Which App-ID do I use for a RATE button - ios

I have 2 App-ID's. One is the Bundle Identifier that's considered an App-ID that I found in Certificates,Identifies & Profiles. The other App-ID is a 9 digit number that I found in iTunes Connect in between the app icon and version.
I'm creating a RATE button.
I read on this website to use the BELOW code but i'm uncertain if this is all that's needed?
[[UIApplication sharedApplication]openURL:[NSURL ULRWithString:#"http://itunes.apple.com/app/yourID"]];
As for the link, i've also read to use
1) Which of the above two links is the correct one? I need the code to work for iOS 7 and iOS 8.
2) Is the above code really all that's needed to direct the user to MY specific page where my app will be instead of a random page in App store?
3)Which is the App-ID to use in Rate button link? Is it Bundle Identifier or the 9 digit number in iTunes connect between the app icon and version?

You have to use the AppID you got from iTunesConnect.
Use the second link you showed. Also, you can go here to let Apple create the link if the app already exists.
Hope that helps :)


Creating ads in Facebook for iOS14 app not working

I'm trying to set my first FB/IG campaign for an hybrid app made by me with angular/capacitor:
Here is my app link on app store:
enter link description here
But the ads form doesn't recognize it and keep saying "choose an app itunes ID".
I tried app ID, app store url, app name, but still same.
By the way, the app was published 4 days ago. Things work if I set iOS < 14.
What's the problem?
I think the problem is, you are missing on declare your app ID on App store from this page setting. just finish it and dont forget to save the editing. Hope this help u as does to me.
I struggled with this issue for almost a month. The answer is so simple.
First you need to make sure you have your app-ads.txt file set up (ours is literally a single line of text: "facebook.com, [Insert your FB app ID], RESELLER, c3e20eee3f780d68")
Then copy and paste your APPLE app ID into the field labeled "iPhone Store ID" under the iOS section in Settings -> Basic in Meta for Developers.
Confirm your mobile app ownership and hit save at the bottom of the screen.

How to check if a user installed my app from my another app? iOS (Unity)

I have 2 apps and I want to know if in my app 1, the app 2 is installed (and in my app 2, check if my app 1 is installed).
I know the function :
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]]
But the problem is I have to add the urls scheme in LSApplicationQueriesSchemes in my Info.plist but maybe tomorrow I want to develop a third application and I don't want to rebuild all my apps and include my new url scheme inside my application 1 and 2.
Is it possible to check if an user has one of my application by the developer ID or something like that? Without rebuild new version of my apps just for adding 1 url scheme when I release a new app?
Thank you
You can have all your apps use the same "App Group" (google more information on how to set it up, it's easy) and you can create a NSUserDefaults suite using that group identifier.
On launch, each app could write the Appname Installed key to that NSUserDefaults suite and since it's a shared suite between your apps, others could read the value and know if Appname is installed.
The downside of this is that there's no way for your app to know when it's being uninstalled, so if it's installed once the key will show up there even if the app was removed.
The best way to do this is using URL schemes. Each of your app should register a URL scheme it can handle, and then from the other app you call canOpenURL(_:) on UIApplication to test if your app is installed.
If you have MyApp1 which has registered the URL scheme myapp1://, from your other app you can:
UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(URL(string: "myapp1://")!)
Pay special attention to the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key you need to add to your Info.plist. This is needed for this to work and is mentioned on the documentation page I linked above.
Contrary to the application group approach, this will correctly identify when your app is uninstalled.

How to link to app reviews in App Store in iOS 11

Of course I know about the new guidelines and SKStoreReviewController to prompt users for reviews. But this is not about asking for new review but about quickly accessing reviews of different apps.
The Problem:
Previously I used the following format to link from an iOS App directly to the reviews tab of an app in the App Store:
This worked fine, but in iOS 11 it shows just an empty page within the App Store app. The obvious reason is, that in iOS 11 the app pages do not have a Review Tab anymore, but the reviews are located under the app description and screenshots.
So using the following format still brings the user to the apps store page but one has to manually scroll down to the review.
This works of course but one has to scroll down to the reviews manually. Is it still some how possible to directly link to the review section (just like using an anchor on a normal HTML page)?
This link format will work in iOS 11:
It also compatible with iOS 10.3.
The older versions I didn't test.
There is a country/region abbreviation ‘us’ in the URL. But it doesn't matter. It will always open the app store in the current region. No need to change it. Without these two letters, it can’t find your app.
Add &action=write-review to the end of the url.
http link:
itms link:
You'll need a country code and appName for this to work, looks like they can be anything as it's not actually used.
Actually my app (iOS 11) is working with this link :
If you are using iRate library you can override the link :
iRate.sharedInstance().ratingsURL = URL(string: "itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/app/id{appStoreId}?action=write-review")

How to get a list of your iphone apps

How can i get a list of all my iphone apps (even pointers for each app will be helpful)?
I'm developing an app which contain some screen that should have a list of all my installed apps (with their icon) and the option to select one to launch it in the future depends in other function of mine.
Thanks alot!
There's no way to accomplish this, because each app is sandboxed.
You would be able to determine if select apps are installed if they have custom URL schemes. For example, the Facebook app can be launched with the custom url scheme "fb://", but these aren't guaranteed to be unique, so a different app could use a scheme that's well known to belong to another app. Also not all apps have a custom URL scheme, and you would need some master list (that would need to be constantly updated to be accurate) to check for the presence of each. So you could maybe detect a select list of well-known apps with custom URL schemes, but never get a list of all of them.
If you just wanted to detect your own apps, you could have custom URL schemes that are almost certainly going to be unique set for each app, and check for those.
You could also jailbreak your device, but I'm assuming you want this functionality in an app that is distributed on the app store, so you wouldn't be able to add functionality that requires a jailbreak to work.
Here's an example showing detection of the Facebook app being installed:
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"fb://"]])
// Handle the Facebook app being installed
Note however, this won't give you any information about the app. Any app developer could add the "fb://" custom url scheme to their app, which would make this falsely detect it.
If you want to find lists of custom url schemes for iOS apps, just search in Google.
another way to look at this is to present the user with all of your app in the appstore. If they have any apps installed on their device then in iOS 7 they will see a button called "Open" next to each of them.
For example you can have a UITableViewCell or a UIButton that says "Checkout Our Apps". In the code you would add this.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"itms://itunes.com/apps/sixaxisllc"]];
Replace SixAxis LLC with your iTunes developer name and when users click on it, it will launch AppStore app with only your apps are shown. (With Open or price amount next to each of them)
NOTE: test this on actual device and not in simulator
Because of the Sandboxed environment, all you can do is test if it you can open a custom URL.
Akosma Software maintains a list of popular Url on his wiki: IPhone URL Schemes.

Link to App Store app developer page with iOS 6?

Is there a way, in iOS 6, to link from an app to a specific developer's page on the App Store app? By that I mean a list showing all the apps by the developer.
There are various ways to link to the store (I am using the Appmosys as the example here) that produce various results:
http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/appmosys/id331687329 - The link copied from desktop iTunes, opens up the iTunes app on an iOS 6 device, with the developer's page. If you tap on one of their apps, it goes to that app on the App Store app.
http://itunes.com/apps/appmosys - Opens the iTunes app (via Safari) but presents this error message: "Cannot connect to iTunes store".
itms://itunes.com/apps/appmosys - Goes straight to the iTunes app, but same error as above.
itms-apps://itunes.com/apps/appmosys - Opens the App Store app, but also presents the same error (screenshot here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6920023/iphone-screenshot.PNG ).
Is there actually a way to do this in iOS 6?
Bonus points if you can answer the question and know if the link you provide also works with the affiliate program, http://www.apple.com/itunes/affiliates/. I've already looked at the Link Maker on this page, http://www.apple.com/itunes/link/, but can only produce the standard iTunes link.
Part B / even more bonus points
You can link straight to the Reviews tab in the App Store app for an app, but can you also now link straight to the new Related tab?
i have a solution for iOS 5:
and one for iOS 6:
if you use itms-apps:// URLs instead of http:// it will open the app store app on the device, which is less confusing to the user, then going through safari.
Unfortunately i didn't found any single URL that works on iOS 5 and iOS 6. So the Apple Q&A Documentation is not valid anymore for iOS 6 :-(
UPDATE: i just realized that my iOS 5 solution works also on iOS 6 on the iPad, but not on the iPhone with iOS 6. it's getting weirder and weirder....
apple just annonced the appstore.com urls so now you can link to Electronic Arts Developer Page with http://appstore.com/ElectronicArts
i just tested it and it works for iPad from iOS 5.1 to 6.0 and iPhone from 4.3 to 6.0
so now the Apple Q&A Documentation is valid!
I have a universal app and I needed to open up my developer page, and display the correct apps depending whether the user is using an iPhone, iPod or iPad. The only way I could get this to work correctly was by using the iTunes link maker http://itunes.apple.com/linkmaker/ results but replaced https: with itms-apps:
The link like http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewArtist?id=426623392
will be work on any iOS devices and any browsers in Internet also.
The customer will be NOT confused because it is standard link of Apple and developers using it.
Change just your id. So, it will be http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewArtist?id=XXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXX is your developer id.
This link you can find also in iTunes App on your desktop by copy the link from button "More Apps by YYYYYYY" on page of any of yours App. There YYYYYYY is your developer name. Like on this page https://itunes.apple.com/be/app/visual-html-editor-eye-lite/id472624198?mt=8
If you prefer to have a CUSTOMIZED "MORE APPS BY US" page inside your app (not exit to AppStore or Safari), then have a look at what I created here (there is downloadable working project):
The beauty of this is the data is retrieved from iTunes AppStore everytime you open the page in your app, and that you can customize it however you like.
I get to this link by using iTunes on Mac. Search for the company name, click on any app that is made by the company, look for "More iPhone Apps by XXXXX", click on it, then you'll see all apps by this company, right click on the company name and copy link, and you'll get this link. This link will work with iOS 6.
I have no problems mit links created with http://itunes.apple.com/linkmaker/
It generates only https links.
