iOS: Scaling for different screen sizes with Auto Layout - ios

I am programming an app for iPhone and I am using Auto Layout. I understand how #1x, #2x and #3x works, but what I don't understand is how to handle different screen sizes with Auto Layout.
If I want a scene to look good both on iPhone 6+, iPhone 6 and iPhone 5, I need to take into account the very different sizes of each phone. I can't use the same image size (in points) on all iPhones, because it will look too big on smaller phones, or too small on bigger phones. And I don't even want to imagine the hassle of iPad layout.
How can I solve this? Should I use constraints to make all of my images scale dynamically? This sounds doable, but I'm wondering what the best solution is.
Thank you. I'm really at a loss here.

If you want to keep the propotion on different sizes (for instance an image that has the same apparent size in each device) you can use constraints.
One small trick that I usually do is:
Define an aspect ratio constraint (cmd + click beginning in your view and ending in your view):
And then force your view to increase in width or in height (ie: defining constraints for the left and the right).
It all depends on what you want actually, and the constraints/code will vary in different situations.

you could make the #2x and #3x unproportionally bigger than its #1x counter part, then use the UIImageView's intrinsic size to let it become bigger for the different screen sizes
never tried something like this myself but i dont see a reason why it wouldnt work


Proper way of designing layout dimensions for all the iPhones in Xcode

I spent hours of searching about this topic, but nothing is exactly dealing with my problem. Maybe you guys can help me better.
I want to ask what is the proper way of designing a layout to properly support all the iPhones. Also the easiest way for me as possible.
My style is that I am designing for the smallest device first and then scale things up for the other devices. Is that alright or is this not how it is supposed to be done?
My problem is that I am creating a layout that should scale up according to display size.
I will give an example of Original iPhone which has screen of 320 x 480 points (which equals 320 x 480 pixels) and iPhone 6, which has screen of 375 x 667 points (which is 750 x 1334 pixels because of the different pixel density).
Now I want to make a button or textbox or rectangle (whatever) on the Original iPhone that will get bigger if I launch it on bigger device like iPhone 6.
So if I have a button having height of 30 (pt) on Original iPhone, it should be bigger on iPhone 6. But how much bigger?
Do I have to calculate those 30 pt into pt on bigger device myself every time, or is there better method that works automatically so I don't have to re-count all the dimensions for every device? What is the correct way?
Btw: I am aware of that when designing the icons, buttons, or anything that is a .png file, I have to create them in dimensions of 1x, 2x and 3x so it can scale on all the devices, but how to work with these while constructing the actual layout?
What is the logic or how is it ment to be done?
THIS PICTURE is showing the dimension proportions I found on the web and little bit of idea of my problem below.
EDIT: Please look at this website:
It seems like there are some Apple's measurement standarts in (pt).
For example on one of the pictures they are showing that the margin from the sides should be 8pt. Since [pt] is an universal unit, I would expect it to adapt on other devices. So if I set the margin of 8 in editor, will it make different ammount of pixels on the other devices so it looks visually the same?
If you calculate every view like this one , it will not work.
Just set constrains on that view which you want same in other devices.
Like if you fix a view's height is 30 then it will 30 in every device. It is not going to be bigger or smaller in other devices.
But if you think that, a view is 20 pixel from right and 20 pixel from left, 10 pixel from top bar and bottom layout then this view gonna same ratio in every device.
I hope you understand what i want too say.
Please comment if i am unable to make you understand. :)

What is a good approach for scaling/drawing images for different screen sizes?

In my iPhone app, I have a control that takes on quite different sizes on different screens. For example, (in the iOS point coordinates)
3.5 inch devices (iPhone 4S): 242x295
4 inch devices (iPhone 5 series, SE): 242x383
4.7 inch devices (iPhone 6 series): 297x482
5.5 inch devices (iPhone 6 Plus series): 336x551
As you can see, these control sizes are not proportional.
The problem
This control has an image as its background. That particular image is important for brand identity and the custom appearance that my company's designer wants to go with. The image gives the appearance of a material and has a texture. It also has shadows within itself. I would like to apply this image on to controls of different screen sizes (my control sizes are determined at runtime according to available space, as Apple may come up with new screen sizes anytime).
My current solution
The designer makes separate PNGs for me for each screen size and I hard code it with onto my control using an if-else for screen size (after determining the size mathematically before hand). As you can probably tell, this is a horrible approach for robustness. I'm also looking to expand to iPad and having a better scaling system will certainly help.
An idea
I take an image that's the smallest unit of the repeating texture and apply it to my control with the scaling option that repeats it throughout to obtain a final image.
HOWEVER, I lose my shadows and rounded edges this way. (I tried simply using the largest image as well and the disproportionate scaling makes the rounded edges horrible)
I tried looking for solutions and most resources do not deal with such images. I simply cannot lose any part of this image and it should be fully applied to the control, shadows and corners included.
I apologize if any or all of this is naive or if I didn't look for answers using the correct words. This is my first time posting here at Stack Overflow, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys.
This is applied to a custom UIButton based control to give the appearance of a card.
Edit 2: Wain seems to have suggested a perfect answer. I will try it and let everyone know the results.
I'd use tiling as you describe, and I'd combine that with changing the view layer corner radius and applying a shadow offset. In this way you can separate the important part of the image and make it nicely reusable and you can leverage the capability of CALayer.
Note that when you set the shadowOffset of the layer you should also look at the shadowColor, shadowRadius and shadowOpacity.
You can used Assets.xcassets for managing images in ios. you can make image in 1x,2x and 3x scale.
For example you want an icon of size 50x50 pixel then 1x should be 50x50,
2x should be 100x100 and 3x should be 150x150. then ios automatically take appropriate image from this set.
Hope this will help :)
The aspect ration of iPhone 5, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6P are almost same. however the aspect ration of iPhone 4 is different.
Here is the steps which helps you.
So you need one image which image is suitable for iPhone 5 and its
#2x, and #3x image and iPhone 4 and its #2x image,
i.e if you have image with 242x383 for iPhone 5 then you need images
with its #2x, and #3x images. and you need image which is compatible
with iPhone 4 size.
You need to set UIImageView's contentMode as aspectFit.
So the idea is, make iPhone 5's image and its #2x, #3x images and iPhone 4's image differently. or you can put all things in UIScrollView and for iPhone 4 set contentSize of scrollView is 568. and make different image for iPad.

Will auto layout scaling always produce the same result no matter the resolution?

Is there a way to have each preview/simulator match the look of the storyboard, look for look, regarding the same location and aspect ratio no matter the screen size? In other words, in my storyboard I have the look I am looking for. What properties/details would I have to add to have the storyboard be replicated the same despite the different iPhone resolutions? The iPhone 5.5" looks incredibly close to my desired results while the 4" cuts some of my buttons off? What am I missing or what should I add?
This is what Auto Layout is for. Your Storyboard is a fixed size whereas there are many different device screen sizes. That's why you use Auto Layout to position view relative to one another so that no matter the device, the layout looks right. In your case, your content will probably need to scroll to fit in all device screen sizes.
Yes. The reason behind this is vector image generation during stretch in or out. If you convert it into raster images. Expected result is not guaranteed.

iOS, why is the sizing class for regular / regular 800 x 800?

I'm trying to use some proportional sizing constraints.
This seems to differ on iPad pro and iPad 2.
It doesn't make any sense that the regular / regular sizing class is 800 x 800.
None of the iPad are this size.
The size itself does't matter, the whole point of a layout is that it should be reactive to the size available. Some items will be exact sizes and others will be proportional. The proportions are based around the overall size available and the parts that you need to be exact or to fit exactly to their contents.
It's opinion but I guess the size shown in storyboard is big enough to allow easy layout but not so big it's hard to fit on screen with other panes for code and inspectors.

Auto adjust alignment to screen size

I am working on a BlackBerry App that has a lot of ImageButtons, LabelFields and MessageBoxes. What appears to be perfect on one screen size, seems a mess on the other. For instance, Vertical Field Managers that are neatly aligned center with LabelFields, are left/right aligned on bigger screens. Images that cover the width of the screen appear too small on larger screens. Is there some mechanism to auto-align and dynamically change images with respect to the screen size. Any ideas and documents that can help in this regard?
Here are some tips for making screens that look good on almost all devices:
Use less images. If you have to use images, use atleast 3-4 for different screen sizes. for example if you need to have an image as the screen header, use images with widths 320px, 480px and 640px. Load image depending on the width of the screen.
Do not use pixel measurements. Use point measurements instead. Most of the devices are similar in terms of physical size, whereas they have huge difference in pixel density. Using this you can have a screen which will look exactly identical on curve (320x240), bold2 (480x360) and bold 4 (640x480). If you notice, they have the same aspect ratio and similar physical size.
Do not hardcode positions. Instead use FIELD_HCENTER and DRAW_HCENTER etc for fields.
Do not use fonts with fixed pixel height. Use fixed point height instead.
If using custom fields, make sure that they can automatically expand according to device and pixel density.
