Check for annotation present on superclass field - grails

I have problems to check if a persistent property in grails has an specific annotation for fields that belong to superclass ... ane then get it's name and value.
I am getting the persistence properties as:
GrailsDomainClassProperty[] persistentProperties = new DefaultGrailsDomainClass(entityClass).getPersistentProperties();
That works great ... but later i found that getDeclaredFields only retrieves the actual class fields (not superclass) and things starts to look not very Groovy.
Is there a prefered Groovy way to do this?

No, you should use this code for all super classes. The same will be for children classes.


Aurelia: notification when ANY property is modified

Do you see any way to know when ANY model’s property has been modified through a binding?
I would need something generic because it would be applied to all the forms of the application. This means I cannot just have a 'property’Changed() observable callback for every properties of the models. I’m thinking along the ways of overriding the properties setters created by the binding engine so they can call a single defined callback but I feel like there could be a better way.
I created a aurelia-plugin for this kind of scenario (and more).
Its not exactly what your asking for, but can help you a lot.
because the plugin will create a single property called isDirty that you can observe and fire your code accordingly.
look at the Dirty Tracking a model: section
your model class need to extends the baseClass provided by the plugin.
now you can decorate any properties of your model with the
#dirtyTrack() decorator.
for babel users: the assignment in the declaration will set the
default value for the property. for TS users: you should call the
decorator with a parameter #dirtyTrack(7) someInt: number;
this will set up a isDirty variable in your model. this property will
be automatically updated to with every change to your tracked
at any point, you can call saveChanges() on your model, to commit the
current changes. or discardChanges() to revert back to the last saved
point. you can call serialize() to get a pojo object from your model,
or deserialize(pojo) to populate your model from a pojo object.
Ok, I ended up just using the binding engine to watch all properties changes. This allowed me to implement my isDirty checks without modifying the existing models...
So the final code looks like this:
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach(p => {
this.subscriptions.push(this.binding.propertyObserver(obj, p)
.subscribe(() => this.updateDirty()));
my updateDirty() method is called after every property change and no change was necessary to the model.
If anyone can come up with a better solution, I'm still interested but this fits my needs for the time being.

Core Data: How to access/set inherited attributed?

I have an Employee entity which inherits from a Human entity. I cannot access or set the inherited attribute (property) name on my Employee instance in code using dot syntax, however using setValue(forKey) works.
I have included 2 screen shots:
The Human entity is abstract, however even if I don't put abstract it still does not let me access the inherited attributes via dot syntax. I also tried changing the Codegen to Class Definition and still doesn't work. Am I doing something wrong or is this the standard way of accessing inherited attributes. Any solution to this problem is helpful.

Grails: #BindUsing on a class being ignored and #BindUsing vs ValueConverter

I need to do some custom data binding and I tried to use the #BindUsing annotation on a class (, however, it's being ignored. I am under the assumption that since the annotation is used on the class that would mean that every time a data binding happens and that class is involved, the BindingHelper class would be used, but it's never actually called. Is there something that I'm missing or doing wrong?
Here's the class definition where UserBinding is a class that implements the BindingHelper interface:
class User extends SomeOtherClass
Also am I correct in understanding that basically creating a ValueConverter and using #BindUsing on a class accomplish the same thing?
BindUsing on a class is not used often and there seems to be a bug reported around that already. [From the link] The problem could be that there are multiple request parameters with the same name it might be using the helper only for the first one.
Using a property level #BindUsing annotation should be simpler to implement and is less likely to fail (even when there are multiple entries in the params map with the same name).

Grails Domain Class Abstract/Non-Abstract Dynamic Check

I have a loop in my controller that does something like this:
for(d in grailsApplication.domainClasses) {
def c = d.getClazz().count()
// construct table containing object instance counts
My intent is to use this loop to count the instances of non-leaf domain classes in my database. Is there a way to query the domain class itself to find out if it is abstract or not? I wasn't sure if there were some member functions automatically added by the framework since I am still new to Groovy/Grails. I couldn't find anything that addressed it in the Grails documentation.
Figured it out after a few minutes of poking around the Groovy documentation. The function isAbstract() can be invoked on the domain class to determine whether or not the domain class is a leaf node in the class hierarchy

Distinguishing between Grails domain-class fields and getBlah() methods via GrailsDomainClassProperty

I'm writing a Groovy script (as part of a Grails plugin) and I want to get a list of properties for a GrailsDomainClass that a user of my plugin might define. I can do this using (where domainClass is a GrailsDomainClass).
However, suppose a user has the grails domain class:
class Example {
String name
static constraints = {
def getSomeNonExistingProperty(){
return "Not-a-real-property"
In this case, returns a list with both name and someNoneExistingProperty
I understand that this is because of Grails is generating a read-only property on-the-fly for use where someone has a getBlah() method. That's great, but in my script I want to perform some actions with the "real" properties only (or at least non read-only properties).
That is, I would like some way of distinguishing or identifying someNonExistingProperty as a read-only property, or, alternatively, as a property generated by Grails and not entered explicitly as a field in the domainClass by the user of my plugin.
I've looked at the GrailsDomainClassProperty Class and it has a range of methods providing information about the property. However, none of them appear to tell me whether a property is read-only or not, or to allow me to distinguish between a field defined in the domainClass and a field created on-the-fly by Grails as a result of a "getSomeNonExistingProperty()" method.
Am I missing something obvious here? Is there a way of getting a list of just the explicitly user-defined fields (eg name, in the above example)?
I believe transient properties are what you are trying to exclude
I've run into this problem a few times, and instead of trying to work around it I typically just end up renaming my getX() method. It's probably the easiest option.
Alternatively, I wonder if you could use reflection to see which methods are defined on the class, and while iterating over your properties see if the property has an explicit getter defined, and omit it. I'm not very familiar with reflection when it comes to Groovy and Grails, especially with the dynamic methods, but it's a possible route of investigation.
