How to test an Android Auto App - android-testing

I downloaded the API Simulators for the Android Auto Apps as it is said in the docs but I do not see it appearing on the categories of the AVD Manager. I am doing something wrong / do I have to do something else in order to test an App that I created for trying it out?

Just go to the your SDK folder -> extras -> google -> simulators and install the "media-browser-simulator.apk" in the device you want to test your app and Voila.


Xamarin.Forms: Debug on iPhoneSimulator

I'm trying to debug a simple new Xamarin.Forms application on the IPhoneSimulator.
I'm using Windows, and I'm paired to a macbook in my network.
The Xamarin.Forms template runs fine, but when I'm calling the Xamarin.Essentials.SecureStorage API
var timer = new Timer(5000);
timer.Elapsed += async (sender, e) => {
await SecureStorage.SetAsync("message", "Hello world");
I'm getting the following error:
System.Exception: Error adding record: MissingEntitlement
So I edit my Entitlements.plist and enabled the KeyChain entitlement. Tried to debug again, still the same error. So I go to project properties > iOS Bundle Signing and set the Custom entitlements to my Entitlements.plist. This somehow switches the scheme to Manual Provisioning.
Could not find any available provisioning profiles for MyApplication.iOS on iOS
So I did what this answer said: Now I'm still getting the MissingEntitlement exception.
When I remove the Custom Entitlements and switch back to Automatic Provisioning, I'm able to run the app again, but off course without the SecureStorage.
Do I need to have a $ 99 subscription to test these features like SecureStorage on the IPhoneSimulator? Would this work when using a physical iPhone?
I'm able to debug the sample project from XCode from my macbook on my iPad (physical), but apparently I can't get it working with Visual Studio for Mac on my iPad. I'm getting the following error:
Error: Could not find any available provisioning profiles for
Helloworld.iOS on iOS.
What am I still missing in VSMac?
Also I already trusted my developer account on my iPad, hence why I'm able to run the sample from XCode.
I've used XCode 12.1, located at /Applications/
You could create a free Apple Account for testing .
1. Sign into Xcode with personal apple account
Start Xcode on your Mac
Choose the Xcode → Preferences menu and navigate to the Account pane
Click the +-button in the bottom-left corner and choose Apple ID
Log in with your Apple ID email address and password .
You now have access to your Developer Account in Xcode . The developer account you added is called “Personal Team”, which should show up in the list on the right.
2. Run Apps on real device
Make sure your iPhone (or iPad) is connected to your Mac via USB. When your iPhone prompts you to confirm connecting to your Mac, tap Trust.
Then, in Xcode, choose the Window → Devices and Simulators menu. Select your iPhone from the list, and then click the Enable Device for Development button. (Depending on the context, this may not be a necessary step.) It’s also smart to enable the Connect via network option, which lets you debug apps on your iPhone without connecting via USB.
Now you can test your code with Auto Provisioning both on simulator and real device .
Very weird, but I played around with the settings of my project.
I followed the instructions in the following link: This ensures that an app is deployed on your ipad, using XCode, with the same app-id you'll eventually use in Visual Studio. You need to have the same Bundle Identifier as the one you'll eventually use in Xamarin.iOS.
After this, I've used the following settings in my iOS project:
According to this link I also ensured I am signed in. After this, I had to restart my Visual Studio For Windows, and I was able to debug on my iPad from my PC.

How to specify device when running an iOS React Native project in IntelliJ IDEA

I have a basic React Native project setup in IntelliJ IDEA IDE. When I hit "Run" it runs on iOS Simulator without asking which device to run on, but I want to run it on a physical device.
Did this by adding a device argument in the run configuration.
Goto -> Run(on toolbar) -> Select the project -> add "--device [DEVICE_NAME]" to the "Run arguments" field, click apply/Ok and you're good to go.
screenshot of the window
PS : To know or change the name of your physical iPhone, on the iPhone goto Settings -> General -> About, and the name should be there.
Also, if you want to check if your mac can see your plugged in device, run "instruments -s devices" in the terminal to see all devices connected including simulators.

iPad Enterprise app -> popup 'XXX would like to install YYY' does not appear

I have uploaded an IPA file (Enterprise distribution) to, and can download it on my own iPad no problem.
Click Install Application
A popup appears, asking "XXX would like to install YYY". Click Install
App appears on Home screen
I sent the link to a client, but when he follows this procedure, he does not get a popup in step 3. What could be a possible cause?
I also tried the same procedure using instead of, but also there I can install the app without a problem, but my client does not get the proper popup.
Additional information:
The app is packaged using Xcode 7
Both me and my client are using iOS 9.2
Ensure Java Script is enabled for safari by moving into iPad settings -> Safari -> Advanced

Xcode build successfully but iOS Simulator didn't run

I've developed a camera app with the swift language. Build processing succeeded in Xcode and iOS Simulator was done.
But app list in iOS Simulator didn't include my app.
And an error occurred.What's wrong?
Two screenshots of my project are added below:
Like Joel said, try changing the scheme that you are running. Right next to the simulator selector, there is the scheme selector; select it, then the project instead of the framework.
You can try this, it worked for me.
Go to Product on top xcode. Follow this flow.
-> Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> Select "Run" in the sidebar -> Info on tab -> Change the drop down box labeled Executable , changed it with your app. -> Close -> Run again.
Hope it will help you.
From your screenshot it looks like you have the wrong scheme selected. Make sure you select the scheme for your iOS app, not the framework. The little dropdown to the right of the stop button in the upper-left corner.
Using any 3rd party libraries?
Simulator relies on x86/x64 builds, but 3rd party libraries occasional don't have a matching binary for the simulator.
Result: Sim runs in to an error during compile while the app runs on a device. You should get an error in this case.

Geolocation is not working in iOS 8 simulator

I have upgraded the geolocation plugin in cordova 3.5 to fix the issue in iOS 8 by following this post.
After running the app in iOS8 simulator, I am getting the notification 'Allow "MyApp" to access your location while you use the app?' But it still shows the error locationManager::didFailWithError (null) after allowing the location service to use the app. I have tried to close the simulator and run it again and again. Also it seems that location service is active (Settings > Privacy > Location services > MyApp > While Using) by checking the settings in the simulator. By running the same app in iOS 7 simulator is working fine and able to detect the lat/lng.
FYI: I am using Xcode 6 to build the application.
Any help/suggestion will be helpful.
it sounds strange but it really works at least on my Xcode 6 Project. Make also sure to add the required Keys to your Projectname-info.plist file (e.g NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription -> as a Key)
Next check your scheme (Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> Allow Location Simulation)
If you are using a gpx file you can also mark it as a default location.
Now you can start your simulator by pressing the run button (play symbol). As soon as your application started you will get notified for the permission.
The final fix now is to go to iOS Simulator -> Debug -> Location and change the location by choosing one out of the list except the custom location. Wait a little and change it back to custom location if it didnt change back by itself.
It worked for me,
hope for you too
In iOS Simulator -> Debug -> Location, choose one
that will be alright,
