Tab bar application with login view xcode 6 using storyboard? - ios

I want to implement an application (Universal-both orientation supported) which is presenting a LoginViewController first and if login is successful, then show the tab bar controller using Xcode 6 and Storyboard. I have followed many related questions such as Adding login screen in front of Cocoa Touch Tab Bar Application for IOS and Showing login view controller before main tab bar controller which are pretty old.
This might sounds like very simple question but Im struggling to implement this feature since quite a while now.
Please provide me any sample project (or at least guidance) if anyone have done this kind of application using storyboard? And how to logout from the application when inside the tab bar controller (i.e. after logged-in) ? Hide Tab bar controller in some view controllers?


Navigation in SwiftUI - App Setup Navigation View flow into a Tab View Navigation flow

Picking up swift again for the first time in a while and this seems way more difficult than it should be to find a clear answer on the correct way to go about this as it seems like a common scenario for an app.
I need to present the user with a few set up screens (user registration, login, other details) that will only be presented once when first setting up the app.
When finished with this setup process the app should navigate to a Tab View based Home Screen which will be the main navigation throughout the app (with each tab item having its own NavigationView navigation)
Navigating from the setup to the home view with a Navigation Link stays within that initial navigation view hierarchy and I end up with double navigation bars on the Home Screen. I've also tried presenting the setup view as a FullScreenCover, but that didn't seem to fully work correctly either.
I'm avoiding posting code as I want to find the best way this will work for multiple projects, not specifically for what I'm currently working on.

Error in displaying tab bar controller in storyboard

I'm developing a project in Swift and when using the storyboard to modify the views, I find an uncomfortable situation. The image is self-explanatory: Image of the stroyboard.
As you can see, the bar has grown and it's impossible to see the view i'm working in. At first, the error ocurred in the navigation controller beneath the tab bar controller but now it spreads to the new views I create and connect.
Any help would be apreciated.

Xcode Persistent Tab Bar Navigation

So I'm building an app where I need a persistent tab bar navigation at the bottom of the screen, exactly like how the Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram iOS apps do. Now whilst I can use a TabBarController and link the main pages of the app, I need the TabBar to be present on every page and not just the first page of each section.
I tried creating a UITabBar class and importing it into one of my ViewControllerClasses so that I don't have to add a TabBar on every single view. But when I add this UITabBar class as a subview of the ViewController I can't seem to change any of it's properties such as background colour.
Can anyone suggest what might be wrong or suggest any better methods of approaching a persistent tab bar navigation on every page of the app?

Make More button in tabbed bar application slide out in iOS

This is a simple question. So I have a tabbed bar application with a More... tab button. I was wondering if it's possible to make the More... button be a slide out menu button? I found tutorials on how to do it on a regular app design but things get a little more complicated when it comes to the tabbed bar application.
The thing is that you don't own the More button in the tab bar of a UITabBarController, so you can't control what happens. (You can access the navigation controller that appears when the More button is tapped, but it's still going to be just another view controller whose view is displayed above the tab bar.) If you want to write a new interface you'll have to write a whole new interface, i.e. don't use the built-in UITabBarController. That's no big deal; it isn't doing anything you can't manage to do yourself.

ios - splitview in tab bar controller using storyboard

In my app I want to use splitview inside the tab bar controller and the splitview controller will not be the rootviewcontroller. I use storyboards in my app and I can't find any clearly working example for this.
Firstly, I need to know it is possible or not.
If it is possible, how can I handle appdelegate to run splitview controller in tab bar controller?
I've also look intelligentsplitviewcontroller but it doesn't use storyboards.
Could anyone help me about this problem?
