WatchKit Table page scrolling - uitableview

I don't know if this is possible at the moment but is there a way to scroll the watchkit Table page style similar to the page scroll on the iPhone TableView.
Or if not is is there a way around this?

By page style I am assuming you mean horizontal scrolling page by page. In WatchKit there is only one way to do horizontal page based scrolling. You have to set up a page based UI. You will have to have a new instance of a controller for each page. See for more info.


Instagram like Profile Page iOS Swift

I'm trying to make Instagram profile page like scrolling
Basically it's scrolling whole page, The top is a header, and there is a segment controller and then there are collection view.
I'm trying to do the same, but it doesn't look smooth. And I have to handle all the scrollers manually.
I also tried to add the header as part of CollectionView as UICollectionView.elementKindSectionHeader, but it only working well if the collection view is just one.
In my case, there are three collection views(for 3 segments), and they are inside another scroll view. So Can't just add the header in any of the collection views according to my current design.
Does anyone have any good solution for this, or have done something similar?
Instagram Profile page reference: Instagram Profile Page

How do I create a horizontal scroll view with unlimited pages?

I am trying to make an app that you can scroll through and it displays a different string on each page. I though I should use scroll views as they seem to be how I can do this. An example of what I want is UberFacts app. This app you can scroll along and it has a different fact each time. This is obviously not just thousands of different view controllers that are linked by the page control. How do I make view controllers work like UberFacts?
UberFacts seem to use a paginated ScrollView and each page looks like a vertical ScrollView also (you can see by the bounce). But is just one ViewController that manage all those pages.

UITableView inside of UIScrollView or using TableView Header

I guess this question is more of a best practice question than a problem solving question.
I would like to have a page on my app that has a UITableView at the bottom of it and some buttons/text above the UITableView but instead of just the UITableView scrolling, I would like the whole page to scroll.
I have been searching around and some people say to put the UITableView inside of a UIScrollView and disable scrolling on it and recalculate the height so the table view is as tall as all of it's rows.
Then I have read some other people say just to put the buttons/text in a Table Row Header and just have that scroll with the whole table view.
Which is the better practice and are either of them frowned upon?
Open the main storyboard and on the bottom right hand side you should see a list of view controllers, buttons, gestures etc.. In that list there should be a controller called "page control" that opts for the page-scroll you are looking for as well as the continuous one which you are trying to get rid of, you can just insertt this in to your basic view controller (via drag and drop). As for the button responsible for the segue (turning the page) you can find that in the list too. I can't explain how to program the button to turn the page step by step as I am typing this on my phone at work right now. If you want I can edit this later in more detail

How can I implement sliding between pages in iOS with titles like ViewPager with ViewPagerIndicator in Android?

We have an Android app using ViewPager and ViewPagerIndicator where you can scroll the content and the title scrolls, but the next and previous title is visible as well on the current page. How can this be implemented in iOS?
Currently we have a UIScrollView where you can scroll between the pages and with a segmentcontrol on top. This works well for max 4 pages, but we need to remove the segmentcontrol and replace it with a titlestrip to make room for more pages.
Android example:
iOS app that has such an implementation:
I managed to solve this using two UIScrollViews. In the scrolled event of the content scrollview I moved the title scrollview with 0.5*offset of the title scrollview. That resulted in the effect i wanted.
This library does it and also provides other alternative ways to switch among child view controllers.
definitely you can achieve same effect in iOS as well.
check this sample app, think this will help you out.
click here

iOS: How to get swipe effect between views of tabbed view controller?

I keep seeing apps that appear to be tabbed view controller apps, where the user can easily swipe left or right between views.
How do I enable that kind of behavior?
The best and least hassle free solution I found is Andrey Tarantsov's ATPagingViev class. Works just like a UITableView, i.e. how many pages do you want, scroll horiz or vert. provide view for page, etc. Very easy and well coded. It's here: SoloComponents
It also has a recycling feature so it's memory stable.
If you refer to something like Apples photo app, it is using UIScrollView which has a property to enable paging.
If you define the views content width wider than your view's frame, you'll get the effect you describe. The view will page in steps of it's bounds width.
On each page you can place another view.
Another option I found is SwipeView:
