Launch game from iOS app and return to it once closed - ios

I have developed an app and I want to run another app installed on the phone and downloaded from the store (a game) inside a portion of the screen.
As I understood from my search, this is not possible. The next best solution would be to launch the game from my app and always return to it once the game closes.
I have been able to bootstrap a solution with a particular game using URL Schemes but is there a general solution working with any app downloaded from the store?
Do the answers provided there still apply or is it now possible? Can you run an iOS app inside another iOS App

No, you still can not run an app within another app.
The only way to launch another app from your own is by using URL schemes, and there is no way to make a third-party app reopen your original app once the user completes a game.
You cannot directly obtain a list of installed applications to launch, but you could use iHasApp and possibly your own dataset of known URL schemes to check if a given app is installed on the device.


How to configure an App Clip without having an app on the Store

I'm currently working on a small app to demonstrate the usefulness of iOS 14's new App Clips. Since this is a proof of concept to demonstrate the power of App Clips, rather than an app meant for production, I do not have an app available on the Store.
Is it possible to configure an App Clip launch experience without having an App available on the App Store? The documentation I could find appears to require the creation of an App Clip on Apple Connect.
Without an app in the app store you can create an app clip that can be used in a very limited way. If a proof of concept is what you're after, maybe the app clip testing methods will do.
Generally there are 3 options:
Run the app clip project in Xcode. add the environment parameter _XCAppClipURL to simulate the invocation link.
Use the local experience. Create a local experience on the iPhone you'd like to simulate the app clip on. Then invoke the app clip using a QR scanner or whatever other method you'd like to use. You'll need to configure this for each device you want to use the app clip on.
Use TestFlight. For this you'll need to upload some app and the app clip to app store connect (The build is for an app and app clip together). You don't have to submit them to the store, uploading the build to app store connect is enough to get them on TestFlight (at least for closed testing).
more information can be found in Apple's documentation

New requirements for iOS app - keep them accessible to users/customers

I got an email from Apple that apps now require iOS13 + storyboard for app launch screen for existing apps. (I do not use storyboard for main app functionality)
I have developed a couple swift1/swift2 based for schools a long time ago. (Still works well)
Can I somehow ditch the app store and then provide direct access or download for school pupils?
i.e. is there any way forward to simple keep the apps-as-they-are? Maybe limited download availability?
Or will I have to take plunge back into app-building?
The requirement of a Storyboard launch screen is only when you need to submit an app update. If you are not wanting to update your app any more, then it won’t stop working because of this new requirement.
Regarding distribution outside of the App Store, you could use Adhoc distribution which requires you to know the device ID’s of the devices you want to install it to.

Uploading 2 iOS apps in Appstore for one app release?

Can I have 2 iOS apps uploaded in Apple Appstore, so that I can launch one app from another internally for some functionality and vice versa. For ex: App A and App B. For doing some functionality, I want to launch App B from App A. In this case, I should have both apps on the device, so that i can launch like this using [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:myAppBURL];. So, Can I have these 2 apps in Appstore, so that users can download both and having that particular feature also working?
Any suggestions please?
Let's try to clarify this:
If you have two apps, both should be able to exist independently: specific functionality, independent launch etc.
The need for independence between apps is, at the same time, compatible with app inter-communication.
You can call app B from app A and supply a custom URL so that you send B a specific message.
In the question you ask in the comments, the answer is: you cannot run code from the outside of Apple ecosystem. But of course you may launch Safari, or app B if it has been approved. In fact, what you are doing is again communicating, not executing anything nor downloading code.

How to removed killed app from recently used list (iOS)

I am developing a helper for an automated testing suite. There is a requirement to kill/reset the application being tested, so the app can be started again "fresh".
I know killing an app is against Apple guidelines; there are many questions here about that with sensible answers ("don't do that!"), but this is a different scenario; and the app will never be on the App Store (as it has been instrumented for testing purposes).
Currently, our helper calls "exit(0)" from within the app to terminate it. This works fine, but the app icon is left in the recently used apps list (double click home button).
I need a way to programatically remove the icon from the list (or, terminate the app in such a way the icon does not remain). Or maybe a way of refreshing this list somehow. The only way I have found so far is to uninstall the app and install it again.
This must work on the device (as well as the simulator). I can use solutions that make use of USB-only functionality (e.g. provided by libimobiledevice and friends), or calling a function inside the app, or a Private API call. Assume the device has a development profile on it. Jailbreaking is not an option.

Load and delete an app programmatically

Is it possible on an iphone to programmatically load an app from another app?
I know that you can link to the app in the appstore but I would like to load an app by entering for example its name and it is loaded without leaving the app which sent the order.
And the same question for deleting an app programmatically. For example having a list of all apps in your device and by pressing on one of them it is deleted.
This would be impossible as the iOS sandboxes apps from changing any files not within it's app folder or modifying any other apps.
That is not possible on a non-jailbroken device, and for good reason. Depending on what you are selling though, you might want to consider the in-app purchase system Apple provides.
IF you only would like to load another App inside your App, I think you could try URL Schemes
