<Google> Must specify extras for registerAdNetworkExtras:? - ios

I'm receiving a message in Xcode's debug area stating :
Must specify extras for registerAdNetworkExtras:
I didn't get this error yesterday but today I'm getting it on debug area out of nowhere. I didn't change my code in any way. Is this an error on google's end? Why am I receiving this message?
My code to get AdMob banner:
adMobView = [[GADBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeSmartBannerPortrait];
adMobView.adUnitID = #"unit-id";
adMobView.rootViewController = self;
GADRequest *request =[GADRequest request];
request.testDevices = #[ #"testdeviceID" ];
[adMobView loadRequest:request];

Here i found the right answer, is a last version SDK issue, that don't have effect on the mediation/ad serving functionality. Hope this help.
More info: Ram Parameswaran (Mobile SDK Team) say: "This issue does not affect functionality and can be ignored for the time being. Changes will be made to address the issue and pushed out in a future release."


productsRequest seems to return empty set for one app while non-empty for another

dear all:
I inherited a program that can be compiled to two iOS apps, one for traditional Chinese and one for simplified Chinese.
The apps have inAppPurchase and worked fine in the last version.
Then this year, I revised the program without changing the inAppPurchase process.
But after the submissions, apple rejected the traditional Chinese app saying that it would be stuck in the inAppPurchase page.
But the simplified Chinese app was approved.
I then traced the program to the following code.
It seems that my apps always get the empty response set for productsRequest.
However, I must say that I did not do sandbox testing since I don't know how.
I am not sure why it worked fine in last year's version but failed in this year's.
Is there change to some default assumption on bundle id, application id, .. etc.
I checked all my program and could not find where I can set up the app id for the productsRequest statement.
My program is just standard as follows.
Any help will be appreciated.
// determine whether payments can be made
if (![SKPaymentQueue canMakePayments]) {
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"warning" message:#"ineffective" delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:#"OK?" otherButtonTitles:nil];
[alert show];
else {
[buttonPrice setTitle:#"waiting for price" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[buttonPriceAll setTitle:#"waiting for price" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
// Request product data
productsRequest = [[SKProductsRequest alloc] initWithProductIdentifiers:[NSSet setWithObjects:bookProductIds[0], bookProductIds[purchaseVolume-1], nil]];
productsRequest.delegate = self;
[productsRequest start];
[self operationStarted];

Xcode - Admob banner setting with targeting and test devices

I am working on my iOS app and trying to place a banner on the bottom of the page.
First of all, I set a BOOL (BannerAd) which is initially "NO" and set to "YES" when user hits the "Submit" button. By doing this tried to avoid requesting ads eveytime the user hit "Submit". This seems to work but world be nice if you can comment on it.
My interface has a "Datepicker" where the user selects his/her Birthday. I wanted to use this information for ad targeting. Also I know my application will be used in "Germany" so I set the location manually to "Germany" since my app doesn't request location information from user. And finally I am trying to test my app on my device where I set my test device UDID in "testDevices"
My problem is, I think my requests don't work. When I enter my own "adUnitId", I get paid ads on my device (which may cause a problem). Also when I tried to change the location, for example to "France", I still get local ads. I guess my location is not working and AdMob is using the network to determine the location. Which makes me think my "Birthday" information isn't working, too.
Below is the code I use and I don't know which part is wrong. I did researched and did everything according to the guides. I am not experienced and hoped that you guys can help me out!
// Show Banner Ad
if (BannerAd == NO)
self.bannerView.adUnitID = #"ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2934735716"; // TEST ID
self.bannerView.rootViewController = self;
NSDate *birthday =[datepick date];
GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
[request setBirthday: birthday];
[request setLocationWithDescription:#"Germany"];
request.testDevices = #[ #"b23cbd41317324cd9afd14dc848f2f0e" // TEST DEVICE
[self.bannerView loadRequest:[GADRequest request]];
BannerAd = YES;}
I can't understand your question(s) so good. Sorry.
If you want to put your adMob banner on the bottom of the screen, just use:
bannerView = [[GADBannerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0,self.view.frame.size.height - 50, self.view.frame.size.width, CGSizeFromGADAdSize(kGADAdSizeSmartBannerPortrait).height)];

Playhaven iOS SDK: Show only Casino game not works

I got one requirement to use Playhaven iOS ads sdk. I used below code and set ads filter to casino games only. But its not working.
Here is my Code:
-(void) PlayHavenMoreGames
PHPublisherContentRequest *request = [PHPublisherContentRequest requestForApp:PLAYHAVEN_TOKEN secret:PLAYHAVEN_SECRET placement:PLACEMENT delegate:self];
[request send];
Anything else missing to call ?
Here is code: https://app.box.com/s/t212o8axqc75fzqiz3dm
How can I fix this problem ?
I don't believe the issue is in your code.
You should email support#playhaven.com with this question. They are pretty responsive usually.
Good luck!

ShareKit 2.0 facebook share URL

I have the following code for sharing with facebook using ShareKit:
[SHK setRootViewController:self];
SHKItem *facebookItem = [[SHKItem alloc] init];
facebookItem = [SHKItem URL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"www.google.com"] title:#"Some test title"];
facebookItem.facebookURLSharePictureURI = #"www.myTestPicture.com";
facebookItem.facebookURLShareDescription = #"Custom share description";
[SHKFacebook shareItem:facebookItem];
Everything works fine except for one scenario. My application has a log out button. Upon hitting this button, all the data save in NSUserDefaults gets erased. So, I log in and then make a post to facebook. Then, I log out (erase all the data) and afterwards log back in with facebook. Everything works so far. However if I try to make another post to facebook at this point, my application crashes with no error showing up in the console. If I restart the application and try to make the same post again, it works. It only crashed after loging out, back in (with facebook) and then trying to make the post. Any clues? Thanks.
EDIT: Seems like it is crashing in FBDialog at line 341:
_webView = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(kPadding, kPadding, 480, 480)];
Ok, so after some digging aroung here, it seems to be Apple's bug in iOS 5.1 according to Why does clearing NSUserDefaults cause EXC_CRASH later when creating a UIWebView?

Cannot remove an observer <MKUserTrackingBarButtonItem

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
MKUserTrackingBarButtonItem *trackingBarButtonItem = [[MKUserTrackingBarButtonItem alloc]initWithMapView:_mapView];
NSArray *barButtonItems = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:trackingBarButtonItem, nil];
mapToolbar.items = barButtonItems;
Code works fine on iPhone, but on iPad when view is unloading I get an error:
Cannot remove an observer <MKUserTrackingBarButtonItem 0x9cc0930> for the key path
"controlSize" from <UIButton 0x991b420> because it is not registered as an observer.'
I contacted Apple DTS and their answer was:
"To the best of my knowledge there is no workaround for this in the current shipping SDK. I would check the latest iOS SDK beta though and see if this is still an issue."
