Using combine and order together with Table Gateway in ZF2 - zend-framework2

When adding $select->order(...) to a previously combined Select in Zend Framework 2 the "order by" will only be added to the first Select statement.
SELECT `user`.*
FROM `user` WHERE `user_id` = :where1
ORDER BY `starttime_dt` ASC )
( SELECT `user`.*
FROM `user`
WHERE `user_id` != :subselect1where1 )
What I need is that the sorting will be applied to the full Select. A solution is already described here
But this solution works with an SQL-Adapter.
How can I do that with a Table Gateway?
My code looks currently like this (resulting to the above statement)
$select = $this->tableGateway->getSql()->select();
$select2 = clone $select;
$select->where->equalTo('user_id', $user_id);
$select2->where->notEqualTo('user_id', $user_id);
$resultSet = $this->tableGateway->selectWith($select);

You would do it with table gateway the same way it was illustrated in the link you provided.
Your code would look like
$select = $this->tableGateway->getSql()->select();
$select2 = clone $select;
$select->where->equalTo('user_id', $user_id);
$select2->where->notEqualTo('user_id', $user_id);
$combinedSelect = (new Zend\Db\Sql\Select)->from(['sub' => $select])->order('starttime_dt');
$statement = $this->sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($combinedSelect);
$result = $statement->execute();
$resultSet = clone $this->resultSetPrototype;
You wouldn't be able to use the TableGateway's selectWith method because it's going to check that the provided Select's table matches the TableGateway's table.


eloquent get latest raw in join clause

I use laravel 5.2 I'm trying to get latest intervention of each foreing key pmt_id like bellow:
$res = $this->model->with('typo', 'nro', 'ctr', 'cad', 'pm')
->join('a2t_intervention',function ($join) use ($salar){
$join->whereRaw('a2t_intervention.pmt_id = (select max(`pmt_id`) from a2t_intervention)');
but I get this ERROR :
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause::whereRaw()
I try other ways but nothig work for me.
for each pmt_id in the table intervention we have at least one record ,I'am looking for get the last intervention foreach single pmt_id before make join with table PMT.
how to select id from table intervention in latest pmt_id like bellow in sql query:
FROM ( SELECT pmt_id
, MAX(id) AS id
FROM a2t_intervention
WHERE etat_intervention = 'nok'
AND `id_equipe_stt` IN ('" . implode(',', $id_equipe_stt) . "')
BY pmt_id ) AS m
INNER JOIN a2t_intervention AS t
ON t.pmt_id = m.pmt_id
Error is pretty self-explanatory - there is no whereRaw method. You could try to replace:
$join->whereRaw('a2t_intervention.pmt_id = (select max(`pmt_id`) from a2t_intervention)');
$join->where('a2t_intervention.pmt_id', '=', \DB::raw("(select max(`pmt_id`) from a2t_intervention)"));
In Later Laravel versions JoinClause extends Builder so whereRaw method is available but for Laravel 5.2 it isn't.

Masterdata Services udpValidateModel Procedure

i've got a few tables in MDS.
One table (clients) ist filled via SQL and the other one is a masterdata table (country) filled by hand.
I have a business rule on table clients:
"Name must be unique" and no b-rule on Country.
I want to validate the data PROGRAMMATICALLY i do not want to CLICK "apply business rules" in explorer window on the webinterface.
I found several threads about how to use the sp mentioned in the title (udpValidateModel) to validate all entities in a model.
well...this thing does nothing. I can see the validationStatus in each of my tables "Awaiting Revalidation" after changing business rules or update data via sql. It doesnt matter what i do the status wont change (neither the validation icons in webui).
i also tried validateentity but the same "nothing" happens.
The SP below:
DECLARE #User_ID int
DECLARE #Model_ID int
DECLARE #Version_ID int
SET #User_ID = (SELECT ID FROM [MasterDataServices].[mdm].[tblUser] where userName = SYSTEM_USER )
SET #Model_ID = (SELECT Top 1 Model_Id FROM [MasterDataServices].[mdm].[viw_SYSTEM_SCHEMA_VERSION]
SET #Version_ID = (SELECT Top 1 VersionNbr FROM [MasterDataServices].[mdm].[viw_SYSTEM_SCHEMA_VERSION]
EXECUTE [MasterDataServices].[mdm].[udpValidateModel] #User_ID, #Model_ID, #Version_ID, 1
Can anyone help?
SP 'udpValidateModel' works perfectly fine, looks like the parameters you are populating is not correct.
You may correct this as below and try; make sure that the system user has full authorization for the model.
SET #User_ID = (SELECT ID FROM [MasterDataServices].[mdm].[tblUser] where userName = SYSTEM_USER )
SET #Model_ID = (SELECT Top 1 Model_Id FROM [MasterDataServices].[mdm].[viw_SYSTEM_SCHEMA_VERSION]
SET #Version_ID = (SELECT Top 1 VersionNbr FROM [MasterDataServices].[mdm].[viw_SYSTEM_SCHEMA_VERSION]
WHERE Model_MUID = #Model_ID

How to simulate "not in" with a join in Zend framework?

I have two relation table "demande" and "reponse" which are linked and I'd like to retrieve all the lines of "demande" not in "reponse".
I try this with a join :
$select = new Select ();
$select->from ("demande" );
$select->where->lessThan("dateArretMarche",$stringDate );
array("rep" => 'reponse'), // table name,
' = rep.id_demande',array(),
$select ->where->isNull("");//<== it doesn't work
But I can't select "null" lines".
I guess it's possible with "not in" but Zend Framework provide only "in" predicate.
Thank all.
What if you just include it in the query? Like this:
$select ->where(' IS NULL');
If you want to use isNull condition.So do you need to use with Predicate.Try with following code.
new \Zend\Db\Sql\Predicate\IsNotNull("")

In ZF2, Getting last insert id after insertion without using TableGateway

I need last insert id after executing a insert statement. Now I am not using TableGateway so $this->lastInsertValue is not available to me. What other options are available if I need to use Insert statement through Sql Object not a Table Gateway Object.
$objInsert = new Insert('name_master');
$objInsert->values(array( 'username' => $name,
'price' => 0,
'is_approval_needed' => 'n'
$sql = new Sql($this->adapter);
$result = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($objInsert)->execute()->getAffectedRows();
As I need to execute multiple insert statements in different tables using last insert id of previous insert, Now I want to do it in a single method of my Model.
The Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\DriverInterface specifies a getLastGeneratedValue() method, so presumably this should work...
$lastId = $this->adapter->getDriver()->getLastGeneratedValue();
$dbAdapter = $this->tableGateway->adapter;
$lastId = $dbAdapter->getDriver()->getConnection()->getLastGeneratedValue();

How do I use the OR statement in a Propel query using Symfony

Right now the code below looks for the author_id and the target_object_id in the database and requires both to match, to be retreived by the query. I would like it to be WHERE author_id='x' || target_object_id='y' instead of it being && by default, which is what the code below does.
I've looked on Propel and the Symfony manuals, and they don't help me.
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add("type", GVCCommentPeer::TYPE_PRIVATE_MESSAGE);
$c->add("author_id", $this->myprofileid);
$c->add("target_object_id", $this->profile->getId());
You need to create Criterion objects from your Criteria object and merge them on the condition you require:
//create your Criteria
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add("type", GVCCommentPeer::TYPE_PRIVATE_MESSAGE);
//create 2 Criterion objects
$c1 = $c->getNewCriterion("author_id", $this->myprofileid);
$c2 = $c->getNewCriterion("target_object_id", $this->profile->getId());
// merge the two fields on OR
$result = YOURPEERHEREPeer::doSelect($c);
