Can I do multi mapping with redbeanphp? - redbean

can I load an object and it's relations with just a query?
so, if I have
select * from parent inner join child on = child.parent_id
could I get and array of parent beans with is ownChild informed just from that query?
something like multi mapping in dapper:

Yes, you can. This is documented as "Find Multiple" in the RedBean manual.
Example with you query:
require 'rb.php'; // 4.2.4, for the record
// --- Fixtures ---
$parent = R::dispense('parent');
$parent->name = "Foo";
$child = R::dispense('child');
$child->name = "Bar";
$childId = R::store($child);
$parent->ownChildList[] = $child;
$parentId = R::store($parent);
// --- Multi Mapping ---
$beans = R::findMulti( 'parent,child', '
SELECT parent.*, child.* FROM parent
INNER JOIN child ON = child.parent_id
', [$parentId], [
'a' => 'parent',
'b' => 'child',
'matcher' => function($parent, $c) {
return $parent->id == $c->parent_id;
'do' => function($p, $c) {
$p->noLoad()->ownChildList[$c->id] = $c;
// Ensure we don't get lazily loaded results...
echo $beans['parent'][$parentId]->ownChildList[$childId]->name, "\n";
We win.

$parent = R::dispense('parent');
$parent->name = "darth";
$child = R::dispense('child');
$child->name = "Luke";
$parent->ownChildList[] = $child;
$parent_id = R::store($parent);
// now fetch
$parent = R::load('parent' $parent_id);
echo "$parent has the following kids:";
foreach ($parent->ownChildList as $child){
echo $child->name . ", ";


Views hook_views_query_alter JOIN

In hook_views_query_alter i build join query like this:
$join = new views_join();
$join->table = 'table_2';
$join->field = 'field_2';
$join->left_table = 'table_1';
$join->left_field = 'field_1';
$join->type = 'LEFT';
$join->extra = array(
'table' => 'table_2',
'field' => 'field_3',
'value' => 'table_1.field_4',
The query should looks like this:
LEFT JOIN {table_2} table_2 ON table_1.field_1 = table_2.field_2 AND table_1.field_3 = table_2.field_4
My problem is here 'value' => 'table_1.field_4'. I can't set value as field. It treat it as string value. So at the and in my query i have unwanted single quotes.
So at the end my query looks like this:
LEFT JOIN {table_2} table_2 ON table_1.field_1 = table_2.field_2 AND table_1.field_3 = 'table_2.field_4'
I'm not sure if it's the best solution but this:
$join = new views_join();
$join->table = 'table_2';
$join->field = 'field_2';
$join->left_table = 'table_1';
$join->left_field = 'field_1';
$join->type = 'LEFT';
$join->extra = 'table_1.field_3 = table_2.field_4';
works for me.

How to get value from custom profile field in moodle in code?

How to get value from custom profile field in moodle?
i want to include the profile field in user.php
If you want to load all the user profile fields, then you can start with a user object
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid));
and then call
to fill in the $user->profile with an array of all the custom fields.
Alternatively, you can get the contents of a single profile field via:
$sql = "SELECT
FROM {user_info_data} ud
JOIN {user_info_field} uf ON = ud.fieldid
WHERE ud.userid = :userid AND uf.shortname = :fieldname";
$params = array('userid' => $userid, 'fieldname' => 'NameOfCustomField');
$fieldvalue = $DB->get_field_sql($sql, $params);
Note this code is written off the top of my head and untested, so it may have some typos in it.
You can use:
$Data = $USER->profile['YourCustomField'];
I finally made it!!!
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT AS userid, u.username, uif.shortname, FROM prefix_user u JOIN prefix_user_info_data as uid on uid.userid = JOIN prefix_user_info_field as uif on uid.fieldid = JOIN prefix_user_enrolments ue ON ue.userid = JOIN prefix_enrol e
ON = ue.enrolid JOIN prefix_role_assignments ra ON ra.userid = JOIN prefix_context ct ON = ra.contextid AND
ct.contextlevel = 50 JOIN prefix_course c ON = ct.instanceid AND e.courseid = JOIN prefix_role r ON = ra.roleid
where uif.shortname = \'fieldname\' and ='.$userid;
$records = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, array(), $params=null, $limitfrom=0, $limitnum=0);
foreach($records as $record){
$user['fieldname'] = $record->data;
custom fields are stored in 'user_info_field' table and data for each field and user are stored in 'user_info_data' table then you should know your fieldid in database and select data based on this id:
$field = $DB->get_record('user_info_field', array('shortname' => 'customfieldshortname'));
$fieldvalues = $DB->get_records('user_info_data',array('fieldid' => $field->id));
i hope my solutions help anybody:
need this lib
and now you can use:
example $USER->profile_field_HaveAnotherGradeBook;

Zend Framework2 how to make Concat and Left Join

Does not work:
$sql = new Sql($this->adapter);
$select = $sql->select();
->columns(array('*', new Expression("CONCAT(up1.value,' ',up2.value) as display_name")))
->join(array('up1'=>'user_profile'), "up1.user_id = request.request_user_id AND up1.key = 'user_first_name'", array('up1.value'), 'left')
->join(array('up2'=>'user_profile'), "up2.user_id = request.request_user_id AND up2.key = 'user_last_name'", array('up2.value'), 'left')
return $select;
How to make the right?
You specified fields for both joins:
->join(array('up1'=>'user_profile'), "up1.user_id = request.request_user_id AND up1.key = 'user_first_name'", array('up1.value'), 'left')
->join(array('up2'=>'user_profile'), "up2.user_id = request.request_user_id AND up2.key = 'user_last_name'", array('up2.value'), 'left')
When query is converted to actual sql, these fields will be automatically namespaced, so you will get "up1.up1.value" in fields list.
Remove fields references from joins and it should work.
UPD. Right, there's more to it. You can't pass 'user_first_name' as a string value to the "on" parameter of join as it will be interpreted as a column name. So you have to pass an expression:
$select = $sql->select();
->columns(array('*', new Expression('CONCAT(up1.value,"#",up2.value) as display_name')));
$expressionString = '? = ? AND ? = ?';
$types = array(Expression::TYPE_IDENTIFIER, Expression::TYPE_IDENTIFIER, Expression::TYPE_IDENTIFIER, Expression::TYPE_VALUE);
$parameters = array('request.user_id', 'up1.user_id', 'up1.key', 'first_name');
$expression1 = new Expression($expressionString, $parameters, $types);
$parameters = array('request.user_id', 'up2.user_id', 'up2.key', 'last_name');
$expression2 = new Expression($expressionString, $parameters, $types);
$select->join(array('up1'=>'user_profile'), $expression1, array('value'), 'left')
->join(array('up2'=>'user_profile'), $expression2, array('value'), 'left');
Y tri to:
$select = $sql->select();
->columns(array('*', new Expression('CONCAT(up1.value,"#",up2.value) as display_user_name')));
$expressionString = '? = ? AND ? = ?';
$types = array(Expression::TYPE_IDENTIFIER, Expression::TYPE_IDENTIFIER, Expression::TYPE_IDENTIFIER, Expression::TYPE_VALUE);
$parameters1 = array('request.user_id', 'up1.user_id', 'up1.key', 'user_first_name');
$expression1 = new Expression($expressionString, $parameters1, $types);
$parameters2 = array('request.user_id', 'up2.user_id', 'up2.key', 'user_last_name');
$expression2 = new Expression($expressionString, $parameters2, $types);
$select->join(array('up1'=>'user_profile'), $expression1, array('value'), 'left')
->join(array('up2'=>'user_profile'), $expression2, array('value'), 'left');
does not work, where the error

How to add Sql\Expression in front of column Name in ZF2?

How to get Sql like this :
select * from foo where LOWER(foo_name) = 'test';
what i get is if Sql\Expression in right, not in left.
You can user code snippet like that.
$where = new Where();
$sql = new Sql($adapter);
$select = $sql->select();
$where->addPredicate(new Predicate\Expression('LOWER(foo_name) = ?', 'test' ));
However I dont think Sql\Expression on right side is possible on Zend Framework 2.
You can do it like this:
$sql = new SQL($adaptor);
$select = $sql->select()->from(array('f'=>'foo'));
$select = $select->where('foo_name' => new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression("LOWER('test')"));
Above query would return as:
SELECT `f`.* FROM `foo` AS `f` WHERE `foo_name` = LOWER('test');
For others out looking for similar, there are actually quite a few different ways to achieve this as of ZF 2.2
Chaining (same as the accepted answer)
$sql = new Sql($adapter);
$select = $sql->select();
$select->from( array( 'f' => 'foo' ) )
->addPredicate( new Predicate\Expression( 'LOWER(f.foo_name) = ?', 'test' ) );
//SELECT `f`.* FROM `foo` AS `f` WHERE LOWER(f.foo_name) = :where1
//:where1 = 'test'
Note the absence of the execution command "()" of Select::$where allowing you to continue the method chaining.
Select::$where has a __get Magic method catch which returns the protected Select::$_where property within the Select object which is an instance of Sql\Where.
Predicate\Literal 1
$select->where( "LOWER(f.foo_name) = 'test'" );
//SELECT `f`.* FROM `foo` AS `f` WHERE LOWER(f.foo_name) = 'test'
Predicate\Literal 2
$select->where( array( "LOWER(f.foo_name) = 'test'" ) );
//SELECT `f`.* FROM `foo` AS `f` WHERE LOWER(f.foo_name) = 'test'
The two above automatically create a Predicate\Literal object for you if the indexed value (column identifier) of the array or argument supplied to the Select::where method is a string.
Predicate\Expression (manual)
$select->where( new Predicate\Expression( "LOWER(f.foo_name) = 'test'" ) );
//SELECT `f`.* FROM `foo` AS `f` WHERE LOWER(f.foo_name) = 'test'

Export products from Mysql Magento

I have some problems with Magento DB, i cannot match the attributes for my custom products export file.
I need help to get attributes, i have finished this script only with this header
But attribute_set, visibility and size_cloth is returning number not name. maybe this can be resolved with a match function.
I need to get more attributes, ex: category_ids, i cannot get this...
color, size_shoes, size_etc.
Please check my script.
'store', '_website', 'attribute_set', 'type', 'sku', 'name', 'description', 'short_description', 'visibility', 'has_option', 'price', 'special_price', 'size_cloth', 'link', 'image'
//Setup Connection information
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'user';
$dbpass = 'pass';
//Connect to the database
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die('Error connecting to mysql');
//Point to specific DB
$dbname = 'database_name';
//Create the Query to get the products
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT P.attribute_set_id, P.type_id, P.sku, P.has_options, V.value AS Name, T1.value AS ProdDesc, T2.value AS ShortDesc,
T5.value AS visibility, D.value AS Price, S.value AS Special_Price, SIZE_CLOTH.value AS size_cloth, CONCAT('', V1.value) AS Link,
ELSE CONCAT('', V2.value)
END AS Image
FROM catalog_product_entity AS P INNER JOIN
catalog_product_entity_varchar AS V ON P.entity_id = V.entity_id AND V.attribute_id = 60 LEFT JOIN
catalog_product_entity_varchar AS V1 ON P.entity_id = V1.entity_id AND V1.attribute_id = 87 LEFT JOIN
catalog_product_entity_varchar AS V2 ON P.entity_id = V2.entity_id AND V2.attribute_id = 74 LEFT JOIN
catalog_product_entity_text AS T1 ON P.entity_id = T1.entity_id AND T1.attribute_id = 61 LEFT JOIN
catalog_product_entity_text AS T2 ON P.entity_id = T2.entity_id AND T2.attribute_id = 62 LEFT JOIN
catalog_product_entity_int AS T5 ON P.entity_id = T5.entity_id AND T5.attribute_id = 91 LEFT JOIN
catalog_product_entity_decimal AS D ON P.entity_id = D.entity_id AND D.attribute_id = 64 LEFT JOIN
catalog_product_entity_int AS SIZE_CLOTH ON P.entity_id = SIZE_CLOTH.entity_id AND SIZE_CLOTH.attribute_id = 122 LEFT JOIN
catalog_product_entity_decimal AS S ON P.entity_id = S.entity_id AND S.attribute_id = 65";
//Run the query
$query = mysql_query($sql);
//But after this i will prepare the csv file for export.
$file = fopen('products_export.csv', 'w');
// Custom header for csv file
$header = array('store', '_website', 'attribute_set', 'type', 'sku', 'name', 'description', 'short_description', 'visibility', 'has_option', 'price', 'special_price', 'size_cloth', 'link', 'image');
// this will arrange all data by comma
fputcsv($file, $header, ',', '"');
//Loop through and print each products info
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
$item = array();
$value1 = ("admin");
$value2 = ("base");
$value3 = ($row['attribute_set_id']);
$value4 = ($row['type_id']);
$value5 = ($row['sku']);
$value6 = ($row['Name']);
$value7 = ($row['ProdDesc']);
$value8 = ($row['ShortDesc']);
$value9 = ($row['visibility']);
$value10 = ($row['has_options']);
$value11 = ($row['Price']);
$value111 = ($row['Special_Price']);
$value112 = ($row['size_cloth']);
$value12 = ($row['Link']);
//$value13 = ($row['Image']);
$item[] = $value1;
$item[] = $value2;
$item[] = $value3;
$item[] = $value4;
$item[] = $value5;
$item[] = $value6;
$item[] = $value7;
$item[] = $value8;
$item[] = $value9;
$item[] = $value10;
$item[] = $value11;
$item[] = $value111;
$item[] = $value112;
$item[] = $value12;
// put all data in csv file
fputcsv($file, $item, ',', '"');
// close csv file and finish.
I think that the best solution will be the data.
if ( $value112 == need to array the list of numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) {
echo "S, M, L, XL";
} else {
echo " ";
But i dont know how to insert this to my array items...
Interacting directly with Magento's DB wouldn't be my 1st choice.
Alternatives that actually work:
Use Magento Import/Export module
Use Magento Dataflow Import/Export
Use Magento's product collection to generate the export file
