How to cross compile OpenCV with ffmpeg - opencv

I want to cross compile opencv with ffmpeg for arm.
I have cross compiled ffmpeg, how do I configure cmake to see the ffmpeg?
Edit: I am cross compiling for AR Drone 2.0. I use toolchain under platform/linux.

The answer to your specific problem is to use cmake-gui which provides you a visual interface to ease the process of setting up variables, like your ffmpeg package location.
However I have 2 recommendations:
Download the most updated toolchain.
DO NOT USE THIS GUIDE. Use instead the toolchain that you find in the package in sources\platforms\android\android.toolchain.cmake: read inside, you'll find the correct instructions at the beginning of the file.
Another optional recommendation: use ninja as build system, much faster.

I was successful in cross compiling OpenCV with ffmpeg for AR Drone's ARM processor by writing my own toolchain file where I explicitly set all the linker, pkg_config and compiler paths to relevant directories containing the cross-compiled stuff.
I have written a blog post detailing the entire process here:
How to Cross-Compile OpenCV with FFmpeg for AR Drone (ARM Processor).


How to build openCV 3.3.0 with GStreamer on Windows

Having Gstreamer 1.22 successfully installed I'm not able to configure the project to build OpenCV. CMake isn't able to find GStreamer on my machine. Any ideas how two address this issue?
Just found the solution:
Cmake is using FindGstreamerWindows.cmake to find GStreamer on Windows, which is using internal an environment variable called "GSTREAMER_DIR" pointing to ..\gstreamer\1.0\x86_64.
Please make sure GSTREAMER_DIR exists on your machine.
I recently compile Opencv 4.2 with GStreamer on Windows. I use settings for GStreamer as on the following pictures. Make sure you point to correct .lib and include directories. all_Library is gstapp-1.0.lib etc, when configuraing CMAKE to compile OpenCV.
I use Opencv 4.2, CMake 3.17.0 release candidate and Gstreamer 1.16.2 MSVC 64-bit (VS 2019) developer and runtime installer. The whole process is described here install OpenCV on windows GStreamer tutorial
The important part is to set up environmental variables to find Gstreamer Runtime. Into system variable path: add
Gstreamer pipe from c++ opencv program to the web.

Why doesn't CLion link my project with OpenCV for Windows?

I'm attempting to use OpenCV for Windows as supplied by in a project I'm building with JetBrains' CLion IDE. I've installed the opencv library and configured CLion (set(OpenCV_DIR) to reference the build directory under it, but CMake issues the warning:
Found OpenCV Windows Pack but it has no binaries compatible with your configuration.
You should manually point CMake variable OpenCV_DIR to your build of OpenCV library.
I've tried some of the older distributions from with the same results. It appears CMake is locating the OpenCV libraries, but doesn't want to use them. Why, and how do I get the OpenCV libraries to work under CLion?
The short answer is, you will probably need to build OpenCV from source in order to use it with CLion. But given the number and range of partially answered and unanswered questions here* and elsewhere on using JetBrains' CLion IDE with the OpenCV library, I think an overview is needed (my notes are from CLion 2016.3 and OpenCV 3.1, YMMV):
Though not produced by JetBrains, CMake is very central to CLion's operation. Understanding CMake therefore helps greatly in diagnosing CLion build problems. In particular CMake maintains a disk "cache" of settings which you may need to clear to incorporate changes to your environment (Tools->CMake->Reset Cache and Reload Project).
To make use of OpenCV in your build you must specify it in your project's CMakeLists.txt file. You request that CMake locate your OpenCV location and link it to your TARGET. An example of a sequence of commands from CMakeLists.txt for an executable named mushroom follows:
add_executable(mushroom ${SOURCE_FILES})
(For more on FIND_PACKAGE, see CMake:How To Find Libraries.)
FIND_PACKAGE for package XXX works either by way of FindXXX.cmake files located at CMake's Modules directory, or by consulting environment variable XXXX_DIR. On my system, no FindOpenCV.cmake file was present, so I relied on the OpenCV_DIR environment variable instead. This must be set, not to the root of your OpenCV installation, but to the build folder beneath it. I used an entry in CMakeLists.txt to set this variable, e.g.:
set(OpenCV_DIR C:/Users/myacct/AppData/Local/opencv-3.0.0/build)
To link with OpenCV, CMake uses either FindOpenCV.cmake or OpenCV_DIR (see previous point above) to locate a file named OpenCVConfig.cmake. This file is generated by and ships with a particular build of OpenCV in order to document what components are present and where they are located.
Problems may occur when variable names used by OpenCVConfig.cmake conflict with those CLion has stored in its environment. In particular, if your OpenCV was built by Microsoft Visual C (MSVC), as is the Windows distribution from, it won't work with CLion.
Because CLion's build toolchain (ControlAltS-toolchain) uses either MinGW or Cygwin, OpenCVConfig.cmake will search for OpenCV binaries under a subdirectory named mingw or cygwin and will find none because the binaries were built with MSVC (it will look in a directory like vc11 or vc12 instead). This probably means you will need to build OpenCV from source in order to use it with CLion.
Would reconfiguring OpenCVConfig.cmake to point to the MSVC binaries make this work? you may ask. Unfortunately the answer is still no, because libraries built with one compiler typically cannot be linked with another one.
OpenCVConfig.cmake or FindOpenCV.cmake likely contain diagnostic messages, but when CLion executes CMake for you, message(STATUS) calls are not displayed. To make them display, change them to message(WARNING) or message(FATAL_ERROR). But CLion 2016.3 EAP relieves this problem; see
CLion does not indicate which .cmake script issued which diagnostics; don't assume they all come from the same script.
Hopefully this provides some general guidance on resolving CLion / CMake / OpenCV compatibility problems. Note that this does not cover compiler or linker issues; these will not appear until CMake completes its initial makefile build. Compiler or linker issues occur at a later stage and are controlled by include*(), link*() and other commands in CMakeLists.txt.
*Some related SO questions:
OpenCV Windows setup with CLion
OpenCV CLion (Cmake) linking issue - cmake reports a strange error
use OpenCV with Clion IDE on Windows
Compiling OpenCV on Windows with MinGW
Could not find module FindOpenCV.cmake ( Error in configuration process)
CMake: Of what use is find_package() if you need to specify CMAKE_MODULE_PATH anyway?

How to cross-compile opencv

I'm trying (with no success) to cross-compile OpenCV on a embedded board.
I followed this:
To summarize I installed the cross compilation tools for ARM, the I ran the cmake (providing the proper toolchain file), the make and the make install commands.
I next copied the lib/ include and bin/ directories with the opencv installation in the embedded board.
However, when I try to compile a simple hello world with opencv I get undefined reference to __gnu_thumb1_case_uqi and other similar symbols.
Does anybody faced this problem and know how to solve it?
Alternative approach
Just take some embedded distro like Buildroot, OpenEmbedded or Debian. They all provide OpenCV.
As I'm mostly experienced in Buildroot, I'd like to point to the newly introduced feature to keep your project separate from BR: This will give you a main idea on how to compile your software against BR's OpenCV.

Can OpenCV be downloaded & built for Angstrom (BeagleBoard) not as part of the toolchain?

Simple question: can I build OpenCV on Angstrom (BeagleBoard) without downloading it as part of the toolchain ? meaning by downloading the code of the Unix version and building it
(of course, the build process itself would have to be done via the toolchain, but do I have to download the OpenCV as part of the toolchain rather than later, as separated files) ?
You can download OpenCV source code and use the toolchain to compile it. You might have to do some patching yourself, but you wouldn't be first to succeed.

OpenCV as a static library (cmake options)

I want to use OpenCV library in an embedded system and I need to compile my project using OpenCV as a static library.
How can I create the library using cmake options ?
To build OpenCV as static library you need to set BUILD_SHARED_LIBS flag to false/off:
But I think it is not enough for your task because you actually need to cross-compile library for you architecture. In case of Android or IOS such port already exists and you can simply use it. In case of another platform you need to create your own cmake toolchain file for cross-compiling and probably make a number of fixes in OpenCV build system.
The BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF cmake option will create static libraries.
It should be noted that at the time of writing this, OpenCV does not really support static build, in that the result will not be useable when installed somewhere.
