OH-TFS-Connector-0030 OpsHub-012300 #OpsHub - opshub

Trying to migrate to VSO and I'm getting this error. I can see all the changeset up to 30, but it's saying that I haven't got read to changeset 40. Didn't know that you could set permissions on specific changesets?
Error in execution of Job : tfs.my-server.com\DefaultCollection to my-server.visualstudio.com| tfs.my-server.com\DefaultCollection to my-server.visualstudio.com| TFS Source 1426530642910 Source TFS 1426530642910 'eHub' Commit Information tfs.my-server.com\DefaultCollection to my-server.visualstudio.com| TFS Source 1426530642910 Source TFS 1426530642910 TFS Commit Information
OpsHub-012300: Error occurred in generating events. Caused by Error in getting All Change Events : OH-TFS-Connector-0030: Error occurred in executing operation getTotalRevisions. Server Error : TF14098: Access Denied: User Joe Bloggs needs Read permission(s) for at least one item in changeset 44.

There is a high chance that Changeset 44 had file changes committed across project. Like a file of Project A is renamed and file of Project B is deleted. And those pend changes are committed together as one changeset.
And now, you are migrating only Project A with a user who does not have permission to view/access Project B. Hence, the issue.
Try using a user with Administrator privilege or providing your current user with access to whichever the other project is in changeset 44.


Problem after migration TFS 2010 to TFS 2017

I upgraded TFS from version 2010 -> TFS 2013 Update 5 -> to TFS 2017.3.1. The migration was successful, without errors.
When we select any work item we get error:
TF400898: An Internal Error Occurred.
{"message":"TF400898: An Internal Error Occurred.","type":"System.NullReferenceException"}
Content?bundle=vss-bundle-basejs-vLDQ_BPnMflh1yV4rhP43SsHlun31XvwYB1svh7haP9E=:5 GET http://servr_name:8080/Colection/sssdddd59ad7c58-da11-49ed-a085-6acc62384a85/_api/_wit/workItemTypes?__v=5&typeNames=FDR&stamp=5-12c3sss1sss162-12c40e0-117e5b3-12c4b45-11884ddddsaf-12c4b4b-1sss2c3166-117e5c2-ffffdddsffff826b3e0c-0-0-stateColors-True 500 (Internal Server Error)
It looks like api can't read domain users who own the work item.
This is not a TFS cache issue because it has been cleared on the client and server.
It depends on the users. eg, TFS administrator does not have such an error, work item opens correctly.
What could be the reason for this error?
Update 2
OP finally re-graduated 2010 to 2017 without the following command and it seems to have helped.
TFSConfig ChangeServerID /SQLInstance:server_db /DatabaseName:TFS_Configuration
First check Event Log in Event Viewer to see whether there is some useful information.
For the migration, make sure there are not any databases left from another TFS instance. Cleaning these up should help.
It depends on the users. eg, TFS administrator does not have such an
error, work item opens correctly.
If this issue depends on users. That may related to permission sync up.
You could try to remove all users out of the project and add them back again. Which may do the trick.
Also double check the permission related settings. Whether they are added under an area with deny permission for security settings. Since in TFS, deny trumps allow.
If the upgrade was successful without any errors. Then this kind of error may related to the configuration.
You could try re-running the configuration wizard for the team project to fix the issue. How to please refer this tutorial: Configure features after an upgrade

How to resolve "Could not find a part of the path" when checking into TFS 2017

Started to get the following error:
Z:\.NET Projects\JSConsultants\JSConsultants\packages\Newtonsoft.Json.10.0.2\lib\net20\Newtonsoft.Json.dll: Could not find a part of the path 'Z:\.NET Projects\JSConsultants\JSConsultants\packages\Newtonsoft.Json.10.0.2\lib\net20\Newtonsoft.Json.dll'. when trying to check into TFS 2017 this morning. The only thing I added to my project was the Google API infrastructure.
The error you mention happens whenever you have a file in your pending changes that no longer exists on disk. You have to go to your pending changes window and undo each of the changes that reference files that are removed.

TFS project removal

We have a project which cannot be removed completely. We use TFS API output all the projects and their size and we find a project which we cannot see it on the web or VS. The project is very big(more than 200G). We try to delete it, but met some problems. I tried to remove it with the command "TFSDeleteproject ..." and got the error message as bellow.
"The team project could not be deleted. Either the delete operation failed, or project creation failed but partially-created project could not be deleted. Review the previous entries in this log for details. The team project has been taken offline and remains in a non-operational state. It is not accessible to Team Explorer. To complete the deletion, address the errors noted in this log, and then attempt deleting the project again."
Is there any other way to remove the project? Any advice is welcomed.
I think You read Delete a team project with TFSDeleteProjec guide.
There is even a description on how to Verify Project Deletion.
In addition I think main space occupation can be related on version control files, if this is Your case you can use TFS Destroy command to destroy, or permanently delete, version-controlled files from Team Foundation version control and related changeset history.
If you not like command line, I suggest to use TFS Source Control Explorer Extensionthat integrate destroy in source control advanced right click menu.

Could not copy. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

I am getting the following error when running my build on Visual Studio Online (using the built-in Build Controller):
C:\Program Files
(3962): Could not copy
to "..\Build\bin\Release\Microsoft.Data.Edm.xml". Beginning retry 1 in
1000ms. The process cannot access the file
'..\Build\bin\Release\Microsoft.Data.Edm.xml' because it is being used
by another process.
It is never the same file either but it seems to always be either an xml or dll from the packages folder.
EDIT: I'm not sure if it is worth mentioning, but I do have multiple workspaces and multiple build definitions using this repository.
I found the problem. Completely unrelated to the error above.
I went into the msbuild log files and found this:
Failed to produce diagnostics extension's config for
MyRole\diagnostics.wadcfgx. Error : Could not find a part of the path
'd:\a\src...\MyRole\diagnostics.wadcfgx'. Done Building Project
"d:\a\src...\MyCloudProject.Cloud.ccproj" (Publish target(s)) --
I was missing a file in source control.
I do wonder why this error did not bubble up into my build summary. And where did that initial error come from?
I am using TFS with Using Visual Studio 2013 and have been able to work around this issue by closing all open documents that I want to check-in (seems VS locked itself out) and/or resolving conflicts. The error message is sufficiently vague so as to be useless as to the actual cause of the check-in failure.
Update 02 November 2016:
I'm not sure why VS 2013 and TFS don't play nice together via the Team Explorer Check-in Pending Changes button, but it consistently fails to launch the conflict resolver, a key piece of the check-in process.
The following works for me on VS 2013 and TFS hosted on a SQLServer Express 2014 database:
1. Launch the Source Explorer: Team Explorer tab -> Source Explorer
2. Navigate to your solution repository
3. Then proceed to do the following for each project that you want to check in:
a. Right click project
b. Check in pending changes
c. Resolve conflicts and repeat steps 3a and 3b until no pending changes remain for the project

VS 2013 error with online TFS Service "The decryption operation failed, see inner exception"

While adding many 1000s of files to the online version of TFS at visualstudio.com, I have started getting "The decryption operation failed, see inner exception".
I cannot even resolve or check in a single file (from the new batch of 34,000+ additions).
As the message is displayed in the pending changes window, there is no way that I can see to get more details (or view the inner exception).
1) Is this a TFS, VS 2013 or network issue
2) How can I get at the more detail information of the error in VS 2013?
Before anyone suggests "turn it off and on again", rebooting has not made any difference to the problem.
Also switching the advanced workspace location from "local" to "server" made no difference.
Have we just hit a wall in TFS?
*Note: It does not effect checkin to other folders outside of the new additions
It appears that the online TFS service provided through visualstudio.com has some limitations.
The solution to the problem above was to undo the 34,000+ item check and add them in smaller batches. Up to around 10,000 files at a time seems to behave itself.
I have just had the same error on a fresh machine install, where I tried to pull down my entire TFS repository in one go. Again pulling them down piece-by-piece avoided the error
