Is there a way to disconnect or sandbox an instance network interface - network-programming

I am looking for how I can take an existing instance and either change its network "connection" to a sandboxed network (which is easy enough to create since each project supports up to 5 networks) or start the instance with no network interface at all and just use console access. Alternatively, what is the recommended process for doing forensic investigation into an instance that is suspected to be running processes or services that should not be communicating with other instances in the project or any external address? Thanks in advance.

You can leave instances without a public IP address. Instances created this way will not accessible by machines outside your project.
Have a look at the documentation concerning IPs.
You may also need to set up a NAT gateway so instances can communicate with ouside machines.
You can use forwarding rules to discard packets from/to an instance in combination with routing.


Docker Swarm - Route a request to ALL containers

Is there any sort of way to broadcast an incoming request to all containers in a swarm?
EDIT: More info
I have a distributed application with many docker containers. The client can send requests to the swarm and have it respond. However, in some cases, the client needs to change a state on all server instances and therefore I would either need to be able to broadcast a message or have all the Docker containers talk to each other similar to MPI, which I'm trying to avoid.
There is no built-in way to turn a unicast packet into a multicast packet, nor any common 3rd party way of doing (That I've seen or heard of).
I'm not sure what "change a state on all server instances" means. Are we talking about the running state on all containers in a single service?
Or the actual underlying OS? All containers on all services? etc.
Without knowing more about your use case, I'd say it's likely better to design something where the request is received by one Swarm service, and then it's stored in a queue system where a backend worker would pick it up and "change the state on all server instances" for you.
It depends on your specific use case. One way to do it is to send a docker service update --force, which will cause all containers to reboot. If your containers fetch the information that is changed at startup, it would have the required effect

Can multiple ClientSocket Components can be placed on a Form?

I am looking to write a program that will connect to many computers from a single computer. Sort of like "Command Center" where you can monitor all the remote system remotely on a single PC.
My plan is to have multiple Client Sockets on a form. They will connect to individual PCs remotely. So, they can request information from them to display on the Window. Remote PCs will be hosts. Is this possible?
Direct answer to your question: Yes, you can do that.
Long answer: Yes, you can do that but are you sure your design is correct? Are you sure you want to create parallel connections, one to each client? Probably you don't! If yes, then you probably want to run them in separate threads.
If you want to send some commands from time to time (and you are not doing some kind of constant video monitoring) why don't you just use one connection and 'switch' between clients?
I can't tell you more about the design because from your question is not clear about what you want to build (what exactly you are 'monitoring').
Two important notices to take into account before designing your app (both relevants only if the remote computers are not in the LAN (you connect to them via Internet)):
If the remote computers are running as servers, you will have lots of problems to explain your customers (if they are connected (and they probably are) to Internet via a router) how to setup the router and the software firewall. For example, if a remote computer is listening for commands from you, on port 1234 (for example) the firewall in the router will block BY DEFAULT any connection attempt from a 'foreign' computer (from you) to that port.
If your remote computers are running as clients, how they will know master's IP (your IP). Do you have a static IP?
What you actually need is one ServerSocket on the module running on your machine.
To which all your remote PC's will connect through their individual ClientSocket.
You can make your design other way round by putting ClientSocket on the module running on your machine and ServerSocket on the module running on remote machine.
But you will end up creating one ClientSocket to each ServerSocket, what if you have the number of remote servers increase.
Now if you still want to have multiple ClientSockets on your machine then as Altar said you could need a multi threaded application where each thread is responsible for one ClientSocket.
I would recommend Internet Direct (Indy) as they work well in threads, and you can specify a connect time-out per connection, so that your monitoring app will be able to get a 'negative' test result faster than with the default OS connect time-out.
Instead of placing them on the form, I would wrap each client in a class which runs an internal monitoring thread. More work initially but easier to keep independent from each other.

avahi Segregated mDNS domains from one multi-homed host

We're attempting to enable a number of mDNS advertised services on our campus
wide wireless network, most notably airplay. In our case, the airServers would
sit on our wired network, so we need to advertise the services manually either
with DNS-SD or mDNS on the wireless side. We've gotten that working using
static service advertisements in avahi and it's pretty slick, but we have a
scaling problem.
We have potentially 150 AirServer hosts in a variety of classrooms around the
campus. If we were to enable all of them, the list to choose from on iPads
would be outrageously large (to say nothing of students thoroughly enjoying
taking over an AirServer from across campus when a faculty member forgets to
change the password).
What we would like to do is segregate our wireless network on a single vlan per
building basis to form 27 mDNS segments and then run avahi to advertise the
services in each segment, preferably on a single, multi homed host with access
to all of the segments.
I was hoping that avahi-daemon would take a parameter in the avahi-daemon.conf
that points to a unique services directory, so that I could have multiple
config files, each with a different allow-interfaces clause and a pointer to a
different services directory, but that doesn't appear to be a configurable
I was thinking of chroot jailing multiple copies of avahi, but that seems
really kludgy.
Am I missing some more obvious strategy to handle this without creating 27
separate hosts?
Thanks much!
It is possible to achieve what you want if you build your own application for publishing the services in the interfaces you want. This method call is from GNUStep "base" framework, class GSAvahiNetServices (can be used on Linux) and the method is based on the Avahi API.
- (id) initWithDomain: (NSString*)domain
type: (NSString*)type
name: (NSString*)name
port: (NSInteger)port
avahiIfIndex: (AvahiIfIndex)anIfIndex
avahiProtocol: (AvahiProtocol)aProtocol
As you can see it is possible to specify the network interface index you want the service to be published on. You can also limit the protocol (IPv4 or IPv6). If you want one service to be available in more then one interface, just publish it in each interface.

How to Connect to a VPN Server with Delphi?

I need to connect to a VPN Server , I can`t use windows Connections , My Application should work independently !
I tested some Components using RAS Api , they works ! but by using windows connections .
how can i do that without any dependency to windows connections ?
The problem with this question
"VPN" stands for "Virtual Private Network". It's a way to make a private network available to your computer, possibly in a secure way, so your computer can use standard IP protocols as if it were physically connected to the private network.
The operating system needs to know about that network, so of course all VPN implementations use "windows connections". From a different perspective: When you're connected to a VPN you can open a TCP connection to an IP on the private network as if it were on your local network. Since it's the operating system's job to set up your TCP connection and route your TCP/IP packets, of course it needs to know about the VPN! If it doesn't, it'll simply forward all your requests for the given IP to it's default router and fail with a "no route to destination" message (or a "time out", if your router is not kind enough to tell your system it has no idea what the private IP is).
Can it be done?
From a theoretical point of view, of course, you can bypass Windows completely, but then you'll have to "roll your own" everything. You can't use the Windows IP services, you'll have to implement your own TCP. I'm sure there are about a million other little things that need re-implementing.
For a starting point I'd look at the Open VPN: it's Open Source and available for Windows. It uses the UDP protocol as the bases for the VPN implementation, unlike the Windows VPN (that one uses GRE - General Routing Encapsulation, protocol 47). Open VPN itself, of course, uses a "windows connection" to do it's job, because it aims to provide a useful service, but you can use the source code as the bases for your own implementation.
I personally wouldn't even think about doing this, I'm just showing you the way and proving it's possible.
What should be done
I assume you want some kind of secure communication channel to your own service. Look into simple secure connections, tunneling protocols and proxies.
If this needs to be done for one service on one server, I'd look into a simple SSL implementation. Even better, look into using HTTPS.
If you need to access many different services on possibly different servers on the given private network I'd look into proxies.

How can I disconnect any process from the Internet using Delphi?

How can I disconnect any process from the Internet? PID process and IP (local / remote) are known.
It sounds like you want to control which applications can access the network/Internet.
If you just want to pick and choose which applications can have network access or which protocols you want to be used, I recommend any free or commercial firewall product.
If you need more control, such as disconnecting existing connections for a given process/protocol, I don't know of a simple API call. It would mean more effort, but you could use a local proxy server written in Delphi. If applications use this proxy to get to the outside world, you can add the ability to disconnect specific connections.
You could kill the process itself, or disconnect the network card from the network (the later would effect all processes on the machine though). AFIK most current software firewalls do not allow apply rule changes to existing connections, just when new connections are requested.
