Scroll WKInterfaceController back to top - ios

I'm currently displaying a long label of text plus a button below it to go to the 'next' message.
When the next button is pressed the label adjusts it's height automagically thanks to watch kit's strange auto sizing mechanisms; however the screen does not change positions. I want to scroll the InterfaceController back to the top whenever the label updates. Is this possible with the current Watch Kit SDK?

This is now possible in watchOS 4. Just use the scrollToObject:atScrollPosition:animated: method.

An Apple employee said
Scrolling to the top is only supported on WKInterfaceTable. If you'd
like this functionality on a WKInterfaceController, please file a
request for it at Thanks! :)
on the developer forums

Currently, there is no API for the interface controller to scroll to top. But I did a workaround for the same.
Add a WKInterfaceTable to the top.
Set the Height of the Row Controllers Group to 2 and set the
background color to black.
Set the number of rows to 1.
Call the below method.
func scrollInterfaceToTop() {
tableView.scrollToRow(at: 0)

Swift 5.0 ... this works for me:
where this call is
inside the WKInterfaceController class of the WatchKit Extension app,
my 'btnPrevTee' is a button located at the top of the watch face
scroll(to:btnPrevTee,, animated:true)


Custom Keyboard Accessory view input

I have created a custom accessory view to supplement the standard Apple alpha iOS keyboard.
The purpose is to add a line of numeric keys to prevent flipping back and forth between keyboard views. At first, I created a toolbar and loaded it with a set of 0 - 9 titled buttonItems and it functioned quite well. However, it looked terrible, not at all like the alpha keys despite adding a rounded rect background image to each key because the system apparently prevents customizing font size and button spacing inside the stack view of the toolbar. Therefore, I created a UIView xib and loaded it with a stackView full of customized numerical buttons. When I add the UIView as the accessory view it looks pretty darn close to the rest of the Apple Alpha keyboard. The issue now is that the touch-up events go to the UIView class of the accessory view. Is there a clever, efficient way to have the button presses in the accessory emulate the std keyboard feeding into TextField: shouldChangeCharactersIn? I could package the button presses into a local notification event to get it into the class holding the textField but that seems terribly inelegant! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Stay Safe!
Not the best answer, but I did implement notification on key button press with an observer in the main view class. The observer does a TextField.insertText which is suboptimal since I will need to refactor the several hundred lines of code that performs real-time language translation in the shouldChangeCharacters methods. Ah well.

TableView pushed down after view change

I'm kind of new with ios development with swift 4, so I'm testing some functionalities.
I have a tableview inside a normal UIViewController:
The space left blank is intentionally, as I have some custom tabs.
When I show a detail from a table cell element, and then press back button, the table view gets pushed down (and up). Please see this where I show the problem.
The iphone is a SE with ios10. In simulations with iOS11, this does not happen. Developing in MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 with xCode 9.2.
Any clue on how to fix this?
Using the view debugger, I got this:
The selected area is a UITableWrapperView element. Behind it, is the UITableView, which preserve its constrains.
self.tableView.bounces = false
Or put this in viewDidAppear
let offset = CGPoint.init(x: 0, y:0)
self.tableView.setContentOffset(offset, animated: false)
It can happen because of SafeArea... Check you constraint which connects tableView top with navigation bar.
You can also try placing blank UIView between Navigation bar and tableView. Your custom tabs should be in this view. So tableView will be connected with the nearest view (which you have just added) and should not bounce.
Thats a really weird behavior. I recommend you to use the Xcode view debugger. You would be able to examine dimensions and constraints values by using size inspector.
The code where you set up your tableview, try implementing it in the method viewDidLayoutSubviews(in case you are doing it in viewDidLoad).
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
//mention your tableview setup code here
A similar thing happened to me, and this method came quite handy. Hope this helps.
Try this for iOS 11.0
tableView.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = .never

How to move a table content to the top of the screen?

I am still new to iOS and Swift and I am using Swift4 and Xcode9 to edit an iOS project which is made with a prior versions of Xcode and Swift (Xcode8 and Swift3). In the project there is a TableViewController used. So the problem is when I open the project in Xcode9 and run it, it shows some space on the top. I tried changing y values, but didn't work. My questions are,
How to solve the upper mentioned problem. (There is a question like this in Stack Overflow already. But it's not due to different Xcode version. But I even tried all the suggestions in the answers. But none of them worked for me.)
When there is a text label or something on the top of the table content, I can remove that space, from the top, but it goes to in between that label and the table added. And the label is unable to get a click action or something when it's moved to the top. How to solve that?
Any suggestion/ answer will be highly appreciated. Thank you!
You can try this
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
yourTableView.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = .never
Ok I'm going to attempt to answer your question but I wasn't totally positive since you didn't include any code or screenshots.
Firstly. If you mean that there seems to be a gap between where the tableView starts and where the first cell is displayed, this is correct. You can fix that by doing:
tableView.contentInset = .zero
this means that any content inside the tableView starts goes all the way to the edges.
Now for the label receiving touches. You want to look at user interaction enabled values on the storyboard:
Whenever you have views that stack on top of each other, the view UNDER will not receive touches if the view on top has user interaction enabled. If you want a touch to bleed through another view you either can
1) avoid the issue by not stacking views on top of each other (often unavoidable, like putting a label on a view and wanting the background view to do something)
2) turn off the user interaction on the view on top so the view on bottom gets the touch
tableView.setContentOffset(, animated: true)
this code will move

How can I bring a view in front of another view, in Swift?

Below are how my views are organized in IB, top->bottom when the app is started.
The user can do something to make "Category Table View Header" temporarily expand over "Name View" - however once doing so, the .TouchDown action assigned to "Category Table View Header" no longer works wherever it overlaps with "Name View" (i.e., the user can tap the header anywhere it doesn't overlap with name view and it still works).
I know that may be confusing, so I drew out some boxes. On the left is the original, right is after user action - problem is on the right the action on the red box only works if the user taps the bottom half, not the top half.
My guess is its because the header is lower in the view hierarchy than the name view, but it would be hard for me to change that without messing around with a bunch of constraints.
I also tried setting nameView.hidden = true, but that doesn't work.
If you want to bring a subview to the front, you can use:
self.view.bringSubview(toFront: yourView)
Send view to back:-
self.view.sendSubview(toBack: yourView)
parentView.insertSubview(yourView, belowSubview: requiredViewOnStack)
parentView.insertSubview(yourView, aboveSubview: requiredViewOnStack)
Swift 5.1+
UIKit draws views back to front, which means that views higher up the stack are drawn on top of those lower down. If you want to bring a subview to the front, there's a method just for you: bringSubviewToFront(). Here's an example:
This method can also be used to bring any subview to the front, even if you're not sure where it is:
In Swift 5
To bring a subview to front
To send a subview to back
You can take a control over the order of subviews using methods: bringSubviewToFront and sendSubviewToBack from the superview.
You can access all the subviews contained by superview using self.view.subview array.
The method has been updated since swift 3
What has worked for me and hopefully for you is using :
YourView.bringSubview(toFront: yourelementA)
YourView.bringSubview(toFront: yourelementB)
Alternatively you could use the following to send the object that is in the front:
YourView.sendSubview(toBack: yourelementC)
I hope this helps
Swift 5.4
views in UIKit are drawn from the back towards the front (like adding icing onto a cake). This means that the new views will be placed on top/over the previously placed views. (e.g. Icing is the new view and the base of the cake being the old view.
You can use the following to manipulate the views Z-position using,
bringSubViewToFront did not work in my case, Take a look
As I wanted this notification count comes before image, bringSubViewToFront did not work, So I just drag this label below to stack view of my imgae and bottom label, it worked for me.
I hope this will work for all

iOS TableView Form Navigation

When using Safari and filling out a form, there are three buttons conveniently located at the top of the keyboard labeled Previous, Next, and Done. Is there a keyboard setting that can enable those or do you have to create and program these buttons manually?
I've had some success using this library:
There is no default property of keyboard provided in ios. You need to add toolbar for that. Then you add previous , next or done UIBarButtons in the toolbar.
When keyboard appears toolbar is also displayed above it using some animation or directly same way when it hides/disappears you have to hide the toolbar also using animations or by changing it positioning in view.
Hope it helps you.
XCDFormInputAccessoryView is an accessory which contains the features you needed. It is easy to use. Here is how it looks with keyboard
