youtube api .getPlaylistIndex() no longer seems to work? - youtube-api

I have a web app that was built up using the youtube api v3 and for some reason now .getPlaylistIndex() is always returning -1 this just recently happened and caused a major break in the functionality of the site.
There was no changes in the code base to production over the last week and was working last week, but yesterday (or possibly Monday) it broke. There had to be some change within the API that caused these issues. But I was unable to see anything related to this issue posted anywhere...
If anyone has seen this issue and have some kind of link or reference to what was changed, if it is going to be fixed or if that function was deprecated? The only thing I can do at this point is rework all of my code to get around using this function anymore.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

This ended up an error in implementation that was in our code, but also because of a change in how things worked through the youtube api. The original coder had set up the youtube player to load the playlist, but then they loaded the start video again
channelPlayer.loadPlaylist(currentPlayListArray, selectedVidIdx);
//channelPlayer.loadVideoById(selectedVid); <<<< This was breaking functionality
This had been working (with the commented out line). Up until last weekend the playlist was not overwritten in the player by the loading of a single video. It seems the functionality has changed where it no longer loads the video ontop of a playlist that was previously loaded. Now it overwrites the playlist of the player instead of concatenating?
Again this was an internal error, but the random change in functionality in the api caused this to actually cause the issue we ran into.


Youtube API search livestream stop to work

A few days that the youtube api stop to show a livestream videos, is this error only on my api key? if does, is there any other way to find a livestream videos?
I googled if there any message from youtube about this, and i didn't find.{MY_API_KEY}
You are not alone.
It's broken for everybody, unfortunately, and it's been this way for over ten days now. As with all Google services, human support and feedback is non-existent, not even an acknowledgement of the issue.
As a workaround, I had to change the logic to use the q parameter along with eventType=live. This actually works, and, depending on keywords, can also return a whole lot of unrelated live material, which, I think, can be further filtered on the client. This also seems to incur higher quota usage.
Well, I guess the issue is you try to use a meta-channel. UC4R8DWoMoI7CAwX8_LjQHig refers to what you get when you click on live in the menu, but this only "sums up" what's live, it isn't a real channel itself. Just strip the channelId parameter you should get all active live streams (only tested at reference page but got me 14.5k at time of try).

YouTube Data API no longer returns deleted videos in playlists?

I am trying to get list of all my liked videos on YouTube (including deleted) using playlistItems.list method.
Last month (Sep. 2018) I've tried it, response from the server contained exact amount of items, including every video with '[Deleted video]' title.
Currently (Oct. 2018), response looks like this: chrome console screenshot (note the '48': means two deleted videos is missing in the array).
I've checked out revision history, but there is no mention about recent changes related to this problem.
So my questions is:
Does playlistItems.list method no longer return deleted videos in playlists?
If yes, does anyone have a link to changelog or any ideas on how to get deleted video id now?
Or it's just me messed up something and everything works the old way?
EDIT: Found related issue on google issue tracker.
But it's dated Jun. 14, 2018 which is strange, since for me everything worked back in June.
I do remember testing this before June 18' and the total was never reflecting the actual results, I see others acknowledge this as well refer to this

There is no in GTM Preview Mode

As Google Tag Manager released the new update for built in variables for Youtube, I followed this tutorial of Simo Ahava for Youtube tracking:
However, when I test my website in Preview mode, there is no data layer. Because of that, there is no tag firing.
Any help will be appreciated, and if you believe my website has this video embedded code hidden, here is my page with video:
Thank you!
Edited: Even if there is no in Preview Mode, the tag actually still fires. You can check it in Real time mode of GA or wait until GA collects enough data.
We are having an issue with this functionality as well. We followed Simo's blog to implement and as of yesterday the functionality has become very unstable. We maybe have the tag firing 1 out of 20 page loads. We have tried loading the iframe_api as the first script. We have changed the ordering of the scripts. Something seems wrong with the code from Google.
I should also add that's it's not just the gtm.preview but if you publish the changes you will not see firing with any regularity.
We think that GTM and YT API don't work well together - as per this post.
Google Tag Manager & Youtube Conflict

YouTube iframe API playVideo() stopped working

Is anybody else having issues with the YouTube APIs at the moment? About 2.5hrs ago I had reports from two different clients that their playback on sites had stopped working. They all appear to be functioning correctly on the website side of things but the returned YT.player object has no playVideo() method and never fires onReady. No code has changed on either of these things for months.
A URL you can view the problem on is here (though the scripts are minified) -
You could also try the first video on this page (unminified) - - but it is pretty regularly updated with content and there is no guarantee that it will still be a YouTube video at #1 by the time someone looks (the site also uses Vimeo embeds)

Does the YouTube API Geolocation Search Work?

The YouTube API documentation says that I should be able to search for videos by location, within a specified radius. This does not appear to work.
There is even an official forum post showing how this can be done.
Yet calling a simple example like,-0.1273598!&location-radius=10km
Returns 0 results.
There should be some videos that tourists have uploaded of London!
So, is it still possible to get a list of videos tagged with location metadata?
It's not currently working (tested on April 12, 2013). According to
GData issue 4234 "a change in the YouTube search index is preventing location-based searches from returning results"
The estimated fix is going to take longer than the mid-April 2013 time frame initially expected.
I eagerly anticipate the resolution. I'd suggest clicking the star on that issue page so you'll get updates when comments are added, etc.
Update: On April 16, 2013 the issue was updated stating "The current estimate is restoring this functionality in the second half of 2013." Also, their API documentation was updated to reflect the issue.
Geolocation search is deprecated temporarily and expected to be up again in near future.
This was due to another launch, documentation is about to be refreshed. It will also be back up soon.
This is now working. See the documentation for v3
