill" each segment in discrete steps, rather than a smooth animation through all values, that's a trivial modification of what I've already described.

Animate color of stroke's ends using CGPath

Quick diagrams! I'm trying to implement this:
I have this working almost 100% currently (though this is a slightly different stage of the animation):
Everything looks good minus the fade effects at the end of the stroke. Is that possible using a simple CGPath? I'm animating strokeStart and strokeEnd to get the current effect. I've tried using CAGradientLayer as a mask on the layer, but that adds a gradient over the entire layer, not just the ends. Overriding drawRect isn't possible since I'm doing this dynamically with animations.
Any thoughts about how to achieve this effect? I have no idea which direction to go.
Depending on how important opacity is and how complex the rest of the animation is, one option would be to make two blurred tail objects that follow the ends of the path as it is animating.
Roundabout solution, sorry I can't think of another versatile way!

Animate a curve in response to UIScrollView velocity

I have a custom scroll view with a rectangle inside.
I would like to animate a curve along the top line of this rectangle so that it responds to scroll velocity. When done, it would look something like this:
How would I accomplish this? Both high-level approaches and specific implementations are welcome, I'm not sure how to get started. (core animation? drawrect?)
This is nicely explained here
You can use a bezier path (either in a custom UIView w/ drawRect:, or easier with a CAShapeLayer), whose curvature can be controlled via its control points. So change the control points based on the scrollview's offset and you should have this effect.

Advanced custom control features in Swift

I'm working on building a custom control. Basically I want to allow the application to generate rectangles (positioned at x = 0 with a variable y value that increases as each rectangle is added).
I'd like them to respond to gestures where they have two positions (closed - which mostly hidden, open - expanded fully so that the entire rectangle is still visible but tethered to the side).
I've already designed an application with this in mind. Seeing as the rectangles will be generated by the users, I assume core graphics would be best for the job. Also, I want the rectangles to display different information based on their gesture-related position.
Is it possible to combine core graphics with these types of controls? I know this is asking a lot.
It's just that I'm having trouble determining how to combine each component in code.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Clearly, we're not here to write code for you, but a few thoughts:
You say that you assume Core Graphics would be best for the job. You definitely could, but you could also use CAShapeLayer, too.
So you might create a gesture recognizer whose handler:
Creates a CAShapeLayer when the gesture's state is UIGestureStateBegan and adds it as a sublayer of the view's layer.
Replace that shape layer's path property with the CGPath of a UIBezierPath which is created on the basis of updated location that the gesture recognizer handler captures when the gesture's state is UIGestureStateChanged.
I'd suggest you take a crack at that (googling "CAShapeLayer tutorial" or "UIPanGestureRecognizer example" or what have you, if any of these concepts are unfamiliar).
If you really want to use Core Graphics, you would have a custom UIView subclass whose drawRect draws all of the rectangles. Conceptually it's very similar to the above, but you have to also writing your own rectangle drawing code that you'll put in drawRect, rather than letting CAShapeLayer do that for you.

How can I reproduce a "box" transition animation in iOS?

I want to build an animated transition between two view controllers in iOS, resembling the "Box" transition in PowerPoint or the "Reflection" transition in Keynote.
You can see it here, at 2:10:
What's the best way to do this?
That would be a complex animation to recreate. You'd need to use a CAAnimationGroup that grouped several different animations running at once. You'd want to animate a rotation around the y axis with the center of rotation lifted off the screen, on both the view controller that is animating away and the view that your are animating into place.
You would have to tweak the transform to make it draw with perspective (you add a small value to the .m34 record in the transform). That's because CA animations are orthographic by default (they don't show perspective.)
The reflections could be created using a special subclass of CALayer that lets you create duplicates of a layer. I'm blanking on the name of that layer subclass at the moment. You'd set up 1 duplicate with a scale of -1 on the y axis to flip it upside down, and a darkening effect. I've never done it myself, but I've seen several examples in books and online.
