Typhoon: Injecting run-time arguments into a singleton - ios

I'm trying to figure out how to inject run-time arguments into a singleton when it is created, and then have those arguments just be remembered from then on. I'm not sure if the interface for run-time arguments can support this, though. Say, for example, I have a Client object that requires a token, and has the following initializer:
+ (instancetype)initWithToken:(NSString *)token;
The token is obtained at runtime from the server and is different for every user, so I can't simply put the NSString in the definition. So I create the following method on my Typhoon assembly:
- (Client *)clientWithToken:(NSString *)token;
However, in the future (when I'm injecting this client into other classes), I won't have the token on hand to call this method with. So I would like to just be able to inject [self client], for example. Since the client is a singleton and has already been created, the token isn't necessary, anyway.
However, I can't seem to find a way to do this. Obviously, defining a separate method called client would just return a different client. Can I just call clientWithToken:nil and the argument will be ignored if the client already exists? Perhaps traversing the assembly's singletons array would work, but that is obviously very inelegant.
I have considered injecting by type (so I don't need a method to call), but I have multiple different clients of the same type, so I need to be explicit about which client to inject. Of course, there is also the option of removing this parameter from the initializer, and instead setting it as a property from outside the assembly; however this pattern is used throughout our application, so I would like to avoid rewriting that much code.
Thank you.

Reviewing the Typhoon User Guide's 'When to Use Runtime Arguments' shows that this scenario isn't really a good match. Runtime arguments are great when we have a top-level component that mixes some static dependencies with information that is known later - thus avoiding the creation of a custom 'factory' class. Its not possible to use them in the way described.
Instead consider the following suggestions:
Inject a shared context class
Create a mutable Session model object and register it with Typhoon. Update the state on this model when you have a token. Inject this into the clients, which will use this session information when making connections.
Aspect Hook
Hook your clients so that before a method is invoked the token information is available. This could be done by:
Using an Aspects library like this one.
Define a Protocol for the clients and wrap the base implementation in one that is security aware.


Upgrading from Play 2.6 to 2.7: How to refactor this Play.current statement to use DI

In my Java 8 Play 2.6 application I have this particular line in a MessageConsumer class that reads a "Rule" record in the DB and sends the JSON message (node) to a specific processor based on the type configured on the rule column. ProcessType is an enum of Sub Classes that all extend from a base (Super class) process.
Play.current().injector().instanceOf(ProcessType.getClass(matchingRule.getProcessType())).processMessage(node, matchingRule);
I'm having trouble figuring out how to refactor this and don't want to add the allowGlobalApplication = true config parameter if I can avoid it.
The most straightforward approach is to inject the Injector into the component that contains this call (the MessageConsumer). This can be done the same way as any other Play component.
You can also inject the Application instance, which would return the same thing as Play.current(). This could be useful if you need more information from the Application object, but if not, injecting the Injector directly would be preferable, as it would create less coupling between the MessageConsumer and other components.
This assumes that the MessageConsumer is created by DI itself. If not, please add more details to the question, including the context code.

How do I access UrlMapping variables in grails from a filter?

I'm using Grails 2.1.5 and the Spring Security Core plugin.
I've overridden the WebSecurityExpressionRoot to add 2 signatures of a hasPermission method to the web expression paradigm.
This method delegates to classes by name in the applicationContext calling them with the request as an argument and an arbitrary string to provide further details if any are ever required.
In my delegate class I need to be able to access the parameters to assess whether or not the user may access the requested resource and this is fine but the request does not yet contain the variables defined from the UrlMappings.
I have tried acquiring the grailsUrlMappingsHolder from the applicationContext but when I call it's match method with a valid uri I get nothing.
I'm running out of time and may have to parse the request.getRequestURI() myself to try to infer the id if no request parameters are valid but this will not get urls mapped where the id is not last.
I really hate to re-invent the wheel here and I hate to miss out on using the UrlMappings to their fullest potential but the variables they define (in my circumstance) aren't available until I'm in the controller.
Take a look at what I do in AnnotationFilterInvocationDefinition - there's a bit of setup that you need to do: https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-spring-security-core/blob/master/src/java/grails/plugin/springsecurity/web/access/intercept/AnnotationFilterInvocationDefinition.java

Are these values dependencies?

I've got an object that encapsulates remote calls. It needs credentials to make the calls. I think the credentials should be passed into the constructor so that, once the object is created, a user doesn't have to keep passing them in every time they make a call to the object. This seems like a sensible factoring.
If I do this though I've got the added complexity of the clients that use this object needing to be passed a factory instead of the object itself because they credentials won't be known until run time. So given this extra work, I was wondering if credentials (being just string values and no code) count as a dependency or not?
Does this question even make sense? You see I've gotten it into my head after using IoC that anything being passed into a constructor counts as a dependency and thus should probably be an instance of some implementation of an interface.
I wouldn't see those strings as dependencies. Instead, create an IUserContext or IUserCredentials abstraction that you can inject.

ASP.NET MVC and IoC - Chaining Injection

Please be gentle, I'm a newb to this IoC/MVC thing but I am trying. I understand the value of DI for testing purposes and how IoC resolves dependencies at run-time and have been through several examples that make sense for your standard CRUD operations...
I'm starting a new project and cannot come up with a clean way to accomplish user permissions. My website is mostly secured with any pages with functionality (except signup, FAQ, about us, etc) behind a login. I have a custom identity that has several extra properties which control access to data... So....
Using Ninject, I've bound a concrete type* to a method (Bind<MyIdentity>().ToMethod(c => MyIdentity.GetIdentity()); so that when I add MyIdentity to a constructor, it is injected based on the results of the method call.
That all works well. Is it appropriate to (from the GetIdentity() method) directly query the request cookies object (via FormsAuthentication)? In testing the controllers, I can pass in an identity, but the GetIdentity() method will be essentially untestable...
Also, in the GetIdentity() method, I will query the database. Should I manually create a concrete instance of a repository?
Or is there a better way all together?
I think you are reasonably on the right track, since you abstracted away database communication and ASP.NET dependencies from your unit tests. Don't worry that you can't test everything in your tests. There will always be lines of code in your application that are untestable. The GetIdentity is a good example. Somewhere in your application you need to communicate with framework specific API and this code can not be covered by your unit tests.
There might still be room for improvement though. While an untested GetIdentity isn't a problem, the fact that it is actually callable by the application. It just hangs there, waiting for someone to accidentally call it. So why not abstract the creation of identities. For instance, create an abstract factory that knows how to get the right identity for the current context. You can inject this factory, instead of injecting the identity itself. This allows you to have an implementation defined near the application's composition root and outside reach of the rest of the application. Besides that, the code communicates more clearly what is happening. Nobody has to ask "which identity do I actually get?", because it will be clear by the method on the factory they call.
Here's an example:
public interface IIdentityProvider
// Bit verbose, but veeeery clear,
// but pick another name if you like,
MyIdentity GetIdentityForCurrentUser();
In your composition root you can have an implementation of this:
private sealed class AspNetIdentityProvider : IIdentityProvider
public MyIdentity GetIdentityForCurrentUser()
// here the code of the MyIdentity.GetIdentity() method.
As a trick I sometimes have my test objects implement both the factory and product, just for convenience during unit tesing. For instance:
private sealed class FakeMyIdentity
: FakeMyIdentity, IIdentityProvider
public MyIdentity GetIdentityForCurrentUser()
// just returning itself.
return this;
This way you can just inject a FakeMyIdentity in a constructor that expects an IIdentityProvider. I found out that this doesn’t sacrifice readability of the tests (which is important).
Of course you want to have as little code as possible in the AspNetIdentityProvider, because you can't test it (automatically). Also make sure that your MyIdentity class doesn't have any dependency on any framework specific parts. If so you need to abstract that as well.
I hope this makes sense.
There are two things I'd kinda do differently here...
I'd use a custom IPrincipal object with all the properties required for your authentication needs. Then I'd use that in conjunction with custom cookie creation and the AuthenticateRequest event to avoid database calls on every request.
If my IPrincipal / Identity was required inside another class, I'd pass it as a method parameter rather than have it as a dependency on the class it's self.
When going down this route I use custom model binders so they are then parameters to my actions rather than magically appearing inside my action methods.
NOTE: This is just the way I've been doing things, so take with a grain of salt.
Sorry, this probably throws up more questions than answers. Feel free to ask more questions about my approach.

Can Autofac do automatic self-binding?

I know some DI frameworks support this (e.g. Ninject), but I specifically want to know if it's possible with Autofac.
I want to be able to ask an Autofac container for a concrete class, and get back an instance with all appropriate constructor dependencies injected, without ever registering that concrete class. I.e., if I never bind it explicitly, then automatically bind the concrete class to itself, as if I had called builder.Register<MyClass>();
A good example of when this would be useful is ViewModels. In MVVM, the layering is such that only the View depends on the ViewModel, and that via loose typing, and you don't unit-test the View anyway. So there's no need to mock the ViewModel for tests -- and therefore there's no reason to have an interface for each ViewModel. So in this case, the usual DI pattern of "register this interface to resolve to this class" is unnecessary complexity. Explicit self-binding, like builder.Register<MyClass>();, also feels like an unnecessary step when dealing with something as straightforward as a concrete class.
I'm aware of the reflection-based registration example in the Autofac docs, but that's not to my taste either. I don't want the complexity (and slowness) of registering every possible class ahead of time; I want the framework to give me what I need when I need it. Convention over configuration, and all that.
Is there any way to configure Autofac so it can say "Oh, this is a concrete type, and nobody registered it yet, so I'll just act like it had been registered with default settings"?
builder.RegisterTypesMatching(type => type.IsClass)
If you look at the source you will see that RegisterTypesMatching (and RegisterTypesFromAssembly) is NOT DOING ANY REFLECTION. All Autofac is doing in this case is registering a rule that accepts a type or not. In my example above I accept any type that is a class.
In the case of RegisterTypesFromAssembly, Autofac registers a rule that says "if the type you're trying to resolve have Assembly == the specified assembly, then I will give you an instance".
no type reflection is done at register time
any type that matches the criteria will be resolved
Compared to register the concrete types directly, this will have a perf hit at resolve time since Autofac will have to figure out e.g. constructor requirements. That said, if you go with default instance scope, which is singleton, you take the hit only the first time you resolve that type. Next time it will use the already created singleton instance.
Update: in Autofac 2 there is a better way of making the container able to resolve anything. This involves the AnyConcreteTypeNotAlreadyRegistered registration source.
what about:
no reflection is done, as Peter Lillevold points out.
